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Review #4745479
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Deserted island  [ASR]
Friends find the unexpected during their dream vacation
by Maryann
Review of Deserted island  
Review by Scare-emy
In affiliation with The Free Folk  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
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Hello Maryann

You are receiving this review of "Deserted island in connection with "Game of Thrones.

*Gem* Areas of Strength

*Bullet* You excel in painting a vibrant picture of the island setting. Phrases like "the water is the cleanest blue I’ve ever seen" and "the canopy of shiny green trees drapes the beach" create a vivid image in the reader's mind, immersing them in the beauty of the surroundings. The use of sensory details, such as the feel of the warm water and the soft sand beneath their feet, adds depth to the descriptions, making the setting feel more real and tangible. Descriptions of the campsite, including the placement of the sheds, picnic table, and hammocks, create a clear picture of the characters' temporary home, enhancing the reader's understanding of their surroundings.

*Bullet* The dialogue between the characters feels authentic and serves to develop their relationships. For example, Lara's excitement is evident when she exclaims, "The water is so warm! Ready?" This dialogue not only conveys Lara's excitement but also shows her close relationship with her friends. The banter between the characters, such as Nick and Andy joking about catching fish, adds a touch of humor and realism to the story, making the characters feel more relatable. The dialogue also reveals information about the characters' backgrounds and motivations, such as when Ken discusses his previous trips to the island, adding depth to their personalities.

*Bullet* Anticipation is built effectively at the beginning of the story, setting the stage for the characters' adventure. The mention of the deserted island and the characters' excitement creates a sense of anticipation in the reader, drawing them into the story. By describing the island as a "paradise-like deserted island," the author creates a sense of wonder and intrigue, making the reader eager to learn more about the setting and the characters' experiences. The use of foreshadowing, such as Ken's mention of the caves in the mountains as a shelter during storms, adds a sense of foreboding, hinting at potential challenges the characters may face later in the story.

*Bullet* The relationships between the characters are well-developed and add depth to the story. For example, the strong bond between Lara and her brother Ken is evident in their interactions, such as when Lara gives Ken a strong squeeze upon arriving at the campsite. The friendships between the characters, such as Lara and Amy dancing together while the men prepare the fish, feel genuine and add warmth to the story, making the characters' relationships feel authentic and relatable. Through their interactions, the characters' personalities shine through, such as Nick's reassuring and practical nature when he assures the group that they are safe on the island, adding depth to their characterization.

*Bullet* You've done an excellent job of setting the scene and establishing the mood of the story. Descriptions of the lagoon, beach, and surrounding nature create a sense of tranquility and beauty, setting a peaceful tone for the story. Details such as the palm trees surrounding the campsite and the sound of birds singing add to the atmosphere, making the setting feel vibrant and alive. The use of specific details, such as the mention of a tree swing and hammocks, helps to create a sense of place, making the island feel like a real and tangible location.

*Gem* Areas for Improvement

*Bullet* While the characters are likable, they could benefit from more depth and complexity. For instance, Amy's reaction to the news of the war is described as hysterical, but her inner thoughts and emotions are not explored in depth. To improve character development, consider delving deeper into the characters' backgrounds, motivations, and internal conflicts. This can be achieved through introspective moments, flashbacks, or conversations that reveal more about their past experiences and how they shape their current behavior.

*Bullet* The transition from the idyllic island setting to the news of a nuclear war feels abrupt and could be more effectively foreshadowed to build tension gradually. To improve pacing and tension building, consider introducing subtle hints or clues throughout the story that hint at the impending conflict. This could include mentions of political tensions in the news broadcast the characters listen to, or encounters with mysterious or ominous elements on the island that foreshadow the larger conflict.

*Bullet* The story ends abruptly after the news of the war, leaving the fate of the characters uncertain. While this can be a powerful cliffhanger, it may leave readers feeling unsatisfied without some resolution or closure. Consider adding a final scene or epilogue that provides some resolution for the characters, even if it's open-ended. This could include their decision to stay on the island and wait for rescue, or their plans to explore the island further in search of other survivors.

*Bullet* The story focuses primarily on the experiences of the four friends, with limited exploration of other perspectives or voices. This can limit the depth and complexity of the narrative. To add depth and diversity to the story, consider incorporating perspectives from other characters on the island or from outside sources, such as radio broadcasts or diary entries. This can provide additional context and richness to the narrative.

*Bullet* While the dialogue is generally natural, there are moments where it feels slightly forced or expository, such as when characters discuss the contents of the how-to books in the shelter shed. To improve dialogue realism, focus on creating conversations that feel organic and true to each character's personality. Avoid using dialogue solely for the purpose of conveying information, and instead use it to reveal more about the characters' relationships, motivations, and emotions.

*Gem* Overall Impression

Overall, the story has several strengths, including its vivid descriptions of the island setting, the strong sense of camaraderie among the characters, and the initial build-up of excitement and anticipation for their adventure. The author does a commendable job of creating a peaceful and idyllic atmosphere, which makes the sudden shift to the news of a nuclear war all the more shocking and impactful. Additionally, the use of dialogue helps to bring the characters to life and adds to the sense of realism in their interactions.

There are areas where the story could be improved. Character development could be deepened to give the characters more complexity and depth, particularly in their reactions to the escalating conflict. The pacing of the story could also be refined to build tension more gradually and to provide a more satisfying resolution for the characters. Additionally, exploring diverse perspectives and incorporating more nuanced dialogue could enhance the overall richness and depth of the narrative.

Despite these areas for improvement, the story shows promise and has the potential to be a compelling and engaging read. With some further development and refinement, it could become an even more impactful and memorable story. Encouragement is offered to the author to continue exploring these themes and characters, as there is a strong foundation here for a compelling narrative.

Write on! *Pencil*

*Snow2*          *Swords*          *Snow4*          *Swords*          *Snow2*

Let your imagination run wild.

Set your creativity free.

We are the Free Folk.

And we do not kneel.

The Free Folk image for G.o.T.

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed within this review are the sole product of the reviewer. They do not necessarily reflect those of the group, activity and/or event in which they are affiliated. Any implementation of suggested edits is at the sole discretion of the piece's writer; they may be used when and where deemed necessary by the writer of the piece and/or disregarded in their entirety. The reviewer releases any and all rights and/or claims to those suggestive edits should they be utilized by the writer of the piece.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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