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Review #4746879
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Raising daughters is no easy task. Be prepared for high drama and laughs along the way.
by A Ghost-Witch? Oh, my!
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In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Greetings from the House of Mormont!
By participating in a Writing.com activity called "Game of Thrones, I am in no way endorsing the GoT franchise or identifying as a fan thereof. I’m here to help my team win *Smile*

Ah, the drama of parenting daughters. You have captured the weirdness and frustration of such without being too personally specific, and given us a bright idea to help our own families out in such a way by preparing them for the inevitable growing up moment.

It’s really a very time honored thing to do, as evidenced by hope chests, dowries and other such things. Every family has a responsibility to set their daughters up in the right direction and provide love and support, up to a certain point, and it’s good to know your kids turned out ok and appreciate all the effort that went into their upbringing. As a daughter, I know the drama all too well, having caused plenty of havoc and mayhem in my day *Laugh*

Your narrative is clear, showing and telling without delving into dialogue or play-by-play that could slow it down or appear too fictionalized. We see a mother who wants the best for her girls and desires to avoid conflict in the most productive way possible.

I would definitely suggest using Size 4 Verdana font here, but aside from that I don’t see anything wrong. The mention of that French card game at the beginning is nifty; I had to google that real quick as I was reading. Perhaps a word count at the top would be a good idea so we know what we’re getting into.

Thanks for sharing, take care and keep writing *Heartg*

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"The WDC Angel Army

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 04/22/2024 @ 6:42pm EDT
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/view/id/4746879