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Review #4748408
Viewing a review of:
  If I Were President  [ASR]
Round Four of the contest by Pass It On
by Maryann
Review by JACE
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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Hi Maryann .

I'm JACE , and I have the honor of reading and reviewing your offering " If I Were President. I'm also submitting this review to the Game of Thrones activity. Hope you don't mind. *Wink*

I invite your attention to the comments below. Please bear in mind these notes are from one on the outside looking in; ultimately only you can decide what's right for your story.

*Note1*  Overall Impression. I searched your Portfolio for a while looking for just the right offering to review. This one caught my eye, probably because of the current election cycle going on now. Quite honestly, I believe I'd rather vote for you than our current slate of front-runners.

Writing under the guise of comedic satire, you penned this offering about twenty years ago during the summer before the presidential election of Bush-Cheney's win over Kerry-Edwards.

I wonder if even today, we as the American public should not aspire to the much simpler things you espouse. I know it's satire, but consider: Meetings held in stuffy rooms are sure to raise tensions and blood pressure thereby negating any positive negotiating results. The beach sounds like a viable alternative.

Budgetary considerations? What adult in any normal family does not know how to find the best bargain when shopping for family needs. We worry about prices; we don't need the most expensive item when a cheaper brand is available. [On a personal rant note: I believe Biden is getting a bad rap about inflation. I firmly believe CEOs and corporate leadership are to blame. Witness the recent headline about Elon Musk to receive $46 BILLION (with a B) in compensation while Tesla lays off 17000 workers.] Sorry, I get carried away over the injustice of it all.

And who couldn't do with more color in their life. Harry Chapin lamented the breaking down our children turning them into adults with no color or imagination in his song Flowers Are Red .

Great song; sad tale.

*Exclaim*  Technical and Editorial Considerations. I normally list those areas that relate specifically to the mechanics of your writing here--punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc.

         *Bullet*  I've nothing to report here. Good job.

Favorite Part. I had to smile.

 We would finally have world peace, which women have hoped for in beauty pageants for years.

*Star* My Rating.  5.0.  Remember: Maryann For President.

Thank you for sharing this offering. Please accept these comments as offered in friendship and support. They are but my humble opinion.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 04/27/2024 @ 11:39am EDT
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