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Review #4749030
Viewing a review of:
 Take My Hand Open in new Window. [E]
A poem about the true love shared between two hearts.
by APoeticHeart Author Icon
Review of Take My Hand  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
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A classic, old fashioned poem we have here, with quaint phrasing that could be thought of as hopelessly trite and corny, but is heartfelt and sincere enough to make an impact on the reader. I feel as though this was written to be read at a wedding. It would look quite lovely written out in fine script on parchment paper and framed as a memory of the great event.

Your meter flows well, almost prosaic in form, like a letter. It’s even signed at the bottom. And the simple repetition of the phrase “take my hand” throughout adds structure and balances the long lines. I always recommend Size 4 Verdana font to create as much clarity as possible and help to focus the words against the busyness of the typical WdC page.

I love a good poem, and a sappy love poem is one of the nicest things to read. I always hope that it comes from the heart and reflects a real physical relationship in the author’s life, rather than being merely a product of the imagination. (Which is how I approach songs and musical artists… some, though perhaps talented, don’t really “speak to us” from their hearts, and I avoid artists who are obviously mere commercialists in their trade.)

As a poem, possibly a personal one, I have nothing to suggest for improvement. I’m easygoing when it comes to poetry, seeing it as a highly subjective art form in which one pours their own emotions, feelings, or a metaphorical narrative to create something memorable and meaningful. I don’t fuss much about rules of meter and form, preferring to judge the quality of a piece on an instinctive level.

Take care, thanks for sharing, and keep writing *HeartT*

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