Songs And Lyrics [13+] A Million Reasons |
HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews" Hi Chef Juan Congratulations on your account anniversary! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion. Positives I really identified with the emotions you conveyed in this piece. Identifying with a piece of music, not so much for the specific lyrics but for the way it connects to your own inner thoughts and memories, is a feeling I'm definitely familiar with and while "A Million Reasons" by Lady Gaga isn't one of those songs that makes those connections for me, I am familiar with it and can see why it would be so powerful for some. You did a great job of connecting with your reader to express what you're feeling. Suggestions Presenting this item as a single paragraph block of text made it a little difficult to read and follow along with, especially given that there are a couple of different major points that you're trying to make. Breaking this item up into smaller, more manageable paragraphs that follow with the central point you're trying to make would increase reader engagement, I think. Overall Overall, this was a well-written item that definitely got its point across. I've similarly had periods of time where I'm not terribly productive as a writer, and all I can say is that, based on this item, I hope you keep finding time to write because this was really well done! I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another author! Respectfully, Jeff "Rating & Reviewing Philosophy" My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .