Poetically Prompted [E] Fifth go around on Promptly Poetry Challenge |
Greetings, New Year's Sox! I am reviewing this because I am part of "I Write in 2024" and your entry happened to come before my own entry. First of all, my reviews are intended to be helpful and encouraging, not hurtful in any way. Use what you feel works for you, and leave the rest. The Positives/What I Liked I love-love-love this! I'm also happy that you included the prompted picture at the end, under the dropnote Prompt. I didn't click on it till afterwards and was even more impressed how your beautifully descriptive words fit the picture perfectly! Excellent work! It was tough choosing my favorite lines because I felt connected to every single one of them. So I randomly picked the following: puffs scatter seeds matter and garden's bane grows again The title Drift, is also perfect; I love it! It's true, I can't say enough good things about this piece, Drift. Your choice of using no punctuation or capitalization, works well, allowing your words to drift and creating a lovely flow of words, uninterrupted. Nice! Suggestions/Comments to Consider I have no suggestions; it's flawless, in my opinion. Final Thoughts This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing. Have a great day and... K e e p on W r i t i n g ! Cubby ")