HAPPY 13th WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews" Greetings, Nixie💃💃! I am reviewing this because I am part of the WDC Anniversary Account Review Team, and it just happens to be your anniversary month. First of all, my reviews are intended to be helpful and encouraging, not hurtful in any way. Use what you feel works for you, and leave the rest. The Positives/What I Liked Oh, my goodness. I struggle with the greeting card dilema, so I had to take part in your poll! Unfortunately, I couldn't choose more than one of the choices provided because...well, I keep all my cards from my children and grandkids forever; I throw away the other cards, but I do display them for at least a week or more. So I picked Other. Suggestions/Comments to Consider I can't believe only four members have taken part in this poll since 2013! Perhaps if you add the word 'Poll' at the end of your title, it might attract more people? --> Greeting Cards Poll Final Thoughts You mentioned that your life is minimalized. I've had to work on this, as I always seem to have a pile of papers to go through. I've learned that less clutter means less anxiety and I happen to like that. Being organized is wonderful! But sometimes it's hard when we feel the need save things. Interesting poll! A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group" Have a great day and... K e e p on W r i t i n g !