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Review #4787697
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Duality of Me Open in new Window. [E]
Two of the versions of me that exist within the singular me.
by BrokenRing Author Icon
Review of Duality of Me  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Greetings and welcome to writing.com!

Ah, the complexity of dualism dueling within us! I adore the concept of duality because it seems so much what I am. Everything I do goes to extremes in one way or another, either in worldview, obsessiveness or personality conflicts. I struggle with a terrible temper and am generally quite grumpy and unkind, yet I want to think of myself as a quiet and peaceful soul. Even in my preferences for music, reading and writing, I enjoy both soft and sweet and childish as well as dark, heavy and... Well, no, I don't like "adult" stuff. Never mind *Pthb*

Anyway, this piece captures two snapshots of your complex personality as it wavers between apathy and idealism. On the one hand, the Poet holds himself to an impossible standard, believing in the good in humanity and striving to share truth and beauty. Yet the Addict gives up and sardonically says "ah well, that's just how it is, no one expected much of me anyway" as he lets life pass him by while he drowns in what is frivolous and easy. I identify so deeply with both of these!

I see these as prose, yet perhaps they could also be a dualistic poem if you set the sentences on their own lines rather than in paragraph blocks. I think I've already recommended the various Newbie contests you could enter with poetry.

If you like, you can post items on the two local plug pages for further feedback - though it usually comes slowly. A holler in the Newsfeed, or a comment or two under someone's post, helps people get to know you, if you're interested in forming a community bond.

This was an enjoyable read. I'm glad I stopped by after seeing it on the Newbies sidebar a number of times.

Take care, thanks for sharing and keep writing *Smile* *HeartT*

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   *CheckG* You responded to this review 11/29/2024 @ 5:54pm EST
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