History in the making [E] Chapter 1-unwritten lessons-A school reporter is introduced to the new history teacher |
Hello Aiden Blackwood , I found this through the Read & Review function. Although quite non-descript, I was attracted by the title "Novel Chapter 1." For some reason, it made me curious to find out where and how you start your novel. The enigmatic history teacher in the intro line gave me pause. I went and looked up the meaning of enigmatic. Turns out, it is mysterious. The first sentences come on strong. I am immediately transported to this high school hallway. This is pure brilliance: a green chalkboard streaked with faint ghosts of old lessons Mr. Craig doesn't come across as very enigmatic (mysterious) once the lesson is underway. I wonder if there is a better word to describe him. Or, leave this qualifier out of the intro line. "A history teacher shakes things up." is more pedestrian and there is probably a better way to convey this, but the simple addition of "enigmatic" doesn't seem to fully encompass where this is going. Overall, this is a great first chapter. It makes me want to read on and find out more about the reporter and the teacher. I want to know examples of approved history that Mr. Craig challenges. I want to see which students end up digging deeper and which students prefer to accept the propaganda the way it is given to them. From a writing / editing / spelling / grammar point of view, I have zero comments. This is perfect. Very thought-provoking beginning. Please keep writing!