As The Green Turns To Gold [E] A love song for my widowed Son-in-Law and his Wife, also widowed, on their Wedding. |
HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews" Hello, BrenPoet 23 Years WDC, aka brenmaple! INITIAL IMPRESSION / OVERVIEW: I enjoyed reading your "As The Green Turns To Gold" song every time I read it, including today. Your writing kept me riveted and I read straight through to the end. MORE DETAILED FEEDBACK: Happy Writing.Com Anniversary day and month! I read this "As The Green Turns To Gold" song of yours sometime in the past and enjoyed it, but didn't have time to review it right then, so I flagged it for an anniversary review (meaning I saved the link to it in a special "January" file. ). I hope you enjoy this review as a celebration of your time here and find the review uplifting and encouraging. I can only imagine how gut-wrenchingly hard, yet loving the pair to be married even more than the pain kind of bittersweet feeling you must have had while writing this piece. It truly is a beautiful tribute and gift and your description pulled at my heart strings before I even read the song's lyrics. (Description: "A love song for my widowed Son-in-Law and his Wife, also widowed, on their Wedding.") You wove a sense of healing and harmony and moving forward in love throughout your "As The Green Turns To Gold" song's lyrics and I found it to be beautiful. It actually brought tears back to my eyes tonight, when reading it again. My favorite line was "Life has sent us a chance to be happy again," partly because so few people recognize and seize that opportunity, and partly because I just like it. The whole song was fantastic though. I liked the thumbnail image that you also included at the top of the song's lyrics. I liked that you did include it twice because the top one was easier for me to see. I wondered if the flowers were from the wedding itself. They fit the green and gold theme. I didn't notice any spelling or grammatical mistakes (or mistakes of any kind) in your "As The Green Turns To Gold" song lyrics. I thought the romance / love, emotional, and family genres you selected for this "As The Green Turns To Gold" song lyrics were a perfect match for it. IDEAS TO MAKE YOUR PIECE STRONGER: In the spirit of helpfulness, and because of the requirements of a new reviewing challenge I joined recently, I have one little suggestion to make your piece stronger. If you're interested in some constructive criticism, read on. But if you aren't, no worries. Just know that I enjoyed your piece and move on to the next section. Still reading? You're brave! Yay for you! The only thing I can think of to improve this piece would be to include a picture of the bride and groom, or the whole wedding party. It would be so neat to see their faces. I am praying that they are happy and well. The song itself, in my opinion, is perfect. I literally wouldn't change a word. As with any review, please take what serves you and release or ignore what doesn't. CONCLUSION: I enjoyed reading your "As The Green Turns To Gold" song lyrics, and empathized with your sentiments that you expressed in it. Thank you for sharing your time, creativity, heart, experiences, and writing with the Writing.Com community! Once again, happy anniversary day and month! I hope the year ahead is filled with blessings and joy for you! May love, joy and peace be yours in abundance during this New Year, your anniversary month, and always! PWheeler A SuperPower Reviewers Choice review! Positive Hearts A Review from: "Positive Hearts Reviews Group" The B.E.A.R. Fund My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!" .