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Noticing Newbies: November 04, 2020 Issue [#10447]

 This week: Tips For New Members - Part 1
  Edited by: JACE - Sightseeing
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hi, I'm JACE - Sightseeing .

Welcome to this issue of the Noticing Newbies newsletter. Join me as I take you into some nooks and crannies of Writing.Com that you may not have found time to check out yet. This newsletter is about and for you. And for you seasoned members, I hope you'll find something you can take from my ramblings. *Smile*

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Welcome to Writing.com! Writing.com is a fun place to share your writing and receive constructive feedback from other individuals who enjoy writing and reading. There are things, however, that you need to know to make your experience here more enjoyable and to enhance the readability and professionalism of your items.

These tips came from a friend who's no longer a member, passing them to me before leaving WDC. But her experiences mirrored my own, and more than likely yours as well. I hope they help you avoid some of the more common mistakes made by "Newbies".


Okay. You've registered, and you're just dying to create your first item. First, however, you need to understand that, as in all aspects of life, there are rules one must follow.

The first thing I would suggest is that you take a close look at the Username and Handle you selected at registration. There are words and subjects that are not considered fit for public display to an audience of all ages and preferences.

For instance, if you thought it humorous to use something like "Over sexed", or "Cocaine King", for your Handle -- change it immediately to something inoffensive to a general audience. If a Moderator sees it first, and reports it to a Senior Moderator or Staff, it will be changed to match the Username you selected, unless the Username is also inappropriate. In that case, your account will be deleted.

To change your Handle:
1. Go to "My Account".
2. Click "Change Handle".
3. Type in your new handle (PenName).
4. Click "Update".

If your Handle is okay, but your Username is offensive, you can't change it without paying a substantial sum in Gift Points, which is currently 100,000 GPs. If you have no Gift Points, the account will be deleted. OR you can cancel the account and start over with an inoffensive Handle and Username by scrolling to the bottom of any page, clicking on "Close Account", filling in the required blank(s), then going through the registration process again.


At this point, visit
 Content Rating System (CRS)  (13+)
Detailed information regarding our Content Rating System, its guidelines and rules.
#197141 by The StoryMistress

This item contains the basis for the various rating guidelines required by Writing.com.

The rating system is here for a reason. Read the rules BEFORE you start creating items, to avoid having the rating changed by a Moderator or higher. If your item rating is changed by a Moderator or higher, it is locked, and you cannot change it back. You will be given the reason for the rating change. If you correct the offending part(s), or want a second opinion, post your request in
Content Rating Support  (18+)
The official Writing.Com Content Rating Support forum: questions, rating adjustments, etc.
#430933 by Writing.Com Support

Be sure to include the number of the item in your post.

Pay particular attention to the "E" rating guidelines. Item titles, brief descriptions, billboards, and bio blocks should adhere to the "E" guidelines -- along with Handles and Usernames.


Now that you've read the rating guidelines, create your Bio Block. I can't stress the importance of the Bio-Block and Biography tab. . They're your advertising billboards, your chance to introduce yourself in your own unique style. They are other members first impression of you. That said, don't rush it--but don't dawdle either. And, as stated below, you can update them as you like.

To create (or change) your Bio Block:

1. Open your Portfolio. Either click on your Handle below the Search box in the Navigation menu. Or, select "Portfolio" and click on "Portfolio".
2. Click on the Gear icon (located in the upper right corner of your Port).
3. Type in whatever you wish to share with other members.
4. Click "Submit Update".


While your Bio-Block is limited to 650 characters (perhaps 130 words),you have more versatility and space in your Biography in the form of numerous text boxes to tell folks about yourself, including the Type of Writer you are, your Writing Style, and Interests, to name a few. Check out all the available categories. Fill out only those you wish.

To create (or change) your Biography tab:

1. Click on the Biography tab (located at the top of your Port page).
2. Click on the Gear icon (to the right of your tabs).
3. Type in whatever you wish to share with other members. Leave boxes blank that you don't wish to use.
4. Click "Submit Biography".


All members can use covers on any of their Portfolio tabs, and can use stock covers on their items. Stock covers are only the ones WDC provides. It does not mean using a stock image from a photo site to create "your own" cover. Members wishing to create original covers for their items must purchase an Upgraded or above membership.

To create (or change) your Cover:

1. Click on the desired tab you wish to cover.
2. Click on the Gear icon.
3. Click on the cover box to add or change an existing cover.
3. Either drag and drop a valid photo file or enter a valid Item or Stock Cover ID number into the appropriate box.
4. Click "Done" and "Store Cover Update"

For more information about Covers, check out "Covers.
Come back and visit with me next month for Part 2 of Tips for New Members.

Editor's Picks

Check out these Newbies. Take a moment to review this offering ... or something else in their Port. Welcome them to WDC though a scribble in their Notebook.

My Love's Reach  (ASR)
I'm an addict, and unfortunately, I always will be. My choices, my life, my consequences.
#2234464 by Dr Gonzo

An Elegy lamenting on the death of a dear one. Transitioning death into a new journey.
#2235968 by akanksha

 10 Tips to Become a Respected Leader  (E)
It's not rocket science; anyone can be a good leader.
#2236276 by Master Om

 Darla! Darla!  (E)
It was just a normal day at school for Darla, at least at first...
#2236584 by Berlina

 Would you read it?  (18+)
This is a draft of the pitch for my first manuscript. Would you want to read this book?
#2236554 by Miss_Ashley

 A Condo on the Beaches of Rhondor  (13+)
Just a silly story about a man looking for love
#2235526 by S Myers

 A Childhood Memory  (E)
A snapshot from my early childhood
#2234626 by Sidney D.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer

Thanks for spending time with me today. If you liked what you read (or if you didn't), please take time and drop me a line. I'd love to hear your ideas.

From the newsfeed and mailbag:

From s : Hmm... Been here 10 years and I did not know that.

From Scifiwizard Retired : I did not know that.

From Anna Marie Carlson : I didn't know that.

         I hate to say it but I do feel gratified and justified when I can introduce something 'new' to our members. Well, maybe I don't hate that after all. *Wink*

From Ned : I've seen one, so I know it's there somewhere. I don't know that I could create such a thing about myself. I think my reviewing style is best commented on by those who have had a review inflicted upon them. Do they praise or do they curse? I have had very nice reviews and now and then, there's a review that closes the laptop and makes me pick up the knitting needles for a few days.

         Perhaps you don't need a Review profile; perhaps you do. I believe everyone who takes the time to review should create a Review profile.

         Thank you all for your continued support.

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
Writing.Com Item ID To Highlight (Optional):

Send a comment or question to the editor!
Limited to 2,500 characters.
Word from our sponsor
ASIN: 1945043032
Amazon's Price: $ 14.98

Removal Instructions

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