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Fantasy: August 07, 2024 Issue [#12669]

 This week: Life Dedication to a Sport or Activity
  Edited by: Dawn Embers
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Fantasy Newsletter by Dawn

Taking a little ramble to talk about things like sports, quidditch and other things people might dedicate their lives towards and how that can be used within speculative fiction.

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Letter from the editor

With the olympics going and the plethora of other options for life long goals to be discussed on the news, it has made me start to wonder about ways to incorporate these elements within fiction. It takes insane amounts of dedication to become an elite athlete like those who are competing in the olympics. Professional athletes also have spent a good portion of their lives dedicated to the sports and what it takes to compete (training, diet, etc). Yet, doesn't it seem weird to anyone else?

Spend a childhood, teen years, life in general focused on doing things like catching a ball.

Not that I want to belittle any of them because they are amazing and do things I never could. Well, I did play some sports but was never great at them. Then again, I didn't dedicate my life to any single one either.

I will admit that I'm not much of a sports watcher. I find ones like Football or Futbol, American or European doesn't matter, rather boring to watch. American football was boring to play too but mostly because my team couldn't make it 10 yards ever. When I was younger, I liked gymnastics or ice skating when it came to the olympics. We did have gymnastic classes but ice skating wasn't available in small town Wyoming. So, I don't actually watch sports in general but with the increase in coverage, there is always the chance my creative fiction side might start to wonder about some ideas that are more fantastical and less reality based.

Are there sports in fantasy?

Well, the known one for some might be Quidditch, since Harry Potter is still quite popular. However, I'm fairly certain it's not the only fantasy or science fiction story that includes some type of athletic activity. I remember many years ago listening to the podcast Writing Excuses and hearing about a fantasy including football with mutant or supernatural type of characters. And I suppose the Hunger Games could also be used as an example, if survival is considered an activity or sport. Those are just a few examples that come to mind but I'd also like to hear more if anyone can think of some to offer.

Now the question becomes, what can you create? Is there a sport or activity that your character dedicates their whole life towards. Even a career can be an option, it doesn't just have to be things like Space Jam (excellent movie). Maybe they dedicate their entires lives to becomes a government agent sworn to protect the stars. It all depends on what you want to write and share with us here on WDC. Have fun!

Editor's Picks

Envy's Spell  (13+)
Some people in the world have magic, others don’t. No one knows why.
#2324437 by Prier

 Comeback  (E)
The greatest pro golfer the world has ever known tries to regain his glory.
#1517685 by Sullivan

 I Had a Dream  (E)
Sports are great, but what about academics?
#1486606 by Rixfarmgirl

 Yogi  (E)
Sports creature contest entry
#1427586 by The Saint

The Bard's Hall Contest  (13+)
OCTOBER! Something Horror this way Comes!
#981150 by ScaryBee

Creature Features  (13+)
Round 26 open!
#2211262 by Sticky Draconic Vampire saysHH

Horror Writing Contest  (13+)
A contest involving writing a horror story. Simple, really.
#2273172 by severed head

The Flash Blog Contest - CLOSED  (E)
A contest combining flash fiction and blogging.
#2114347 by Dee

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

What do your characters do that may seem strange for their life work or dedication?

Comment by severed head :
Not a fan of the Alpha/Omega/Sigma thing. The studies that first identified Alphas were shown to be flawed, and people don't behave like that. Some might think they do, especially self-proclaimed Alphas, but they invariably don't.

Sorry. It makes no sense to me, and smacks of narcissism, verging on sociopathy. An alpha (if used), to me, can only be a blockage or an antagonist.

- Thanks for the feedback. I'm hit or miss myself when it comes to reading some of the Alpha/Omega stories. I've enjoyed a few with their approach and others I've not been able to even finish.

Comment by BIG BAD WOLF is Howling :
Well, when it comes to Alphas, there's my John Wrangler - he has it in many ways - by birth, by marriage, and by the fact that anyone trying to come after his loved ones will have to go through him first.

- Ah, sounds like the rough tough strong man that some thing of with the typical hero masculine character. Thanks for the comment and suggestion.


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