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Spiritual: January 24, 2007 Issue [#1503]

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 This week:
  Edited by: windac
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

"Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them,
is the true measure of our thanksgiving."
- W. T. Purkiser -

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

         Hello, and welcome to this edition of the Spiritual Newsletter. Your upcoming editiors are, Melissa is fashionably late! , Becky Simpson , Puditat , and me, windac. I hope everyone's new year is off to a great start, that all your goals and resolutions are in place, and that you're actually seeing some modicum of success in reaching them.

         Going through my Spiritual Newsletter folder earlier, I noticed that this is my 36th issue… 36th! It’s amazing how time flies, and how scared I was back in May of 2004 when submitting an issue for the very first time.

         This sojourn every four weeks has been a labor of love, a journey towards spiritual growth. What you the reader must understand, is that every word written in all 36 issues has been a kick in the pants first and foremost for myself. Topics inevitably spring from situations and emotions found in my daily life, in what I find uncomfortable, or out of tune with what God wants. What you read here every four weeks is me... be that good, bad or indifferent. With that said, on with the show!

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word,
a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
- Leo Buscaglia -

         Not too long ago I made a list of personal wants for the new year and posted in it in my blog. It was a short entry as was the list, and although each one is a lofty goal, all are not only possible, but attainable as well. As long as my heart is in the right place, and I seek God's guidance, success can be mine. Listed below are my goals for the year.

*Bullet*I want to be a blessing to every person that passes my way, whether it be in person, on the phone, or via e-mail.

*Bullet*I want my heart to overflow with the miracle of God's mercy, and to pass that mercy on to others.

*Bullet*I want to harness and hold all that is good and right, releasing all the dark wickedness that is not God's.

*Bullet*I want to think, act, and react in ways that are pleasing in His eyes.

*Bullet*I want to learn, grow, and become what He meant for me to be.

         You'll notice that each and every goal begins with "I" followed by "want". This is because, first of all, I am the only one who can make these happen, and secondly, I have to want to make them happen. Not only does the desire have to be present, but also the realization that it all starts with me. I can only change myself, and must choose which path to take each day, and sometimes those choices are presented with only a moments notice in which to act. For today's issue, let's just talk about the first goal:

I want to be a blessing to every person that passes my way,
whether it be in person, on the phone, or via e-mail.

         On the surface this might seem relatively simple, but if you truly look deeper into the traits required, it doesn't seem simple at all; on the contrary, it will be anything but. Think about all the different situations we find ourselves in that are anything but easy. The list is endless! But to be a blessing to others doesn't have to be anything of grandiose proportions, or cost you anything more than time and attitude - attitude being the key word here. And even though that list up there starts with "I", it's really not about me. I simply cannot be a blessing to others if my own spiritual house is not in order, and if all I care about are my wants and needs.

         There are certain traits required to becoming a blessing to others: kindness, selflessness, generosity, and the capacity to care about the comfort and well being of someone other than yourself. Now, clearly I'm not all these things all the time, and sometimes I'm none of these things. Boy, do I have a long way to go! Even so, there are things that on the surface, seemingly small and insignificant, that can be a step in the right direction. Things anyone can do that cost little in the way of money, time, or attitude.


*Bullet*It's rush hour traffic, cars bumper to bumper, with still more cars attempting to merge. Instead of trying to save a few seconds that will mean absolutely nothing, let a car or two in - with a wave and a smile. Who knows, that wave and smile could make a huge difference in someone else's day.

*Bullet*Send someone a card, a c-note, or an e-mail for no reason other than to say hello. Just make it positive and uplifting; the goal is to brighten their day. Can't we all use those small moments in our busy, stress-filled lives?

*Bullet*Take the time to talk with folks while waiting, whether it be the grocery store, an elevator, the DMV, whatever. Society has turned us into cold, cell phone ridden zombies. Chatting with strangers, if only for a moment or two, can alleviate stress, and make the waiting enjoyable.

*Bullet*If you speak on the phone a lot - especially at work - let the person on the other end 'hear' you smile. Voices mean the world when faces can't be seen, and trust me, it leaves an impression one way or the other.

         These are but a tiny number of actions that could be a blessing to others - any sincere, kind gesture will do. And maybe, just maybe, someone will have left our presence in a better frame of mind. One small step in the right direction, don't you think?

[*Heart*] Until next time, count your blessings, and be a blessing to others! [*Heart*]
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Editor's Picks

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Ask & Answer

Submitted By: cdm1548

I like the question about the Serpent. Consider this. That he was not a snake at this time of history. Consider that he was able to walk up right and to talk and was intelligent. Consider then the curse of God on the Serpent, this curse covered his whole body. Now he would crawl on the earth and eat dust. See he was not doing that before. Now consider the punishment on the Woman-later named Eve. It was upon her womb and this effected her child bearing. Then watch and see when God moves to the man. God does not touch him. But curses the land that he walking on. You see Adam was not touched by any curse directly. Only the Serpent and the Woman. And Adam was an observer of this crime and later an accomplish with his wife to cover the sin. For the sin was the Serpent departing knowledge to the Woman, Carnal Knowledge. Thanks for your nice post, God Bless.

Dan Mason

Thank you Dan, for taking the time to send thought-provoking feedback, and God's blessings as well. Right back atcha! *Heart*


Submitted By: kundanchhabra

Is this a 'spiritual' newsletter or is this a 'Christian' newsletter? How come everything in this newsletter is about Christianity or comes from Christianity? I just hope, in the future, it'd be more diverse, and bring in ideas from other faiths and paths. Christianity is not the only spiritual path on Earth - there are Bahais, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Pagans, Wiccans, the New Thought movement, and Science of Mind. I wish books other than the Bible were also discussed - such as Conversations with God, Bringers of the Light, The Future of Love, Bahai Writings, A Return to Love, If God is Love, etc.

I've had the honor of being an editor of this NL for almost 3 years. In that time, the editorial staff has changed on numerous occasions, and for as many reasons. Each editor has an issue every 4 weeks, and may write about whatever it is that he/she deems worthy. Because each editor brings to the readership his/her own system of faith or belief, the issues they write will surely have a bearing on what they have to share. Currently, the editorial staff of the SNL is mostly of Christian faith - ergo, Christian-based issues.

It has always been my contention that, no matter your faith or belief, there is always a grain of truth to be found just about anywhere, no matter how tiny. All one must do is look. By the way, please read further down the comments sent by PlannerDan . He sums it all up rather nicely.

I thank you for sending feedback Kundan, and hope that you'll stay tuned in the months to come. Blessings to you! *Heart*


Submitted By: Karen Bristow

What a beautiful newsletter! Tolerance is a concept we should ALL be reminded of, no matter what our faith. As simplistic as this may sound, we all need to live on this planet together.

I grew up Catholic (nearly became a nun), and for reasons that are personal to me, I chose to eventually celebrate God and His Son in ways that don't fall within the scope of Christianity. I try hard, though I too fail at times, to not judge anyone who's beliefs are different from mine, and I hope others do the same for me.

What all of this rambling is saying is, thank you for this newsletter. It was a very timely reminder for us to be good to each other, no matter our differences.

Have a safe and Happy New Year! (And your readers as well!)

Thank you Natasha, for sending such thoughtful and positive feedback! And I agree - our planet has become a surly, angry place, and it's up to each one of us to make a difference, no matter our color, creed, nationality or faith.

A Happy New Year to you as well! *Heart*

Submitted By: Kenzie

Hi Wind,
As I read your words, I was reminded of something an atheist friend of mine once told me. He said he was rather sick of being tolerated. He wanted some of that Christian love sent his way. I thought about that and did some studying and decided he was right. Tolerance really takes little effort. Love, on the other hand, means that we: hold in high regard, respect, honor. That takes much more effort, and prayerful times with God, I think.

Hi Kenzie! Wow, your friend said a mouthfull, didn't he? If that doesn't make a Christian stop and think, nothing will. Thank you for sharing this morsel of profundity with us. *Heart*

Submitted By: PlannerDan

Wind, your editorial on tolerance is very appropriate for our day and age. It is also what the Spiritual Newsletter is all about. You cannot help but to present your views from a Christian point of view, because you are in fact a Christian. Others must respect that and be tolerant.

However, I feel your editorial has application to those of any faith or those with no faith at all. The way you present this is masterfully done. Each of us has a responsibility to be useful to our society and to wear the cloak of tolerance, even it it means our personal belief position will not allow us to accept the positions of others. We don't have to accept them, we just have to be tolerant and respectful of them.

Hiya Dan! I agree. Christianity has gotten a bad rap over the years, and in some cases, rightly so. It's time that we open up our hearts to everyone... it's that heart that people will see, and perhaps want to know how it got to be so loving and strong. God bless ya! *Heart*

Submitted By: Being Diane

Two quotes come to mind while reading this. I don't remember who said them but I did like them:

Don't be so open minded that your brains fall out.

The only way for good to trumph over evil: is for good men to sit around and do nothing.

Hello bediane! Love that first quote... thanks for sending in feedback. It's always appreciated. Blessings! *Heart*

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