Hello Newbies!
Are you going through a dry spell of ideas to write about? Well, the following writing ideas will hopefully help jumpstart your writing creativity. Enjoy!
1. Write about what civilization will be like in 500 hundreds years.
2. Riddles
3. Write something saying "I Love You" without saying the word "love".
4. Write a horror story.
5. Writing about your favorite place, city, or country without naming the place.
6. Persuade somebody to go to bed with you.
7. What one lesson totally turned your life around.
8. Isn't it ironic that...
9. Write about aging.
10. Write a love song.
11. Limericks
12. Write about a season
13. Write about the passage of time.
14. Write about your earliest memory
15. Write a carol.
16. Describe nature.
17. Reasons why people lie.
18. Write about someone who has enriched your life.
19. Write about a dream.
20. Write a hate letter.
21. Write an apology letter.
22. Write a recipe parody song
23. Write a children's story
24. Make up a word and write about what it means
25. Write from a photograph
26. If you could be an animal, what would it be and why?
27. If a genie granted you three wishes, what would they be?
28. If you could meet that dream person, who would it be?
29. Retell a fairy tale.
30. Write about a holiday.
31. Imagine being wind, sunlight or water.
32. Write something from a book or movie title.
33. Write about your heritage.
34. Write a mystery
35. Write a love poem.
36. Create your own Dr. Seuss character.
37. Who or how would someone make a good lover (someone you do or don't know).
38. Write a fantasy.
39. Write from a cliché.
40. Write about about history.
42. The best book I ever read...
43. Pretend you are William Shakespeare and write a poem.
44. Write about a dream you would like to fulfill before you die.
45. Write a lullaby.
46. What's the funniest thing you every heard or saw?
47. Write about your first love.
48. What drives you crazy!
49. Write to the devil.
50. Write to god.
51. What the one best thing you like about yourself?
52. Write a country song.
53. What are three things you would take with you to a desert island?
54. I am happy when...
55. You are a mental patient -- write a story.
56. Write about one pet peeve.
57. Write a jingle with swear words.
58. Write about a resolution.
59. Write a play.
60. So you believe in spirits?
61. I just can’t seem to get along with anyone...
62. Paint a picture with words.
63. Write a catchy hook.
64. Write a poem using a metaphor.
65. If I had just one week to live, what would I do?
66. Who do you admire?
67. Write a prayer.
68. Write a rap song.
69. Write about an insecurity.
70. Write about an unusual experience.
71. Write from a villian's or murderer's perspective.
72. Write your wedding vows.
73. What's so special about you?
74. Win's someone's love.
75. Write about a miracle.
76. Write something in a different language.
77. Write a journal entry.
78. Write about something that turns you on!
79. Write a screenplay.
80. Is there an afterlife?
81. What's the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
82. Write about a disaster. Example: 911
83. Write a rock song.
84. Write one thing you have never told anyone.
85. My most embarrassing moment...
86. Write about saving the world in some way. Example: Global Warming.
87. What do you want to be doing if you live to be 100 or more?
88. Write a biography.
89. Write a friendship letter.
90. Write something sexy!
91. Write about a wonderful world event. Example: The Olympics
92. Write a story in a different dialect.
93. The most interesting place that I have ever visited...
94. Write a critique.
95. Love is...
96. How I wish...
97. Baby, please...
98. Only a fool...
99. Whenever we are together...
100.How I wish...
Hope you find some inspiration.
Happy writing!
Until next time...
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