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Spiritual: June 29, 2005 Issue [#444]

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 This week:
  Edited by: Puditat
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Spiritual: relating to the spirit or soul and not to physical matter; intangible. Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus

This newsletter explores ideas of the spiritual nature that exists in each and every one of us in an open and non-judgemental manner.

Each editor brings to the newsletter their own backgrounds, experiences, beliefs and opinions. Whether you disagree, agree, doubt or applaud the views expressed, let us all show respect to each other. Together we can learn something about the many varied aspects of the spiritual self and enjoy our differences in true meaning of the Spirit of Community.

Enjoy! *Cool*

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Letter from the editor

But the fruit of the Spirit is
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Galatians 5:22-23a


And so we arrive at the first Fruit of the Spirit, and my last editorial in this series. Love!

I sit and wonder exactly where to start, what to say... for love is such a vast and commonly written of topic. I feel inadequate to even begin such a feat, to discuss Spiritual Love.

Maybe I should first describe the difference-- between love as everyone knows it, and the Spiritual love of God.

Human love is fickle. We can fall in and out of it. We can say hurtful things to the very one we purport to love. We can make our love dependant, conditional, or not. We take offense easily, even from the ones that love us. We use the word freely, with as much passion for a plate of ice cream as to describe the one whom you marry. Our love can fade, unless we work at it and continually foster it. The love we show plays favourites, whether it be to child, friend or pet. Our love depends on our state of mind, our happiness, our strength to maintain it, and our desire to do so. I may seem to be painting a negative picture of human love, so to balance it, I'll say... When we do love, we can love passionately, to the exclusion of all else. The love we choose to give to someone is built on (ideally) trust, friendship, relationship, honesty and commitment. Love is great, our love can be so great.

And yet there is something even better. There is a love that sees no colour, deformity, annoyance, mistake, ugliness, or poverty. There is a love that sidesteps looks and finances. There is a love that embraces the diseased, talks with the lonely, shares a meal with the homeless.

Spiritual love is not dependant on anything! That's right-- nothing! It does not care about anything but the person. That is all that matters. The person that God created, that God made special, that God ordained for a purpose. Spiritual love would make us embrace that person as easily as our spouse, parent or child.

Spiritual love is not from us, not of us. It is the highest calling, the greatest honour, the richest reward. And yet, often it is the most hardest of all to bear.

We look at Spiritual Love through a flawed mind and body. Our prejudices, experiences and feelings get in the way. I know, because that is what happens to me.

We have a fellow who used to attend our Church, but stopped coming after first his mother, then his father passed away. He has a chequered history of prison and mental illness. His manner of speaking is childish, though he is in his fifties, and degrading towards women. I find him extremely difficult to even communicate with, and everything within me screams not to. But he is lonely and lost. He is desperately unhappy and outcast. He has no friends, no close family, and now he even rejects the Lord's family.

My husband is great. I watch him counsel and foster this man, whilst I try my utmost just to be polite and charitable. It is a constant challenge, and all the while I know that Jesus would embrace this man. For He sees not the flaws, but the heart and the need. I see the need, yet it makes me recoil. How far I fall short of God's Spiritual Love for this man. *Cry* It makes me feel unworthy.

I am trying to deal with this man through my own love and ability, instead of letting God's love flow through my heart for him. That's something I need to work on.

Spiritual love is there, Spiritual love is available, Spiritual love sees everyone in the same light - they are a precious child of the Father.

         God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgement, because in this world we are like him. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear had to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
         We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.
1 John 4:16b-20

I count myself as a loving person, yet find that there are some people who defy my beliefs. To love those I find unloveable is the most worthy journey I can embark on in this life. And so it is for each of us.

May your journey in Spiritual love be blessed, and your success pleasing unto God.

Till next time;
** Image ID #819259 Unavailable **

Editor's Picks

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#980381 by Not Available.

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#777058 by Not Available.

I love You  (E)
Multi-lingual love poem to God. I welcome all languages and translations. 57 and counting.
#871161 by Beth Barnett

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#980726 by Not Available.

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#881155 by Not Available.

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#750490 by Not Available.

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#848095 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer


I just got to the June 3 Spiritual Newsletter. Again, you have done a superb job. Your recalcitrance to "quote scripture after scripture" is a point well-taken. It has been my experience, just in the past few years to uncover passages that speak to joy that I, in my immature walk with Faith, could not see clearly.

As you continue to share of yourself, it speaks volumes. I will be sad to see this particular series come to an end and yet I am sure the next subject pressed upon your heart will be awesome as well!

         Goodness, so will I, PV. What am I going to write after that??? *Laugh* (Just kidding.) Thank you for your ever-sweet feedback and support.

* *Star* * *Star* * *Star* * *Star* *

Puditat, you've done it again. Joy is one of my favorite topics, probably because those who aren't tapped into the joy of the Lord often don't understand. One of my sisters calls me "Pollyanna" because she thinks I don't see or experience life's pains. I do, of course, and sometimes I'm not happy. But I am filled with joy nevertheless. That's how I got my other nickname - Ms. Merry Sunshine. Personally, I think it's when we allow ourselves to experience the joy of the Lord (and the resulting strength in trials) that others want to know more about Him. Conversely, scowling, fearful, angry and negative folks are not a good advertisement for Him.

We are blessed by your thoughts and words.

         Thank you for sharing, Kenzie, especially those cute nicknames *Wink*. You are so right, of course. It is in demonstrating that joy that piques other's curiosity, and thus gives us opportunities to share about God and our personal faith.

* *Star* * *Star* * *Star* * *Star* *

Hi there, my computer went crazy in April ~ so I didn't read this newsletter 'til now - because "Past Voices Sick of Being Sick" sent me an email informing me that you featured my folder of "Spiritual Poetry" in your newsletter, which I didn't get to read...in short, I always like to offer thanks for having me - among others. It is greatly appreciated...thank you so much. God guides my hand every time...
By the way, I thoroughly enjoy your newsletters.

         You're welcome for the feature, and thank you for the compliment.

* *Star* * *Star* * *Star* * *Star* *

Hi Puditat,

Thank you very much for featuring my poem in your newsletter. I enjoyed the newsletter very much; your editorial on Joy was inspirational and thought provoking.

Every time someone mentions Joy, it reminds me of something that once happened to my mother. Some thirty years ago, a few of us had gathered to discuss the power of prayer and using it to ask for what you want out of life. Through prayer, we each made a request. My mother asked for a little Joy in her life. Three days later, a package arrived in the mail from an old friend whom she had not spoken with in months. It contained a gift— a one-ounce bottle of Joy perfume. Hmmm. An omnipotent sense of humor, or perhaps, a lesson in specificity? Or both?

Anyway, marvelous newsletter.

Peace and Love,

         Thank you Spheric. And thank you for sharing your mum's story. That is delightful! And God certainly does have a sense of humour, but He also knows exactly what we need. Your story is inspiring and heart-warming. *Smile*

* *Star* * *Star* * *Star* * *Star* *

I'm so glad you can use this Newsletter to spread the Gospel! That is a wonderful opportunity- God bless you! :)

         Thank you for reading! *Delight*

* *Star* * *Star* * *Star* * *Star* *

Wow, two pieces in one issue. Interestingly, the Newbies Newsletter linked to "Invalid Item , which is the companion piece to to "The Window in My Soul" which you linked to! The companion was written for a reviewer who didn't understand what was being done there. I guess it helped! While I was writing "Hear My Song" I could not stop tears running down my face. The concepts I was trying to express were surely moving me; I hope the results move your readers.
"Memoirs 1: Timmy [ASR] is something I have not tried before - a memoir - that is also suitable for Spiritual Newsletter, if you like it.

         Thanks, revdbob . Thank you for submitting work. I won't be using it this week, since I want to give fair air-time to as many people as possible. But keep submitting! *Smile*

* *Star* * *Star* * *Star* * *Star* *

This is my first reading of this newsletter and I have to say I enjoyed it. Nice job. *Smile*
Brians Next Novel Almost Done!

         I am so glad you liked this newsletter. God bless. *Smile*

* *Star* * *Star* * *Star* * *Star* *

Dear Puditat,

What a wonderful newsletter on Peace. Having experienced the "Peace that passeth understanding" myself on occasion, I find my desire of it more important than the material at times.

I am so far behind on my newsletters that I know your next one is already in my mailbox and that I haven't opened it yet. I am not obsessive compulsive. But a year ago, I made a commitment to not just delete the newsletters I take if I don't have time for them so they are a must for me.

I just wish I hadn't gotten so far behind on feedback!

Bless you and thank you,


         You posted this a while ago, and I missed the feedback. Sorry about that. *Frown* I am pleased that you make an effort to read every issue. It certainly makes the life of the Editor's sweeter to know someone goes to such efforts. Thank you, as always. *Heart*

* *Star* * *Star* * *Star* * *Star* *

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