Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/4604-Happy-Birthday-WDC.html
For Authors: September 07, 2011 Issue [#4604]

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For Authors

 This week: Happy Birthday WDC!
  Edited by: fyn
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."~~Abraham Lincoln

"It takes a long time to grow young."~~ Pablo Picasso

"All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much."~~George Harrison

"Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time."~~Jean Paul Richter

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Letter from the editor

*CandleR* *CandleR* *CandleR* *CandleR* *CandleR* *CandleR* *CandleR* *CandleR* *CandleR* *CandleR* *CandleR*

Happy Birthday Writing.Com

Eleven years! That is a LONG time for a site to last in web-time! I've been around for six and a half of them and wish I'd discovered it earlier.

These eleven years have been years of growth, of upgrades, of singular dedication by The StoryMaster and The StoryMistress as well as all the staff who make this THE BEST writing site online!

The amount of work, oversight, design, coding, love, dedication and energy that goes into maintaining a site of this size is mind-boggling! Right now we have over 1100 WDC-ers online! Incredible.

Over and over again, have I heard from folks that WDC has had an incredible impact on their lives. In my case, it kept me going when I first joined. The response from other writers was a high point in my day that I sorely needed. And that, that impact, that feeling of belonging, of being accepted has been there across the board for folks from every niche and cranny on the globe! We are a huge family and the sense of community fostered here at wdc I've never found elsewhere to the extent that I have here. I have friends here that I now count as family. There are folks here that I know i can count on no matter what! And the best part is that i know that i am far from being the only one who feels that way.

On a purely 'writing' level, my writing has grown exponentially since joining. I look at work I wrote six and a half years ago and at work now and I revel in the growth. That growth I credit to the feedback, reviews, thoughts and ideas I have gotten from my fellow writers here. And it is by no means, just me. Looking into my fellow writer's ports and seeing the growth, the levels of their writig ability is so satisfying, because across the board, our writing has gotten better! We truly are an amazing bunch and just imagine where we'd be without Writing.Com. So for this as well, we (and I) owe a thank you to our fearless site leaders!

I remember back to when i was a black case...and the feelings of awe when a yellow, blue, purple or even, (gasp!) a red case would email me or comment on something in my port. I remember turning yellow and feeling such a sense of accomplishment. I also felt an increased responsibility to WDC. I truly felt a part of the whole and was determined to do what I could to bring more writers into the fold. When I turned blue, I was jumping for joy, and crying happy tears. It meant (and means) so very much to me. I love mentoring newbies and being there for them. I like being a part of this incredible place. There's a reason we are in Writer's Digest's Top 100 Sites every year. We are pretty darned incredible!!!

There's a saying about the 'whole being the sum of its parts.' And WDC is exactly that, for as awesome as Story Master and Story Mistress are, it is also the phenomenal people who are a part of this site that make it the wonderful, creative and challenging place that it is!!! So give yourselves a pat on the back, because we all are pretty darned special!

So here is a much *SuitHeart* heart-felt *SuitHeart* Thank you to Writing.Com. Happy 11th Birthday! May you be around for 11 x 11 more!

Editor's Picks

One Leaf  (ASR)
Fall is the time for change... My first attempt at The Garland Cinquain.
#1338416 by Kit

 Myzta  (18+)
A Fantasy story based loosely on an Everquest character.
#1802920 by Felice De May

Night and Day  (13+)
The unlikeliest of friends find in one another life long soul sisters.-1st place Winner!
#1797916 by Mara ♣ McBain

 Words  (E)
We are the beast
#1779583 by 2Moon

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1779813 by Not Available.

A playful epic memorializing Hercules' insuperable penal problems
#1805054 by DRSmith

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1757216 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1570371 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1583550 by Not Available.

What lies behind a name  (13+)
A victim dealing with how to heal.
#946552 by Mark

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

A.J. Barretts writes: I always like your newsletters. They are full of helpful comments and examples of what I do wrong all the time. If only I had an editor, I would hope I would listen to them. After all it is their job and I would hope they would know it very well.

Joy says: Excellent advice, Fyn. Thank you. *Smile*
And true, we all fall in the 'clearing their throat' pit, *Laugh* especially when writing in a hurry as in NaNo. I'll remember this in November.

LJPC - the tortoise adds: Great newsletter, Fyn! It's so true that after a writer has been at a thing for 'ages' they start overlooking mistakes. I'm always amazed when a reviewer spots a typo that the 15 reviewers before her missed (and me, too). To the ellipsis thing, you should add the dash -- another often overused bit of punctuation. (Yup, I'm guilty.) *Smile*-- Laura

Ms. J comments: Love the cheekiness!

melzgr8 writes:This is the best newsletter I've read in a very long time. I'm printing it out and keeping it beside my desk as a checklist to help me while editing! *Smile*

LinnAnn -book writer adds: Thanks for the ellipses. I'm a fan and hadn't thought of it being negative, just a 'thought pause'. This is the best newsletter I've read in a very long time. I'm printing it out and keeping it beside my desk as a checklist to help me while editing! *Smile* Thanks again. love, LinnAnn

Kayla Sullivan says: What an extra thoughtful newsletter in the midst of much business. Thank you! I especially liked the Ambrose Bierce quote.

Budroe adds: Excellent NL, FYN. As a writer, editor, and publisher, this is imperative information. Congratulations! More!

Lothmorwel writes: Fabulous newsletter, I really enjoyed reading this and have learned a lot. I always thought editing might be quite a fun job, but frustrating now seems more of an accurate description. On spending hours reviewing people's work only to have them point out one tiny little thing and not consider the rest of the many paragraphs I've written, I feel like screaming. You must have endless patience to do that for a living and I hope your authors realize how hard you work!

kyalpn comments: I know the repeating of a word or phrase if a problem for me.

Thanking you all for your feedback! I really do try to write newsletters that have a message and helpful 'stuff' even when it isn't right on top but in the midst of the other 'stuff'. Presentation and all that *grin*

Being an editor is hard work. Harder than I ever would have thought before hand! But i look at it as i am not only helping our authors, but i am also learning as i go! Win-win all around!

Best little tidbit of advice i can offer: Read whatever you write out loud. You will be amazed at the way it shows you the repeated words, bad sentencing and over-used phrases.

I'd really like to hear about your thoughts on WDC!! Best memories or best thoughts...Have you made a new friend (or friends)? Have you turned into a better writer? Gotten published? What does WDC mean to you? Let me know, please.


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/4604-Happy-Birthday-WDC.html