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Comedy: February 19, 2014 Issue [#6161]

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 This week: Why I Will Wear a Name-tag to the Doctor
  Edited by: Sophy
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hi - I'm Sophy , on yet another vacation, so I cannot really call myself your editor this month because I am "borrowing" (with permission) an excellent blog post from Diane for my "Letter from the Editor" section this month. But I have added some brilliant commentary to it, and chosen the "Editor's Picks" for this edition, and answered my fan mail from last month (of which there was quite a bit, if I do say so myself!) so I am not a total slacker. Just a sort-of slacker. *Laugh*

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Letter from the editor

Guest "Letter from the Editor" by Diane

Editor's Note: One of my favorite blogs can be found in Diane 's portfolio. It is filled with musings from one of our favorite WDC Staffers. Some are heartfelt, some get you thinking, and many make me laugh. Last week I found an entry that made me laugh so much that I not only read it outloud to Mr. Sophy (who also laughed), I also asked Diane if I could steal borrow it for my "Letter to the Editor" this week.

Let it be known that I am NOT using her blog post as my "Letter" this week because I am lazy, or am too busy sitting on the beach looking for dolphins whilst sipping Mai Tai's. While some or all of that may be true, I am using her letter in part because I only have an iPad with me on this trip, and while iPad's are marvelous inventions and keep me connected with the world while I'm in paradise (connected with the world = I can log onto the Weather Channel App to see how cold and snowy it is back home, while at the same time posting beach and campfire pics on Facebook), they can be tedious to type on, even with a nifty Belkin keyboard. Plus, well, the sun keeps shining off the water and making it very hard to see the screen ..... *Laugh* But I digress.

The MAIN reason I am using her blog post is because it is an excellent example of Comedy Dialog. And, well, it makes fun of doctors. So, without any further ado, here it is!

User Error

I just got off the phone with an irate physician who is having trouble saving a record in the electronic system.

Doc: It won't save. I press Save and it does nothing.

Me: Is it giving you an error?

Doc: No. Why would it? I'm pressing the correct button to save.

Me: Ok, let me log on to your computer and take a look.

**logged on and see an error**

Me: Ok, here's the problem. Do you see the note in red at the top of the screen? It says you need to fill out additional information before you can save the record.

Doc: I don't want to fill out additional information. I put everything in that I need. Fix it.

Me: The program won't save until you fill in the required fields. I can't fix it for you. You have to fill in the rest of the form.

Doc: I don't have that information.

Me: You don't have the patient name?

Doc: No

Me: Could you get it?

**long pause**

Doc (yelling): Nicole, which patient did I see last?!

**response from nurse**

Doc: Ok. I will fill in the name, but you really need to talk to the programmers. We shouldn't be forced to fill in information that we might not have.

Then he hung up so I didn't have to respond.

See, I told you it was funny! *Laugh*

Editor's Picks

Below you'll find some recent comedy offerings from around the site. Don't forget to leave a review and rating if you read the item.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1976163 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1975875 by Not Available.

A Great Invention  (E)
A lighthearted fictional tale of a man who invents an important new material.
#1977531 by Stuart

Nose Sniffers of Bayonne  (E)
Kudos to the sniffers.
#1977671 by Teargen

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1977489 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1977262 by Not Available.

Here are a few from the Writer's Cramp 12th B'day Contest that made tickled my funny bone:

Exploring the Writer's Cramp  (13+)
These are the voyages of the Writer's Cramp.
#1974142 by Lornda

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1974432 by Not Available.

Oh Cramp 22 lines  (E)
absolute nonsense
#1973299 by Yellow Rose

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Here are some responses to my last newsletter "Comedy Newsletter (January 22, 2014) about going to the gym in January:

From LJPC - the tortoise :
Hi Sophy! Really funny newsletter, and so true that the car always warms up just when you've gotten to where you need to go, whether it's the gym, school, or the grocery store. But if you had all that gym equipment in the house, believe me, you'd still dislike exercising. *Pthb*
~ Laura

Laura, it pains me to say so to my biggest and favorite fan *Wink* but I have to disagree with you here. I am positive if I had a nice warm swimming pool (in my house of course) I would use it all of the time! For what, I am not sure, but my treadmill makes a nice coat rack, and the spin bike is great for drying laundry! I am sure I could find something useful to do with the swimming pool!! *Laugh*

*Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3*

From Jeff :
I'm with you... I hate going to the gym. I like having gone to the gym after it's done, but I really, really don't like that time of day where you're facing the prospect of going to the gym when you'd rather be doing anything else. *Laugh*

And I totally agree with the misery of going to the gym in January when everyone else is renewing their resolution to lose weight. I go to a gym in the ground floor of my office building after work and since the first of the year there are easily twice as many people packing the gym as usual... to the point where I spend more time waiting to use a piece of equipment than actually using it. Hurry up and break your resolution and go back to your couches already, people! *Laugh*

Exactly, Jeff, why even bother pretending! No way they are keeping their resolution - so save themselves the money and sense of failure when February comes around!! *Bigsmile* And yes - I am happy when I walk out of the gym to my car. I feel proud of myself and healthy and ready to face the rest of the day. It is getting out the door that vexes me.

*Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3*

From: Quick-Quill
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did reading your newsletter.
The Personal Trainer  (13+)
Some people want a trainer
#1771998 by Quick-Quill

Thank you for sharing it!

*Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3*

From: Zheila
Dear The Writing.Com Newsletter System;

Your story about Gym was the finest one that I have ever read in a long time. Thanks for making me laugh. I needed it badly.



So glad I made you laugh! *Bigsmile*

*Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3*

From: ☮ The Grum Of Grums
Sophy, I just can't help myself. You're right, going to the gym in January is a special form of purgatory, particularly for reason #1. But wait, my take is the reverse of yours. The shade temperature approaches, sometimes exceeds 40 degrees C. I perspire like a pork and the air con in the gym struggles to deal with the heat. Any exertion reduces me to a puddle on the floor, then when the time comes to go home, I have to struggle into sweat-damp clothes. And then brave the furnace outside. Hmm, ice and snow or superheat? Right at the moment, I'd settle for the ice - so long as it's in a drink!



Ah yes, it's summer down under, isn't it? Another beastly time to go to the gym, I agree with you there. I could write a whole other version of this newsletter in July here in the Northern Hemisphere - how the car barely cools down from the AC by the time I get to the gym, etc. Thanks for the great idea! LOL!

*Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3*

From: dreamofsleep
I feel the exact same way about newbies at the gym (although I'm a newbie on this site, don't be hatin'!) I don't look forward to when new people start piling in during New Year's and you know they're only going to be coming in and over-anxiously pushing themselves to get in shape and burn out too quickly and give up in two weeks to a month. TOPS!

Also, you are spot on with the whole GOING to the gym thing. I hate driving there, and only have time to go in the mornings so it is extra cold. Working out once you get there is no big deal, but geez it's a pain to peel your butt out of bed and launch yourself in the cold! It's got to be ten times harder than any part of my whole work out. I will actually work out pretty hard once I'm there. I suppose I have a selective kind of laziness because when I'm at the gym it's easy to get through my routine.

I don't swim like you, though. Just treadmill when I'm cutting down and maybe a little elliptical. That would require too much doing something different than what I'm already doing, and I have a LOT of inertia in that regard apparently.

Thanks for sharing this. Most people I know (who don't work out) don't understand what I mean when I say this myself, but it's funny to see someone has the same sentiments.

So glad you wrote in and shared your kind words and our shared (and correct!) feelings about this. And no worries - I love WDC Newbies!! It's the Gym Newbies who have get my ire up!!

*Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3* *Heart* *Snow1* *Heart* *Snow2* *Heart* *Snow3*

Thanks for all your comments - keep them coming! *Bigsmile* Until next time, Sophy

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