In 2012, my company and I put out an anthology of the best of the WdC community.
We raised millions of gps for RAOK which helps WdC members with upgrades.
It has been two years and so it is time to do it again!
Submissions are open for the 2014 Writing.Com Anthology.
Due to the high number of requests from WdC members since our last Anthology,
we at Wynwidyn Press have decided to do a 2014 Anthology as well!
For the purposes of this book, No piece submitted may be above a 18+ rating on site.
All pieces MUST be part of your portfolio and must remain there as we will be providing
bitems in the anthology along with your user name so folks can find you and your work on Writing.Com!
All submissions must be accompanied by a 10,000 gp donation which will be split between
Random Acts of Kindness and The Angel Army here at WdC
which they then use to benefit WdC members.
Nice way to give back to the community we all know and love.
Don't have 10k gps?
You can buy them, earn them or win them.
Entering and winning contests, reviewing, reviewing and reviewing!
One of THE best ways to enhance your own writing is to read and review the works of others!
You can enter poetry, short stories, articles or prose as long as they fit the following parameters.
Poetry is limited to 32 lines of poetry.
Prose/short story category is limited to 2200 words.
Word/line count must be provided and will be verified.
You have the option to submit as many pieces as you chose (each with a 10k donation,)
but be advised, NO WdC member will have more than 2 - TWO pieces accepted for the anthology.
This will allow both you a greater chance of having a piece or two accepted
and a greater number of different writers to be accepted.
This is NOT a vanity operation.
All the pieces submitted will not be accepted. In the 2012 Anthology ,
the acceptance margin was roughly 40%.
You DO NOT EVER HAVE to order copies to be included should your piece/s be accepted.
(of course, we hope you do want one...but that in no way figures in to
who's work is or isn't accepted.
We want the best of the WdC writers work to showcase!
In keeping with this high level of expectation,
all entries will be judged by a panel of WdC Judges.
The deadline for the 2014 WdC Anthology submissions will be April 15th, 2014 at11:59 pm WdC time!!!
Submission accepted at
We anticipate this year's Anthology to be 5.5 x 8.5 in in size and we are allowing for a maximum of 240 pages.
The anthologies will cost $14.00 USd plus shipping and handling.
We are opting for a smaller over-all size than the last anthology in the interests of saving money on cost
(allowing for a greater donation as all profit over costs will be split between RAOK and Angel Army in addition to the gps to enter)
This will keep postal costs as inexpensive as possible as overseas shipping can be very expensive.