Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/polls/item_id/1879007-What-do-you-think
Rated: E · User Poll · Romance/Love · #1879007
A 16 year old girl named Anna is trying to run from her enemies, but runs to a old friend.
Poll Question:
Out of breath and I cant keep running anymore. Tired and cold with sweat on my brow. this cant go on. i stop and cling to a tree to catch my breath. i can hear the quick foot steps coming. the crunching dead leaves and snapping of the fallen twigs on the forest floor, and the calling of my name makes me wince. "Anna, oh Anna. Come out come out where ever you are". the sneer in "its" voice makes me tremble and want to vomit. i try to run once again, only to fail and collapse to the ground. i try to slow my breath but its no use. "it" has already found me. "oh dear Anna, did you really think you could out run me" "its" face is so close to mine that i can taste its breath. Disgusting. i want to scream and fight but im to tired to do anything but look and listen. "i'll have to punish you. i wonder how though." the smile on "its" face makes sick. but then, i have the worst thought that a women could have. what is "it" going to do to me. not too far away though, i hear foot steps. they're getting closer and closer. "it" doesnt seem to notice them though. i guess "its" just to focused on imagining the things it will do to me. gross! but just then something dark tackles "it" and sends "it" flying. i hear the growl and turn my head to see a jet black wolf facing "it", and growling. "it" has a look of utter shock on his face. the wolf looks back at me for a moment. but long enough to see the very familiar green eyes. no way. it cant be. i havent seen him since we were both kids. but by the time the wolf turns the other way. "its" already gone. then the weirdest thing happens. the wolf changes into my childhood friend, Micheal. great more weirdness in my life just what i need. micheal walks over to me and picks me up. " how ya been doing Anna" he said. " oh you know, running from bat shit crazy monsters while getting over the death of my family" i say breathlessly. "but no lets not talk about me. lets talk about where you've been for the last seven or so years, oh and lets not forget the fact that your a werewolf shall we". he chuckles and then sighs. "sorry for suddenly disappearing on you back then. i didnt really have a choice though" micheal said. "oh what you had werewolf training or something" i said. "yup" he said. "how did that go" i said. he didnt answer right away. he was expressionless. "harder than you will ever know" micheal said. "wanna bet" i said. i watched my parents and countless people die. I've had run for my life for the past year and a half. oh did i mention that i was homeless for that entire time. i think that we're even. "okay yeah your right, never mind" he said. i havent seen micheal for over seven years. last time i saw him his bike still had training wheels. now, he's tall, dark and do i dare say handsome. i mean his eyes are still the same bright shade of green. me on the other hand, im stuck with my boring red hair and plain blue eyes. he's tan im pale, he's good looking im not. "you should stop thinking about stuff like that you know" micheal said. "what you read minds too. and why should it matter anyway, its true" i said. he sighed and said "no i cant read minds i just know you, and its not true. your hair is the a nice color and your eyes are" he stoped and looked at me "beautiful" its a good thing he looked away and started walking again because i couldnt keep from blushing bright red. i had to hid my face in his chest and i might have heard him chuckled. "where are we going anyway, we're in the middle of freakin' nowhere" i said. "to my place. its small but its affordable". "wait, what you live out here, and why your place" i said. "yup, its a lot better than the city. and we are going there because you have no where else to go, do you"he said. " how the hell do you know" i said. "because i've been looking for you for the past year, and its been hell" he said. i just looked at him. oh so now he wants to see me. he could of at least sent a letter, call, sneak out of wolf camp. but no he had to wait seven or so years. "yeah yeah i know what your thinking but its not like i didnt try to run away, i did, believe me. but now im out and i get to see you again finally. little did i know that all i had to do was to look out my backyard and there you are. but who was that on top of you" he asked. ugh its all rushing back to me now. "that was "it". "it" is not human and also killed my parents and countless of other people in front of me" i said. having to relive that entire nightmare again. "sorry, i know i should've been there to help you but when they told me about what happened the also said that i had to stay under their protection longer than i should've been" micheal said. he had a sad look on his face, like he was about to cry. "it's fine", i make him look at me "i dont blame you for anything that happened". he smiled. then i frown "except for the time you pushed down the slide at the playground and made me sprain me wrist". he laughs for a while and then sighs with a smile. "i said i was sorry for that didnt i" he asked. "nope, you just said that i fell because i was spinning around on top of it" we both started to laugh then. it got quiet then. it was kind of a awkward silence. he stopped again and said " there it is, like i said small but affordable". i turned my head and looked in the direction he was nodding to. he's right it was small, but it was also cute. a little cottage with a willow tree next to it. the tree's roots were going up the side of the cottage but it gives it character. "wow, it is small, but i like it" i smile. micheal sets me down "yeah but no wifi or cell reception" i look at him "perfect" i say. i walk over to the willow and study the tiniest flower. thats when i feel him just barely touching my back. i turn to face him. he's so much taller now. we used to be the same height. its like everything changed in an instant and you can never go back to the way things were before. his is on the side of my face now. i take his other hand in mine and smile. " is it still to late to say sorry for spraining your wrist" he said. i shake my head. his green eyes stare into mine almost as if they're telling me something. they closer and closer with each second until micheal's lips are on mine. im still holding his hand and he's holding mine back. we break away and look at each other and smile. for the first time in a long time, im happy
Poll Options:
      I LOVE IT!!!
      Its good.
      Could use some work.
      I don't like it.
      It's okay.
      I don't like it, but i don't hate it.
      Keep writing this is good.
      Its really good.
      Not at all.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/polls/item_id/1879007-What-do-you-think