Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1017153-Dreams---Her-Story-Chapter-4
by Kris
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1017153
She finds him in a dream. Is he real or is he truly a dream?
Chapter Four

         Sensing rather than hearing or seeing, she knew she was no longer alone. He had come to her again. She felt him draw near with each step. She didn’t feel interrupted or intruded upon, she felt security and elation.

         She could feel him beside her before she could see him out of the corner of her eye. “Peaceful, isn’t it?” She whispered enough for him to hear her.

         “Yes.” Was all he said as he put his hands in his pockets. “This is the perfect setting for a nice relaxing evening.”

         She shivered slightly as his voice caressed her with its softness. She could feel his strength and his warmth without a single touch. She could feel his confidence and his power radiating from him drawing her close to him. Making her want to find out what it feels like to be in his arms.

         She turned to face him to find him wearing blue jeans that outlined his muscular thighs and calves. His navy blue shirt hung loosely to his waist and unbuttoned halfway to expose the ebony hair sprinkled over his darkly tanned chest. He had the cuffs rolled up to his elbows exposing his forearms to her view. She could tell he spent a lot of time outside in the sun.

         She imagined those powerful arms holding her close keeping the world at bay creating a safe and secure haven for her. No more pain, no more loneliness, no more hurts, no suffering, no more reality to break in and take away the laughter and the happiness she knew she would feel in his arms.

         She raised her eyes to his face to see another mask covering the top half of his face. She raised a hand to her face and felt she was wearing one as well. “Why?”

         “When the time is right.” He stilled her hand with his own. “But for now we can enjoy the mystery.”

         “Yes, there is no being someone you’re not.” She realized. “For once be ourselves. There are no expectations associated with who we are.”

         “Yes and we could run into each other and not feel the awkwardness or embarrassment of what we know of and about each other.” He agreed and smiled at her.

         He held out his hand for her to take. He could see the slight hesitation as she placed her hand in his. Lifting her hand to his lips he turned her hand to expose her palm and the inside of her wrist. Touching his lips to the sensitive spot of her wrist, he felt her pulse race and heard the catch in her breathing.

         He straightened and maneuvered his hand until their fingers were laced together. “Walk with me, my beautiful lady.”

         She heard the desire in his voice and felt it in his gaze. She felt the strength and the heat from his touch spread throughout her. She put her trust in him and prayed she wasn’t wrong even as she knew deep in her heart she could trust him with her life. She strode along side of him as he led her along the edge of the water.

""Dreams" - Her Story: Chapter 5 [18+]
© Copyright 2005 Kris (kmh33 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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