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Rated: · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1030354
these are the first two chapter from a book ive been writing
Crystal hearts

Years go by ... people change and what we all think is true ... we find changes also...
Classes have always been an issue but the end of world war four brought about a change that would have made the gods themselves cower
For this is the tale ... of the cities after this and after the world as you know it. Is no more

Chapter 1, Society of the Celts

Khaz was running ... he risked a fast glance over his shoulder; the 'Impers' were still on his tail... He had two choices, run to the left and risk going over the mech territory, or go right and risk being caught by his followers and having the case taken off him. Then there would be no way of stopping them finding out were the Celts were hiding.

He shuddered at the thought. They all knew what happened when the 'Impers' got you, every person alive knew it; they took you to the Medical institute. Once there they docs would pump you full of chems assign you to 'rehab' and 'de-programming', you never came back from that.

‘I’m not ill ... I know that their world is wrong not me... the espers are all wrong... and I wont go with them nor shall my friends '.
With this in mind he turned left and ran on hoping against hope they wouldn’t follow long and the gods were willing to let him live if he was found, witch he was certain to be at this rate. He threw a metal case hard in front of him, it landed in a hole in the ground, he continued running without another glance back.

The rain beat downwards, hard and fast against the metal fenced windows of the Celt's headquarters and a girl with waist length white hair speckled naturally here and there with gold, looked out the window at the rain a worried look in her sea blue eyes, she sighed

A blue haired girl entered, she had one blue eye and one yellow one, she paused momentarily as she remembered the day they had found her, a day like this months before, and she hadn't remembered her name so had been named Kat.

'Crystal what is wrong? Has Khaz not yet returned? '

‘No, Kat he hasn’t ...and Rebz has said he will surely catch his death in this’

Kat looked on to crystals reflection in wonder. Rebz was 16 but incredibly smart for her age, she was the one Neil had named first aider/doctor after the 'Impers' took him, she was very good at it and normally was right about illness and cures amongst there group, she was also a very talented artist.

‘I...oh Crystal why ... Khaz.Was, he was, the medicine do you think he got it? '

‘I do not know Kat. But if he hasn’t then. Chi will die and there is nothing we can do for her, the weapons they begin to use are more terrible with each passing of the sun, chemicals injected into the blood of the ones they hit’

‘Is that what made chi so ill? I didn’t know ...she, she was always nice to me’

Crystal turned to look at her and saw the tears running down her face, walking over she drew Kat into a hug and both of them stood there, grieving for there ill companion and the lost friend who was her last hope.

In another part of the old building, that once was a bank, is a room with a green door. Inside is a desk, a cabinet filled with some old and salvaged medical equipment and an old metal army cot on which a teenage girl, with blond hair lays, she is pale and her cheeks are red with fever, she has sweat running down her forehead.

Beside her in the chair facing the water covered window is another girl, her hair is dark brown almost black, cut to her shoulders, her skin is slightly tanned, she wears glasses, her brown eyes are bright behind them but look sad and anxious. After a few minutes looking at the rain she stood and filled a cup with cool water, raising the pale girl’s head she attempted to pour water into her mouth, it trickled out the other side.

‘Please Chi; please drink something ... even a little! '

A creaking noise broke the ill silence as the door swung slowly and carefully open a boy about the age of eight put his head around it and looked around before stepping in. ‘Rebz? My sister be ok? ‘He asked in a small voice

‘Yes, Zen she will be fine. After all she’s strong. Just like you are’

‘Like me? But... I'm not strong... I helped Malachi bring the water for chi, will that makes me strong? '

‘Yes ... yes it does... Chi will be so happy to hear you helped her get better when she wakes up... Now go back to bed ok... And tell Reece to as well.' a squeak is heard from the doorway as a mop of red hair vanishes from sight.

' Ok Rebz ... love ya ' he hugged her his eyes lingering on Chi's limp form then he rushed off, tears threatening to tumble, slipping in his socks along the floor.

Rebz turned and began to clean up her drawings, more for something to do than the actually need, She hated feeling so helpless. A shadow fell from the window onto the desk still piled high with charts and anime drawings.

‘Oran ... please now is not the time’

A boy with green hair and eyes appears from nowhere, his feet making no noise on the bare wooden floor boards and in a soft voice tinted with Irish. He replied

‘Rebz ... I only wished to say hello to the good doctor ' He flashed his white teeth at her then his voice grew serious ' how is she’

‘No change... If I can’t get her to drink, she will be, ' Rebz choked back a sob ' in a few days time’

' I cant help but wonder if I had gone instead, it would be me and not her like that, I should have gone but I wanted to finish reconfiguring that security system.. It’s all my faul....'

‘NO. It isn’t, she was with Erin and Takeya it was there turn to scout. No one could have known that this would happen, it’s thanks to you and the cameras you installed that we got her back here before they could find her body.’

‘The others would have, they didn’t know she had fallen, I thought you could help her,' he looks at Chi ' what did they do to her Rebz? What did the bastards do?!! '

‘I’m not sure, they are now using darts filled with chemicals instead of the old laser guns, and it hit her in the back of the leg and delivered the poison right into her blood... I don’t know exactly what type of poison...I haven’t ever seen it before. But I do know that it’s enough to kill her if she isn’t given the anti-toxin’

‘That’s why Khaz went yesterday wasn’t it. To get the cure from the Imperial post, alone? He’s been gone so long, and with that storm now here... Rebz the weather posts were warning the 'Impers' to stay safe, I caught it on the jammer, and they have armour to help but Khaz...'

‘Is going to be fine... He will have had the sense to hide, and the cargo he is carrying will get here in time ' Crystals voice interrupted from the doorway, she looked tired and at the same time the sight of her face made them feel at peace
‘Oran I need you to summon all the Celts to the main room, it is time we had a meeting, we have much to discuss.'

‘Ok Crystal ' he nodded and was gone, vanishing through the floor leaving the three girls in the room alone.

Rebz cleared her throat ' I’ll meet you up stairs cryst, I need to adjust some things here ‘she smiled at her friend as she turned and became busy again with her charts

Crystal mealy nodded as a burst of lightning outside made the lights flicker and with one glance upwards she too left.

Twenty minutes later all the Celts gang assembled in the main room, which used to be one of the many room money was stored in the youngest in the group all looked sleepy and sat rubbing their eyes, hair tousled, having been woken up by Oran, all of them are sitting around a large table two of the 16 chairs are empty, these of course belong to Khaz and Chi

Crystal stood up, her chair squealing along the ground briefly, at the top end of the table beside her Rebz sat, her eyes closed.

‘My fellow Celts I have gathered you here now for a meeting on the conditions of our friend, and we... '

‘No... Crystal we have to do a register first don't we Reece... Uh-hu don't we that’s what Khaz always says ' Zen's voice rang out interrupting. He shook his head.

Crystal smiled warmly at him ' ok Zen... if that is the case I apologise, why don’t you start us all off? '

‘YAY! Ok ... Ahemm! I Zen He looked proud and nudged the boy beside him

'Oh... Reece, present’

'Erin present’

'Malachi present’

'Niamh. Here as always’


‘Lilly, present’

‘Hale, I’m here’

‘Kioko, me too’

‘Connor, and me'

‘Kat Present’

‘Rebz, present’

‘Tired ' Oran’s head mumbled from where it lay against the table, every one threw him an annoyed look. ‘Oh all right! All right. Oran! Present’

‘And Crystal, present, now is that better Zen? '

‘Yup! Keep speaking now I’m a listening’

' As I was saying, you all know of Chi's condition and, if Khaz is not back with the medicine in a few days time she, will not make it '

Another boy with fairish brown hair stood up to show he wanted to speak, his eyes are bright yellow. He clears his throat after a slight nod from Crystal

‘Crystal... What are the plans of the 'Impers' this time? Why change the weapon so fast, the new rays had only just arrived Kioko and I watched them come in truck loads from the second out post only a mecron ago '

' Yes Hale, I understand that, you reported this a few weeks ago, but the change in weaponry can only mean that we are attracting attention, perhaps the Esper peoples will try harder to escape, we are making a outcry that’s being heard! '

Oran stood up as well. But didn’t wait for the nod ' Look I know that this will sound weird but I think they want us alive, they want us to go to the institute and fill us with their chemical rubbish so we say that we were all very ill in the head and that we were wrong.’

‘NO! ‘A ginger haired girl was suddenly on her feet, she slammed her hand against the table ' No that’s not true, we know what they plan to do, why cant the people see? How has this all changed. '

They all looked to Crystal; she watched them her eyes soft and sad. Rebz stood up with a sigh and the others standing sat down, all heads turned to her.

‘We have all been told this story before, the very reason of us being here was because of it and of Neil telling it to us all.

‘Excuse me. ‘Kat stood ' I only came here a few months ago and I know nothing of this, could you tell it to us? '

Connor looked at her, one of his eyebrow raised. ‘But surely you know of it, why else would you know to come here... To us? '

Reece spoke before Kat could give them an answer. ‘I know that story, Chi told it to Zen and me when we first came here, tell it again Rebz! '

Connor looked at Kat as the murmur of agreement went up, and for a few seconds doubt flashed in his eyes. As Rebz started speaking he turned his head away, but not before Kat has seen, her eyes narrowed.

CHAPTER 2 Tales of old

Rebz's voice echoed slightly in the dimly lit room as she began.

' It was along time ago, world war 4 was a terrible time for the earth, people had died, thousands of bodies still laid on the deserted streets, buildings were ruined, cities were hardly standing, but after 9 years of fighting, we won, our side won. And the world celebrated, all of its peoples came together and cheered for their lives and to mourn, mourn for the people not as fortunate to live, so a new time started on earth. People began re-building the destroyed cities along with their lives, scientists made great breakthroughs; recycling the earth’s resources to save the earth, the artificial ozone layer, the repair of the original ozone, and even the insurance of food and water to everyone on the planet . . . '

Kioko smiled and interrupted ' the world sharing program.’

‘Yes, that’s it. But then came the greatest breakthrough in history since the cure for cancer in 2032 . . .’

‘The galactic teleporter. ' Oran smiled at Rebz, who sighed at another interruption ' Sorry, please continue.’

She shook her head and continued.

‘The silence of the northern galaxy was broken, and we could go back and forth across space in a matter of seconds, and then one day in 3049 things began to change.
The elections for world president ran again and this time a new face appeared, Mr. Demus, a Mr. Nick. Demus, he made campaign promises like never heard before and naturally was elected for them, taking the place of President O’Hara. '

Rebz glanced at Crystal at that point. She sat still, staring at the table and seemed transfixed; the others waited patiently watching every move she makes.

‘She was crystals grandmother. ‘With that Rebz sat down and turned her head to face Crystal. It was her turn to speak

Crystal stared for a long moment more at the table not making eye contact with anyone, with a deep breath inward she continued from were Rebz left off.

‘As Rebz said, the earth was in a good way, and people were happy, but then that, that... Man, was elected, and the position given to him with a good heart from my grandmother, it was then that things began to change, barriers were put around each city, the police and army were fused together and given a new name; 'The Imperial Police', they were also given new powers, powers to shoot on site anyone who they thought a threat. It was horrific, more so than I can describe. Then the unthinkable happened. After years of trying to get the world to unite and achieving it, after all the pain and time it took, a new law was past by president Demus making all that seem a waste of time. This law made the imperial police separate all of the peoples in the world into three groups. Like in Victorian times, a first class citizen, second class and third class, each person was divided by computer and it broke families apart.’

She looked around at the pale faces of her friends.

‘Think of it, in a family of three the father could be classed as a firster, the mother a seconder and the child as a thirder, they would never see each other again . . .’

‘But that can’t be true, how could any human do such a thing to families? ‘Kat shook her head in frustration.

Oran spoke up. He was looking at his feet his eyes shadowed by his hair ' Believe me Kat it is true, my mother my father and I were all split up by the 'Impers', they tried to see each other after the walls were put up, and to get all of us back together, the cost was high ...it. It cost them there lives, it has been that way along time I was only 3 when they died, but I can still hear my ...mother’s voice pleading, begging them to. To stop. ‘He was suddenly on his feet, the memory of the pain too great to bear; bowing his head to Crystal he melted into the floor, no longer wanting to be part of the meeting.

Kat's eyes lingered at the place he had been in silence. ‘I... I’m sorry I, I didn’t know. '

She raised her eyes to look at the others, their faces all sympathetic towards her, all except Rebz, she instead sat staring at the point Oran vanished, an unreadable look on her face. Crystal continued as though nothing had happened.

' The next step was the implants, every adult, child and newborn babies had a computer chip implanted in the palm of their hands, it contained there information like: name, age, blood type, class and serial number. If they were caught in a place they were not supposed to be in, they were taken to an outpost by the 'Impers' and, disciplined. The new powers the armies were given went beyond that though and soon they began developing weapons, having the first class scientists and doctors develop new chemicals and equipment. Things were terrible, the thirders had to work building the new equipment and the seconders and firsters were made to develop it, do you know of the story in the old bible, the Old Testament, about Moses and the plight of the Jews in Egypt? It was like that, like slave labour, food was served unfairly, water hardly available without permission, it was worse than the war and the weird thing was, the people didn’t seem to know anything had changed, they were ... well not happy but they didn’t seem to know any better, as though they had lived there whole lives like this it was extremely weird. And then one day, my brother and I, we had snuck into Morningside orphanage's main office. ‘Seeing Kats expression she added. ‘That was were we....’ she signalled around her at them all.
‘We were all staying, you see we are orphans, orphaned because off the separation, or because of the death of our parents because of it, anyway my brother Neil and I had snuck into the main office to steal something...I'm not sure now what it was, after a few minutes a shadow appeared at the door and we heard the voice of two people, the orphanage director and Mr. Demus. So naturally we hid. We were stuck in the office closet for an hour, but that hour proved to be the best thing for us all. We found out that the 'Impers' were planning to develop more weapons, weapons that could destroy whole galaxy's and they wanted us all out to build there new base were the orphanage was. But it had to be done in secret, and we would be given new homes throughout the third class district and new jobs there. New jobs meant building in there compounds, being a slave. The thing that happened then gave us all shivers. The Imperial doctors would come the next day and give us all the 'treatment' required for us to be transported and housed in that district, they were going to give us the same injections every person got when they had the implants, you have it renewed every ten years or so, i’m not sure why it didn’t have the same effect on us as it did on everyone else. It might have been due to moving from orphanage to orphanage that we were somehow in-between the system so they missed us. That was why, talking amongst ourselves we had started to realise things were very wrong. It was my brother who figured it out, He thought they had been given the people a mind control serum in the injections which made them subdued and ready for work, ready to follow that ... man into what ever he said, we were his next targets, because someone, or somehow they knew we knew. And we had to get out, get out warn the peoples of earth. '

Rebz's eyes were now fixed on the table instead of Crystals; she was lost in thought, lost in some memory. She clears her throat. ‘They had been gone along time, Crystal and Neil so I sent Oran to go find them; he appeared through the floor with both of them hanging on to him, a useful talent of his. And the first thing any of us said was “So did you get it? “, but we could tell something was wrong. We sat and listened to their story and almost all of us believed it, all except Justin, he claimed it was nonsense and refused to run away with us. It sounds so stupid now, to run away, but we didn’t know what else to do and by that time it was early morning, we had to act fast so the rest of us sneaked out using Oran as the escape route, he brought two at a time through to the other side of the fences, and continued to go back until only Neil and Justin remained, it was then disaster struck '.

She took a deep breath and tears silently ran down her cheeks but she kept looking at the table, not raising her eyes to anyone,
‘I remember it so well, the sun only just beginning break through the clouds, it was a cold day... I remember thinking about the younger ones... They should have coats with them but we didn’t even pack anything, they one thing anyone brought was Neil, he gave me a large metallic green case to look after, it was his fathers, a doctors bag, the things you see even to this day in my room are from that bag, a few have been. Taken from the base over the years to give me more to work with but almost every thing is from that kit.... But as we waited, shivering in the cold, a large white van began drawing up the slope to the front door; the letters on the side filled me with dread, I.M.R.L, the imperial medical research lab. They had come early, I don't know why, perhaps they knew we would try and leave, as they parked the van, I could see the suns reflection light on it, giving it a deep blood red colour.
A face appeared at the top window of the house. Three men got out, dressed in white trousers, a long sleeved white shirt and white boots, they even had white gas masks on, and the blue lenses on the masks hid their faces. As they began to walk into the house with kits, one in each hand, I saw Oran appear out of the ground with Neil holding on to him, Justin was no were in sight. Oran merely looked at us all; “he wouldn’t come... I had to drag Neil out but he just wouldn’t come." even as he finished that sentence, we realized that they had discovered we were missing and within a few moments, one of the white masked men was out scouting around the house looking for us. We stayed hidden. Not one of us daring to breathe let alone make a sound. The man took a porti-phone out of a pocket and spoke into it. Minutes later Justin was brought out strapped down to an upright stretcher a mask with a long Grey tube on his face, he was struggling as the men by his side brought him to the rear of the van, whilst they were attending him their comrade got on the inside radia, the last thing I heard before we ran was a cold, high-pitched voice on the other end, ‘IT HAD TO BE NUMBER 78'S DOING! FIND THEM ... DO YOU UNDERSTAND... THESE CHILDREN MUST BE FOUND!

Kat looked up to Rebz's face only to see shadow and sadness. ‘78? What happened to Justin? '

‘78 means Oran, He's a failed genetics experiment. That’s why he can go through solid objects. Justin... We never saw him again, Khaz once looked for his I.D when Oran hacked the research labs main data base, but he was displayed as hospitalized in a section of the I.R.M.L called C20sx, he’s had chemical tests and things done to him too horrible to comprehend ... Oran pulled his file, and they even have had him mind probed. '

'Mind probed? ‘Kat had a confused look on her face.

Rebz looked up at her ' they put needles and wires and things into his brain and spinal cord and god knows what else they did to him ... I don’t even think he is still alive.’

Kioko interrupted them all by breaking into tears her hands over her eyes, they others looked on, in a depressed silence broken only by thunder outside, then a great bang drowned that out from the main hall, Crystal stood up and hurriedly made her way to the chamber door, It opened before she got to it, everyone else’s head turned very fast as well, there at the rooms entrance stands Oran, supporting a bleeding injured Khaz, who smiled despite his injuries.

‘So, what I miss? ‘In his hand a metal case drips water onto the floor as if it too was shedding tears.

© Copyright 2005 Cale Auchterlonie (oran at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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