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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1031145
About a boy that the author longs for and thinks she can't have... then......
I had one class with him and I stared at him from across the room, stole glances, and tried to catch his eye yet turning before I did. Scared, and lustful. I wanted him, longed to have a relationship with him, but I also longed to feel his hot body against mine. I blushed and looked down hoping no one saw the flush of my cheeks. My friend laughed because she knew I had a crush on him but she had no idea what kind of thoughts were running through my head. She'd have been appalled if she knew what I dreamt of having him do to me and me do to him. I giggled and tried to pay attention to the teacher before my eyes drifted to him again. That time our eyes locked for a split second and I was on fire, I looked away and shivered... wondered if he could see what effect he had on me. I wondered what he was thinking...then dropped my eyes and pasted them to my book until the end of class. I escaped the room quickly, disappearing into the crowd. Then I could finally breathe easily. I wondered what he thought about me... or if he thought about me at all.

I thought about him that night and dreamt that we were together, thought of his laugh and his smile.

The next day in class I couldn’t help but watch him in all his glory. I traced his strong arms with my eyes and screamed with every fiber of my being to be wrapped inside them. I almost moaned when I saw his delicate yet firm fingers and imagined them on my body, then disguised it as a loud cough and half the class looked over at me. I grinned and continued singing to myself. He was the unobtainable and the untouchable, the one thing I wanted but couldn’t have.

Before class started I dropped my book off in the room and left to get a drink of water. Nothing could quench this thirst I had but, (I thirsted for him...) I walked out into the hallway in search of a water fountain anyway. Then... he turned the corner and was walking toward me. We both looked up and I smiled shyly into his eyes as he smiled at me and then I looked down. When I looked up he was smiling at the ground. Then just like that he disappeared into the room... I was flushed as I got my drink of water. How was it that he made me feel that way. I imagined that smile on my lips.

I was sitting outside after our class was required to come in at 8:00 for a meeting. I sat on the steps outside after the meeting waiting for my ride... I had 45 minutes before my friend got off work to take me home. I was just enjoying the cool fall breeze. Feeling winter's chill hiding in the air I shivered a bit though it was refreshing. I heard a door open behind me but I thought nothing of it. People were heading home. Suddenly I felt a warm jacket over my shoulders and he sat beside me. I thought I must have been dreaming... He didn't say anything and I just stared at him. Not believing any of it was really happening. He looked at me after a while and smiled then brushed a bit of hair out of my eyes and I thought of fainting. He blushed a bit and looked down biting his lip. He was so sexy when he did that; I almost couldn't control myself. He looked back at me and there was something in his eyes I didn't see before... want. I'm sure he could see it in my eyes too... the need I felt to be near him was almost unbearable.

Out of no where he said "come with me" I thought his voice even took him a little by surprise. I couldn't say no. He stood up and took my hand, and he helped me up. Being in high heels I stumbled a little while standing and fell against his hard body.

"This can't be happening" I thought as he led me to his car. He opened the door for me then hurried to the other side and got in. I smiled like an idiot taking the opportunity, while he couldn't see me. Then I bit my tongue to keep from screaming with joy. Composing myself quickly, I stepped into the car. As soon as I sat down his eyes were piercing into mine. He moved his face right to mine and I could feel his breath on my lips. I must have been in heaven. His hand gently brushed my cheek and stopped on my hair with his thumb right behind my ear. His lips feathered mine. I couldn't contain myself anymore and I pushed into him a little and kissed him. I think he was surprised but he wasn't unhappy. His other hand came up and cupped my cheek as he deepened the kiss. As he did I moved my hand to his knee. I don't think it lasted long before I heard a honk behind me and was ripped from my fantasy. I had imagined it all... then... I felt warm air on my lip, I opened my eyes and he was still there... I was still in the front seat of his car. I looked out the back window and saw my friend's car.

"I have to go.." I stated, not trusting my voice above a whisper. He nodded and I turned to exit the car. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of the car. I quickly jumped in the car with my friend.

"What are you so happy about?" she asked with a smirk.

"Just drive" I said half dazed and mostly confused. "Wait" I said and she quickly hit the breaks. "I still have his jacket". When I looked out to where his car should have been he had already left.

I laid the jacket on a chair next to the bed and fell asleep thinking of him and wondering what had happened between us. Hoping that wasn't the last time he would kiss me.

The next day he smiled at me and I smiled back a little embarrassed and not knowing how to act around him. But, it was by far the best day I'd had that year if not any year.

He came up behind me and put his hand on my waist and whispered "Hey," in my ear. "What are you doing after school?" He gave me chills with his low sexy voice. I didn't have anything planned. "How about playin' a little pool with me then?" Even if I did have plans I would have gone anywhere with him. I walked out of my last period class and then outside... He was leaning on his car. I walked over to him and then, putting his arms around my waist, he pulled me close to him. I was melting. "Ready to go?" he asked. I smiled and he opened the car door for me.

We played a couple games of billiards and sang along with songs on the radio. We sat for a while holding hands and watching another couple playing at a table near us. I squeezed his hand and he squeezed back and looked into my eyes. I felt a connection with him that I had never felt before... at that moment I would have walked through fire for him.

We walked to the car and he followed me to the passenger side. I was going to ask him where we were headed next but, he stopped me right as I opened my mouth and he kissed me. I was surprised then entranced. I ran my fingers slowly through his semi-short light brown hair and then my hand rested on his neck. His hands moved to my waist. We split and looked at each other.

"I've wanted this for so long" he said. I was so shocked.

"So have I" I whispered, grabbing his the collar of his jacket and pulling him in for a deeper kiss. He lightly pushed me up against the car with his body. I could feel his body heat through our clothes and his hips pushed against mine. Taking a sharp breath, I stifled a moan on his lips. I had an overwhelming urge to wrap my legs around him, but there were people around.

"Sorry" he said and bit his lip, ready to stop if I asked him to.

"Don't be" I giggled, and ran my hands up his arms and linked them behind his neck. I kissed his cheek and whispered, "Let's get out of here" and he was happy to oblige. He walked to the other side of the car and I got in. I studied his profile as we drove to his place.

"My parent are out of town for the weekend" he said absently and when I didn't reply he glanced over at me. I was, I'm sure, smiling like a fool just watching him drive, amazed that I was the one he chose to take home that night. "What?" he asked and looked at me with an expression on his face that said nicely... 'I think you're crazy'

"Nothing" I said and looked out the windshield, a half smile played on my lips. He looked over at me another couple of times before we reached his driveway. I just smiled and looked out my window as the lights passed us.

We stopped in his driveway and he turned off the engine. My breath caught in my throat as I watched his wonderful hands. He looked at me worried.

"Are you ok?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine." I smiled. More happy than I had been in as long as I could remember.

"Well this is it." he said as he unlocked the door and opened it letting me in.

"It's nice" I said after lazily examining his living room. He turned on the light and the TV. I don't know where I got the courage but I asked innocently, "Where's your room?"

He first looked at me a little shocked then smiled and turned the TV off.

"I'll show you" he said with a smirk. So, there I was, in his room, looking at the posters on his wall as he picked a few things off the floor and threw them somewhere he then came up behind me and gently moved my hair off my shoulder and exposed my neck. I tilted my head a little and I could hear him lightly breathing behind me Then, I could feel his breath on my skin. Next, his soft lips touched the flesh under my ear and down further and further until he gently pulled the sleeve of my shirt off my shoulder and kissed my collarbone. I turned around quickly and looked at him, he was confused. I lowered my eyes a little and looked at the bed in the corner of the room.

"So I'm guessing that's your bed, right?" I asked with a hint of 'temptress' in my voice.

"Yeah." he smiled back at me tempting me to touch him. I walked towards him and he stepped back. I stepped again and he stepped back. I was going to push him onto the bed but he flipped me around to where I had my back to the bed. I put my hand on his chest and walked to where I was behind him and when he turned to face me I pushed him onto the bed anyway. I took my shirt off and he just stared at me for a second, shocked that one of people who had never had the guts to even talk to him was now standing in front of him with no shirt on. Neither of us said anything we just looked at each other. Then I got on my knees in my blue jeans and I put my hands under his shirt.

"Are you sure that this is what you want" he asked breathless with want.

"Yes" I whispered into his ear and nibbled his earlobe lightly. I then resumed taking his shirt off... I lifted it over his head and dropped it on the floor beside me. I ran my hands over his hard chest and pushed him back onto the bed, then climbed on top of him straddled his waist. My hair fell into my face and he pushed it back, holding it behind my head with his hand.

"you're so beautiful" I just blushed, having never really thought about myself as beautiful, even though almost everyone I knew had said it at one point or another. I always sort of thought they were exaggerating.

"So are you" I giggled right before I kissed him. He reached behind me with his free hand and undid my bra with just a hint of difficulty. He dropped it on the floor by his shirt. When I tilted my head back a little he took one of my breasts into his mouth and fondled the other. I ran my fingers through his hair and moaned from the sensation of his tongue tickling my flesh. He laughed, pleased with himself as I brought him up to kiss me. I could have lived my whole life in that one moment. I was so happy and so complete. It could only get better from there. He flipped me off of him and put his body on top of me, putting pressure in all the right places but not putting all his weight on me. I looked up into his eyes. I thought of saying "I love you" but I thought I was just a little emotional and I didn't want to get ahead of myself :)

"I've never felt this way before." I heard him whisper to himself. I knew exactly what he meant, if I felt any other way then I wouldn't have let him take me to his house. He kissed my neck and I ran my hands up his back. Our body's slowly rubbed against each other and I could feel the warmth in between my legs. Then he rolled off of me and I unbuttoned my pants, while he kissed my shoulder and rubbed his hand up and down my leg. He helped me squirm out of them and let them fall off the end of the bed. I started unbuttoning his jeans and he kissed my forehead.

"Are you sure? We can still stop if you want." he said as he lifted my face with his finger under my chin and looked me in the eye.

"I can't think of anything, or anyone, I want more" I pulled off his jeans and pushed them off the side of the bed and he flipped me over and again pushed his hips onto mine. This time I could wrap my leg around him. It felt good when I pulled him closer. He broke away suddenly, leading me to believe I had done something wrong, but he smiled devilishly and slid one of his fingers under the side of my panties, then he ran his finger under the elastic and around my waist to the other side. I shuttered and he laughed a little as he slid them off of me. Then he slid one finger slowly inside of me.

I took a sharp breath and he got the words "are you..." out of his mouth before I pulled him into a hard kiss. He pushed his finger in and out of me a few times then added a second finger, and then a third. By this time I was pushing up to meet his hand and he knew I was ready.

I whispered "I need you" in his ear and he quickly complied. He pulled down his boxers to show he was as completely aroused as me. I spread my legs and gazed at him as he stood on his knees in front of me. He put one hand by my head to hold himself up with and the other he used to position himself at my entrance.

"I'll go slow and I want you to tell me if you want me to stop for any reason ok? I really don't want to hurt you." he said while looking me dead in the eye. He had such intensity and such passion.

"I think I'll be fine." I smiled, yet again basking in the fact that he was so considerate. I bit my lip and he slowly inserted himself into me. He put his hand on my hip and pushed in slowly until I had taken all of him. His breath hitched a little and it made me smile.

"You're really tight..." he breathed, more to himself than me I think. He gave me a second to get used to the feeling of having him inside me then slowly and gently began to pump in and out. At this point I was sure I was in heaven... nothing on earth could feel that good(I found out a little later that there was just one thing better). Now that I was completely used to it I started to lose myself and began breathing heavily. The friction was almost unbearable and I think he was having a hard time coping also.

"Harder" I whispered almost inaudible. Though he must have heard me. I was so amazed. I mean there he was with me, not some other girl I'd have to hear about later, me. I was in his arms. I was finally getting what I had dreamed about for so long and it was better than I had hoped. He was deep inside me, and I could have cried I was so happy. Plus, it seemed he'd do just about anything to make me happy. I wrapped my legs around his waist as best I could and he plunged into me. I cried out in ecstasy. He was yet again worried he had hurt me. He was large but I liked the stretching feeling.

"I'm fine, go deeper." I said softly and I felt him shutter slightly. I smiled at him and he dropped his head to my neck. "You won't hurt me." I kissed his cheek as he positioned himself again. He pushed deep and hard into me a few times then we flipped over so I was on top. I lifted myself up and pulled down on him as hard as I could. He gripped my hips tightly, leaving red marks that burned with my love. Then kissed my chest. The sound of his breathing almost sent me over the edge. I looked deep into his eyes, staring at his desire and matching it in my eyes... smoldering. I knew I would love him more intensely than I had ever loved before. Suddenly he was on top again and I had completely given in to my pleasure. Everything blended together and I could feel our souls intertwined if only for a moment. He ground into me harder and harder. I was climbing, clutching, groping and matching each thrust. Meeting him half way. I needed him and he needed me. I touched his face and he looked at me like I was the only girl in the world. I was getting closer to the edge.

"I've wanted you so bad for so long and I was worried you didn't feel the same way." he said and it caught me by surprise.

"I've wanted you too, more than you'll ever know" I said between staggered breaths.

I could feel it. I called his name and he moaned mine. He pumped into me harder and deeper with every thrust. I moaned deeply as I felt it creeping up on me. He lowered his chest to mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held my shoulders tightly. We clung to each other like our lives depended on it. He pushed into me even harder than I thought was possible, and it felt so good. I bit my lip to keep to keep from screaming. I didn't want him to ever stop. I licked the bottom of his ear. He was kissing my neck then my lips. Higher and higher we climbed together. I thought I couldn't bare it anymore. Then like waves smashing upon the shore I reached sweet release. My body shook violently and I had never felt anything so beautiful and pure in my life, supernatural. He didn't stop immediately and I ran my fingers up his chest and through his hair and felt him release and shake. I can't express the joy I felt with the hope that he felt as good as I did. I could die happy knowing I made him feel a tenth of the pure rapture I felt. He collapsed on me and his weight felt like the best thing in the world, feeling his chest and his labored breathing melting with mine. He rolled over and pulled me close to him. I nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck and I ran my fingers over his chest and kissed whatever flesh my lips could reach. I fell asleep to him singing softly to me then the sound of his low, slow, steady breathing, letting me know he was asleep and content. I couldn’t believe that I was the one he wanted and looked forward to morning for once in quite a while.
© Copyright 2005 just_me (only_you at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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