Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1044411-dragon-lands
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1044411
the beginning of a fantasy story
Far away in lands long since forgotten in the mist of time. Where human, elf, and dwarf live together in peace. The land has lush valleys and pine covered mountains stretching to the clouds. To the north lies the outlands. A land full of steep deep canyons and large Platteau’s. Here the dragons live normally peacefully, but an evil sorcer has killed thier king. Forcing them into slavery. Shortly after they kidnap the princess. The king calls his advisors. To him.
“Tell me how do we stop this new evil and regain my daughter,” roars the king.
“Sire,” Begins the chief wizard.
“I saw in a vision 6 friends not from this world. One who’s name is Robert. He has the blood of the dragon king. Then there is John, Sabrina, and Sara. The magic of the summoning would make them brother and sister. John would also be a mighty warrior mage equal to me in power. The women both warriors in their own right. There is David nothing mark able about him really, and Tara who would be a halfling and strong in mafic as well. They would all be from the lands to the east. From the people living in the wilderness. They may have bond animals. My vision did not say. Oh if we summon them they can never return.”
“Very well. Those people are friendly enough, and we are use to magic animals.” The kind pauses in thought “Yes go now make the necessary preparations. Inform me as soon as they are ready to see me.”

Every one departs in a hurry to the cadence of the wizards commands. Every court wizard stands assembled to assist in the summoning. The room is plain and dark with only the fire in the harth for light. Skins and pillows on the ground for a bed, as they will arive sleeping. The chief wizard rases his hands above his head. Beginning the summoning spell all but forgotten with years of in use. Blue Light saturates the room. Then flashes green as thunder cracks, and the light fades to nothing. The six friends are there a long with an eagle, a white tiger, and an arctic snow fox. The wizard leaves two apprentices to stand watch.
John and Robert wake about the same time. Quickly aware of there unusual surroundings. Aware of who they are and who they where.
“Where are we,” booms John in the direction of the guards.
“You are at castle Elistar,” the two guards tremble “please stay calm we mean you know harm”
One of the apprentices runs quickly to get the chief wizard and king. By the time they arrive they are all awake. The animals lying lazily near the fire. Except for the eagle who is perched on Sara’s shoulder. Everyone is alert and there hands are resting nervously on weapon palmels. The king and chief wizard run into the room with no fan fare.
“Good Friends,” beginns the king. “I am the king of this land and I welcome you as guest. I regret pulling you from your old lives, but we had little choice. The dragons and the clans that live with them have been raiding our norther border. They also kidnaped my daughter. We ask you to please help us.”
Robert stands and Paces. “Dragons that should be simple enough. Why the sudden change in behavior?”

“We do not know,” the wizard states. “There is rumor of there king dying.”
“That would not create the type of problems you describe. I don’t know about your daughter, but I can solve your dragon problem.”
“For that we would be grateful,” states the king.
“Your grace,” exclaims John! “I believe we are all willing to try to rescue your daughter. I wish we had more details of the cause of these problems.”
“Thank you,” exclaims the king. Bowing deeply out of gratitude.

“Sabrina, Sara please go check on our horses and provisions. Your grace, If I may have a few warriors to act as guides to the boarder?”
John, Robert, and the two guides sit talking over maps. Searching for the quickest route to the boarder.” Each apparently irritated at the projected time of various routes. Orion, Johns tiger, enters his mind.
“Why not just open a portal you and your sisters could do that on your own.”
John laughs inwardly, “That would leave us exhausted, and advertise our presence.”
Orion yawns, “as smart as I am you would think I would know this stuff by now. We should go hunt.”
“Yes go.”
Nodding in agreement to the newest route, John refocuses himself on the conversation at hand. Sabrina comes up and hugs him from the side.
“Everything is ready to go.”
John thinks at her, “I knew that. What is bugging you.”

Returning her own thoughts, “I don’t like this trip, I sense dangers that could destroy all of us.”
“I know I sense them too, not much I can do. No one else can face what is ahead.”
“When You need me I will be ready.”
John just smiles before Orion interrupts his thoughts. “A storm is coming we need to leave soon to make the first pass. Before we are stuck here.”
“Very well everything is ready. Lets ride!”
All eight scoop up their pack and bound toward the stables. There saddled are six white Stallions 17 hands high a peace. Built powerfully with a smooth ride at all gates. Beside them stood 2 bay mares about 16 hands high. Built for speed rather than power on the battle field. Keeping archers well out of the reach of knights. The group mounts there horses. With a single bound they are off full tilt down the steep mountain trail. With wraith like silence. Each of the three bond animals racing ahead on supernatural speed. John, Sabrina, and Sara each seeing what there bond animals eyes as well as there own. They beat the storm to the pass, but were caught on the other side in impassable conditions.
“We better take shelter,” Sara scream above
the roar of the storm!
“Look a rock capable of holding magic to shelter us from the storm,” Sabrina shouts.

The two dismount their horses and go to the rock. Where they begin to put energy into the rock to create a magic bubble to protect the group from the elements. The bubble is large enough to protect them and the animals comfortably. The storm rages out side there protective sphere. The mood is tense as they sit impatiently around the fire. There is a sense of uneasiness about the camp. Sara fidgets with the straps on her saddle distractively. She couldn’t shake the feeling of someone watching. She finished rearranging her pack for the fourth time. Then went and slept at the base of her eagles perch. Robert walks over to John, as John stares out into the storm.
“Friend what do you sense,” ask Robert?
“Darkness. This darkness just glides through the night. What can you sense of the dragons?”
Robert frowns, “Little, There are only a few that escaped the control of who ever is behind this. They are natives to these lands and volunteered to help.”
“A little hope then. Lets get some rest we ride at first light.”
The group wakes before sunrise. The restless sleep showing on their faces. It had stopped snowing leaving about two feet of snow. Which was hard packed, luckily. As the group mounted up the bond animals rise up and are off in a single bound. The group takes off right after them. Stretching all there senses out and linking together. Searching for any flicker of something out of place in the fabric of nature and magic. Nothing as the path began to plunge down into a densely wooded valley out of the barren rocks of the high pass. A dragon rises from a distant peak and wheels a circle overhead. Everyone looks at Robert to determine whether the dragon is friend or foe. Robert is calm and silent. Only nodding to confirm their safety. His eyes are distant as if looking at some far off place. The dragon straightens out and heads toward the valley.”
“John,” Sabrina thinks, “Something is out there.”
“I just caught it.” Then out loud, “Dam, mountain goblins! Orion return now!”

Swords hiss from their scabbards. The bond animals come to their flanks as the dragon circled overhead. The group speeds up hoping to out run them. No luck. Two dozen goblins jump up right in front of them. Wielding clubs and axes. Some throwing stones. Orion lunges biting one in the neck and snapping another’s neck with his paw. Fire rakes through the mass of goblins from Robert and the dragons fiery breathe. John launches into the mass a second sword coming free from his saddle scabbard. Sabrina slings arrows into the mass Sara fends off two that made it to her. In a matter of moments the goblins lie dead. Everyone is soaked in blood and the sulfur smell of fire burns their nostrils. Hoping to make the valley by nightfall.
The group remounts and rides hard for the valley. The trees shoot up again as they begin their decent. Forming a wall of trees. The trail snakes its way down the steep mountain side only two more passes before they see the harsh dry Northlands. Four days if conditions remain favorable. As the trail comes out on to a small over look they see the vast valley stretch before them. Steep mountains on either side with peaks hidden in the clouds. At the far end of the valley is the beginning of the trail to the next pass.
© Copyright 2005 Gods bard (bardstale at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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