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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1057157
Nearly 500p in whole series online but the site is gone so this is the revised version
CHAPTER 1: The Land Of Tangea

The land of Tangea is one of fantasy an adventure. A land of elves, dwarfs, goblins, trolls, humans and many other creatures. A land created in mystery. Few know the origins of Tangea. Its beginnings are but another myth shadowed in mystery.
Many things in Tangea are mysterious. One of most well known ones is the legend of the King of Tangea, Valor. King Valor has been ruler of Tangea for nearly twenty centuries. Many question how this could be so if he is but nothing more then a human.
Legend states that greed and power corrupted the king as he neared death. This greed and hunger for power drove the king to make a deal with an evil wizard by the name of Kalzo. Kalzo some how fused Valor with a demon spirit thus granting him youth, strength and eternal life. As a deal to Kalzo king Valor granted him freedom and the possession as his right hand man.
To hold on to this power Valor enlisted the help of four men who were also granted the same eternal youth. These men became known as the four horsemen to the people of the land. These men used fear to control the people of the land. With the demon spirits they were fused with they were destined to forever live along side Valor and destroy any that opposed them, for they were all great and powerful warriors.
The first of the horsemen was a man named Jefro. He was a giant of a man with the strength to match his size. With his giant ax nearly as big as him he chopped down any that got in his way. He’s near seven foot frame was built with the muscles and power he had worked to build up over the years. Though slow, rest assure any that had the unfortunate miss hap to not move out of way of his ax never lived to tell others.
The second of the horsemen was Fridon. Fridon on like Jefro was a small man about five five, but don’t let this deceive you. What Fridon lacked in size he made up with speed. With his twin blades he moved in a way that can only be described as near godly. His quickness was unmatched through out the land and few men dared to challenge him. This quick assassin would be quick to remove your tongue if you ever questioned him.
The third of the horsemen was Donma. Donma was as sharp as they came. His quickness with a bow and his incredible accuracy made him a deadly foe that could kill you from a mile away. Up close he was equally as dangerous as to the fact that not only were his arrows used for shooting, but due to their uniqueness they were built not only as arrows, but daggers as well. The elves themselves fear his skill with a bow, as it even surpassed their own skills.
The last, and the leader of the four horsemen was a man by the name of Dreak. Dreak in his early years was a soldier who defended the land. After war had ended his fellow comrades left Dreak for dead in the battlefield. Having been impaled by a spear from a goblin they believed he would die before they could get help for him. Dreak did not die, though. He pulled the spear out of his chest and crawled into the forest in fear that other goblins would return for their kin. Upon entering the forest it is there he was met by Kalzo and Valor. The two men watched Dreak pull himself into the woods an admired his heart to survive. It was then that they chose him to lead the four horsemen and to be one of Valor’s head generals. Dreak was healed and soon bettered his sword skills. Before he would join Valor, though, he wished to do one more thing. He hunted down every one of his comrades that had left him to die and killed each and every last one of them. Evil soon consumed his heart and would be what controlled him for the centuries that followed.
Valor, Kalzo, and the four horsemen took complete control over the land of Tangea. Many resisted, but they were soon put to death. Demons appeared in the land and did as they wanted. Not all of the demons were evil, but many were and only wished to kill and destroy. Valor did not care, though. As king he used the demons to create an army he thought suitable for such a kind as he. These creatures he used are known as Wravins. Wravins are a class of demon very unique. They possessed human bodies, but stand at eight feet tall of pure muscle and they use their power only to satisfy their blood lust. Nearly a billion Wravins make up Valors imperial army, which was lead by the four horsemen.
Along with the Wravins some humans joined Valor’s army. These men, though, had a different job. While Wravins were more powerful then humans they lacked the knowledge that humans have. Valor used this and created a naval fleet to defend against any attacks from the sea. These men soon became known as Seakas. They controlled the sea and did as they wished. Valor found a sailor by the name of Rino and placed him in charge of the Seakas. Rino, on like the men he has power over, was an elf. He could never age and using his trident staff to rule the sea with an iron fist.
Kalzo took it upon himself to create a sky fleet. Using his magic he created these gargoyle like creatures he called Fwerfs. Unlike gargoyles Fwerfs did not turn to stone in the light of a day. The Fwerfs moved through the sky like birds, thus making very dangerous and feared across the land. All of these things created what Valor liked to call The Megonda. The Megonda became the king’s army and ruled the land of Tangea with no mercy. As century after century passed the people of Tangea whether human, dwarf, elf, demon or even goblin had no choice, but to admit that they were to forever be under the control of Valor and his servants.
All that the people had a were the legends that had developed over the years. One of the most popular is the story of the village of Fedale and the wanderer. Fedale was a quiet little village in the forest of Tangea. Everyone that went there left with a smile on their face. Fedale was peaceful and many enjoyed going to visit it, that was until the day a demon visited the village. The demon Zaldor entered the village with only one thing on his mind, death. The village guards tried their hardest to fight the demon off, but he was far too powerful for them to stop. With a mere swing of his sword they fell one by one to the ground and laid motionless in a pool of their own blood.
The men of the village gathered together to try and defend their families. Soon, though, they met the same fate as the guards before them. Zaldor didn’t stop there. He continued his killing spree to the woman and children. Among these woman and children was a boy by the name of Jericho. Jericho was only twelve at the time and watched as the last of the men, his father fell to the ground. As Zaldor turned his focus onto the woman and children Jericho slowly made his way to his father.
Holding his father’s hand tears began to run down the young boy’s face, as he knew that his father was dead. Zaldor turned and saw the young boy crying over his dead father and smiled. Slowly a fiery ball of flames formed in the demon’s hands. Pulling his arm back he through the fiery ball towards Jericho. Jericho looked on and froze in fear, as he knew his life would soon come to end. Something happened though that neither Jericho nor Zaldor saw coming. A woman through herself in front of Jericho, thus saving his life. That woman, though, was no other Jericho’s mother. As the flames engulf Jericho’s mother Jericho could only look on in disbelief.
Anger and hated consumed Jericho at that moment as he picked up his father’s sword and charged towards Zaldor. Zaldor laughed at this and ready his sword to silence the crying boy once and for all. As Jericho drew nearer Zaldor slashed his sword. Zaldor was not prepared for what happened next. Jericho some how managed to dodge the slash and slashed Zaldor across the chest. Zaldor stumbled back at this as blood dripped down his chest. Jericho charged at him once again, but was met by Zaldors fist knocking him down. Zaldor kicks Jericho’s father’s sword out of Jericho’s hands and raises his sword, but stopped.
Looking down at the boy, Zaldor smiled. He touched his chest with his other hand and said, “you know boy, you are the first human to actually hurt me. For that I will spare your life.” Zaldor turned away from the boy. Suddenly he spun around and slashed the boy across the face. Blood drips down the boy’s face as the blade cut across his left eye. Jericho fell to the ground in pain. Zaldor smiled and walked away. “Smile boy,” he snickered as he walked towards the village gates. “Now when you touch that scar you’ll remember me.” Zaldor left the village of Fedale and the boy as Fedale slowly burned to the ground.
Many say that Jericho went up in flames, just like his home. Others, though, believe that the boy some how found his way out of the village. The answer to this is unknown and the only one who could answer that question is Jericho himself. The thing is that even if he did survive it would have been nearly five-hundred long years since that fateful day. Jericho would be dead anyways. Yet still the people speak of a wondering warrior in a cloak. He wanders the land in search of the demon who destroyed his village so very long ago. Armed with a long staff with a curved metal blade at the end many stay clear of his path. For under the hood of his cloak the man looks out into the world and reveals a scar over his left eye. Many say that some how Jericho found a way to stop his aging and continue his search of revenge. While others just say it’s a myth, one thing is for sure. Whether myth or not, the man from Tangea is about to leave his mark.
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