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Rated: E · Book · Nature · #1067360
A true connection with the Universe..while here on Earth
This is a collection of my thoughts, emotions, experiences and Love of Nature from this point in Febuary(winter) to October(autumn).
The changing seasons and the wonders of each, are a big part of my goal in writing this collection.
There are also stories about the wildlife around me.
February 7, 2006 at 9:27pm
February 7, 2006 at 9:27pm
Bluejays,Whiskey Jacks(camp robbers), chickadees, coyotes, deer, Wolves and numerous assorted wildlife as well as wild grasses, flowers, species of trees. These are some of the things I will be writing about as I watch them.
Chapters will be created about them, just as the short story "Nighteyes" was created about a Wolf that visited me last week.
I do hope you enjoy the experiences and stories that I add.
February 5, 2006 at 11:14am
February 5, 2006 at 11:14am
The land lies deep in slumber. Hoar frost coats the poplar trees in a crystaline blanket. The pale sun, which slowly rises just above the horizen, seems to struggle with sending its warmth to us.

The light it gives, changes the white hoar frost from something simple, to a vast array of colors sparkling on every branch, like a World of glistening jewels!

The evergreen trees are laden in a heavy white coat. The branches droop with the weight. As the sun's light reaches them, the white coat is, as bright as the sun itself. The outermost layer sparkles invitingly.

A bluejay, in all its splendor, flys across the sky above, landing on a frosty limb. It sends a cascade of brilliant crystals showering down to join the blanket of snow on the ground.

The contrast of the jay, with its vivid blues, against the wintery white, inspires within, the desire to capture the beauty on canvas. To capture this moment of Mother Nature for all to see and feel, would be to honor Mother for all time.

I gasp at the beauty I am given as a gift, to feast my eyes apon. My spirit soars with gratitude, for being given such splendor to behold. I feel so insignificant, and yet so much a part of this scene.

I am meant to be here in this moment, so that I can show others, through word. This paints a writen picture, within the mind...a mental canvas for you to enjoy.
February 8, 2006 at 12:34pm
February 8, 2006 at 12:34pm
Playful as a kitten, Charlie Coyote appears, as he frolics and jumps through the tall brown wild grasses.

His nose has sniffed the scent of a delectable little scurrying morsel. The focus of his frolic is a fat mouse, that has been feeding on the grains and seeds that have been put out for the birds and squirrels.

In his playful glee, the mouse darts here and there, creating a game of chase, which Charlie loves. He allows the creature to dart, and pounces just short of his intended target. Over and over the mouse scurrys away thinking its safe. Finally Charlie bores of this game as a hunger pang jolts through his belly.

He pounces yet again. This time he doesn't miss. Mouth open as he lifts into the air. Coming down in a swoop and grabbing up the tiny morsel he swallows. This will keep him for a few minutes while he seeks other prey.

His head comes up as he hears a sound. Greyish, yellow eyes focus towards the sound. Tis that human coming back! Best I be a little more cautious now.

Charlie turns and trots to the edge of the clearing, where there is more cover. He sits down and watches.

The Coyote licks his chops knowing that this human isn't a threat. He also knows, that she always leaves food when she leaves, that he is becoming used to.

Sniffing the crisp Febuary air, he decides since the human will be around for a few hour, he might as well carry on with his daily tasks. Charlie turns into the trees to camoflage his journey around the fields. Down the tree laden draw,he trots happily, loving the thrill of the day. There are always so many areas to explore. Feeling a tad thirsty, he heads down the draw to the creek.

Ahhh, cold, clear, water! He laps the icy water with relish, having become thirsty with his frolicing after that tiny mouse. Having satisfied this need, he once again sniffs the crisp air. His nose twitches with anticipation, as he smells another meal.

Up the bank he leaps, turning to the left he advances to the road. Charlie looks around cautiously, then darts across to the field on the other side.

This field is infested with mice, and other rodents as it is rare that it is touched by humans. Meals scurry about everywhere. Charlie happily goes to task finding enough to fill his belly.

All at once he hears a loud barking close by. He looks up in the direction of the sound. Across the road is a dog barking aggressively at him. He focus's in on the dog and advances towards it. The dog barks more aggressively and makes bodily movements to add to its showing of aggression towards Charlie.

Then Charlie notices another movement. Its that human female. She comes out of her dwelling, looks in my direction, says something to the dog, and they get into one of those noisy machines.

It comes down the driveway and onto the road close by, then stops. The human yells out of the machine at me.

I'm not sure at all about these humans. They can be dangerous. My guard goes up. I'm unsure now. I watch cautiously. Then sniff the air, getting a very strong scent of her. Thats enough for me!

Turning i trot into some high grass,turn to view the human again. Still its there, close. I'm out of here! Cautiously to avoid being seen to much, i trot back towards the trees and out of her sight.

Its time for me to find deeper areas away from humans to hunt in. Charlie trots off down the draw and away from this area....leaving his best hunting field for when the human is gone.
December 3, 2006 at 8:57pm
December 3, 2006 at 8:57pm
I thought I would never get back here! I was offline for 6 long months and I was afraid that I would lose my writing.com account. I actually was able to log online with my cell phone and send an email asking writing.com to please not close my account out and they didn't:) I was soooooo happy.

So hello everyone!! Its great to see you again:)
April 28, 2006 at 11:11am
April 28, 2006 at 11:11am
Where does time go? I would love to capture it and use it with the utmost care. I do suppose we all could do that couldn't we;)
With time in mind, I will try to use the most of it.
I sit here, writing my blog and the sun is streaming in through my window. My Geraniums, which are sitting on a table at the window, are absolutely glowing in the sun. The leaves are such a vibrant display of spring green as the sun shows through the leaves. The blooms are in an orangy/red, light pinks and hot pinks.
They will go out with me today to bask in the fresh air and sunshine. Its still to cold here in Alberta,Canada to leave them out overnight. Its hard to imagine that, having moved here from an area of BC,Canada where the night air is warm enough by April that everything is ok to be outside.
The summer season is short here, a mere 6 months, from spring to fall. Being an avid gardner, i so miss the longer growing seasons. One day I will go back to my beloved BC.
Don't get me wrong, Alberta has many beautiful things about it as well, from the wide open skys that you can see forever(being the beginning of the Canadian prairies), to the very strong seasonal changes, to the abundance of wildlife, and a people who are very earthy and friendly. I do love this province and see it as my second home.
Work has brought me here, and I will stay til the time is right to go back. I feel sort of like a migratory bird. Though my migration isn't determined by season but more by that ever present financial drain. I won't get into that...I could be sitting here forever:)
April...has been a busy time for me. I have not been in this residence in the spring, and so it means digging up flower beds, raking the lawn that no one cared for. pruning the neglected lilac bush which is huge and badly in need of the tender hand of care.
I dug postholes and put in posts and attached wire for a fence around the yard. This keeps my dogs in and others out, while I bring this neglected lot back to a cared for look. I love this type of work, its more a labor of love. It brings the place back to a beautiful work.
Its my belief, that we are each given a little piece of this world to care for. Whether its a rented place or our own. Its still our responsibility to do with that area, the most, to enhance the beauty, look after that which we were given, and give back to mother earth, our thanks.
The rays of sunshine and my plants are calling me. I simply must go outside and enjoy the day.
To all of you...get your fingers into the soil..relax a little...care for a plant...and you will reap so much. There is nothing like connecting with our planet in any way we can. With the right mindset, your problems disappear and you can feel your spirits lifting. Try it:) you may just be surprised!

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