Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1069601-Harry-Potters-Chat-Room
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Comedy · #1069601
Written like a chat room with the characters, Harry, Ron, Hermione+ others.
AOL host: Hermy_Granger01 has entered the room.
Hermy_Granger01: Hi guys.
BoyWhoLived: Hermione! Thank God youre here!
Hermy_Granger01: Hehe. I’m happy to see you too!!!
TheRedHed: we need you to settle an argument.
Hermy_Granger01: ...
Hermy_Granger01: *Rolleyes*
Hermy_Granger01: What is it?

TheRedHed: Harry, here, thinks someone can be born a werewolf. tell him he’s wrong.
Hermy_Granger01: Well, I would if he was wrong.
Hermy_Granger01: But he’s not.

BoyWhoLived: HA! I TOLD you Ron!
TheRedHed: what?! That’s a load of bullocks!
TheRedHed: oh, shut up, Harry.

Hermy_Granger01: It isn’t bullocks. Werewolves can have werewolf babies. Its not infrequent, actually.
BoyWhoLived: ooh, yeah! im right! youre wrong!
TheRedHed: shut it Harry!!
TheRedHed: you’re pissing me off...

Hermy_Granger01: Oh dear, now he’s going to go brood in a corner. *rolls eyes*
BoyWhoLived: rofl
TheRedHed: shove off!
Hermy_Granger01: Seriously, Ron. Get over it.
TheRedHead: you get over it, Hermione!
AOL Host: TheRedHed has left the room.
Hermy_Granger01: Oh, great.
Hermy_Granger01: Now he really HAS gone to brood in a corner.
Hermy_Granger01: He’s so aggravating.
Hermy_Granger01: Do you think I was too hard on him?
Hermy_Granger01: Harry?
Hermy_Granger01: Harry Potter, are you there!

BoyWhoLived: sorry.
BoyWhoLived: had to get munchies.

Hermy_Granger01: ough.
BoyWhoLived: wheers ron?
Hermy_Granger01: He left.
Hermy_Granger01: where’s*
BoyWhoLived: .......did you just correct my typo?
Hermy_Granger01: Yes.
BoyWhoLived: why cant you do that for my essays at school??
BoyWhoLived: when you do it here its annoying. if you did it there Id love you.
Hermy_Granger01: *Angry*
Hermy_Granger01: May I ask you something?
BoyWhoLived: srue.
BoyWhoLived: sure***
Hermy_Granger: Just what do you have against apostrophes?
BoyWhoLived: *Confused*
BoyWhoLived: huh?
AOL Host: TheRedHed has entered the room.
BoyWhoLived: RON! *tackles*
Hermy_Granger01: *sigh*
Hermy_Granger01: nevermind
TheRedHed: bloody muggle inventions.
RedHed: it screwed up. Said I got disconnected.
BoyWhoLived: lol
BoyWhoLived: welcome bacl
BoyWhoLived: back*
TheRedHed: thanks
TheRedHed: did I miss anything?
BoyWhoLived: Hermione correcting my typos
TheRedHed: >:( why doesn’t she do that at school?!
BoyWhoLived: thats what I said!!
Hermy_Granger01: Ouggggh!
AOL Host: Mystical_Aura has entered the room
TheRedHed: you’ve got to be kidding me.
AOL Host: Quidditch_Witch has entered the room.
BoyWhoLived: oh god...
Hermy_Granger01: Hi Luna
Hermy_Granger01: Hi Cho
TheRedHed: why did you do that Hermione!?
Quidditch_Witch: hey all! *Bigsmile*
Mystical_Aura: hello Hermione
Mystical_Aura: Harry...
Mystical_Aura: Ronald.

TheRedHed: don’t call me that.
Mystical_Aura: why not?
TheRedHed: Hermione, whyyyyyyy?!
Hermy_Granger01: hehehe.
Mystical_Aura: perhaps you’d prefer Ronnykins?
Quidditch_Witch: lolololo
TheRedHed: *Angry*
TheRedHed: where did you hear that?
Mystical_Aura: Ginny.
TheRedHead: I’ll kill her...
AOL Host: TheRedHed has left the room.
Hermy_Granger01: Oh, dear.
Mystical_Aura: was it something I said?
Quidditch_Witch: hey, where’s harry??
BoyWhoLived: Im hi.
BoyWhoLived: I mean here
BoyWhoLived: I mean hi
BoyWhoLived: Im here.
BoyWhoLived: >_<
Quidditch_Witch: lmao
Hermy_Granger01: Don’t hurt yourself, Harry.
Mystical_Aura: perhaps he can’t help it.
Mystical_Aura: i’ll look up your horoscope for you Harry.

BoyWhoLived: gee... thanks.
Mystical_Aura: anything for you, Harry.
Mystical_Aura: brb

Hermy_Granger01: I wonder if Ron’s coming back
Quidditch_Witch: Ronnykins, lol
BoyWhoLived: hahaha!
Quidditch_Witch: lol
BoyWhoLived: rofl
Quidditch_Witch: lmao
Hermy_Granger01: ....
Hermy_Granger01: 0_0
Hermy_Granger01: Um... I’ll be right back, too.
Hermy_Granger01: I’ve got to... uhm... do something. For a minute...
AOL Host: Hermy_Granger01has left the room.
Quidditch_Witch: so...
BoyWhoLived: yeah.
Quidditch_Witch: how’s life?
BoyWhoLived: good.
BoyWhoLived: great!
BoyWhoLived: hows your life
Quidditch_Witch: could be better...
Quidditch_Witch: *Cry*
BoyWhoLived: oh sorry.
Quidditch_Witch: that’s it?
BoyWhoLived: huh?
Quidditch_Witch: aren’t you going to ask me what’s wrong?
BoyWhoLived: do you want me to? *Confused*
Quidditch_Witch: not any more!
Quidditch_Witch: Harry Potter you’re soooo INSENSITIVE!
Quidditch_Witch: GOODBYE
BoyWhoLived: what?! wait a minute, hold on
BoyWhoLived: dont go!
Quidditch_Witch: see you at school, if I can’t help it!!
AOL Host: Quidditch_Witch has left the room.
AOL Host: TheRedHed has entered the room.
BoyWhoLived: WHAT DID I DO WRONG>!!>!>!!!!<!??!!

TheRedHed: back. i had a little talk with Gin... hehehe
TheRedHed: Whoa...
TheRedHed: what’s got you in a strop, mate?
BoyWhoLived: ARGH!! *bangs head on desk*
TheRedHed: what happened?
Mystical_Aura: Cho thinks Harry’s INSENSITIVE.
Mystical_Aura: all caps

TheRedHed: you mean like Uncle Vernon in book five?
BoyWhoLived: Luna, you were here?!
Mystical_Aura: yeah
TheRedHed: ouch...
Mystical_Aura: and of course I was. It doesn’t take long to look up a horoscope.
Mystical_Aura: especially not when all that horoscope says is, ‘Life is Peachy’

TheRedHed: lol
Mystical_Aura: astrology is so wishy-washy. My father says not to believe a word of it. Harry’s life probably isn’t going to be peachy at all. the color i feel from him is kind of a greenish black...
BoyWhoLived: why cant you just let something be good for once?
Mystical_Aura: what?
TheRedHed: what?
BoyWhoLived: my horoscope is good so all of a sudden astrology is wishy-washy and we cant believe a word of it.
BoyWhoLived: I WANT my horoscope to be good!
TheRedHed: astrology was wishy-washy before your horoscope got read.
AOL Host: Hermy_Granger01 has entered the room.
Hermy_Granger01: back
Hermy_Granger01: Oh, Harry, please tell me you’re kidding...
Hermy_Granger01: astrology is so...
TheRedHed: wishy-washy? =)
Hermy_Granger01: Yes, to put it simply. It’s very wishy-washy.
BoyWhoLived: not you too! The whole world is against me! *Angry*
BoyWhoLived: everybody wants me to fail!!
Hermy_Granger01: Don’t do that, Harry
Hermy_Granger01: You sound so emo
BoyWhoLived: Im just being honest! everybody hates me and everyone expects me to fail. nobody ever believes in me!
TheRedHed: what’s emo?
Hermy_Granger01: short for emotional
Mystical_Aura: emo’s are hott....
Hermy_Granger01: hehe
Hermy_Granger01: yeah they are
BoyWhoLived: oh...
BoyWhoLived: does that mean Im hott?
BoyWhoLived: hermione, does that mean im hott?
TheRedHed: ...I’m kind of emotional...
BoyWhoLived: come on hermione
BoyWhoLived: am I hott?????
Mystical_Aura: does it matter what she thinks, when Cho’s said you’re INSENSITIVE
Hermy_Granger01: Cho thinks Harry’s insensitive?
Hermy_Granger01: when did that happen?
BoyWhoLived: I think ill just kill myself now.
BoyWhoLived: drink bleach or something...
Mystical_Aura: ahh
Mystical_Aura: the complex emotions of a troubled teenage mind... fascinating.

TheRedHed: shut up Luna. Harry’s upset.
Mystical_Aura: of course he is. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a leeftick in his brain.
BoyWhoLived: *Confused*
TheRedHed: *Confused*
Hermy_Granger01: *Confused*
Mystical_Aura: a leeftick...
Mystical_Aura: interesting creatures. I’ll explain what they do

AOL Host: Mystical_Aura has been banned from the room by its owner.
AOL Host: Mystical_Aura has left the room.

TheRedHed: thanks Harry
Hermy_Granger01: Harry, that wasn’t very nice.
TheRedHed: no it wasn’t.
RedHed: Thanks again, mate.
BoyWhoLived: no problem.
Hermy_Granger01: ough! You boys will be the death of me.
TheRedHed: if we’re lucky.
Hermy_Granger01: You’ll regret that last statement, Ronald Weasley!
TheRedHed: I’m sure I won’t.
BoyWhoLived: stop fighting guys. youre pissing me off
Hermy_Granger01: Sorry..
TheRedHed: so you’re still with us, then, Harry?
TheRedHed: the bleach hasn’t quite hit yet?
BoyWhoLived: eeh... I decided not to do it.
Hermy_Granger01: That’s great news!
Hermy_Granger01: What changed your mind?
BoyWhoLived: i dont want to die a virgin
TheRedHed: ROFL
TheRedHed: poor Harry
Hermy_Granger01: I did NOT need to know that Harry.
BoyWhoLived: you asked.
Hermy_Granger01: ...Luna won’t stop Imming me.
Hermy_Granger01: She wants to know why she got kicked out of the room.
TheRedHed: LOL
TheRedHed: tell her its because she’s a creepy psycho and totally off her rocker.
Hermy_Granger01: I’m ignoring you, now.
TheRedHed: that’s certainly an improvement.
Hermy_Granger01: Okay, Ron. That was the last straw.
BoyWhoLived: stop that, both of you.
TheRedHed: but she’s so fun to toy with!
Hermy_Granger01: enjoy it while you can Ronald.
TheRedHed: behold, another empty threat
BoyWhoLived: you tread on dangerous ground, friend.
Hermy_Granger01: my threats are NOT empty.
TheRedHed: yeah right.
BoyWhoLived: lol
BoyWhoLived: hey Ron, how’s Charlie doing?
Hermy_Granger01: yeah.
Hermy_Granger01: tell us.
BoyWhoLived: ....
BoyWhoLived: ....?
TheRedHed: fdsedakl;;;ws
BoyWhoLived: what?
Hermy_Granger01: hahaha
BoyWhoLived: okaaaay...?
TheRedHed: ;klofeswa oipew FDKLJDSL;DS'
BoyWhoLived: what in the world??
Hermy_Granger01: teehee
BoyWhoLived: hermione did you do something?
Hermy_Granger01: Well...
Hermy_Granger01: erm...
Hermy_Granger01: Yes!
Hermy_Granger01: *Smirk*
Hermy_Granger01: Petrificus Partialus. His fingers are paralyzed so he can’t type.
TheRedHed: feijoghtjkngfbjklrgftoipep[fdvl;’fvghmgfjklefjkf
BoyWhoLived: you reached him all the way at the burrow?
Hermy_Granger01: Of course. It’s simply a matter of concentration.
TheRedHed: fjklgjkroipewopkdefdl’q dgjjJKRDHGJKLS’;GJD]HJL;’KL;JKGFFD
BoyWhoLived: i think hes angry
Hermy_Granger01: probably
TheRedHed: Yeah, hes pretty peeved
TheRedHed: I havent seen him so purple since...
TheRedHed: I cant remember
Hermy_Granger01: Fred?
TheRedHed: That is astounding Hermione
TheRedHed: How did you know it was me?
Hermy_Granger01: feminine intuition.
TheRedHed: amazing...
BoyWhoLived: hey fred
TheRedHed: hiya, Harry
TheRedHed: man... Ron’s pissed.
TheRedHed: oh, that wasn’t very nice what he just said about you, Herm.
TheRedHed: >_< ouch...
Hermy_Granger01: =P
BoyWhoLived: what? whats he saying?
TheRedHed: something about a broom and certain, delicate body parts... and some very nasty words... and I can’t understand the rest. its all kind of garbled.
TheRedHed: but the sentiment is very clear.
Hermy_Granger01: well, I’m going to go before he gets his mobility back.
Hermy_Granger01: I’ve got loads of homework to do.
BoyWhoLived: its the beginning of summer break. do it later. i wanna see you guys duke it out via the internet when he gets back!
TheRedHed: same here.
Hermy_Granger01: Some other time. =)
Hermy_Granger01: Goodnight guys!
Hermy_Granger01: And Harry, don’t worry about Cho.
AOL Host: Hermy_Granger01 has left the room.
TheRedHed: What’s this about Cho?
BoyWhoLived: OUGHHHHHHH!!!!
TheRedHed: what happened?
BoyWhoLived: nothing!! DON’T ASK
TheRedHed: I’ve never seen someone get so upset over nothing
BoyWhoLived: well, now you have.
TheRedHed: wow
RedHed: zinger of a come back, Harry.
RedHed: been taking lessons from Neville, have you?
BoyWhoLived: >.<!!!
TheRedHed: Best not to hold it in, harry.
TheRedHed: Tell ol’ Fred what happened
BoyWhoLived: well....
BoyWhoLived: she said I was insensitive.
TheRedHed: were you?
BoyWhoLived: NO!
BoyWhoLived: she said she wasn’t doing well, so i said ‘oh sorry’
TheRedHed: ... that’s it?
BoyWhoLived: yeah
TheRedHed: *wince*
TheRedHed: bad move, mate.
BoyWhoLived: What?! i said i was sorry, didnt i?
TheRedHed: girls don’t want sorry.
BoyWhoLived: *Confused*...?
TheRedHed: they want, ‘that’s horrible! I’m so sad you’ve had a rough day. Tell me all about it, baby.’
TheRedHed: sorry’s good for starters, but you can’t JUST say sorry.
BoyWhoLived: why not???
TheRedHed: *sigh* I’ve got A LOT to teach you, young one.
TheRedHed: What say we meet somewhere?
BoyWhoLived: okay. can you apparate here?
TheRedHed: sure thing.
TheRedHed: Ron says hes coming too.
BoyWhoLived: cool
BoyWhoLived: see you in a bit.
AOL Host: TheRedHed has left the room.
AOL Host: BoyWhoLived has left the room.
© Copyright 2006 Tegan L. Elliott (ganlynde at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1069601-Harry-Potters-Chat-Room