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Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1078450
Why can't Barbara wait until school ends? Because it's Friday!
IT'S FRIDAY! written by Pamalicious

         "Boy-o-boy! I cannot wait until school ends," said Barbara. "I wish school would end soon. I want to go home RIGHT NOW! I hope Mommy isn't late today."
         Today is really special for Barbara because today is the day that she will stay with her dad for the weekend.
         "Today, I will go with Daddy and stay with him all weekend! He will order pizza and let me order any kind of pizza I want," said Barbara excitedly to herself. Barbara loves to eat pizza!
         Barbara's teacher's name is Miss Nelson. Miss Nelson gave the class one more assignment for the day. The class has to complete their work in class or take it home for the weekend as homework.
         "I don't want homework this weekend," said Barbara to herself. "I want to spend all of my time with my dad. So, I am going to finish my work in class."
         Barbara does her classwork and finishes before all of the other students. When she finishes, she takes her paper to Miss Nelson's desk, which is in front of the class.
         "I'm finished, Miss Nelson," said Barbara.
         "That was fast, Barbara," said Miss Nelson. "Did you complete all of the questions on the paper?"
         "Yes," said Barbara. "I am totally finished!"
         Miss Nelson graded Barbara's paper and handed the graded paper back to her.
         "Good job, Barbara,"aid Miss Nelson. u got a 100%. You have all of the right answers on your paper and you have a perfect paper. You deserve a Superstar sticker."
         Barbara's paper had a gold Superstar sticker on it. The sticker was next to a red mark that said, "100%."
         "My paper will go on the Superstar sticker board!" said Barbara happily.
         "Absolutely," said Miss Nelson.
         Miss Nelson gives gold and silver Superstar stickers to all students in the class who finish their work the fastest. Gold is for "A" papers with 100%. Silver is for "A" papers less than 100%. Students that receive Superstar stickers have their papers put on the Superstar sticker board. Barbara's paper was put on the board.
         The school bell rang and Barbara smiled with joy. "Yes," Barbara said quietly to herself. "I am going to be the first one out of the school's doors!"
         Barbara hopped out of her desk like a rabbit in the forest. She grabbed her bookbag from the floor and ran to the school's doors.
         "Slow down, Barbara!" said Miss Nelson with concern.
         She didn't hear Miss Nelson because other students were yelling with glee behind her and she was in front of them all. She was the first student out of the doors.
         Barbara's mom was waiting for her in a red car, in front of the school. When she saw Barbara, she blew the car horn to get her attention.
         Barbara heard the car horn and looked for her mom. When she saw her mom, she ran straight to the car.
         Barbara got inside of the car and said, "Hi, Mommy! I'm so glad school has ended for the day. I can't wait to see Daddy!"
         Mommy replied, "Hi, Barbara! I know you have been waiting all day to see your Dad. Now, we need to go home so you can pack your bag for the weekend. He will be coming in an hour to get you."
         When Barbara and her mom got home, she placed her school bag on the floor by the door and ran upstairs. She went into her room and started packing her things for the weekend.
         While she was packing, her mom came upstairs to her room to double-check her bag. She would make sure that Barbara has everything she would need for the weekend with her dad.
         "I have packed my toothbrush, pajamas, clothes, shoes, and hair stuff, Mommy!" she said gleefully.
         "Good job, Barbara" her mother replied happily.
         "I have one more thing to pack, then I will be ready for the weekend," said Barbara.
         That one thing she was going to pack was her best friend, Poncho. Poncho was her stuffed teddy bear. Poncho sleeps with Barbara every night.
         "I want Poncho to go with me to Daddy's," Barbara told her mom as she took Poncho off of her bed. "He will be very sad if I leave him here by himself."
         "It would be good for Poncho to go with you for the weekend," said Mommy.
         So, Barbara packed Poncho at the top of the bag and closed the bag.
         "I am ready to spend the weekend with Daddy," she said joyfully to her mom.
         "You sure are," said Mommy, "you didn't forget a thing!"
         Barbara and her mom went downstairs to wait for her dad. Barbara sat next to the window to wait. She was very excited and could hardly sit in the chair. She kept looking out of the window every few minutes.
         Her mom decided to turn on the radio while they waited. One of Barbara's favorite songs came on the radio and she sang along with it. Her mom sang the song, too.
         They pretend that they were the band singing on the radio. Barbara pretended to be the lead singer and Mommy was the background singer.
         Suddenly, a large gray car drives to the in front of their house and stops. The front window of the car rolls down and the driver blows the horn.
         Barbara and Mommy stop singing. They look out of the window. They can see the face of the person who is blowing the horn in front of their house.
         They both recognized the face of the person in the car. It was Barbara's dad.
         "It's Daddy!" Barbara yelled and ran upstairs with joy.
         "He's here! He's here!" she sang to the music that was playing on the radio. She went to her room and grabbed her bag. She ran back downstairs with her bag. Her mom was waiting for her at the opened door.
         "Slow down, Barbara!" said her mom.
         Barbara stopped running to kiss her mom "good-bye."
         "Bye-bye, Mommy!" she yelled as she starts to run again to the car. She kisses her dad "hello."
         "Hello, Daddy!" she said out-of-breath.
         "Hello, Dear," her dad replied.
         "Have fun," said Mommy yelling to Barbara and waving her hand to them, both.
         "I will," says Barbara, yelling, as she got into her dad's car.
         "Don't worry," Daddy says, "we will be back Sunday evening. I will give you a call before then."
         Barbara's mom nods her head in agreement. She is still waving to them. Then, Barbara's dad begins to drive the large grey car down the street to the stop sign.
         Barbara turns to him and says with a smile, "I've been waiting for this all day!"
         "Me too, Barbie," he replies with a big smile, "me too!"
© Copyright 2006 Pamalicious (pamalicious at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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