Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1086360-It-is-Better-to-be-Pissed-Off
Rated: 13+ · Essay · Cultural · #1086360
A few things that are wrong with America today.
How do you start an essay on the demeaning aspects of society? Should you cut to the chase, or drag it out and sugar coat it. For the most part the people that need to be reading this will not or sadly can not, but such is life. I think I will call my congressman and tell him I need a bill passed that will compensate me for all the people that can not read my essay. I don’t see why it wouldn’t pass. We have bills that help us if we are lazy, worthless, drunks, and drug addicts, depressed or just plain stupid. We have the ability in America to blame everyone else for our problems, and the best part, society is so scared that they are going to hurt someone’s feelings that they will give into our self pity and supply us with everything we need. Ah, the American dream.
I will make this a short essay, not because I am lacking in words or opinions, but simply because you are lacking in the ability to focus for longer than 5 minuets on any given thing. This is where they get you. Let’s start with the media. Have you yet to notice that every news story is bad news. Everyone is a victim in one way or the other. If you are poor, you are a victim of the system. If you found yourself in the path of a hurricane, you were a victim of the Republicans. If you are fat, you are the victim of a multi-million dollar fast food chain. If you are black, well you are either a victim of evolution, or creation, I believe the latter. Nothing is your fault so you don’t have to worry about your self worth, you’re a victim you have none. Did you ever stop for a moment and think that maybe in some distant universe that you were poor because you did not put forth the effort to make something of yourself. This one is hard for some people, maybe the reason the hurricane hit your house is because you live by the freaking sea! If the Republican’s control the weather they got my vote. If you are fat it may be because you do nothing keep from being fat. Try getting off the couch and eat a salad every now and then, the multi-million dollar burger joints have those too. This is by far the most controversial, and it does not pertain to all blacks.
It is the difference in the two main political parties; I am a member of neither. As with everything else sadly it boils down to race. If people understood the history of the two party’s things would be a lot different. The KKK had two main targets, of course the Blacks; I refuse to use African American, not because I am a racist, but rather because the term is purely the product of ignorance. I have yet to meet anyone that called Me an English German Italian Indian American, nor do I ever want to. You are either an American or your not. The second target was young Republicans. The KKK feared that the Republican standing of less government would give the blacks too much power. In order to control them they played the pity card and brought them into the Democratic Party with promises of giving them what they deserved, something for nothing. At this point you are in hysterics; you are thinking something for nothing my ass they were slaves, as was every other race at some point in history. My family owned slaves; I have no shame in that it was not me. I am also a descendant of the German’s who killed sis million Jews, this to I have no shame in, I was not there. I am also part American Indian, I’m not angry that my people were killed or my land was taken, I was not there. I am only concerned with my actions at the present time I had no say in what went on before I came onto the scene. Alas society places me with the blame of my fathers, but does not hold me accountable for my present actions, for I am a victim.
Welfare and affirmative action would piss me off if I were a black person. You have two of the most degrading bills in history designed with one thing in mind: to show that a race is so helpless that it can not stand on its own without someone giving them everything they have. It is killing the black community by taking away their pride and the will to empower themselves, and filling them with the notion that society owes them something. Yet with the promises of a free meal, and a free check every month the black community has played right into the hands of their enemy's, and now hates the very party that was persecuted for fighting to make sure they were truly free. America’s new slaves live in New Orleans, they think they are free, but they are the prisoners of a system of corruption, bound by the weight of self pity. Sorry for the rant, that is one of my hot buttons, and I am not even a Republican, if you are wondering I am a libertarian. I will stand behind our President no matter what party he is from, not because I agree with what he says all the time, but as a Nation we should always respect the office of the President. He is OUR leader good or bad, and in order to stay strong we must support him and his actions in front of an ever changing world. I am a Christian, I stand behind Bush if nothing else for his moral fiber and I would gladly fight to maintain the right so that others may see things differently than I, and so they may always challenge my ideas without fear of persecution.
Take a deep breath and look around you at everything you have, did you earn it? Do you have shame in the way you acquired any of it? If you do throw it out. Challenge the system by saying I am who I am; I am not a victim of anything other than myself. I want no part in gaining something I did not earn. Wake up and see the dream you have been feed is more of a nightmare. Everything you are given in life takes away a little piece of who you are. Challenge your self to be greater than your fathers, or your children will live with your shame.
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