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Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1087513
A child needs to learn to always wear a helmet.
The Spiderman-helmet

It was almost dark outside. Michael was on his way home, he knew he was in trouble. Not for being out late, for riding his bike without a helmet.

One week ago he was riding his bike at his friends house, not wearing a helmet, when the front tire of his banana-seat bike came off.
He only fell in the grass but he must have hit a rock with the back of his head.

It was a pretty ugly cut. Melinda ran inside calling for her mom:” Michael is pouring blood, he’s hurt really bad.” Amanda, Melinda’s mom, came running in her frontyard barefeet. She saw Michael bleeding and ran back inside to alert her husband and call Michael’s dad.
Tommy, Melinda’s dad, rushed to lift Michael over the backfence into his daddy’s arm’s.
By that time he had already received a very confused phonecall from Amanda: ”MMMMichael, he… he… he’s hurt.” She was so worried, she couldn’t hardly speak.

Michael’s dad was quite concerned when he saw his son bleeding pretty bad being lifted over the fence. He decided it would be better to go straight to the hospital.

Michael remembered that they had to sit in that stupid hospital for almost three hours.

The doctor put four really cool staples in the back of his head and before he released him he made sure to tell him for the third time to always wear his helmet.

Michael had a helmet and he knew he was supposed to wear it, but he didn’t like the stupid thing. It didn’t matter though, because after the day of his hospitalvisit mom restricted him and his little brother from riding their bikes anyway.

He was kind of glad she did, because only two days later three cars crashed just down the street. They were racing down the road and lost control right were him and his brother were usually doing their bikestunts.

After Michael saw that accident he didn’t bother to ask his mom for permission to ride his bike anymore. He was actually glad not to have been out there that day.

But today he just couldn’t resist. His banana-seat bike was starting to look dusty, he wanted to ride it really bad. He knew the street infront of the house was dangerous and he promised hisself to be very careful. He had a plan, if he would see a car coming from either way before he got to turn into his friends deadend street, he would just jump in the ditch.

Mom didn’t know that he had took his bike. He made sure that she was in the shower when he left.

It was a fun time at his friend’s house, they were racing up and down the road and jumping speedbumps.

Michael’s favorite girl from school was there also. With her being there he just couldn’t wear the helmet, he had to be cool doing his stunts.

The fun lasted until Melinda and Aaron’s mom came outside to feed the dog. Michael just came speeding down the road when she stepped out.

He knew that was it. If Amanda would see him on his bike without his helmet, she’s call his mom. He tried to turn around but Amanda had already spoted him. She said: “Michael, why are you not wearing your helmet? You know I’m going to call your mom now, I don’t need another accident in my frontyard.”
She told Melinda to go get the phone out of the house and made the call while Michael had to stay right by her side.
She handed the phone to Michael after she told his mom that he was out riding his bike without a helmet.

He couldn’t say anything, he knew he was in trouble. Mom told him to come home. One small block turned into the longest ride of his life.

What was she going to do? Ground him? Whoop his behind? Or take his TV? Michael was hoping it woul dbe the TV, he didn’t care for the TV, his little brother Christopher was the one that was the TV-adict. But mom knew that as well as he did.

He pulled into the garage and parked his bike. Christopher was already in the house, he heard mom talking to him. She didn’t sound upset but Michael knew that she had to be mad.

He went upstairs with his head down just knowing he was hitting for severe weather. She was looking serious but her forhead wasn’t wrinkled. Mom would always put her forhead in wrinkles when she was really upset. She told him to sit down with her on the couch.

“Now Michael, wasn’t them four staples in your head enough? I know your girl was over there and you wanted to look cool, but you can get hurt really badly not wearing your helmet.” Michael tried to play it off and told her that he had forgot his helmet but mom wouldn’t go for that.

“Well Michael, I think I have an idea”, mom continued, “how about this, when daddy comes home tonight we’ll go to the store to get you a new cool helmet.”

“For real mom? Can I have a Spiderman-helmet, I promise I’ll always wear it!” Michael was excited about getting a new helmet and relieved that mom didn’t seem like she wanted to punish him.

“There’s one more thing you have to promise me Michael, from now on, you’ll push your bike on the sidewalk until you get to Aaron’s street. That accident the other day really scared me, just imagine you and Christopher would have been out there. Do we have an agreement?” she asked.
Yes mom” Michael said. “I love you” and he gave her a big hug.

Mom kept her promise, when daddy came home that night, they went to the store. Michael picked out a silver helmet with a flying Spiderman on it. Since Michael got a new helmet, Christopher got to pick one out as well. He chose an incredible Hulk helmet. The boys were happy and really proud of their new cool helmets.

Just as Michael had promised, the next day he put on his brand new helmet and pushed his bike all the way down to Aaron’s street. Once him and Christopher reached the corner, they both got on their bikes and raced to Aaron’s house.

Melinda and Aaron saw him and his brother coming from quite some distance, their helmets were reflecting the sunlight. Aaron was admiring the new Spiderman-helmet as Michael was jumping the speedbumps trying to fly like the caracter on his new gear.

It only took him five minutes to wreck and hit his head. It was a pretty hard hit and Michael was very glad that he wore his helmet today.
© Copyright 2006 Anja Both (knockohead at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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