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by Keres
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1099645
Keres imprisoned for almost a millennium is set free in a world that hardly remembers her.
2. Keres awakens!

         Inochi pulled his white calf-length hair over his shoulders so it draped down his back and between his wings; his gold highlights twinkled in the unnatural light that filled Keres’ chamber. His bangs, now reaching the base of his neck still hung forward stubbornly. He sighed both in exasperation with his hair and at the weight of his task. He stared at the crystal in the cavern’s center, watching as it pulsed with malevolent life and energy that only Angels and Demons could identify; to the Elves that inhabited The World, the light would be soothing and almost godlike.

         Gathering his courage and wits about himself, he walked across the slick black marble-like floor toward the crystal that contained the enemy of his people and possibly their salvation as well. The floor had once been simple rock like the rest of the cave system, but the clash of power, Keres’ futile defense, and the release of Demonic Power had forever altered the floor, left it’s mark on the site.

         “Keres?” He whispered experimentally. The crystal glowed solidly a breath or two before returning to its usual pulses. “We need your help. A new threat awaits the Elves and we cannot find Godwyn. You are the only one left with enough strength to save the three worlds; the only one left to stem the tide of the new enemy.” He pleaded, inching closer and closer to the crystal.

         This time there was no response indicating that he’d been heard. He hesitated, shifting his weight from foot to foot uncomfortably before reaching out and resting his hand, palm down, on one of the many facets of the crystal.

         Power ripped through his body. Every fiber of Inochi’s body screamed in agony. He felt as if his soul was being shredded; later reflection being able to attribute it to something or someone slowly, methodically tearing him apart inside and out as it sought something. All the while he heard a silvery laugh in the back of his mind that made his blood turn as cold as ice. What had he done?


         Zakandra was on her feet so fast the movement threw her chair from under her and hit the wall. All eyes turned from the petitioner to her, wondering what had caused this interruption. “What the hell is going on?!” She demanded, looking in the direction of the Fallen Goddess. “What are they DOING to Her?!” She snapped, anger flashing in her eyes.


         The crystal exploded into a fine dust revealing the prisoner it had held and protected The World against for nearly a millennium. Her bat-like wings slowly uncoiled from where they’d been wrapped around her body when she’d been caught trying to deflect the blast. She then took her first breath, a raspy gasp and exhalation of dust.

         Inochi took a deep breath, coughing slightly as some of the dust both from the crystal and Keres’ exhalation entered his lungs. None of this had been written in Godwyn’s journals; never once had they mentioned the infamous Keres’ appearance. A slight smile curved her lips, a fang slipping through momentarily. Her eyes snapped open; they were amber and alight with excitement and enlightenment, almost glowing with mystery and power. She wore a black corset about eighteen inches long and beautifully embroidered and beaded and displaying a little cleavage as well as her belly ring. Her black skirt was short and pleated, complimenting her femininity while still practical enough to allow her to participate in combat; or so Inochi assumed. Dangling from the belt around her waist were two sheathed short swords. Her black hair was tied back in a braid that hung down her back, while shoulder-length locks curled inward.

         Keres shifted slightly, turning only her neck so she could get a good look at her rescuer. “You expect me to assist those who kept me imprisoned here?” She asked, her voice reverberating with the power that seemed to flow from her in waves. A smirk played on her lips. “What made you think that I would acquiesce to such a request?” She inquired, smirk becoming an evil grin. “Shall I take my revenge on you? Would you prefer that to, say, walking away unscathed?” She wondered. Inochi froze, as much as he didn’t want to face the council for the consequences of his actions, he still didn’t want to die. “You are braver than I thought.” She murmured, looking distant momentarily.

         “Please help us.” He whispered, still clinging to the hope that he could change her mind. He struggled to his feet to face her and look into her eyes like the equal he believed himself to be.

         “No.” She stated. She hesitated a few moment, expression again turning thoughtful and distant. “You said that Godwyn had disappeared, is that true?” She queried, fixing her eyes on Inochi’s own.

         Inochi swallowed hard. “Yes.” He squeaked, bowing his head more as an excuse to break eye contact than anything else; it chilled him to the bone how her eyes seemed to read his soul.

         “Isn’t that…” She paused, trying to think of an appropriate word, “amusing…” She smirked, beginning to stretch, letting joints pop and ignoring the groans of the underused muscles.

         “Will you help us?” Inochi pursued, daring to feel slightly hopeful.

         “I will never help you.” She snapped, anger flashing in her eyes. “NEVER!” She yelled, her voice echoing off the walls. Inochi hesitated, had she sounded hurt and defensive? That was not at all like the unfeeling demon written about in the Chronicles. Had she been betrayed at one point?

         “Maybe, I will see if the invaders have use for my skills.” Keres mused after successfully wrestling her emotions back under control. “Perhaps we will fight a common enemy.” She continued, a look of glee crossing her face as she saw the fear and defeat in Inochi’s face. She stretched her wings out one last time before taking flight and flying toward the exit of her prison.

         Inochi watched her go, what had he done? Godwyn was going to kill him! He had come here hoping that the greater good would make Keres an ally, why would she want The World in the hands of the invaders? Wasn’t the safety of the Realms more important than revenge? He sighed; this was going to be interesting… He thought dejectedly as he headed back to the surface.

         Out of nowhere it felt like the ground collapsed beneath him. The whole cavern shook. Had The World begun tearing itself apart? He tried crawling toward the exit, but everything was too unsteady for him to make any notable progress; before he knew what was happening, he was working on dodging debris falling from the ceiling, the rocks and stalactites torn loose by the odd shaking of the planet. He sighed and collapsed with relief when the shaking stopped. He lay there, waiting for his body to relax, letting the adrenaline burn itself out of his system. Intuition told him that this phenomenon had been caused by the breaking of the wards Godwyn would’ve set up to keep demons from coming in or going out of the cave. Keres had reached the surface.


         Zakandra’s eyes widened with fear as the whole building began to shake violently, however thankful that it took the attention off of her little display. It seemed like an invisible force was trying to tear the village apart. Before she knew what was happening her legs had given out, dropping her to the floor and the ground’s shaking tossed her into the table she had been sitting at. She lay as motionless as she could until the shaking ended. Somewhat dazed, she rose to her unsteady feet. Thinking of the goddess’ last words she sprinted out of the building and toward the dwelling of the Fallen Goddess.

         She hesitated momentarily outside of the cave system. Something was wrong, the light was gone. Fearing that the horrid shaking had destroyed the Holy One’s chambers, she sprinted inside hoping against the odds that the chamber was untouched by the calamity.


         Inochi struggled to his feet, trying to ignore the pain flaring up in limbs he could only assume were hit by the falling debris. Muscles screamed their reluctance at this abuse. As soon as he was on his feet, he limped toward the exit back to the surface; his only coherent thought was a hope his wings weren’t too damaged to be used in flight.

         Halfway out, he leaned against the wall to catch his breath. Inochi closed his eyes, trying to concentrate long enough to put up some pain blockers while offering prayers to all the gods he knew about asking that The World to stop spinning, his head to stop ringing, and his vision to stop wavering. He froze when he thought he heard footfall, but he quickly dismissed the idea of someone coming into this hell hole; no one should know of Keres’ resting place, anyone who might, knew to steer clear. Before he got back on his way, someone grabbed him by the front of his tunic and slammed him against the wall. Inochi struggled to regain his grip on reality and his thoroughly abused senses when his attacker spoke.

         “What did you do to Her?! Did you kill Her? What is wrong with you?! ANSWER ME!” The girl snarled, smashing him against the wall a few more times for emphasis. Inochi felt his wings move, instinctively trying to surround him in their protective embrace. The girl gasped in surprise. “An angel.” He heard her hands drop back to her sides in what he could only assume was the shock of the realization.

         Inochi slowly opened his eyes, letting his gaze focus on his attacker. “Who are you?” He asked, struggling against gravity and fatigue to ask while remaining on his feet.

         The girl dropped to her knees, bowed so low that her forehead rested on ground, her arms outstretch to plead for forgiveness. “Please! Forgive me!” She begged. “I didn’t realize…I’m so sorry.” She continued, groping for the words that might soften his heart so that he wouldn’t kill her on the spot. She’d roughed up an ANGEL! Now she’d never get into Heaven…

         “Shh, shh…please.” He asked, slipping down the wall to the floor. The girl looked up and surveyed the angel thoughtfully. Had she really roughed him up that bad? He had wounds everywhere!

         “No, not all of this is from you. I was here when The World started shaking. I tried dodging everything falling from the ceiling…from your reaction I guess I didn’t do too well.” He said with a forced laugh that sounded more like a cough or hiccup.

         “I’m…um…” The girl hesitated; he had asked her name after all, it was only polite to give it to him. “Lady Zakandra Ravi de Sita.” She introduced scooting across the floor to sit next to him.

         “Inochi.” He whispered, his head feeling slightly fuzzy. Was he losing consciousness?
“Is…”Zakandra hesitated, would he believe her when she talked about the Goddess? Was She the reason he came here in the first place? “Is the Goddess alright?” She finished.

         “The goddess?” Inochi wondered, his head feeling fuzzier and Zakandra’s voice growing more and more distant. “Oh…you…mean…Keres.” He realized before slipping into the awaiting darkness.


         Zakandra paced, trying to figure out what to do. Should she go get help? Should he really be left alone while she did so? Should she try carrying him to her village? Would he be further injured if she did attempt to move him? Could she even lift him? Finally she sat down next to him, determined to protect Lord Inochi until she figured things out.


         Andariel took a deep breath and gagged. She had been relieved that she’d made it here in one piece, but the air was thick with the stench and taste of demonic energy. She was too late; Keres had already been released. When her eyes finally adjusted to the dark, she noticed she was in a tunnel that had recently had some stability issues. A female elfling lay protectively over Inochi. “What is your name, Elfling?” She inquired, raising her chin and speaking with her usual air of authority. She frowned at the lack of a response. She slowly walked over to the elfling and looked down, the elfling wasn’t trying to protect Inochi at all—she was unconscious!

         Andariel rolled her eyes, how un-ladylike. She sighed and knelt next to the elfling; she laid her hand palm down on the elfling’s forehead, carefully trying to avoid the bruise forming on the side of her face, and closed her own eyes. She gasped as she went into her trance. “Interesting, Zakandra…” She murmured, opening her eyes and leaning close to Zakandra’s pointed ear. “Go home and rest.” She whispered, moving away slowly. Zakandra slowly rose to her feet as if she were a marionette, and moved in jerky movements for the cave entrance. Andariel shook her head, she really needed to work on that spell; Maeko could do it without making the person look like a puppet on strings with an amateurish puppeteer.
© Copyright 2006 Keres (keacelene at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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