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by Nikki
Rated: · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1103021
based off of the song "yoshimi battles the pink robots"
Chapter 1-The metal fist just missed Yoshimi as she pulled herself up and over the balcony’s ledge. The machine hit the brick wall and it seemed to shatter like glass. Yoshimi fell towards the small pond below. When she hit, the water was cold and a shock jolted through her. Everything went black for a second. When her body recovered and she was able to see again, She pulled her weak, frozen body out of the water and onto the ledge. Her yellow dress was soaked and her black boots were filled with water. She stood up slowly. Her brown hair dripping. As she glanced up over the small hill. She froze. The machine she saw was immense. The light crimson metal shone in the sunlight. It had to have been at least a story high. Luckily it was traveling in another direction. Away from her. She quickly crawled behind a bush and took in a sharp breath. She had to rest before she set out again. She couldn‘t fight like this. A life of karate training isn’t going to get you very far if you are soaked, freezing, and exhausted. “Fucking machines” she whispered to herself shaking the water out of her boots. Her heart about leaped out of her chest when the bush beside her shook. “Yoshimi?”
She jumped and quickly slipped on her boot. Befuddled, she looked at the large green bush beside her. It was talking to her. “Yoshimi, its me” She pulled a flask out of her pocked and took a drink. She shuddered and looked back towards the shrubbery. “Who is me?“ Yoshimi inquired. The bush sighed. “Anther!” Yoshimi breathed a sigh of relief. “Mother of God Anther, I thought I was loosing my mind!” she croaked. She heard a chuckle and Anther crawled from the other side of the bush. His black hair was messy and his black suit was dirty. She offered him the flask and he shook his head. “Whatever” she said and she took the last drink and chucked the empty flash into the water. “It seems quiet” Anther said peeking over the bush. “Mother fucker Yoshimi. One of them is coming towards us.” Yoshimi pulled anther back down. “How many?” she asked. Anther replied, his voice squeaked. “Just one” Yoshimi looked at the water. “They can’t go in water, but this pond is too little. There arms reach twice as far as the length of this pond. Is there another..” They were interrupted by the bush behind them getting ripped right from the ground. Both of them jolted up and turned around. The immense robot was towering right above them. Anther turned to see his friend. She was gone. He turned and sprinted towards the other end of the building. The huge feet just missing the back of his shoes. He quickly turned the corner and in a split second was pulled into a opening in the wall. The huge machine walked right passed the opening and never stopped once. He wanted to scream but his mouth was covered with a black gloved hand. He began to fight the hold of this captor but saw the yellow dress. He sighed. “Yoshimi” he sighed through the glove. She let him go. “How many times do I have to save your dumb ass?” she continued. “It's not hard, all you have to do is Run”
Anther rolled his eyes. “Excuse me ma’am but I’m not nearly as quick as you, and you are the one who drug me along, so don’t complain.” There was silence for a second and Yoshimi laughed. She jumped and gave him a hug. Anther smiled and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head. The comfort of the embrace was broken when the wall in front of them collapsed in a cloud of dust and a smaller machine stood scanning the area where they were standing. Yoshimi took in a deep breath and quickly sprinted towards it. She leaped into the air and quickly kicked it. The pink machine stumbled and took a few steps backwards. Its huge arm reached out but she dodged it. She turned to see Anther. He had pulled his gun. He smiled and nodded. He started to unload on the creature. It stepped backwards and sparks flew from the bullet holes. It was weakened. Now it was Yoshimi’s turn. She nodded at Anther and as he used his gun to keep the creature at bay. She sneaked behind it. Anther’s shots stopped. That was Yoshimi‘s cue. She jumped onto the creatures back. It began to spin and reach for her. The arms were just short of her. She tried to pry open the door on its back, but it was stuck. She covered her eyes, pulled a gun from her holster on her calf and fired the gun. The shots broke the lock. She opened the door and ripped the wires. The machine slowed and fell. The beeping started. Now she had to run. She pushed off of it and sprinted as fast as she could into the thicket. Anther soon caught up with her. The beeping got louder and faster. It ceased. Anther jumped, grabbing Yoshimi around the waist and dove to the ground pulling her down with him and covering her with himself, just as the explosion reached them. The heat was extreme and burned his back. All went silent. He stood up and helped Yoshimi up. She smiled and pulled him to her. “Thank you” She kissed him gently on the lips. He blushed and looked down at the ground. She turned and walked away. “Come on Anther.” He followed. They made there way through the woods. Then the reached a clearing. They gasped as they saw a wrecked and ruined waste land. The solider camp was ruined. Dead soldiers lay everywhere. Yoshimi stared in amazement. Anther sighed. “Is there anyone still alive” silence.
He called again.
Still no reply.
He turned to walk away when Yoshimi grabbed his arm. “Did you hear that?”
Anther paused. “What?”
“A machine, there is one close.”
He listened and his face was angry. He looked down at the soldiers.
“Come on, Time to kick some serious pink ass. “
© Copyright 2006 Nikki (swank at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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