Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1121599-The-Story-Of-Nicolette-Matthew
Rated: · Short Story · Occult · #1121599
This is a story about a average teenage girl who turned into a vampire.

I was sitting in class waiting for the bell to ring when a roman god came into the room. '" Hi", he said, "I'm Jayson Michaels and I'm looking for Mr. Weston's room.
Mr. Weston looked at him and then the clock on the back wall. There was about thirty seconds left until winter break. " You've found it" said Mr Weston. Jayson started to speak but just then the bell rang. I walked up to him and said hi. He looked me up and down and said hi back then walked out of the room. I walked away and headed for home.
When I got home I told my mom about Jayson. I told her how I'm happy that nobody had wanted to sit next to me and there was only one open seat in the class. Mom didn't sign anything but motioned for me to go clean up before dinner. Mom had been a debutante and was a stickler for manners and such. I ran to the restroom and washed my hands and face. I got to the dining room just as mom was serving the salad.
After dinner went to my room to listen to music and write. I want to be an author and write on my laptop as much as possible. I had been asked by my english teacher, Mrs. Hertz, to write a story about the people I know and email it to her. She was going to help me get it published. I sat at my laptop and started to write. I was listening to my dads favorite cd, the one he had given me before he died. It was a mix made for him by his parents. I also have a cd made just for me by him and mom. I got up and got a diet coke. Walking back to my desk, where my laptop was sitting, the cd started to skip and I hurried up to it and took it out. I put up my laptop and went to get a bath. Soon after I went to bed.
I got up at six and got a shower. I went downstairs and made myself and my mom some breakfast. She came down about twenty minutes later. She had some coffee then ran to the office. I went on a run, I wasn't about to get out of shape since my school cross county team had a meet the first day back after break. I called Krystalletta and talked to her about Jayson, she said that it was Jennifer's brother and that he had just moved from his fathers house in New York. We talked for another hour then hung up. I called Jennifer,she's my other best friend, to ask about Jayson. He answered the phone and I just sat there,then finally asked for Jennifer." She's not here, don't I know you." he said. "I'm in the class you came into right before bell. My name is Nicolette Matthew and your sister is one of my best friends." I said. He talked to me for a minute.Then said, " I went looking for you after you said Hi, but you had left. Then I thought I'd ask my sister but I didn't have your name. I wanted to know if you wanted to see a movie with me." "Sure", I said.,"Pick me up on Friday 8 o'clock?" "Sure", He said. We hung up and I called Krystaletta. She answered on the first ring and I told her that I had a date with Jayson. She screamed and said " Lucky you!"
We hung up an hour later and I ran down to tell my mom that I was going on a date with Jayson Michaels. "Michaels?", she said, "don't I know that name?" "yeah, that's Jennifer's last name. It's Jennifer's brother." I said. She continued to do the dishes. I went to my room and started to write. I finished my story and hooked my laptop up to my printer and printed my story. I put it in my writing folder then put a copy on an email. I went to get my purse where the paper that had Mrs. Hertz's email address. I sent it to her, then put my laptop .
That Friday Jayson picked me up and took me to dinner before we went to a movie. I noticed he had not touched his food. I didn't make a big deal of it. Then things got weird, at the movies he started to neck me. I loved it at first, but then I felt some pain then sucking. I didn't pay any attention until I went to the restroom and saw what l thought was fang marks. I ran back out to him and asked about it. "There are fangs marks on my neck!" I said. "I was hungry." was all he said. "HUNGRY!" I said, "we just had dinner.'' He said " I can't eat that!" He then explained that he was a vampire and he drank blood. I fainted
I came to on an old dirty couch. He started to explain from the beginning. He told me that about four years ago, he had meet this woman. She had dated him for a couple of months when she told him her secret. He told her she was crazy and then she told him that now she would have to change him. He still thought she was crazy. She told him how she would have to change him. He said he wouldn't describe it. He went on to say that as the years past he realised she wasn't crazy.
Then he said with my permission, he would like to change me. " Change Me!", I screamed. I thought about it then asked "why?" He said that there was certain signs to show whether a person was supposed to be changed. Each vampire got two chances to find the person they would stay with for all of eternity. Sam had used her second chance on me and I was supposed to spend the rest of eternity with her but she had been killed. I was honored to be chosen but to spend an immortal life with one person. I looked at him and asked what happened if I said no. He told me that I was destined to be a vampire so I would turn into one anyway and the next one would not have to ask. I thought over the options. If I had to become one anyway, why not with a sexy guy. I told him yes.
He went about setting up the room then did what he had to do. He asked if I was a virgin. I asked why he had to know that. He said vampires can't touch virgins to change them. The vampire would be killed the minute he/she tried. I told him no. He went on about his work and when he was done he said that I would be kinda sore in the morning. Then he told me that I would not have a heartbeat in the morning but would not look dead. He also said that he was glad I wasn't tan because that might cause a problem. "Wear these at all times", he said then handed me a pair of earrings and a necklace," the earrings will give you a fake pulse and the necklace will let the vampires know that you're one of us." I gave him a funny look then he showed me a ring on his hand. It looked like a class ring but he explained that the ring was the guy version of the earrings. I grabbed his wrist and sure enough there was a pulse. I left there with the new jewelery and went home.
The next morning I felt for my pulse but there wasn't one. I quickly but both the necklace and earrings. I went to get some breakfast and then went to check my email. There was one from Mrs. Hertz telling me the story was great. It didn't matter anymore, Jayson had told me last night that he was just here to find someone to change. Now he would be leaving as soon as my eighteenth birthday came around on January 2 and I would be going with him. I asked him if that would make me have to repeat the 12th grade. He said that in where we were going it wouldn't. He described Underworld, a little island in the south pacific, for vampires, witches, and lycans(werewolves). He said that because so many were being changed that anyone who came,even this late in the year, wouldn't be set back. I packed my bags, Jayson said that I wouldn't need much. It would be easy enough to explain to my mom. I had applied for early addmission to college so I would tell that's where I was going. I even made up a fake acceptance letter on my laptop. I printed it out then deleted the file.
I left the next afternoon after emailing all my friends and Mrs. Hertz. She was not suprised and neither was my mom. Jayson left with me and we flew out there. We got there and he started to introduce me to people. I got settled in and emailed my family and friends.
It's been two hundred years since I moved to Underworld. My family and friends were all dead. I had talked Jayson, my loving husband, to hook my best friend Krystalletta with one of his friends. She lives next to me on the island. Our kids are currently dating each other. I was so happy with my discision except I often missed my long time dead parents. Well as I got an email from my daugher Susan saying she and Andrew were getting married and were having a baby I knew I had made the best discison of my life.

The End
© Copyright 2006 Lilianna Nightshade (midnightrose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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