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Feelings on what happens when you take God out of America
As Christians, we must take a stand for our country and get America back where she once was and where she needs to once agian be.
When the attacks on our country happened in September 2001, I remember sitting at the automobile dealership in my hometown listening to people remark about this terrible disaster that happened to New York City. They were asking, "Why did God allow this to happen to America.
My response as a Christian to these people was, "God did not allow this to happen to America, Americans allowed this to happen.

In the Bible it speaks about the doom against the nations and that the strong towers will fall. We all know that what happened in New York is just another one of the prophecies of the Bible being fulfilled.

This world, our world America, needs to turn her focus back on God and acknowledge the fact that God is still in control and he will remain in control until hi returnto this Earth.

As the world carries on in its current state, we know that the Lord cannot stand for all this turmoil to keep raging.

There is passages in the Bible that speak about there will be wars and rumors of wars. Folks this is already taking place as we write and speak about it.

We must take a stand for Christ and make others aware that Jesus Christ is the only way to escape this hostile and volatile environment that this world is creating.

Jesus has even been referred to as the King of Jews and the King of Beers on a billboard in the country somewhere. Any one that thinks of Jesus Christ as the King of Beers has got a demented mentality and they need serious praying for.

We need to have the words to the song "We Want America Back" pposted on every billboard near and abroad and we as Christians need to stand and speak up for Christ. Jesus brought everything and every person that lives today to this earth and he is going to bring them out as well.

It is up to each person to make a choice of whether to accept Christ or just to turn and pretend that Christ does not exist. How can anyone say that Christ does not exist, when they look at a bird in a pet store. I'm not just talking about a regular birs, I am talking about the one with all the intricate beauty and detail that only God could have created. There is no way possible that man created a bird or any other animal for that matter.

America needs to find her focus and that focus must be entertwined with Christ Jesus. Jesus is coming back to this earth one day, and I pray that if you are reading this and you don't know him, that you will make the choice to follow him before it is eternally too late.

The time of Christ is near---------Are you ready to live in paradise with him, or burn in the everlasting fire of hell.

Christians we need to join our hands globally and nationally to reach everyone that we can to let them know that the time of Christ is even nearer as we speak.

May God bless Us All and Remember that GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING.
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