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by Cute Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1137147
"There wasn't enough time." Secret Identity~

There wasn't enough time...

10, 9, 8, 7... beep beep beep...

"5 seconds until this bomb blows up"

6, 5, 4, 3, 2...

"C'mon, I have to deactiviate this... for the sake of being able to see my brother again..."



I opened my eyes and looked around me, where am I? I have no idea... wait, am I dead? ... I can't be, I just can't be... Am I flying? No, I'm not... I'm floating... on clouds! How can this be? Please tell me this is a nightmare...
I hit myself on the head... only finding that I didn't wake up... I have wings... and I'm glowing? Someone help me, I'm lost...

Just then, an eglant woman came up to me...
"You must be new here, well, of course! Your at the gate! I'm so dumb..."
"Huh? The gate? What are you talking about? What gate?"
The woman fluttered her wings...
"Here, follow me."
I had no choice but to follow...
"Wait wait, please wait. "
"Yes dear?"
"I'm I dead?"
She laughed...
"Well of course you are dear! Why else would you be at the gate of heaven?"
"The gate of h-heaven?"
She laughed some more.
"You're a special one aren't you?"
"Um, excuse me miss angel, but, how do I address you?"
"Ha, Misty would be fine."
"Ah ah ah, just follow me and don't say anything else until we get there."

There? What did she mean by there? But, I guess I have no choice but to shut up and follow her... I mean, what else am I supposed to do? My legs can barely move, and these new wings of mine... I can't feel they're there unless I reach behind me and touch them... Am I really dead? ... But, I don't remember my life anymore... not even a single bit... I wonder who I was when I was alive, what did I do before I died...

My thoughts got disupted by Misty talking to a huge bulky man... infront of a golden gate?

"Hey Titus."
"What do you want?"
"Hehe, your always so mean and abrubt..."
"Whatever, who's that girl?"
"Kaite, isn't she just adorable?"

Katie? Could that have been my name when I was alive? Katie... I like that name...

"Right, you really are hopeless, Misty."
"I am aren't I... Wait... WHAT DID YOU SAY?"
"Y-o-u-r h-o-p-e-l-e-s-s, do I have to spell it out for you?"
"Wahh, so mean... Now what was I here for again?..."
"Um, possibly to get through the gates?"
"Oh ya! That!"

He let out a big sigh and soon opened the gates for us. We continued along a long row of white clouds until we reached a building, no, let me rephrase that, an enormous TOWER... White and elegant.

A scanner apeared at the entrance of the tower and scaned Misty's eyes...
"Access confirmed."
The huge heavy doors creaked open and we walked in...

Wow, this is the most beautiful place I have ever seen... A mistical fountain in the middle, and escalators on both side to the first floor. Each floor was a circle, surrounding me. And each circled floor was filled with doors leading to rooms.... From the first floor on, there were elevators, big and magnificant elevators.. I just stared up, looking at the endless tower, seeming to have no top...

"There are a total of 210 levels in this tower."
I blinked.
"I said, there are a total of 210 levels in this tower. " Misty repeated.
"My office is on the 10th floor, come."

She took the right escalator to the first floor, and I followed. After that, we arrived infront of the elevator. She pressed an up button and the door of the elevator opened, we both stepped in. Shortly, we arrived infront of a door marked 01012.
There was a table with one chair on the inner side and two on the other. She went to sit on the inner side.

"Have a seat."
"Um, okay..."

She pressed a green button and suddenly, a virtual screen popped up, hovering above the empty table. The screen was those see through ones, you know, the kind that looks like a projected image except without the projector and the projector screen. Ya, those kinds.

"By the way, your name's Katie."
"Ya, I kinda heard you call me that when you were talking to what's his name?"
"Right, Titus..."
"Okay, now I'm gonna explain some rules so listen closely."
"Um, okay..."

"First of all, you will stay on the second floor, the second room to your right, room 00202. Everything you need is there, toothbrush, clothes, food in the fridge... Hey, at least you don't have to worry about shopping! For food I mean..."
"Huh? I don't?"
"No, whatever you need, just type it in on the screen, close the fridge, reopen it and viola! Quite handy eh?"
"Oh, you can't miss it, it's on your right side."
"Um, okay."
"Now, you have school every day at 9:30-3:00. Lunch will be at 12:00, at school, you will learn about your powers, as an angel. How to fly, how to view down on earth, well, I won't go on that much about school, the teacher will fill you in on the first day. You have to apply for beginners, which means, all the people in the class have died not so long ago, so, they don't know anything about heaven and the rules. After your advanced class graduation-"
"Advance class?"
"Ya, Beginner, Medium, Advanced. Straight forward isn't it? Anyways, where was I? Oh right. After you graduate from advance, the academy will pick one angel that shows the best performance throught the courses, and he/she will become a guardian angel, that has the privilage to travel back and forth from earth and heaven. The amount of time you take to pass each course is up to the individual- Ah, I might be saying to much, the instructor there will tell you everything."

"Um, no, no, not at all..."
"Anyways, I'm sorry."
"It's okay! Seriously..."

"Okay, one more thing. You are right now living in the beginners tower.
There are three towers in each dimension. At school, you will also learn how to travel from dimension to dimension. Each dimension, there is a central "mall" as the earthlings call it. Well, I guess you're pretty tiered today, I mean, fiding that you're dead and everything."
"Ya, you're so right..."
"So, I guess you should get settled in your room, I'll talk to you later? Tomorrow morning perhaps? If that's alright with you."
"Ya, of course."

And just when I was about to leave...

"Oh wait, I'm afraid we're long from done today, I forgot the most important thing."
"Um okay, what?"
"You have to fill me in on your human life."

I stared at her as if she was crazy.

"Oh right, you don't remember, I'm sorry."
"Ya, I don't, but why?"
"Why what?"
"Why don't I remember?"

"That because after you enter this realm, you forget what happened on the other realm. But you still remember the knowledge, but just not the memories. But don't worry, after you visit at least two realms (heaven and earth), you won't forget anything anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"As long as you visit at least two major realms of three meaning earth, heaven and hell, you won't forget anything anymore. Even if you travel between realms. Now, that's for later, but for now, I have to record your human life."

She went to the right closet of the room and took out a giant sceptre.

"Now, close your eyes, I will tap you with this and you will remember everything."
"Um, I will?"
"Ya, after you remember, you have to tell me everything."

"Um, okay, but since heaven is so high tech and everything, can't you just like scan my brain or sumthin'?"

"Well, ya, but that would be invasion of your privaty."
"Um, okay, but wouldn't it take LONG to tell you everything?"
"Of course! But what over choice to we have? Now hurry up and close your eyes!"

After that, I did, and I felt a tap. Then, the most terrifying thing happened. I remembered my life. All the pain that I have suffered came gushing back, engulfing me. Every little thing, whether good or bad, that I have experienced, all came back to me in this one little second. And trust me, my life wasn't normal.

Misty went back to her chair and told me that she turned on a recording system, I was supposed to "fill her in" now. And that, was the beginning of my journey...

To Be Continued...

© Copyright 2006 Cute (onlinesurfer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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