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Rated: E · Fiction · Spiritual · #1138151
This is a fictional description of occult/mysticism teachings, eg enlightenment, the All
Aesthetic Necessity

The constant sound of dripping water fills the empty air with geometric waves that coalesce into a vision. It is an amazing vision, absolutely stunning in its clarity and meaning. It plays with it's freedom of expression by transposing into different shades of color, expanding and contracting into unimaginable forms, carrying with it the echo of the drop left behind.

Regardless of the magnificence it displays, no-one notices it's presence. It presses close to the face of those around it, caressing their skin with a light breeze. It swirls and retreats from the chaos of being brushed aside from their oblivious motion. Moaning in a sweet whisper it climbs to the sky to avoid neglect, searching for something, anything that will rejoice in its existence.

It finds nothing.

In a wild desperation to be known it begins to grow, to expand its size to encompass the entire sky. It twists and turns within itself creating a brilliant force waiting to lash out at the earth below. Finally the energy created is so strong it strikes at the earth with a tremendous magnitude splitting the molecules of the air. A deafening pattern of sound immediately spreads across the sky and pounds the ground while it searches out to reach every living thing in it's vicinity to be heard. It cries out with tears of joy raining down on the earth below as it notices the people cowering down from the power it has been able to display...

...The figure steps out from underneath the canopy looking up to the sky. He feels the tension in the air, noticing the desperation in the rain. He knows the source from which the chaos has ensued having been searching for it since it's materialization. It needs to know, he needs to reveal to it what he has told everything else that he had come in contact with, those things that were so close to the understand on their own.

His journey has been nothing short of frustrating as he had seen what sitting at the edge of this knowledge could do to something. The power the knowledge manifests can be so destructive. Awareness of the power can blind the weak from searching for the proper utilization of it, as it's discovery far surpasses the intellect of that which would desire to seek. In times past, the awareness had come without the desire; there was nothing else known but this knowledge. It had thrived above and below, within and without everything that co-existed one upon another.

The exposure had come upon him as he searched for the source of his own insanity. Such were the confines of the asylum that he resided, there was little else to do. His world had been a masquerade of laws and regulations pushed upon him to which he would have nothing to do with. It never felt right, he knew the deception was there; something was hiding in a dark cove somewhere with the strings attached to those given the leadership. Any claim against it was looked at as imperfect from the perfect society; nothing can dwell within it that is not pure. "So be it, but it is not what I see", he thought, but the charge of insanity was laid upon him without any regard to his opinion. Anything different was not allowed.

So here he was face to face with the charge he had given himself, to free those who had broken the veil but were still caught halfway in the illusion. Each encounter was breathtaking when he saw the imagination that came to life before him. There truly was no limit upon existence.

Yet with each new encounter came the struggle to discover how to make contact. Each entity created their own sense of identity and purpose within the world they found themselves in. More often then not they resulted to violence out of frustration of the lack of understanding of what was happening. Little did they know, their actions directly affected anything that resided upon the physical environment they manipulated.

“I will not let you lose yourself, you are so close. Let me show you the way”, he said as he knelt down to the nearest puddle building on the ground.

He reached down and let his hand slowly enter the water, swaying it back and forth as he would to a lovers soft face. The rain continued to beat down on him but he continued regardless. He brought forth the concern and the information to mind that he meant to communicate, letting his thoughts become energy in the air around him. He slowly closed his eyes and let his breathing come in slow deep breaths.

Finally the rain slowed to a drizzle, becoming warm to the touch. Voices began to fill the air around him, so soft he could barely hear them and he felt the water shutter around his hand. He stayed focused, still emanating the energy around him. The voices became more chaotic and the wind pick up around him pulling at his coat, causing him to brace himself.

Suddenly a voice whispered so close to his ear it caused him to jump, “Look at me. I want you to see me. Open your eyes!”

He slowly let his eyes open and looked up toward the storm above. The clouds took on a deep gray and seemed to be gathering into one spot directly above him. They slowly began twisting into a funnel cloud descending down upon him like a massive arm reaching toward the earth. He held his ground and stood back upright, obviously he had gotten its attention. Voices and screams filled the air as frightened people ran for cover from what they considered was a tornado about to rip apart anything in its path.

He thought he heard laughter in the air as well as the funnel cloud twisted further down almost upon him. As massive as it was there was no increase in wind, no violent gusts as would usually be associated with such a force. As it drew closer a human shape body began to fade in and out, swimming within the cloud. It was such a beautiful site he had to smile; he knew it meant no immediate harm.

Finally the tip of the funnel came to rest ten feet in front of him. A women’s face slowly materialized as blue shimmering water cascading down across the surface. When she opened her eyes it exposed an even deeper blue, eyes of almost pure sapphire probing deep within his soul searching for any flaw or deception that may be hidden.

“Who are you?” The voice did not come from her lips, but were thoughts that came to his mind.

He thought it best to answer in the same way projecting the thought of his reply into the air around him, “I am here to help you, to help you understand what has happened to you.”

The women smiled, “What has happened is what I wanted. I am no longer bound to a physical body and no longer trapped in the mind that society created for me. This is who I really am, who I always was.”

“If that is true, then why are you so alone?”

The women’s face retreated back into the funnel, pain reflected in her features. The tip of the funnel reached slightly back up into the air and then struck down at the earth causing the cloud to spread across the ground towards him. Slowly a body rose to stand right in front of him, this time a morbid, ragged body of an old woman took shape. She raised her hand pointing, “Who are you to know what I feel! How dare you make such assumptions about what and who I am! Again, I demand of you, who are you?”

He stood his ground feeling the force of her voice slamming into his head. “I am what you are, you are what I am…I am you and you are me. Let me show you…”

He closed is eyes and took a step back. Slowly his body lifted off the ground and began to fade in and out, reflecting those objects that surrounded them. The old women gasped in shock quickly retreating into the form of the funnel, back to where she was moments earlier. The man before her continued to manifest into everything she had ever known, everything she had ever seen with her own eyes, until finally he came to rest back on the ground in the shape of a young woman.

“Now,” he thought, “who am I?”

The air around them went completely silent. The storm above quickly faded, gathering down upon the point of where the funnel pressed against the earth. As the haze of the clouds drifted away, the old women sat huddling her hands around her knees, tears streaming down her face. “I thought I was all there was… all that was left, well at least in this…this whatever I have become a part of. How could you have known all that…and…I don’t understand.”

The image that was she in her youth changed back to the man he was before and knelt down beside her, “It will take time, but I will show you more. You have already accomplished most of the work. Come with me…”

He reached over and placed his hand on her shoulder and thought of their destination. Within a matter of seconds they both stood on the top of a high-rise building in a town that the woman was not familiar with. She walked over to the edge to look over trying to get a bearing of exactly where they were. She noticed that they were indeed on a very high building over looking a large city that seemed far too small for the amount of people that were going to and fro.

“Where are we?” she asked.

He joined her at the edge to gain her attention, “Where we are is of no concern. What is more important now is that you understand what I am about to reveal to you. To get to the state that you are in now, you have accomplished many wondrous things. You recognized that there was more to life than what you had been taught through the education system and from religion. You researched and found the hidden meanings kept from society within science, philosophy, and theology. You have found aesthetics and learned how to apply it to your life. Finally you perfected the wonders of meditation and found your true Self. There is still one thing that you are missing to be complete. It is far more beautiful then anything and everything that I can say in words. Please come with me over here.”

He led her over to the middle of the roof and sat down, instructing her to do the same. “There is an emptiness within you that allows your emotions to surface even though you fully understand their nature. That emptiness is bred from the fact that you think you are alone. You have reached an enlightened state but are sure that you are the only one. Do something for me, place your hand on the surface of the building in front of you and tell me what you feel.”

She hesitated only momentarily and did as he asked. As her hand touched the surface she closed her eyes and let her mind clear of any thoughts. After a brief time she opened her eyes and stated, “I feel the stone and the steel, the structure of the building and the earth that it is connected to.”

“Go deeper. I want you to seek emotion. Look for thoughts derived from observation, and then find the source from which they come. Search them all, understand who they come from.” He urged.

She closed her eyes once more and entered the building. She moved floor to floor until she found people. Slightly changed the frequency of her mind, she probed the air and found sweet vibrations swimming everywhere. Intrigued, she followed one such vibration to its source to understand the cause. As she reached person who was sitting at a table reading a book, she saw a small light just above their head. She raced forward and consumed herself in this light.
Immediately she saw there before her, an image of herself; yet it was not the same as looking into the mirror. She reached out to touch the image and felt the hand on her own face when she made contact. She whirled around and found herself looking out the eyes of the person she saw before reading the book. As she became aware of the words in the book, she felt the paper, the words; she felt herself being watched, like someone was reading her. She closed her eyes in an effort to control what was happening and the realization came at that moment. It flooded upon her with such magnificent love and truth that reached out to everything that is, that has ever existed, and that will ever be. At that moment she realized she was one with everything, and realized that never was she ever alone.
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