Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1141911-Daughter-of-the-Titan-Oceanus
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Mythology · #1141911
A fictional story about a deity (like a goddess) who ruled over Atlantas.up date11/28
In a place lost to time and it's people there was an island of mystrious beauty. The island was inhabited by a race of people of peace and serenity.The queen of these people was named Nami and her kingdom was the sea and it's beaches. There were other kingdoms on the island one in the moutains,one in the forest,one in the plains,and one in the desert.For thousands of years the people lived in this blissful peace but in all stories the fall of man is inevitable.Kings would grow jelous when other kingdoms were more prosporous.Nami was never tempted to fight for she saw no reason for it, and the kings were jelous of her level head.So the kings banded togeather to over throw Queen Nami and take her land and people for themselves.When the kings and their armies showed up at the edge of her beaches she gave them one last chance to turn back and leave her in peace but sadly they refused.As the first horse's hoove hit the sand a great tidal wave rose up and took back it's beautiful creation that was the island and it's people.
Five centuries later...
The year is 3084 after many centuries of war the world is finally at peace again.Science has been progressing in it's reserch in space and history. Recently the story of Atlantas has become popular again, due to the fact that it's one of the last great mystries of the world that could possibly be solved.A young scientist fresh out of college is putting everything on the line that the legend is true. His name is Rai, he had only just turned twenty-two a few days before he graduated. Rai had always belived the legend; it was all he could think about at times. His friends would tease him in saying that it was in his dreams too. This statement wasn't false though he had many strange dreams about an island of no name,which he belived was what he thought Atlantas had looked like. He didn't like that his friends teased him about his love of Atlantas. They even laughed at the fact that he was leaving right after college to find it and they didn't belive he would accualy do it. But now he was out on the open sea and his dreams of the island were becoming more frequent and violent with warriors charging tword something but he didn't know what. Nothing was going to stop him from finding this island no dream,no gods,no law,no nothing not even the great sea was going to stop him.
"RAI!!We're here!!" Ayame yelled from the bow of the ship. 'I can't belive it! All of our research has pointed us here in the middle of no where. This is where Atlantas lies. 'Ayame thought as she took in a big breath of the fresh sea air. Groggly Rai got out of his bed,he'd slept most of the trip he didn't like to be board. He steped out on the deck to see most of the crew in the same shape he was, half asleep and not enjoying the bright light and the yelling of orders of the over zellus Ayame. "Aya-kun could you not yell so loudly. Some of us are just getting out of bed. I mean it's only..." Rai asked as he looked down at his watch, "...eleven fourty-five." He finished grumbling under his breath. Ayame just smiled as he sulked back to his room to put on his deep sea gear. When he returned he still wasn't happy to up in the bright open air but the more he thought about seeing the long awaited city of his dreams he didn't care how tired he was and he became very excited about the up coming dive . He walked over to edge of the boat sat on the edge waitting for the order to go ahead. "Did you check for leaks? Is this all of the right gear for deep diving?" Ayame asked with worry clearly in her voice. "No of course it's not it just looks like it is." He answered sarcasticly with a smile on his face. She let out a sigh then waved her hand telling him to go. "Thanks!" he said as he gave her a little kiss on the cheek and went over bord. A spike of cold went through his whole body before the suit could level out the tempeture. He began to swim deeper and deeper. From this distance it just looked like a bunch of seaweed on the bottom of the sea floor but that couldn't be right he hadn't swam far enough to begin to see seaweed. The closer he got to the supposed seaweed it hit him it wasn't seaweed they were trees!! Great oaks in fact,he'd never seen anything this bazzar before or even heard of anyhting like this. He now swam through the trees, they were all perfectly perseved as if the tidal wave had never happened. He came to the edge of the forest to a beach and saw that there was something there...it was...'a person!?' Rai thought as he floated through the water. As he swam over to the person,who was now visably a young woman,adrinaline was rushing through him as he became face to face with the young woman on Atlantas's beach. Like the trees she to was unharmed by the tidal wave. She didn't even show any kind of aging, it was the find of the milenia! He grabbed her by her waist and began to pull her up to the surface.
As Rai was swimming up fish and other marine life began to follow him almost as if he was taking something that belonged to them. He reached the surface and when he did he heard screaming he thought that they were celebratory shouts until he felt something nudge his foot. His heart began to pound so loud he was sure that the vibrations were causing waves. The people on the boat were frantically looking for something they could distract the sharks with then with out notice the ring of sharks were beginnig to make their circle bigger,and again Rai felt something nudge his foot but then the people on board were silent all of them staring at the amazing sight. A whale had lifted Rai and the Atlantian woman up so they could get onto the boat easily. The shock was so much that all Rai could do was step over the edge of the boat and turn back around and say to the whale,"T-thanks." As if to answer Rai witha 'your welcome' the whale blew the water out of his blow-hole. Then as quickly and strangely as they came the sharks and the whale and all of the other sea animals were gone. After a few minutes of shock all eyes where on the Atlantian woman in Rai's arms."......um...Rai...where did that woman come from,and why are you holding her so close to you?" Ayame asked adding a bit spite due to her jellous nature. "Oh-uh, she was at the bottom of the ocean on the shores of Atlantas. Its really down there Ayame!! We've found Atlantas!!" He said with enthusiasm,choosing to ignore her second question hopping she would forget. "YOU FOUND HER AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN!!!!!!!" Ayame screeched not only out of terror but because she couldn't haddle being this suprised. "But how?!!! She looks like she just stepped into the water then back out. And her...SHE'S BREATHING!!!!!!!!!" Ayame said as she tried to regain her compousure. "Aya-kun your just seeing things." Rai answered as he took off the top half of his wet suit. "See..." he said as he leaned down to listed to the should be absent heart beat. "Noth-...oh my dear lord....there's a heart beat! Quick get lots of blankets!!!" He ordered his crew.If he didn't hurry she would freeze to death, going from the ocean as cold it is to the chilling breeze of the open sea.
chaper 2
It has been two days of waiting in anticipation for Dr.Satoru to say wether or not if she was okay. Rai sat out side of the door almost alseep because he stayed awake waiting for test results and for the girl to awake for most of the past two days. "Rai come on these divers are horrible they need your guidence they don't know a shell from a peice of pottery. The girl is probbaly not going to wake up any way so quit obsessing." Ayame stated crossing her arms letting him know she was not happy that he was neglecting her for some other girl. "The divers are fine it's really hard to see down there so me helping isn't going to change too much. Besides Dr.Satoru said that all her test showed that she was fine that she could wake up at any time and I'm too tired to dive any way." He said trying to yawn to make it convencing. She wasn't buying it though. "Fine." She told him turning with a snap and silently stomping with her head hung low in defeat. Not long after Ayame had left the doctor came to check on the girl again. Rai had finally had fallen asleep out side the door. He was having one of his dreams of Atlantas again. The weird thing was he knew this dream all to well and the forest he saw looked exactly the same as the one he had swam through. When he realized he was coming to the end of the dream when they, the charging army as he had come to realize them as, came to the edge of the forest and a bright light blinded him and this was usally when he woke up but this time was different there wasn't much of blinding light just a flash and he was on the beach where he had found the Atlantian girl. There she was standing in her traditional roman garments her long blondish hair with a few brownish red streaks through it. The breaze blew gentaly sending her hair and skirt flowingly out to the side of her. She looked so sad as he looked into her eyes then the faintest wisper floated through not only his ears but his very being. It said "Help me." then before he could ask who it was he had to help a large crashing noise came out of no where and then he was awake and looking around for what that noise had been. Then another clashing sound came from behind him and he threw open the door to see the Atlantian girl choaking Dr. Satoru with a towel. She looked up and stopped her choaking of the doctor when she saw Rai. At first there was a looking her eyes as if she had seen an old friend but it came and went so quickly he wasn't even sure he had accually seen it. Then with out warning she lunged tword him with her arms out streched like she was going to choke him to death. With him paralized with shock by this agression she knocked him to the ground his neck engulffed by her hands trying to squeez the life out of him. He could feel himself close to passing out when she just fell over. As he began to take full breaths again he looked up to see the doctor standing behind her picking her up and placing her back on the bed. She was oviously angery about something and was shouting something in Atlantian. For the rest of her body was paralized just not her mouth or the rest of her face for that mater.
"What is going on back here?" they heard Ayame shouting from the hallway as she opened the door. "Oh my goodness, Rai-kun are you okay? Your bleeding!" She exclaimed grabbing a clean rag from the counter of the small doctor office like room. "Yah I'm fine I didn't even realize I had hit it...doctor what happened?" He asked more concered about the Atlantian girl than anything else not even noticing the pouting Ayame when her voiced cocern went unnnoticed ."Well I came in and placed a new warm rag on her forehead and turned around to prepare my instruments and next thing I know she comes from behind me with the towel and started choking me." He explained as he began to pick up all of the trays that had been knocked over in the comotion. "The girl is dangerous we should lock her up until we get back to the main land. I mean listen to her she won't listen to us even if she could understand us. "Ayame said with a glare pointed at the girl. Then as the room got quiet the girl starts to yell again"Necane me!Madafuda!" { It was brought to my attention that this makes no sence at all. Well what you need to know for this to make sence is that most people during the roman times spoke latin and since she is atlantian she speaks latin as well because I said so :} All stare at her as she repeats the phrase again. "What did she say?" asked the very shocked and timid doctor. A big wide grin spreads across Rai's face as he answers the doctor's question,"...She said 'Just do it,kill me' I remember because it sounds like mother fu#*er..she's speaking in latin!!" He quickly walks over to the bed followed by Ayame. She just stares as he starts to ask her questions in latin. After he finish his many and rushed questions she gets mad and spits in his face and says somthing to him in latin. "Gosh Rai what did you say to her?" Ayame asked not happy with the girl's reaction. "I just told her that we weren't going to hurt her and I asked her if she knew where she was ar when it was. Then she spit in my face and told me she would answer no questions from someone like me. "Why don't you just go up on deck and we can let her get use to her suroundings alittle more and maybe she won't try to kill any one when the medication the doctor gave her wears off. "Ayame suggested." But we can't just leave her down here by herself that could make things worse. "Rai replied. "Don't worry I'll stay down here with her.I could use a break from those morons you call a diving team." She said leaning back in the chair she was now sitting in.
As the doctor and Rai left the two girls were left there in this deaffining silence. They just sat there staring the other down as if judging the other's worth. Nami laid there trying to move but couldn't, she decided that she would give up for right now since her efforts were getting her no where. She laid there wondering what she was going to do next while the young girl sitting next to her was obviously trying to talk to her. She would talk to her when she had too,now she needed answers. She was very puzzled as to why she was still alive,after Posidon took the throne she was told like the rest of her siblings that she was never to try to return to the sea's deapths. When she sank Atlantis and took it back to the sea ,Posidon should have killed her. She was forbiden to ever live there again when he bacame ruler of the sea and all it's branches. Ever since Zeus and the rest of the gods had come, titains like her father, Oceanus, had been dethroned, killed ,or banished. She had to go see Zeus for Posidon whould just try to finish the job probally, he was the reason she didn't die when she had to sink her beloved Atlantis. Even though she had wished to die with her beloved island,he could never understand this. He was probally thought he was doing her a favor and was now going to want something in return, but what she didn't know what this wish was going to be. First she was going to have to get out of this room,where ever it was, she knew instinctively that she was very close to the sea, as if it were directly below her. She must be on a boat she told herself,but this was such a nice room how did they get it on a boat. "Hey what is this place anyway?" Nami ask in a curious tone.
Ayame was so shocked that she almost couldn't respond. Here was this cenuries old young woman who was found at the bottom of the ocean. When she was brought back up to the surface she was breathing and when she finally woke up she tried to kill Rai and the good doctor. Now she's speaking english!! This was too much for her to handle! After another few moments of thinking and gaping in amazement she gave up trying to understand and answered the Atlantian girl,"You're on a boat, in the middle of the ocean...but never mind that how is it that you were just speaking in latin to Rai and now your speaking english to me?" Nami thought for a second then explained,"Well its more of a something I was born with,because my father was a titain. All of the gods and goddesses,even the titains too are able to speak what ever language is spoken to them first. Because this friend of yours, Rai, spoke to me in latin first,I knew latin and therefore spoke it too him. Does that answer your question?", "Uh yah I guess. Did I hear you correctly? You said that your father was a titain. How is that possible? I didn't think they or the Roman and Greek gods and goddesses exsisted" Ayame asked listening intently for the answer so as to not miss anything. "Well trust me those jerks exsist. As for how its possible,well you see my mother was the first queen of the shores of Atlantis. She was a beautiful queen who loved the sea and everything about it. So when my father visited her,she gladly accepted his offer for her to rule by his side and they would live togeather forever in the safety of the sea. Although he could do nothing to protect or help her when it came time for myself to be born and saddly she died during child birth. "She answered trying once again to move only for it to be in vain. "If you don't mind me asking another question, why did you attack Rai then refuse to answer the question he asked you then spitting on him?" she asked a little sheepishly. Ayame stared down a her hands and watched her own twiddling thumbs so as to not seem too egear. "I don't mind answering your questions, its just..." Nami let out a sigh,trying to figure out if she should continue telling the girl or not." I don't know if he is even the same person or not but he looks exactly like someone I use to know. When I sank Atlantis he and I ended on some very bad terms, thats all."
9/10 chapter 3
Twelve years before Atlantis sunk...
"Nami!!! Quit hidding and come out!!! You must get ready now or you'll be late to meet your guest!!" Shouted the young nurse maid as she serched for the princess in the study. "No! I don't want to!! I don't want to spend another boring afternoon with another boring king. Besides he'll be the worst of all !!! He's from the desert! They don't even know what an ocean is, all they care about are their cammmels." Nami shouted as she bounded for the door to escape her nurse maid. Out of no where the gaurd that was standing out side the door had picked her up many feet off the ground and dangled her there. He was huge in comparason to the seven year old Nami. He stood well over six feet tall and had a very muscular bulid. "Marcus put me down before Tatiana catches me! Eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk! No I don't wan't to go!! I want to go play on the sea shore!! There is already peace in the land why do we still have to have all the boring meetings?" She argued seeing that she was now caught and there would be no escape. "Thats just the point we must keep up the strong peace bonds. Besides because they are from the desert it might be a good idea if you had your meeting out side on the teris so that they may have a view of the ocean. "Tatiana said as she put the nicer dress over her under dress that she had been running around in. " 'They'? Who is 'They'? I thought that only the king was comming." Asked Nami trying not to show any intrest. "Yes the king has a son, he's about your age. Lets see what was his name again... Jonus,no... uh maybe it was Arus,no it wasn't that either...oh it'll come to me later." She said as she pulled the young Nami's hair up into a bun.
After a few more hours of preperation for their guest, Nami was finally aloud to go down to the sea shore and play, as long as she stayed clean or Tatiana would be exstreamly angery. Nami skipped down the beach happy to out of the hectic house which was still busy preparing rooms and dinner. Any time she was on her beaches she couldn't be more at home. She could see her favorite sitting spot up ahead a small rock formation, at least in comparason to most, but it was just right for her. When she reached the rock she stood at the top and took a huge breath of the sea air then plopped down and just admired the view. The rock slightly stood out upon the ocean which, caused the surface to be smoothed by erosion because of the waves. She sat there with her eyes closed feeling out to the sea creatures that were close. There was a whale and her off spring very close by and she so wanted to go swim with them but couldn't. Once again these guest had ruined her day and she hadn't even met them yet. But all she had to do was take off her nice dress and under shift and she could just swim in her under wear. If only Tatiana knew what she was planning she would be saying,'This is not the proper behavor for a princess, much less the daughter of a titian.' Tatiana and Marcus were the only people who knew who she really was. When she was born it was the only time her father had ever been out side the ocean. Tatiana and marcus were the only ones permitted in the room durring the birthing. When her father came into the room after Nami had been born her mother passed away unable to keep her strengh up after loosing so much blood. Tatiana had told her, Nami, that her mother had blead more that a normal mother and that was why she died. Her father was very sad to see the woman he had loved die but he intrusted Nami into the hands of Marcus and Tatiana. He said that she needed to grow up on land so she could be safe from the aproching dagers. He still wouldn't say what those dangers were but Nami didn't care they weren't here yet so she didn't need to worry. She carefully laid her dress and under shift on the back part of the rock so that they wouldn't get wet. After she looked both ways to make sure that no one was around she ran and jumped right off the end of the rock diving into the water. It wasn't exactly safe but when you have the ability to controll water its was. She swam as fast as a dolphin and had sences like a shark. All of marine life was her friend. She swam out to where the whales were to play with them, the baby whales were always so happy to play. They swam circles around one another playing with sea shells like a bouncy ball, it seemed like she had been down there for hours, she finally told the baby whale that she had to go back to her land home. It did one last circle around her than gave her the shell they had been playing with and lifted her to the surface and took her to her rock. Nami hadn't relized how far she had swam. She could barely see the shore from here, and the baby whale and it's mother had already been swimming back with her for about a mile. The closer she got to the shore she could see two little specks. She just asumed them to be Marcus and Tatiana, so she laid back and enjoyed the ride.
It was very close to sun down by the time she reached the shore. Her hair was a bit tangled and she had lost her hair tie but nothing was as bad as it was going to be when Tatiana found out she had gone swimming knowing they were to have guest at any moment now. When she was really close to the shore she saw to her horror that the figures were not Tatiana and Marcus it was the king and what looked to be a body gaurd. She ask the whale to stop so that the people on the beach didn't notice her not only in her under wear but also on the back of a whale. It slowly lowered it self back into the water and said good bye. Nami swam very quietly back to her rock trying not to attract attention. She climed out of the water and on to her rock. When she looked up she saw a boy her own age standing above her holding her dresses! "Give those back you theif!" She damanded covering her self up with her arms. "I'm no theif I found them lying here. Besides I don't see your name on them. I bet I could take these back to town and trade them for something cool!" He told her trying to provoke a response from her. "As the Queen of the Atlantian shores I demand you give me back my clothes or I shall have you put in jail." She stated as proudly as one could when they are half naked. After a second of what she had said registering with the boy, he started laughing. He was laughing so hard that he had tears in his eyes, taking advantage of this Nami stole her clothes back and slipped them back over her head. She had never been so embaraced and angery at the same time like this.
It wasn't long after the incident that Marcus and Tatiana showed up. They spent the rest of the evening on the terris eating the dinner feast that the cooks spent all day on. Just as Nami had suspected she was completely board the entire time but apparently not as much as the young prince Heli. Heli would every once in awhile look over and snicker remembering the earlyer events. Seeing this made her mad again and she turned away from his sight to pout. He was handsome though, He had short curly dark brown hair, it was even black in some lights. He was just a little bit taller than she was but he was very scrawny. The dinner was finally over when the maids came to pick up the dishes, it be just a short time now until she could go to bed and get away from the dark haired jerk. While Nami was sending him a dirty look her ears perked up at the mention of her name. "...Would you like that Nami?" Marcus asked in his deep booming voice. "Like what?" She asked looking up at him. "To go down and play on the beach tomorrow with prince Heli?" He responded. "Go play on the beach, with him..." She repeated with some sharpness added when she talked about him. She wanted to say 'No, he's mean I don't like him!' but that wasn't nice and she didn't want to insult the nice king and Marcus was giving her an unkind look for taking so long to answer, "oh,...uh sorry I just a little tiered, but yes it would be a dealight to go play tomorrow." She answered trying to look very tiered so as not to appear rude for taking that long to answer such a simple question. "Wonderful tomorrow we will all spend the day on the beach." The kind king said yawnig him self. "It is very late I think we should all goto bed now." Marcus declared everyone mumbled their agrees and Tatiana picked up little Nami who was basically asleep standing up with her eyes barely open. Tatiana showed the king and company to their rooms before taking Nami to her own. "See Nami they are very kind aren't they. I'm sure they will be our best and strongest allies." Tatiana wispered in Nami's ear as she tucked her into bed and kissed her good night on the forehead.
Rai stood out on the boat's bow, he looked out across the sea looking at the darken spot under the water. It was hard to believe that he found the lost island of Atlantis. He had spent many years calculating and studying mytholgy and ancient geography. He took so many classes in college he could have graduated for six people! He never complained though because he was doing something he loved with his friends. Taking all those classes though was how he met Ayame. She worked in the school library working off school debts. They saw each other so much people began to assume that they were going out and were deeply in love from the looks of it at least. So natuarly they started going out once they had gotten wind of this rummor. He liked having her around, they had alot in common and she deeply cared for her, he even for a while considered proposing to her. He was going to actually to follow through with it this time, that is until he found the lady of Atlantis, as the crew came to call her as. Ever since he found her he doubted if proposing was what he really wanted to do or if he really wanted to wait for.... He plopped down and hung his feet over the edge of the boat watching the divers swim back and forth carrying bags filled with artifacts. He wondered why the atlantian had said what she said,'I will answer no questions of someone like you.' Did she think he was someone else? did she take offense to him being so blunt? Maybe all the current understandings of latin were wrong. Maybe what he said was very offensive to her. And why did she think that we were trying to kill her. Did she not know that she had been in like a cyrogenic state all this time under the water. Well when she calmed down he would apologize for what ever it was that he did, or didn't do. He continued to stare down into the water not noticing that everyone on the deck had gone comepletly sighlent as Ayame and Nami stepped out of the cabbin. This was the first time anyone other than the doctor, Rai, and Ayame had seen Nami. Many of the crew gawked at her other shrank away from her, there were a few who smile at her with a welcoming warmth to them. Ayame just smiled at Nami to see how she was taking everything. She was unphased by the attention like this was normal, but Ayame just shrugged it off not paying any attention to it after all she already gave up trying to understand the girl. Ayame scaned the deck looking for Rai. She had made Nami promise to give Rai a chance he was a nice guy, and was probally nothing like the person she had mistaken him for. "Rai-kun there you are!" Ayame shouted prancing over to him dragging Nami along with her."Guess who!"Ayame said then making Nami put her hands over his eyes. Nami understood this game she played it alot when she was a kid, but she didn't quite get why she was doing it now."Ayame I thought that you were watching the Atlatian girl until she could move again." He said falling right into the playful trap Ayame had set for him. When the hands didn't move he asked,"Ayame?" He moved the hands away from his eyes and looked up to see the young goddess staring back at him with the same confused look he had."Um... sorry about earlyer. I... uh mistook you for someone else."She said a looking away so as not to meet his ever familiar gaze."Oh, that its fine I thought I had done something to insult you or said something wrong."He answered with a smile on his face so as to show her that he wasn't mad. She looked back and saw his smilling face she couldn't help but smile. She felt warm inside, she hadn't felt this way in a very long time. The Ayame and Nami sat down next Rai as Nami explained everything to him just like she had for Ayame. When she finished Rai was star stuck he couldn't belive it here he was sitting next to a goddess who acted just like a normal girl. She smiled when the dolphins came to 'check on her' as she had put it. She had said that she had a special bond with the animal of the sea, she couldn't speak their language but understood them by their actions. Before they had relized it it was evening and most of the crew had joined them in listening to Nami answer all the questions that were asked, save the ones who were afraid of the girl who should be dead.
Two weeks later....
Nami had gotten use to the new technology that had come about while she had been away. Her new friends were teaching her as much as she was teaching them. She was spending the day in the study reading the text books to see why her home was so interesting to these people who will never see or be apart of this world. As interesting to see her whole world written down in this book her mind began to wonder.She started thinking about how she would go about getting to Olympus, when she had only been there once. She really wanted to get to Olympus as fast as she could though she needed to find out why this happened. Why had Zeus agree to let her live, all of the gods and goddesses hated the titains even though some continued to live Zeus was just waiting for the moment that they over steppedd their boundries so that he could punish them by death or worse....Nami freaked so many awfull thoughts of what Zeus could have done to her father while she was asleep. She jumped over the books that she had encirled around her and pulled the door open as fast as her feet would carry her. She nearly knocked everyone in her path to the ground trying to get to the deck. She closed her eyes as she threw the door that led to the deck open so that the light didn't blind her right away. Then not missing a beat, she stripped down to her under wear and tank top, that she had barrowed from Ayame, people stared at the nearly streaking Nami. She ignored them all and ran strait for the edge of the boat, then lept right over the rail and dove in the water. She swam as deep as about fifty feet under water when she felt that was deep enough. Then, like she did for the whales, she sent out a call for her father. There was no reply. She practically screamed her cries for her father out into the open abyss, yet there was no reply. She could feel her heart breaking into a million peices when she realized that her father was gone. She just wanted to sink back down to the bottom of the ocean and stay there this time. With that thought she began to slowly fall toward the dark deapths of the ocean. When she felt like she could never feel happiness ever again she felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around her waist and began to pull her back to the surface, she knew this familiar touch and she wasn't about to fight it. It was full of love and concern for her well being, but when she looked up she couldn't see the person's face but she didn't need to she knew exactly who it was. It was Rai. After struggling to get her to the surface she was only able to keep concious for just long enough to get her back on the boat deck. She could hear people scolding her for scaring everyone like that but she paid them no thought as a blanket of darkness and relief fell upon her and she fell unconsious.
When she finally woke up she saw the same doctor as she did last time but she didn't attack this time. She kind of laughed a little at the thought of their first meeting. He had forgiven her and they had become fast friends after she had made her grand apperace to Rai and answered all the questions from everyone. He heard her chuckel behind him and he turned around to see her not so happy face dispite the fact that she was laughing on the inside. "Tell me Miss Nami why in the world did you jump ship like that?" the good doctor asked as he pulled his swivel chair to the bed side where he began his check up. "I was in the librarry reading and I began to think about why Zeus had let me live insted of letting me die like I should have being half human. Because I can't breath under water but like the seal I can hold my breath for very long periods at a time and swim very deep with out the pressure killing me."She said then opening her mouth so that he could inspect there too." My, my you have been studying haven't you." He replied with a chuckle. "Yes, well that led me into thinking about my father. Then it just clicked with me as to why Zeus kept me alive." She continued, the anger and sadness growing in her with every word," He kept me alive because letting my father see me like that, alive but not, it was torture. He was going to make my father one of the last great titains beg for death. Thats when I panicked, I didn't want to belive that my father would give into Zeus's plans so easily. So I ran as fast as I could to the deck so that I could dive in and call to him...but there wasn't an answer." She said tears of anger and sadness formed her grief. Anger that her father would give up so easily and at Zeus to use such cruel methods to bring her father down. Sad that her father was gone and the rest of her family followed: Tatian, Marcus, Mother, and now Father. It was all too much she hated Zeus he had taken everything from her. He forced her to sink her home, he cause her one true love to turn on her, now he had taken all of her family. The tears flowed down her face like waterfalls of misery. Doctor Satoru new she was hurting and he just sat there and held her in his arms like he had done for his own daughter when she was young. Rai had heard her pour her heart out to the doctor and found himself feeling a tinge of jealousy that she had opened up to Satoru and not him. He wanted to be the one who she ran to when she was hurting and sad. He began to feel very surprised when had he developed these feelings? How could he feel that way? He was seeing Ayame he should feel that way about her not Nami no matter how good of friends they had become. As if on cue Ayame rounded the corner and gave Rai a warm smile. He stood up and took her into his arms and kissed her. She accepted it graciously until she started to giggle like a little school girl who was getting away with something she knew was wrong." What was that for?" She asked still trying to get over her giggles. "Just to let you know that I care alot about you." He answered with one of his manevolent smiles that just made her giggle more until he 'shh'ed her so as to not disturb Nami and Dr. Satoru.
Meanwhile watching from some floating clouds over head were two figures. A beautiful woman who had a bow and quiver on her sholder and the apperance of a young woman no older than twenty. Next to her a young man who looked to be the same age. He also carried arrows on his back, standing togeather they looked very much alike. They both had soft blondish hair and fair skin and even fairer beauty. The young man snickered a bit as he said,"What a liar that one is. He knows that he doesn't love that girl, Ayame, you don't need to be cupid to see that. So why carry on the charade when it has no point? His one true love died a long time ago and yet she still walks among the living trying to be one of us. Though I can't say I feel sorry for him it was his fault that she died and that she still walks." The woman meekly answered his question with a question of her own,"Why try to love someone who's just going to die again."
CHAPTER 5 9/22
Nami spent the night in the infirmary due to the fact that she cried so much that she didn't have the heart to get up and go to her own room. When she sat up in bed she looked over to see someone had left fresh clothes out for her. She sat there for a moment deciding if she really wanted to get out of bed today. She wondered if life was even worth living anymore. She shook that scarry thought out of her head and decided that if she was going to think like that then she deffinitly needed to get out and be with her friends. She shouldn't be sulking; yes her father was gone now but at least she was alive, she had this second chance to live. She was still going to make Zeus pay for what he did to all of the titians, his own family. She got out of bed and into the infirmary shower, then put on the strange shorts called blue jeans and a tank top that was a dark marine blue. When she looked in the mirror she was surprised at how short the jean shorts really were, to her they were more like under wear. Uncomfertable in wearing the shorts she put the long blue jeans back on that she had worn the day before. After that whole fiasco she opened the door and saw no one. She had exspected Rai to be sitting right out side her door, she had heard from some where that when she first got on the boat he had stayed and slept out side her door ever day until she finally woke up. It made her sad again that he hadn't been there but she didn't know why, she certinally wasn't in love with him. She swore to herself that she would never fall in love again no matter what. It hurt too much when that love betrayed you. She started heading for the main deck when she decided that she would go up to the captain's deck since no one was there. She would find lots of maps there and she could figure out how she was going to get to olmpus. When she reached the top of the boat, the captian's deck was empty just like she suspected it to be because everyone was on the main deck working to get and record all of the findings and artifacts. She looked around the large circular room. It was filled with gagets that did who knows what, and it was surrounded with glass windows all the way around. She was warmed by the view of the sea on all sides of her, she felt happy and at home. She caught her self looking down at the main deck at Rai and wondering again why he hadn't been there, it wasn't for his work because he had already shunned his work for her before. She shook of f the thought again trying to keep her sprits up as she was doing this something caught her eye. She turned to see what it was but it was gone. It was probally just a bird she told her self as she turned back around to start her serch for the maps, when all the sudden she stood face to face with someone she hadn't seen in a very long time.
Rai looked out over all his faithful workers and all the hard work that they had put in over all these weeks. He really wanted to go check on Nami, 'But she must still be asleep because other wise she would have already come to the main deck, right? Well think about it.' He thought to himself and continued, 'Would you really want to be around alot of people who are so cheerful even though you have suffered such a loss? No. So maybe I should go and check on her, a friend is what she needs most right now.' He handed the list off to other in high comand and headded down below deck. He gently knocked on the door and waited for a response, but there wasn't one. He opened the door slowly and quietly so as to not wake her if she was asleep. when he opened the door he saw that it was empty, the fresh clothes were gone and so was she. He began to panic where would she go? She wouldn't jump ship again and try to sink to the bottom of the ocean again would she? She could be in the librarry! Rai ran down the hall to the little librarry that Nami had spent most of her time in over the oast couple of weeks. He threw open the door only to see the lonely books that still hadn't been picked up since the day before. He didn't have time to pick them up he was too worried about Nami. He tried to think of somewhere he could go to see the whole ship so he could try to look for her from above, the captain's deck should work. He hurried from the librarry to get to the captian's deck.
" What do you want Apollo?" Nami asked with fear and spite in her voice. "I'm merely an errand runner for this visit. Zeus wants to see you, he's not happy that you were woken up. He wants you dead, that is why Artemis and I are here."Apollo said in melancholoy tone. "Why do you lett Zeus push you around?" Nami asked as she casually leaned against the computer desk that surounded the glassed room. There was no response, he needed more convincing so that he would be on her side and maybe spare her for right now so that she could figure out what she could do. "What about your mother Leto, she was a titian, isn't what Hera did to her the same thing Zeus is doing to us. She forced her out of her home and every where else during child birth. He's doing the same thing to us, making our lives unbearable until we want to die." She argued strategicly, but she still didn't provoke a response from him. But as she began to try to convince her even more she heard from behind her a voice that sent fear surging through her as it said," What lies have you been telling my brother little fish?" "Oh did you have fun with the other people Artemis?" Apollo asked not paying the least bit of attention to Nami. "I have told no lies to your brother Artemis and what have you done to the people on the ship!" Nami asked trying not to sound as scared as she actually was. "I didn't do much, just messed with them alittle, but you shouldn't be worring about them you should be worrying about yourself little fish." She wispered in her ear. Nami could feel her breath on the back of her neck. It made her skin crawl with fear when Artemis ran the broad side of her hunting dagger and slid it around Nami's neck like you would a bow with a violin. "So tell me little fish would you rather die like your father or will you let me taste your blood first? Zeus said that we could bring you back dead or alive." The words that Artemis spoke were like magma across her heart as she pictured her father taking his own life, she wasn't ready to die yet, she still had to avenge her father's death. "I-I'd like to take my own life as I did the first time I died."Nami stuttered. "Humph, fine don't let me have any fun."Artemis said shoving the dagger into Nami's hands. No sooner had the cold steal had touched her had did she duck under Artemis's arm, stabbed her thigh right above her knee and rolled to the middle ground and backed up so that she could face both Artemis and Apollo. Artemis howled with pain as she despertly tried to heal her knee, but it takes a little more work when the wound is made by a god/titian. "YOU HEIFER HOW DARE YOU STRIKE ME!!" Artemis howled. "Huh, the little fish still has some fight in her, interesting."Apollo said unphased by his sister's pain as if he wasn't surprised. "Quit praising her and kill her Apollo!!" Artemis yelled. "Why should I dirty my hands with such a minuscule task, but I do have a fun little idea. What if you and the rest of the gods made this into a group hunt, winner gets the honor of placing her dead carcus at Zeus's feet and have his praise." Apollo said sending a glance in Nami's direction just to make sure she was paying attention to what he was saying. "I like it; she'll be hunted everywhere she goes. You hear that little fish you've got no where to run to."She said laughing at the thought. Nami watched them fade into little lights as they evaporated back to Olympus. Nami slumped back down onto the floor and leaned back against the computer desk. 'Why did Apollo do that?' she wondered,'Why spare me only to make things worse, unless you were never intending to help me only to amuse your self? That didn't sound like Apollo he always had a good understanding of everthing and he was never rude or mean to her before so why start now? "He probably has a plan and thinks you can figure it out."said the voice from the stair well. "Rai..... how long have you been there?" Nami asked a little scared that he would make her leave considering how much trouble she'd caused. "Since you stabbed the woman... I wanted to help but..." He answered not wanting to look her in the eye. "I just want you to know she was a very bad woman and that it was in self defense only! I'll leave as soon as I can find a good map of the Mediterranean, I promise, and I promise to help clean up what ever it was that Artemis messed up."She said all in one breath. "Y-You don't have to leave if you don't want to.I trust you and I know it was in self defense."Rai said like a little kid who had done something bad and felt guiltly about it. "Well I just don't want to put any of you in any danger. I know you heard what Apollo said. Now all of the gods will be after me and I don't think I could get them to see things my way... my way... That's it! That's what Apollo was doing! He was setting it up so that the gods would come to me so that I could convince them to see what Zeus is doing is wrong! He was helping me!!" She said happy to have figured everything out so quickly. "Now we just have to find that map and get off the boat before any of the gods come here looking for me."She continued looking around the room for where they kept all the maps. "So your going to leave?"He asked a little sadly. "Well yah but your more than welcome to with me, but it would be very dangerous you have to keep that in mind." She said continuing to look for the map secretly hoping he would agree to come with her. She felt a light tap on the top of her head and turned around to meet Rai's gaze. She was almost completely lost in his gaze when he said,"I don't care what kind of danger there is, I'm comming with you." Her heart lept with joy as did the rest of her when she jumped up and hugged him thanking him many times. He accepted her affectionate hugs even though he was blushing the entire time, not that she noticed.
*hey you guys just wanted to let you know that the rest of the story is in another part because apparently 'write as much as you want' doesn't as much as you want it means there is a set amount you can put but we don't think you'll get that much down. hehe but they don't know me very well now do they :3 but the rest of the story starting at chapter 6 will be under Daughter of the Titian Oceanus part 2. So please come read and enjoy I love to hear everyone's opinion good or bad. I hope you enjoy -Nani Kun
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