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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1143869
Marcus must protect Julia but his first priority is the land Basik. He must come to terms.
Heaven or Hell
The Epic Begins
By Jaquelin Butow

It Began

The room filled with a lifeless love. My love. My true companion. And it’s his fault. He did it; he killed her. I just couldn’t stop him. He was too smart, too quick, and too strong. And I’m sorry. Sorry for not keeping her safe. I kept my promise though. I got her home. Just not safely. I’m sorry Julia, so sorry. I swear though, he will pay. He will pay for the sweet shed of hope he took from the world. I swear it, until the last dying breath in my body, I will kill him. I will kill your brother.
It all started when my elite squad was sent to protect the Elfish princess, Julia. I was recommended by the high guard of the Dragons, for this task. This was a time of war. Vergil the warlord of the southern part of Basik, refused to give into the demands of the Kilters. Who at the time ruled under the Elves. Vergil was an Elf, until he began to disagree with the political systems of the Elves. He believed that people of all kinds should be ruled under one king, were the Elves and Dragons believed in democracy. As the story goes on, Vergil waged war against both the Dragons and Elves. The war was a war for territory. Vergil gathered many supporters, such as the poor. Poor of all kinds. He promised them riches.
This was around the time of The Great Depression. Little food, no work, no money. So either you sought an opportunity and died, or took it. Criminals became a big hit. Everyone was stealing something. Until the democratic republic took hold of law enforcers, like me. Laws were strictly enforced, by any means necessary. There were Dragon officers, which would usually beat you until the lesson was learned. Then there were the Elves. They were very tolerant. They would let people off the hook. There were very different types of species. But you could never find a Wolf. Or a Wolf transformer. The lots were killed in the wars before the birth of Democracy. I however was a Wolf. Straight breed too, not mixed species. I was considered rare. Wolves were known for their loyalty and decisive decision making. Pretty much at the top of the charts. I was quickly put into the elite task force.
Julia was vital to the Republic. She was able to rebuild economic failures and could quickly take charge of any situation. She was one of seven political leaders of the democratic republic. She was young and beautiful but knowledge and wisdom were gifts many of the leaders didn’t have that she possessed. Her survival was vital, well until she got to Treim. This was the place were decisions were made about the lands. This specific territory was controlled by the Redwood Riders. Magical mages of both the dark and light arts. Very rare to see one of those powerful beings leave their territory. I’m not to sure why they’re called the Redwood Riders though.
A very important decision was to be made there and she needed to put her say in it. It was completely secret of what was to transpire there, so much that if any of the leaders were to speak of it before Treim, punishment would be death. So she needed transportation and protection from Vergil. They sent me and my men.
None of my men knew what our mission was, nor did I. Once in the presence of the princess were we to know our mission.
My men consisted of five of the best officers of the lands. There was Mayhue, technician and explosives expert. Gorge, weapons specialist. Rao, mapping and hand combat mastery. Nemik, driving mastery. Vincent, sharpshooter expert and hand combat mastery. Mayhue was the youngest member. Vincent was more of the do the job type, never held conversation. Gorge was the huge muscular brainless type. He’ll move a mountain for you but can’t speak a word of good English. Rao was the more realistic person. He knew when something could or couldn’t get done. Nemik was the talkative funny guy. Always lightening up the mood.
During the long drive from the academy in Houste to the Elf palace in Karpp no one said a thing. We all knew this was a very important mission and homing one’s skills was vital. Everyone took the time, in the dark crowded truck, to concentrate.
As the truck came to a stop, the heads of my men turned to the trunk door. As it opened, bright lights of greens and yellows poured into the truck and gleamed off our faces. We all stepped out of the truck and onto brick-red pavement. I took lead into the palace. The others followed suite. All weapons intact, it looked as if we were to enter war. Mutters from the servants flittered around as we past by. I stopped in front of a pale short Elf. “Where is Princess Julia?” I asked. He looked at me, and then pointed down a long hall of pictures to gold and silver doors. “Thank you.” I said as I walked.
The floor was tiled with a roman marble. The walls reflected our movement. Gold framed pictures of the royal family hung from the roman marbled walls. Everything was glossy and glimmered with pride and history. Still beauty was not to be deceived. As we neared the halfway point to the doors, soldiers came from all directions. We were surrounded. “Stand-down!” I hollered to my men. We all just stood ready for the first move. “Listen,” I said to the guards, “Who’s in charge?” No one responded. “We just want to know where Princess Julia is, it’s important that we speak.” I said. Still no one responded.
“Why must you speak to the Princess?” a soldier said.
“We are the elite force sent to aid the Princess. So can we pass?” I said.
“No, unless you put your weapons down.”
“Fine.” I said. “Put your weapons down.” I told my men. Everyone’s weapons were put on the floor. One soldier stepped forward and picked up our weapons.
“Now,” the soldier began. “Put your hands up and follow us.”
“We are no threat, but it is urgent that we speak to the Princess.” I said.
“No, you will accompany us to the dungeon, or we will be forced to take evasive action. Understood?”
“You misunderstand the predicament you find yourself in, either you let us through or we force ourselves through. We still are getting through with or without hostility.” No one moved. Just before a move was made a woman in a long beige silk robe ran down to us. Her hair a glowing blonde as if the suns magnificent rays were captured on a winter afternoon. Beautiful glass blue eyes filled with beauty and concern. Her soft pink lips gently controlled the wills of men. And her brilliant skin shined with a sense of sacredness. She was the perfect creature, so elegant, so fragile.
“Wait. Guards stand down.” she said. The guards began to lower their weapons.
“Are you the elite force?” she asked.
“Yes, yes we are.” I said.
“I’m so sorry. I’m Julia.” she said.
“Princess. Can we have our weapons back?” I asked.
“Yes-yes. Guards if you please.” The guards handed back the weapons. Then resumed their position. “Follow me please, and again I am terribly sorry for the confusion.” she said.
We followed her up some stairs and then down a hall. We all entered a room with seven seats. We all sat down. She looked up at us. She just starred. “If I may ask you gentlemen to put your weapons away. It’s making me a bit nervous.” she said. We all placed our weapons to the side.
“My men and I need the briefing of the mission, ma’am.” I said.
“You are the captain?”
“May I ask your name, sir?”
“Strife, Marcus Strife.”
“Julia Rain, Marcus.”
“Ma’am there is no need for formalities.”
“Oh-but there is. How am I to relay my point to you if I don’t know your name or the names of your comrades?”
“Right. This is Nemik, Vincent, Gorge, Rao, and Mayhue. Now it is very important that we proceed, ma’am.”
“I understand how important it is but certain steps must be taken. Besides you just showed me how impatient you are, giving me a better understanding of who you are, Marcus.”
“I don’t like to be manipulated, or for this matter understood! I came here to do my job! And what ever it is I need to know, ma’am!”
“Very well. First show proper respect to me and I will you. Second your mission will be relayed to you in the morning, Captain!”
“Of course ma’am. Where will my men be staying?”
“Your rooms are ready and my servants shall accompany you to your rooms. I ask you not to be as rude as your commander. Dismissed. Except Marcus.”
I watched in embarrassment as my men were shown to their rooms. I turned to Julia.
“Yes, ma’am?” I said irritably.
“Why must you be so hostile?” she asked.
“Well maybe because you decided not tell your guards that we were on our way. Or not briefing us. If you haven’t noticed we are trained soldiers.”
“I have noticed and I did inform my guards of your arrival, you were supposed to show up in the morning, not at night; and not this late! Your briefing is due tomorrow not now, Marcus. Maybe during this mission you‘ll learn patients.”
I stood silent. She looked at me.
“Oh- I’ll show you to your room, Captain.” she said. I followed her down a long dark hallway. Nothing was said. I really hated her. She was just another spoiled noble; well that’s what I believed at the time.
We stopped in front of a mahogany wood door with a copper knob. “This is your room for the night.” she said.
“Thank you. The quicker this is all over the better. Maybe I’ll go back to my real job and won’t have to baby-sit.” I said.
“Captain, keep your comments to yourself. I wish you a good-night.”
“Good night, ma’am.” She then looked at me. I really couldn’t understand why she would look at me. I couldn’t conceive what she was looking for. At that time I really didn’t care. I entered the room and closed the door.
The room was lit by the blue moonlight that peered in from the windows. On the far side of the room was a large bed with beige and gold sheets. The bed rested on a mahogany frame. There was a small night-stand by the bed next to the windows. Long beige drapes slithered in the air as the breeze brushed up against them. Up from the door was a mahogany desk with a chair. A small glass lantern with a dim light burned the only flicker of life.
I walked over to the desk. I looked for a small knob on the lantern. And intensified the light to reveal the dark room. I didn’t notice it before but there was a mirror. I stared back into my own green eyes. I quickly turned from my reflection. The disappointment was too great for me. I placed my gun on the table and removed my helmet. My floppy brown hair curtained my view. I brushed it back. I lifted the lantern and placed it on the night-stand. I removed my dark blue leather gloves. I sat on the bed and faced the windows. As I removed my uniform and neatly placed it on the corner of the bed I heard a thud. I grabbed my army knife and opened the door. The floor of the hallway was cold against my bare feet. My blue pants were the only part of my uniform I wore. I heard heavy movement from inside a room. I quickly opened the door. It was Julia’s room. A man with the same colored eyes as Julia was trying to pull Julia towards the window. I immediately grabbed the figure and hauled it out to the balcony and pushed it over the edge. I looked at Julia. Her fragile and proper world was shattered for a moment. I placed my knife in my belt and held her arms.
“Princess-Princess are you hurt?” I asked looking into her eyes for comprehension.
“Y-yes, I mean no.” she said.
“Princess, “I said as she kept looking around in disbelief. “Listen to me.” I sternly said. “Are you okay? Did that man hurt you?”
“I’m fine just a little shaken up.”
“How did he get into your room? Do you know?”
“No, he just...he just” she began to choke up. Her perfect blue eyes began to water. I pulled her out of the room into the hallway. I saw my men running down the hall. They looked at Julia then at me.
“Men secure the perimeter. Make sure anything that looks suspicious you kill. Understood?” I said.
“Yes sir!” they all said and dispatched. I took Julia back to my room. I sat her in the chair. The door was left opened. I kept pacing back and forth.
“Thank you.” Julia said breaking the silence. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t there tonight.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” I said.
“Because it was your job.”
“No. Because…it’s been a long night for both of us. Maybe you should get some sleep.”

The Mission

I slept on the chair. Julia slept on the bed. And my men around the windows and doors. I was the first to wake. I looked around to see if anyone else was up. Vincent was, then again he never sleeps. I walked over to him. “Well, any sign of the assassin?” I asked.
“No sir. I patrolled all night and nothing.” Vincent said.
“Any word of how he got in?”
“No. I asked around but no one saw him. I personally think someone let him in. After all it is a long way down, its one hell of a climb, sir.”
“Well done Vincent.”
“Sir, permission to ask you a question.” Vincent asked, for the first time.
“What possessed you to get up last night? You know and check her room?”
“I heard a loud noise. It sounded like struggling. Why?”
“Well, it’s just that, our room was right next to hers, like right down the hall, and your room was the furthest. But you heard a noise, but we didn’t.”
“What are you talking about, you ran and I told you to find him.”
“We only came because Mayhue came back from the bathroom and saw you in the hallway with her. That’s why we came running, but we never heard a thing.”
“What do you make of it?”
“I think bigger things are happening here. Bigger than any of us. And somehow we just got involved. I just don’t like it.”
“Well Vincent the quicker we’re briefed the quicker we’re done and can go home.”
“I hope you’re right, sir.” he said.
That morning I thought of what Vincent told me. It made a lot of sense. If no one heard anything and I was the only one, but why would I be the only one to hear anything. Even though it made sense, it really didn’t. The logic just raised more questions, and concerns.
Once again all seven of us sat in the briefing room. Julia walked in. She wore a soft green dress. She looked so tranquil, but disturbed. She sat in front of us. “Your mission is to take me from Karpp to Treim. I need a safe passage. Any questions gentlemen?” she said.
“How long do we have to get you to Treim?” I asked.
“Fourteen days. Any later can and will not be tolerated. Understood?”
No one said anything.
“Good, we leave now. From here we drive to Dewgan Lake east from here. We then transfer down the Canal via boat. From there we get to the Quail Port. We take the train to Lucas station and walk up to Treim. It should take us fourteen days the latest. Any questions?” Julia said.
“Yes,” Vincent began, “why not just cross through the Shady Forrest up to Treim? It would only take us seven days of hiking.”
“Because my sources tell me Vergil owns that territory. It would be very unwise to cross over. Its best just to stay on the border of enemy lines than behind it.” she said. “Suit up we leave immediately.”
My men and I were ready within an hour. Nemik waited out side of the palace next to a dark green and black truck. It wasn’t suspicious but it wasn’t something you saw everyday. That’s probably why we weren’t passing through cities, just spaced valleys. We all waited outside for Julia.
She finally came. She was wearing a thigh long green shirt, trimmed with gold. Light green pants. Brown knee high boots and a brown belt. A large knife hung from its sheath off her belt. Her hair was tied up with green ribbon. Though she looked less of a noble and more of a middle-classed Elf, something about her still made it obvious that she was royal. No matter what she did, she was still so beautiful. I knew I couldn’t show this weakness to my men so I tried to keep my mind on other things.
“Alright, Rao you got shotgun with Nemik. Mayhue and Gorge very back. Vincent and Princess Julia middle row with me. Let’s lock and load.” I ordered.
Everyone loaded in. I was kind of satisfied by sitting next to Julia. Once Nemik began driving I started to figite with my gun. I had to keep Julia out of my mind. I didn’t want my men to see me like this, all, stupid. Well it did just the opposite. Julia began to look at what I was doing. “Marcus what are you doing?” Julia so innocently asked.
“I…uh…I-I’m prepping my gun. You know …uh-just in case. You know-just in case we run into trouble.” I nervously said.
“Sir,” Nemik began, “what the hell is wrong with you? Uh uhm you know uh.”
Everyone started to laugh. Even Julia, she was even more beautiful when smiling. I just kept looking out the window, pissed because of the teasing, but I got to see Julia smile. And for that one moment I really didn’t care about anything else.
Several hours past. We were still driving. All of a sudden this bone chilling feeling came over me. Then I heard gun shots. “Nemik stop the truck.” I said. Julia looked at me. The same petrified way when that man attacked her. I knew she heard it too. I opened the truck door and stepped outside.
“What is it sir?” Vincent asked.
“I heard gun fire.” I said.
“If you heard gunfire wouldn’t it be wise to drive away from here.” Julia said. She knew something, I could feel it. I jumped into the truck.
“Nemik drive. And make haste. This road is no longer safe. Men keep your eyes open.” I said. I could hear Julia’s heart racing. She was terrified and there wasn’t a damn thing I could’ve done. “Rao how much longer until Dewgan Lake?” I asked.
“About fifteen minutes.” he said. I began to see shadows jumping around the forest edge. They were quick.
“Julia get down, Rao switch with Vincent. Mayhue switch seats with me.” I said. I jumped to the back. I opened the back window and readied my gun. The shadowed creatures began firing on us. Rao kicked open the window and pulled a grenade off of Mayhue. He tossed it outside hitting three of those creatures. Vincent began shooting. Once they began to appear on the road behind the truck I began to open fire.
As we began to dwindle the numbers of these quick black creatures, the last gun was fired. The bullet pierced my right shoulder and blew out the other way. Blood was everywhere inside the truck. Julia popped up and jumped to the back. Rao moved to the front. Julia slowly lowered me onto the seat. I kept looking at her. “Julia.” I said.
“What Marcus?” she said.
“It hurts. I can’t feel it any more.” Everyone began to worry. I could feel it. All their feelings I could feel. Especially Julia’s. My arm began vigorously shaking. She began to rip at my shirt. When she saw the wound her face became a bit more relaxed. She placed her gentle hand over my shoulder. I could feel her hand.
“Marcus, can you feel my hand?” she asked.
“Yes” I said.
“Good now I need you to stay with me, okay?”
“I’m feeling dizzy.”
“No you are not Marcus!” she demanded. I could see my splattered blood on the ceiling of the truck. I quickly became very tired. I passed out in her arms.
As my vision cleared I could hear the sound of running water. I remember the nauseating feeling I had. I remember calling for Julia. I never got a response. I found myself lying on a bed. It wasn’t a fancy bed like in the palace, but more of a poorly made bed. It was the kind of bed a peasant would sleep on.
As my vision became clear, I could see the ceiling. I rose from the bed. My arm was immobile. It was finely wrapped in a white cloth. And the wrapped arm hung from a piece of white material that was tied around my shoulder. I walked out of the room. I saw stairs and began ascending. The higher I ascended; the sound of running water became louder. As I peered out of the top of the stairwell I could hear familiar voices. Then I heard someone call for me. It was Vincent. He walked over to me and fragilely greeted me. Then Julia walked over. She greeted me with a warm smile. “I’m glad to see you up and about Marcus. You gave me quiet a scare.” she said. I just looked at her.
“Vincent,” I began, “did we make it to Dewgan Lake?”
“Yes sir” Vincent replied. “We should be entering the Canal in moments.” He looked at me then walked away. My attention turned to Julia.
“What?” she said.
“I think we need to talk.” I said.
“The gun fire you heard.”
“Gun fire?”
“Princess don’t lie to me.” I saw the fear in your eyes. You knew as well as I did we were going to get attacked. Now you start talking or I will be forced to abort this mission.”
“You can’t do that.”
“I can and I will if it endangers the lives of my men. Do you understand?” She looked away. Then back at me.
“Can we talk somewhere private, away from your comrades?” she asked. We walked back downstairs into my previous room. We sat on the bed.
“So explain.” I demanded.
“If I tell you, you have to swear to me not to laugh. You must take me seriously because you have the same gift. Now swear.”
“I swear not to laugh.”
“Ever since I was a little girl I was able to tell what was to happen seconds before it happens. Like the gun fire we heard. I knew we were going to get attacked. I just didn’t want to say anything.”
“Why not, someone could’ve been killed today.”
“Even if I told you, you wouldn’t have believed me; no one ever does.” It’s true I wouldn’t believe her.
“Next time say something.” I said.
“Why you have the gift as well. You could hear or even see, depending how long you’ve been trained.”
“People can train you? And only now this gift manifests. It’s all too convenient.”
“The gift doesn’t turn on or off. And it doesn’t just start. You might have had it for years just never noticed it.”
“That’s not true.”
“Its not? How many impossibly dangerous mission have you been sent on and you and your men have come out alive, or even untouched. You think it’s your miraculous sense of hearing, vision or smell. Think again Marcus.”
My God, she’s right. Every one of my missions were considered suicide missions and I’ve accomplished every one of them with ease. How come I’ve never noticed it before? I just looked at her, in total disbelief. Her stern look began to ease up and fade into a deep concern.
“Why? Why do I have it?” I quietly asked. She moved closer to me. My heart began to race. I don’t know why but it did.
“It all depends on where you were born.”
“And where were you born?”
“The Redwood forest. My father was the guardian of the fourth gate. Only certain people are so noble and true to be chosen to protect something so sacred. And you?”
“I-uh-I don’t really know.”
“Okay, what about your parents?”
“I don’t really talk about them very much. But I remember my father, a little.”
“Was your father as handsome as you are?” she said. I looked at her with a bit of confusion. Was she hitting on me? Nah I’m just looking too hard into it.
“Well I look like my father, if that’s what you’re implying.”
“I know what I said, Marcus. And I’m not implying anything.” she said. Yep totally hitting on me. I just looked at her. A bit confused on what she was telling me.
“Well-I. Uhm.”
“Marcus I like you. I think you’re a bit insensitive at times. Or even stubborn, but your… charming.” she said. Well does she like me as a friend or as you know? I’m so pathetic.
“My -uh father was in the wars of the Republic. He was a high ranking General. He controlled the eastern part of Basik’s armada.”
“What was his name?”
“Jacob Strife.”
“Thee Jacob Strife. The one that marched through the undiscovered lands and won the war.”
“Yeah-yeah that’s him.”
“It bothers you that he’s…”
“Something I can’t be, yeah.”
“I don’t understand.” she said.
“It’s just that… I…he…never mind its not important.”
“That you might not be able to live up to his standards right.”
“Trust me I know how you feel; my father was the first Republic leader.”
“How can that be? The first Republic leader was a Redwood Rider.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m…”
“You’re mixed! You’re mixed between an Elf and a Redwood Rider. That’s a first.”
“And only. So you can see why I’m such a… loner.” she said. “So what about your mother?”
“She died.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up painful memories.”
“It’s okay; I don’t remember her at all.”
“How did she …die?”
“She was killed. The enemy believed that this was the only way to get to my father, so they killed her. I was still an infant.”
“Who took care of you?”
“My uncle, well until I was old enough to walk. Then I was shipped out to my father and began training.”
“So all you know his how to kill? Nothing else?”
“And lead. That’s why I’m captain.”
“Oh-okay.” she said. She seemed disappointed. I don’t blame her, I’m a little disappointed in myself.
“No, why would you say that?”
“Your reaction.”
“No. It’s just now I know you’ll need a little work.”
“You’ll see soon enough.” she said with a smile. For the first time I smiled back.
She leaned over to me. I just kept looking at her. She untied my arm and checked my wound. I was entirely healed. I began to rotate my arm.
“How?” I asked.
“I’m a rare breed Marcus. You’re welcome.” she said.
“Thank you.”
“No need for formalities.” she said. I smiled at her. We both rose from the bed. All of a sudden the alarm went off.
~We’ve been breached! Enemy attack! ~ The loud speaker said. I could feel the fear build up inside of Julia.
“What’s wrong?” I said.
“Its him, he’s back!” she said.

...................................................End of Part One...............................................
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