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Rated: E · Serial · Fanfiction · #1145440
A plot formed by the weaker underling vampires against Lestat, Louis, and David
Who Doesnā€™t Love a Good Vampire Story?
A fan fic from the not so sane mind of Kat ^^;
Kat- I suppose Iā€™d better get the disclaimer outta the way now. Hey Louis, do you mind doing it for me?
Louis- Not a problem. The two main characters (Lestat and myself) as well as a majority of other characters, that appear in this story are the property of a brilliant writer by the name of Anne Rice and her collection of books known as the Vampire Chronicles. Credit should also go to the publishers and quite a few others that Kat here has forgotten or never even knew existed...
Lestat- What Louis is trying to say is that this girl here is a plagiarist joke of a writer who canā€™t make up her own characters and instead has resorted to mooching off Mrs. Riceā€™s work. However Kat doesnā€™t have the money to pay for a lawyer and is having us do this so she wonā€™t get sued for all sheā€™s worth! Which, by the way, is about twenty-two dollars and nineteen cents.
Kat- Watch it pal, ā€˜cuz I can turn you gay faster than you can blink an eye! Thatā€™s the perk of being a writer. And, by the way, I went school shopping last week so now Iā€™m worth negative 12 dollars. ^^; (A plague upon those expensive cute clothes... A PLAGUE!!!!) So now itā€™s not worth anyoneā€™s time to sue.... TRUST ME ON THAT!
Lestat Turn me gay, will you?! I happen to know that you HATE yaoi with a deadly passion and you hold great disdain for those who change other peopleā€™s characters, especially ones who turn them gay!
Kat- Well.... (Heā€™s got me there.) Iā€™ll uh.... Now I see why the other fanfic writers end up writing such demented stories! Thatā€™s it, I canā€™t turn you gay but I will turn you into a girl! Hope you like bikinis! (Blame my callousness about this particular subject on Josh, Cvg, and Tommy ^^)
Lestat- Iā€™ll kill you before you get the chance, Human!
Kat- Just try it, Girly man!
Louis- I think now would be an apt time to commence with the story... *Smiles benignly and tugs the curtain shut just as Lestat charges at Kat, whoā€™s running at him with a sharp pencil...*
*End disclaimer*
Act one- Beginnings and Ends
December 14, 2000,
Lestat was right in saying that beginnings are often clichƩd and altogether trite in their exposition. However, I have yet to find a method in which to sufficiently supplement such mundane elements...
Everything must have a beginning...
Even I, though my mind tends to forget this fact at times, have not lived throughout eternity. But it does feels that way.
I have resided in the shadows for nigh on two centuries; drifting along in the currents of time, yet remaining virtually untouched by itā€™s depths.... physically speaking of course. Not even an immortal such as I can preserve my personality in its entirety.
I believe that I had best explain my situation before I get swept away by my musings... I am a vampire. Yes, a vampire. A creature of the night. A fiendish parasite that lives off of the blood of humans and, when the need calls for it, animals alike. I am feared by the human race and ridiculed by my peers, who believe me too compassionate and weak. They sneer at my powers, claiming that their weakness is attributed to my reluctance to feed as often as I should. They have all shunned my company, just as I in turn, avoid theirs... All except Lestat, who seeks refuge in my home in between his many adventures.
I have sometimes wondered why he chooses to place himself in my company... But then again, Lestat is also subject to the scorn of our brethren.
I am not sure why he seeks fellowship to begin with, for vampires, as a rule, are mostly antisocial creatures. Indeed, our very existence calls for such a nature.
But I suppose Lestat has never been a typical-

ā€œGood evening, Louis!ā€ Lestat called from the hallway as he draped his coat on the ornate coat hanger that adorned the otherwise empty hall. There was a loud clatter that issued from the library and a startled exclamation, nearly inaudible even to Lestat's acute hearing. With a small grin of amusement, Lestat entered the room.
Louis had upset the inkbottle in his surprise and was now frantically trying to rescue his papers from the scourge of ink that enveloped the entire desk. Lestat laughed at his fellow vampireā€™s predicament, revealing his dominant canines as he did so. ā€œI think I shall present you with a pack of ball-point pens on my next visit.ā€ He said, still chuckling slightly. ā€œHonestly, my brother, why do you insist on using such outdated technology?ā€
Lestat wasnā€™t only referring to quill and ink jar, nearly everything in Louisā€™ estate appeared to be from the eighteenth century and wouldnā€™t have seemed in the least bit out of place in a museum.
Louis maintained his composure, despite the spatters of ink that appeared on his ivory skin and that marred his clothes. He stood, wafting his drenched works in the air with one hand, while surveying Lestat coolly. ā€œBack so soon.ā€ He commented lightly, apparently choosing to ignore Lestat's last comments. ā€œI recall you leaving to, and I quote, ā€œescape this tedious companionship.ā€
Lestat grinned wryly at Louisā€™ remark. ā€œNothing like a week with the other vampires to help me appreciate your company more fully.ā€ He replied, his vibrant blue dancing with mirth.
Louisā€™ face finally relaxed into a smile of his own, as he turned to evaluate the damage his accident had wrought on his papers. The smile was replaced with a look of dismay as he quickly surmised that his work was beyond saving. With a sigh, he crumpled up the papers and tossed them into a small wastebasket.
ā€œMake yourself at home.ā€ He said hospitably, walking towards the door. ā€œIā€™m going to clean myself up a bit, you can tell me of your reasons for coming back afterwards.ā€ Louis had his back turned to Lestat, but, judging by his tone of voice --airy though it was-- Lestat knew his friend had guessed this was no normal visit.
While he waited for Louis to make himself presentable, Lestat milled about the library, examining the tomes without any particular interest. Instead, his mind returned to the all to familiar memory the last visit he had paid to David. <Heā€™s also one of Mrs. Riceā€™s creations, not mine.>
< all flashbacks will be marked, beginning and end with this symbol ~ >
~ David sighed as he strolled down the London street with Lestat. ā€œIā€™m surprised you came so quickly, Lestat. Usually it takes you at least two days to make an appearance.ā€
ā€œOne must never look as though they have too much time on their hands, David.ā€ Lestat laughed as he surveyed a young woman passing the two vampires, with a smile on his lips.
ā€œSo you recognized the urgency of my message?ā€
ā€œNot exactly. I was so tired of the othersā€™ company that Iā€™d have grasped at any excuse to leave.ā€
ā€œEver the charmer, eh, Lestat?ā€
ā€œWhat did you want to tell me, my friend.?ā€ Lestat asked bluntly.
ā€œI would have brought this up with Louis, but the last time I interrupted his study, I was greeted with a thick book aimed at my head.ā€
ā€œI think Louis was just in an ill humor at the time... Heā€™ll do that sometimes.ā€ Lestat snorted, adjusting his oversized sunglasses a bit.
ā€œWell, anyway, Iā€™m afraid to take my chances again, you mentioned Louis has recently acquired a new bust of Aristotle, did you not?ā€
ā€œSo you wish to leave it to me to relay the message, and put myself in the prospective line of fire?ā€ Lestat chuckled, casually placing his hands into his front pockets of his jeans.
ā€œMore or less.ā€ Davidā€™s grin faded and Lestat could sense his mood becoming more serious as well. ā€œLestat, I want you to take this seriously... Louis is in danger...ā€~
ā€œI never knew you were so interested in my collection, Lestat.ā€ Louisā€™ voice pulled Lestat back into the present with a bump. Louis stood in the doorway with a smile playing on the corner of his lips
ā€œI was bored, Louis. You keep nothing of interest in this house.ā€
ā€œAll in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.ā€ Louis replied dryly with a wave of his hand. Suddenly his light demeanor vanished, replaced with a far more serious expression. ā€œLetā€™s move into the guest room. We can discuss whatever tidings you bring there.ā€

~Lestat slowed his pace at Davidā€™s words... ā€œWhat?ā€
ā€œDo you remember the concern that I had raised about ten years ago?ā€ David sighed heavily as they turned into the small ally that led to Davidā€™s flat.
ā€œThe conspiracy?ā€ Lestat spoke uncertainly as they entered the building. David nodded as he left Lestat in the living room and disappeared into his bedroom. Lestat frowned slightly. ā€œBut I thought your people at Talamasca decided it was a false alarm!ā€ He said, raising his voice a bit, though it was hardly necessary. Davidā€™s vampiric hearing could have easily picked up the comment even if Lestat had simply murmured it to himself.
ā€œOne of my people, discovered some evidence that proved otherwise.ā€ Davidā€™s reply was slightly muffled and accompanied by a series of thuds and clatters as he searched about the room.
ā€œI thought you left the Talamasca when you became a vampire.ā€ Lestat replied conversationally. David reappeared in the living room with a thick book in his hands.
ā€œI did.ā€ He informed Lestat sharply. ā€œBut I still like to be informed about the current events. So I have a few friends who will report anything new as they find it.ā€
ā€œLucky for us.ā€ He added darkly, handing the book to Lestat. ā€œHere, give this to Louis... the last entry should explain it all.ā€
Lestat held the heavy book up, inspecting it inquisitively. ā€œDavid, what the hell is this?ā€
ā€œItā€™s my journal, I had kept it faithfully as a mortal. I wrote the last entry back in ā€˜91, when I thought I was going to die before I could tell you or Louis about the plot.ā€
Lestatā€™s lips widened into a grin. ā€œHow very thoughtful of you, my friend.ā€ Davidā€™s eyes narrowed at the tone in Lestatā€™s voice.
ā€œYou could show a bit more concern, Lestat. After all Louis is one of the few vampires left who hasnā€™t thrown you out of their homes permanently.ā€
ā€œI notice you donā€™t count yourself in this.ā€ Lestat commented with a smirk. David shrugged off the observation lightly.
ā€œI havenā€™t had as long a time for you to agitate me that far.ā€ He said with a smile. ā€œHowever, donā€™t be too sure that day wonā€™t come, brother.ā€
But as Lestat left the apartment he heard David mutter to himself. ā€œIf either of us live to see that day....ā€~
<1.) Ok, all you Lestat and Louis fans, please donā€™t kill me if I havenā€™t done them justice... give me a break, Iā€™m still waiting to borrow The Vampire Lestat from Alisha and Tale of the Body Thief from Raven...
2.) Had someone told me that I would be writing a VC fanfic two months ago I would have laughed at them hysterically and told them that I have enough stories to write as it is... Yā€™know if Mr. Mckenzie saw this, heā€™d have me committed.... you should have seen my ā€œshortā€ story that I handed in.... Iā€™m sure he already thinks Iā€™m mentally unstable after that one... *sigh*>
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