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AJRoald's rants, raves, and writings
Welcome to my Blog...

I want to take a brief moment to thank my 'anonymous' benefactor who gave me an upgraded membership! What a wonderful gift! *Delight*

Within these pages you will find various rants, raves, and hopefully some writings (after all, this is writing.com)...

Thanks for stopping by!

April 1, 2007 at 12:54pm
April 1, 2007 at 12:54pm
The reason I opened this account was to highlight some of my original writing, so am still trying to figure out why I ever added my fanfiction to this site.

While I will credit fanfiction for helping me hone my writing skills and introducing me to some very good online friends, it's not what I want feedback on these days.

So I've decided to take it off this site. If you want to continue to read my fanfiction, please find it here: http://www.fanfiction.net/~ajroald


December 20, 2006 at 12:25am
December 20, 2006 at 12:25am
That is what we are all here to do, isn't it? Well, for the first time in a LONG time, I have finally overcome my writers block!!! (Don't judge by my portfolio as I have been posting things I wrote awhile ago.)

While I will admit that it is by far not my best work, I am more than happy that I have written something fresh, posted it, and gotten at least a little feed back for it.

Thanks writing.com and those who have read/reviewed...it has slowly but surely led to this joyous moment!
November 11, 2006 at 11:27am
November 11, 2006 at 11:27am
As I was looking over my portfolio today, I noticed that the rating on one of my stories had gone down and I wondered what was up with that. Since no one has left a reveiw for the story, it took me a few minutes to figure out how to find out just the ratings.

I was a little miffed to see that one person rated this item a 1 and never bothered to leave a review or comments of any sort. I understand you don't have to do this, but I thought that if this person disliked my story SO much to rate it a 1 - they could have the courtesy to tell me why.

EVERYONE is entitled to their opinions, likes and dislikes, I have no qualms with that. I also know I write controversial fanfiction - usually unusual pairings - and that doesn't set well with all. Believe me, I have gotten my fair share of 'hate' reviews or 'flames', so that isn't the point here. At least those people had to take the time to write down why they didn't like my story, and while I don't agree with 'flaming', I can at least respect their point of view.

Personally, if I don't like a story due to content or characters, I just click out of it and never say a word. Just because I personally find a pairing or situation offensive doesn't mean everyone does. If it is poorly written but has potential, I will leave a review of 'constructive' critisism.

I don't agree with the people who leave reviews such as (and these are fanfiction specific):

1. That would never happen in the book.

Rebuttal: I'm writing 'fanfiction' - not the book.

2. I HATE that character, they are such a loser! -or- Those characters shouldn't be together because he should be with this other character!

Rebuttal: I happen to like the character and/or happen to like this particular pairing, that is why I write about them. If you don't happen to like said character or pairings, why even BOTHER to read my story when it specifies that these are the main characters and/or pairing.

I guess I don't believe in diminishing someone elses work based on my personal preferences. I simply choose not to read them and go about my merry way.
October 22, 2006 at 8:28pm
October 22, 2006 at 8:28pm
I'm not trying to be preachy or slather religion on everyone, but since this is my blog, I feel I can write and share this.

The topic today in church touched on Spiritual Gifts. Some have the gift of leadership, others the gift of teaching, and some music...so this left me wondering what my gift is (if any).

Then the pastor reminded us that the enemy will try to stifle these gifts, to sabotage them. It was then that I realized what my gift is...my gift is to write.

When I write I feel more alive, full of life and energy. When I don't I become depressed.

This also help give me some insight to the nagging question 'why don't I write?'. I'm not writing because the enemy has put up barriers, and I've allowed it.

I can't tell you how good this all made me feel. It was as if a dam had broken and I was flooded with creativity and the desire to write. Although today has been hectic, as are so many, I had to take a few moments to share this, WRITE this.

I'm sad to say that I haven't gone to church in a good while, and isn't it funny how I picked today to start attending again? I don't believe much in coincidences, I rather think they are God's ulitmate plan. This only helps to solidify my belief that my #1 Spiritual gift is writing. Even if I'm not the best, I have friends who can help me with all the technical stuff.

"Kites rise the highest against the wind, not with it." ~ Winston Churchill
September 20, 2006 at 11:39pm
September 20, 2006 at 11:39pm
That is what I have been lately...lethargic. I'm sure it's a combination of many factors, but it is really beginning to get on my nerves. All I seem to do anymore is go to work, come home, fix dinner, eat, and go to bed. I don't seem to have any energy to do anything else even if I really want to.

I sat in front of the computer the other day in a (miserably) failed attempt to write, and it was all I could do to keep my eyes focused on the screen! Gah!

And while I already know what many of the factors of this are, one is certainly the drastic change in our weather as of late. It had been very sunny and warm, but the last two weeks have given us grey skies and typical Oregon rain. You would think I'd be used to Oregon falls/winters/springs by now since I've lived here most of my life, wouldn't you?

/whine session - thanks for listening!
September 3, 2006 at 11:08pm
September 3, 2006 at 11:08pm
Or is it writers block?

I've yet to develop the discipline necessary to become a serious writer, this I already know. I have to learn to turn off the 'guilt' factor - you know, the one that says you can't sit down and write until the lawn is mowed, dinner is made, the kitchen is cleaned up, the laundry is done (and the list goes on and on).

Then there is the interuption factor. This has been partially taken care of when my daughter received her VERY OWN COMPUTER! This has increased the time the computer is available tremendously and also cut down on the number if interuptions. Now I just have to teach my husband the same trick.

Well, that is partially my fault. If I told him I was writing and asked him to leave me alone for a bit he would be more than happy to do so. So why haven't I done this? I don't have a clue!

So I have come to the conclusion that I sabotage my own writing time. But why? I love to write more than ANYTHING, I really do. I have several almost finished pieces, and I think they have potential, so why do I keep myself from finishing them? Is it a subconsious fear of something? Rejection? Letting the piece go?

Then there is fanfiction. Yes, I, a grown adult, write (and read) fanfiction. Harry Potter fanfiction none the less.

I have found this a very good avenue for me to hone my writing skills. Not only have I met some WONDERFUL people online via HP Fanfiction, the feedback I have gotten from this has improved my writing skills ten fold!

Perhaps it is the 'lack of ownership' of the characters and settings that makes it easier to share this facet of my writing.

Anyway, now that I have found writing.com, I do hope to be able to complete and share some original works and get feedback on these. Thanks again to my anonymous benefactor who has so kindly given me a three month upgraded subscription! I tend to enjoy it to it's fullest (and quite possibly continue it).

~ AJ

© Copyright 2007 AJRoald (UN: ajroald at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
AJRoald has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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