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Rated: 18+ · Other · Erotica · #1168144
A teenage boy from medieval japan falls in love. Read more to find out.
 Touya was a very beautiful boy. His long, black hair was beautifully in contrast to his opaque white complexion. His body was very elegant for his age. He had a very mysterious aura that all the other fourteen-year-olds in Kyoto find very irresistible. The people in Kyoto call him “bishounen-san.” He was so beautiful that the men wished he was a woman. The people would argue if the world deserved a person of such beauty.
But truly the world is fair for with Touya’s beauty came tragedy. His parents died in an accident when they were riding a man drawn carriage. The man stepped on the thorns of a rose that fell from a little girl’s basket. The man survived but Touya’s parents, who were on the carriage, fell and broke their necks. Touya was orphaned at the age of ten. A beautiful thing’s life was put to misery by another, said the people. After that, his rich grandmother, Hana Gamiko took care of him (or the other way around).
“A letter has arrived for you my lady.” said a servant girl one gloomy morning. Lady Gamiko opened the scroll and read it. “Who is it from grandmother?” asked Touya.
Gamiko put the letter down. “It’s from your cousins. They are going to visit.”
“I knew not that I had cousins.” Touya said. Gamiko covered her mouth with her fan and giggled. “Have I forgotten to tell you? My grandson, forgive an old woman’s negligence.
“Your father had a brother, Hiruka, but he was not my son. He was your grandfather’s son by his first wife, but she died when she gave birth to him. I raised him as if he was my own, and he respects me as his mother.
“About seven years before your father married, he himself married and moved to Honshu. He married a beautiful woman, Nadeshiko. I must add that she was to Honshu as you are to Kyoto. Admired she was for her beauty. She died when she gave birth to her daughter, Hinata, leaving Hiruka to take care of both the girl and her older brother, Takeshi. Now, they want to see this old woman that they consider their grandmother.
“Touya, I must tell you that even though you are of the same blood, you must still address them with honorifics.” “Yes grandmother.” replied Touya.
“He is so handsome!” “Yes. But who is that he is with?” “I think they’re headed for Hana Gamiko’s house.” “I think I see pale skin beneath that hooded figure’s cloak” “But I cannot get my eyes off of that man! He is so handsome!”
Yes, Takeshi was handsome. His long, whit hair flew in the cold morning air. He looked very dashing in the black steed that he was on.
“It seems that you're popular, Takeshi.” teased Hinata from beneath her hood. “You’re being talked about too you know.” replied Takeshi. “Well, that’s only because I am with you, bijin-san!”
Hinata took of her hood. She was stunningly beautiful. Her very white skin made the gloomy morning sky above her look like night. Her hair was black and shiny. The shape of her face was statuesque, smooth and perfectly shaped. Her lips were as red as roses in the first morning of June.
“Excuse me good sir,” Takeshi asked a local vendor. “Do you happen to know where Lady Hana Gamiko lives?”
“Oh,” said the stunned man. “She lives in that complex with two towers. A willow tree is planted outside the doors.” “Thank you.”
The two headed for the two towers that dominated the town’s landscape. The delicate sound of their steeds’ hooves gently tapping the stone road serenely echoes in the autumn forest.
They come to a halt when they arrive at a stream’s banks. The two looked at each other. Despite the presence of a bridge, they chose to lead their steeds to cross the stream. The horses neighed in delight as their tired hooves touched the water. The golden and vermillion leaves on the trees slowly fall to the stream.
Soon they cross the stream. A little more and they reached the house. Outside the large, wooden doors was an elegant willow tree.
But Hinata noticed something. “What is that?” She came near the tree.
In almost every branch of the tree was tied a piece of paper with all kinds of beautiful and colorful calligraphy.
Hinata took one and read it.
The sun always sets
And the mountains will fall but…
Thy beauty lives on

She took another and read.
Touya! The name stirs
Images of pure beauty
I wish to hold thee!

“Look at all these!” exclaimed Takeshi. “They all seem to be addressed to a beautiful Touya.” “Takeshi, I think we are in the wrong house.”
“Chiisana, go look at the willow tree. Let us amuse ourselves with today’s batch of Touya’s love letters.” ordered Lady Gamiko. “Is that all right with you my grandson?” Touya nodded.
Chiisana the servant girl went out. When she opened the door, there she saw two strangers with horses.
She looked at the woman. She was a beautiful person. Her white complexion made the white steed behind her look grey. Her body was very beautifully curved.
Then Chiisana looked at the man. He was very handsome. His long white hair made him looked as if he had no age. Comparing him to Touya, he had a different form of beauty, though their bodies didn’t vary.
“Excuse me miss, is this the house of Hana?” the man asked.
Chiisana took a few moments before she could reply. “Yes sir. What business doest thou bring in the house of Hana?”
The man stepped down from his steed. “I am Hana Takeshi. And if this is the house of Hana, my grandmother is inside.”
Chiisana bowed and excused herself. Then she went inside
“My lady, thy grandchildren have arrived.” she exclaimed rather loudly. “Now now Chiisana, do not be so formal. I can’t understand you.”
“My lady, your grandchildren are here.”
Gamiko stood up. “Well, what are you waiting for? Let them in.”
Two girls went straight outside and ushered the two travelers.
“Touya, get in your room. I will call you to introduce you later.” Touya followed his grandmother’s order.
“Welcome my grandchildren!”
The two came in. “Grandmother! It has been ten years since we last met. Do you still remember Hinata?”
Takeshi pointed to his sister. “How could I forget such a beautiful face.” said Gamiko.
Gamiko ushered them into the living room where they drank tea. They talked about the tidings in Honshu and the conditions there. Their conversation varied from the two’s favorite literary pieces to each one’s love life.
“I have not yet had a boyfriend, but I have assumed that Takeshi already had an affair with a certain girl in Honshu.” Hinata said.
“I did not have an affair with any girls in Honshu, or anywhere in the country.” Takeshi vehemently denied.
“By the way grandmother,” asked Hinata suddenly. “I saw in the branches of the willow tree outside many poems of love addressed to a certain Touya. Do you happen to know him?”
“Ah yes. He is your cousin.” replied the old woman.
“Oh, I knew not that we had a cousin.” said Takeshi. Gamiko giggled. “Has your father not mentioned that he had a brother? He is dead anyway.
“Your uncle, Hiyashi left a son when he died four years ago. Touya, come here and introduce yourself.”
Touya, who was eavesdropping from the other room’s wall, came out timidly.
“Good morning to you. I am Hana Touya.”
Takeshi and Hinata stood up. “Good morning Touya-san. I am Takeshi, your cousin and this is my sister, Hinata.”
Hinata looked at Touya. She could see why he received so many love poems.
“So I expect you are going to stay here for a while.” said Gamiko.
“Yes, about a month or two if that is okay with you.” said Takeshi.
“Oh, it is fine. Touya, why don’t you show them their rooms. Takeshi will stay in the west guest room while Hinata in the north eastern room.”
Touya ushered the two and led them to their rooms. Takeshi stayed in his room when they arrived.
Touya led Hinata to her room. When they arrived, Touya began giving details about the room.
“The sun shines in the spot where the head usually lies at approximately noon so it serves as an automatic wake up call.”
He noticed that she was looking at him. “Do you have a question?”
“Where is your room?” she asked. “Oh, it is over there.” Then he pointed his room.
“Oh, it is quite near here.”
Then a servant girl arrives. “Excuse me Hinata-sama; Gamiko-dono is inviting you to join her read this day’s poems for Touya-san.”
“Why I would love to!” she stood up and followed the girl. Touya just followed behind.
Gamiko, Takeshi and Hinata enjoyed reading the poems while Touya just sniggered silently on one corner of the living room.
That night, they ate a very full dinner. They soon began excusing themselves and went into their rooms to sleep.
It was about midnight when Touya went out of his room. He couldn’t sleep again. There was a very exhausted feeling in him that he couldn’t fully remove. It came to him every night.
Strangely enough, he found that letting the moonlight touch his body removed it for the night.
He sat on the floor outside his room. He lowered his kimono and showed his beautiful body to the moon. His beautiful pale complexion glowed in the moonlight. He slowly felt the fatigue in him disappear.
“Ouch! My neck hurts!” exclaimed Gamiko that morning.
They were eating breakfast. “Let me see.” said Hinata as she came near her grandmother. She rubbed the old woman’s neck.
“Hey, it is better. How did you do that?” Hinata covered her mouth with her fan and giggled. “Have I forgotten to tell you? I am a doctor.”
So the four spent the day reading the love poems for Touya. They found a few interesting ones.
In the common crowd
Your everlasting beauty
Shines like jade pendants

They once again ate a large dinner and slept.
Hinata felt hot. It was an unusually windless night. She came out to have a bit of air. She walked in the courtyard and sat beneath the red leaves of the maple tree therein planted.
There she sat silently, her pale face reflecting the moonlight.
Suddenly Touya came out of his room. Hinata noticed that he was half asleep. He didn’t even notice her there.
Then suddenly Touya took of his kimono, showing his beautiful young body. Hinata found this interesting.
Every night, Hinata came out of her room to observe Touya’s behavior. Then she pondered on a diagnosis. Yes, that was it…
One night, about a few minutes before the time Touya usually came out, Hinata came out of her room and waited for him to come out.
Touya felt the fatigue again. He couldn’t sleep. He came out of the room to bathe in the moonlight.
Then Hinata softly called to him. “Touya-san.”
Touya looked at her. She was sitting on the floor. “Oh, Hinata-san, what can I do for you?”
“Sit down.”
Touya sat down. “I have been observing you for a few nights now. I have made a diagnosis.”
“What is it?” Touya asked eagerly.
“Get inside your room.”
The two went inside.
Suddenly, Hinata closed the door. “What is it?”
She looked at him with a look of begging, then of seriousness.
“Boys of your age feel the same fatigues as you do. These are sexual urges that cannot be prevented. Boys and girls alike suffer them. But your way of dealing with them is very rare.
“Usually, teenagers masturbate to relieve such urges but you practice what is called ‘moonlight orgasm’ which is very rare. This can be fatal.”
“Uhm…What do I do then?”
Hinata looked at him with a look of erotic sorrow.
Suddenly, she pushed Touya. He lay on the floor. Hinata untied the sash around his waist.
“Hinata-san, what are you doing?” Touya asked rather innocently.
“You can’t help yourself. You need help in this problem.” She took of his kimono. His body was beautifully young, quite elegant for his age. It showed the beauty of prepubescent manhood.
Then Hinata took of her kimono. She showed her beautiful, statuesque body. It was almost unrealistic, too perfect for any woman to have in this world.
She began kissing his chest. Her “kiss” was something between an actual kiss and a feline lick.
“Ah! Hinata-san…” Touya couldn’t do anything but lay there.
Slowly, her kiss went lower. Touya knew this was wrong. He knew that what she was doing was bad. But a little, just a little, he felt her “prescription” delicately work. As her tongue touches his navel, he felt her care, her erotic care for him. She cared for him.
“Ah! Ah!” Her lips have touched It. Gently; she whispered to his young manhood all her erotic fetishes that she felt for him the day she saw him.
Touya felt her soft lips gently caressed him. It felt heavenly.
The two made a soft chorus of these two sounds as Hinata felt a mental orgasm while Touya felt a physical orgasm, releasing all his fatigue and something else.
Hinata stood up and wore her kimono. Then she opened the door. “This must be done every night for three weeks.” She wiped a bit of what came out from Touya from the side of her lips. “Please, don’t tell anyone about this. Good night.” Then she left, leaving Touya lying naked on his room’s floor.
Delicate petals
Starting to fall from the stalk
The tainted beauty.

Strangely enough, this was the first poem that they read the next morning. “What kind of poem is that?” wondered Gamiko and Takeshi. But as for Hinata and Touya, they knew all too well what it meant. For Gamiko the two seemed strangely silent. But she didn’t bother ask.
“Touya, I think it is time once again to reward your fans.” she said suddenly. “Would the two of you like to come?”
Of course, “reward your fans” meant to show his face again. Every weekend, Gamiko would go to town and bring Touya wit her, as if to boast her grandson.
They took their coats and went out. The leaves on the trees had a flame like color with vivid shades of gold and vermillion.
But Touya couldn’t get what happened last night out of his head. As they cross the stream and the cold morning water touches their feet, he could remember how warm Hinata’s lips were. As he holds his slippers and feels the smooth pebbles with his feet, he remembers how smoother, softer and warmer her body was.
At length they arrived in town. The people were all greeting them with friendly smiles. Nothing would make their day better than to see the unworldly beauty of Touya. They were even more blissful when they saw the two beautiful strangers they saw a few days ago were with him.
Gamiko walked with a childish pride that didn’t seem appropriate for her age.
They toured the town the whole day, drinking tea in teashops, buying souvenirs and chatting with the people. Touya as usual just followed silently.
When the sun begun to sink in the horizon, they went home. Touya felt a bizarre mixture of anxiety and excitement when he realized that night was coming.
They ate the dinner that they brought and slept.
But Touya couldn’t sleep. He knew Hinata was coming. Then, when midnight came, she arrived. Touya looked at her with a look of erotic helplessness.
Hinata took of their kimonos. Then she began doing it again. The two filled the night with a soft, inaudible chorus of sounds of pleasure.
So this was what they did every night. Touya came to love it, he came to love how Hinata’s lips moved delicately back and forth, how her warm tongue gently came down from his chest.
Then, one night, when Touya was eagerly waiting for Hinata, for her warm tongue, for her soft lips, she didn’t come. Anxiously, he waited.
Soon he began to get worried. He stood up and went to her room.
There, he saw Hinata lying on her floor, as if in pain. “Hinata!”
He held her in his arms, trying to wake her.
“To...Touya. Is that you?” she slowly opened her eyes. “Forgive me for being late.”
Then she placed her face on Touya’s.
“Ah! Hi…Hi…Ah! Hinata, what is wrong? Ah!”
But Hinata just continued sucking, though this time with less vigor.
When It came out from Touya, she lay on the floor again with It on her mouth. She looked very sick.
Touya cleaned himself up. “What is wrong Hinata?” she vigorously asked.
“Well, you see, your fluid is poisonous so if I don’t get it out of your body, you will die. As for me, I am happy that I served you in this lifetime.”
“No! You cannot die!” then he kissed her. But she tried to speak. “Don’t! The fluid is more poisonous to you than it is to …”
But too late, Touya already kissed her. “I would rather die than to live without you.”
He held her in his young arms as they waited for their deaths to come.
When the maids arrived to check them the next morning, they saw a very serene scene. Two beautiful figures, a young man and a woman that has reached the zenith of beauty, were at piece in each other’s arms. The scene was serenely immortal, like a marble statue.

© Copyright 2006 K.A.David (k.a.david at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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