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This is a violent dark scifi comedia is about a hitman hired to kill a vampire. |
Meeting Nicholas FADE IN: INT. NICHOLAS'S WAREHOUSE - INDUSTRIAL AREA - NIGHT Paula's POV-- Paula's eyes are closed. She opens them. She sees that she is tied by her hands with a cord and is dangling from a lead pipe. She is covered in blood. She looks around and sees that the warehouse is disheveled and filled with pipes. She starts sobbing. Paula closes her eyes. Paula's POV-- The door to the door warehouse is creaking. Paula opens her eyes, starts crying, and starts spitting up blood. PAULA (PAULA'S POV) (sobbing) Fuck... Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Paula's POV-- Nicholas enters through the door, smiles, and takes a curtsey. He is carrying a cane. PAULA (PAULA'S POV) (coughing) Who the fuck are... Paula POV-- Paula's starts coughing up blood uncontrollably and sobs. PAULA (PAULA'S POV) (coughing up blood) Fuck. NICHOLAS (PAULA'S POV) Why I am dear Nicholas? And what may I call you? PAULA (PAULA'S POV) (coughing up blood) Fuck you. NICHOLAS (PAULA'S POV) I believe your name is Paula, dear. You might have forgotten. PAULA (PAULA'S POV) Fuck you. NICHOLAS (PAULA'S POV) (with the emphasis on awesome) Don't be so nasty dearest. You're going to be an awesome meal, but first, I like to do stuff to my food. I hope you don't mind. Paula's POV-- Nicholas takes his cane and bashes Paula, and she then spits up blood and starts crying. Nicholas bashes her again. And again. And again. He licks the blood off his cane. He then takes out of his shirt pocket a pair of razor sharp metal teeth coverings. Paula tries to look away. She looks upward at her bloody hands, but can see Nicholas in her peripheral vision. PAULA (PAULA'S POV) Please! Paula's POV-- Paula blinks a few times. Nicholas takes his hand and cuts it on the metal teeth coverings. He then bites Paula's leg. PAULA (PAULA'S POV) (crying) Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Fuck you. Paula's POV-- Nicholas then starts to pull down his pants and smiles. Paula starts crying uncontrollably. Paula can hear Nicholas getting off on it. Paula slowly goes to look at him. He is naked from the waste down and smiling. NICHOLAS (PAULA'S POV) Dearest. Dearest. Dearest. Dearest. Dearest. Paula's POV-- Paula looks away, back at her bloody hands. Nicholas starts to undress Paula. Paula is sobbing uncontrollably and coughing up blood once again. Nicholas licks some of the blood that spat up. Nicholas then takes two licks of Paula. NICHOLAS (PAULA'S POV) (shouting upwards) Oh yes. Yes. Paula's POV-- Nicholas continues to undress Paula. Paula gives up crying and just stares upward at her bloody hands, Nicholas still in her peripheral vision. When Paula is suitably undressed Nicholas jumps on her ejaculates. He then gets off Paula and takes his cane and bashes Paula straight at her head. Paula looses consciousness. INT. NICHOLAS'S WAREHOUSE - NICHOLAS'S KITCHEN - NIGHT Paula's POV-- Nicholas is dragging Paula around the meat locker. Paula is paralyzed except for her eyes. Nicholas is singing a jaunt tune. Nicholas plops Paula onto a meat table and then takes out a saw. NICHOLAS (PAULA'S POV) Now, Paula, I'm going to cut you into chucks and cook you right before your very eyes. Now I've given you an extract of a little medical elixir I just love. It'll allow you to live and stay conscious for a longer time, and it is also paralyzing you, except or your eyeballs, which can still move around for some reason. Also, um, I put something in you that can allow to loose a lot of blood without dying or going unconscious. I forget the name, and I don't call it anything special. Paula's POV-- Nicholas takes the saw and starts sawing off a piece of Paula's leg. Paula tries to look away with eyes. Nicholas eventually saws the piece off and then puts it on a sizzle cooker. He then proceeds to saw off another piece and another. He puts both on the sizzle cooker. Paula tries to not watch but ends up staring at it in horror. After Nicholas is finished with one leg, he moves onto the other. A bell dings. NICHOLAS (PAULA'S POV) Ah, the other piece of meat is done. (as he performs the stated action) Nicholas takes the first piece of meat off the sizzle cooker and puts it on a platter with tomatoes, onions, cheese, and pepper. Paula's POV-- The other pieces of meat then become done with another ding and Nicholas puts them on the same platter. He then puts the pieces from the other leg onto the sizzle cooker and repeats. NICHOLAS (PAULA'S POV) (to Paula) Mmmmmm. It smells good, dearest. Want a taste? Oh, that's right, you can't say a thing. Maybe I'll just put a chunk in your mouth and if you don't like it... Well, it's not going to matter anyway? Paula's POV-- Nicholas takes a piece of meat from the platter and stuffs it into Paula's mouth. Nicholas smiles at Paula. He then proceeds to repeat the sizzle cooking steps for also Paula's arms and torso. Paula then dies, with Nicholas smiling right at her, eating. Meeting the Killer INT. BRICK OVEN PIZZA PARLOR - MAIN AREA - NIGHT Tyler is inside a small brick oven pizza parlor. There is a man behind a counter filled with pizzas. He is waiting on line. It becomes his turn. TYLER (to man behind pizza counter) I'd like a pizza with nothing on it. MAN BEHIND COUNTER AT PIZZA PARLOR By that do you mean nothing or just cheese and tomato sauce? TYLER I mean what I said. MAN BEHIND COUNTER AT PIZZA PARLOR You're cool. TYLER I know. MAN BEHIND COUNTER AT PIZZA PARLOR Come with me. The man leads him to a back door in the pizza parlor that leads to a set of stairs. INT. BRICK OVEN PIZZA PARLOR - STAIRS - NIGHT The man leads Tyler down the stairs to the dungeon. INT. BRICK OVEN PIZZA PARLOR - DUNGEON AREA - NIGHT The man who was behind the counter leads Tyler to a man, who is bound gagged and bound in a tub of oil, with only his face sticking out. The man who was formerly behind the counter takes off the gag. The man in the oil immediately looks with awe at Tyler. MAN IN POOL OF OIL (to Tyler) You saved me. Thank God. TYLER (to the man) Actually I'm here to kill both you and your captor. Don't ask. Tyler takes out a pistol and shoots in the head, both the man in the pool the man who was behind the counter. Tyler then walks out of the dungeon into the stairwell. INT. BRICK OVEN PIZZA PARLOR - STAIRS - NIGHT Tyler walks up the stairs to the main area. INT. BRICK OVEN PIZZA PARLOR - MAIN AREA - NIGHT Tyler walks up into the main area and causally walks out of the parlor, while people wait at line on a counter with no attendant. INT. TYLER'S OFFICE - NIGHT Tyler walks into his office and puts his coat and gun away. The coat goes on a rack and the gun goes in his desk. Tyler then dials his phone and calls up one of his clients. TYLER (through the phone to his client) Hello. TYLER'S CLIENT (OS) Hey. Who is this? TYLER Why it is no more than I, Tyler, a person who provided a service to you. TYLER'S CLIENT (OS) Did you complete the requested task? TYLER Yup. You'll never have to pay extra for extra cheese again. TYLER'S CLIENT (OS) Good to here. I'll wire you the money sometime in the next three months. TYLER Perfectly acceptable. TYLER'S CLIENT (OS) Okay, thanks. TYLER Think nothing of it. Have a beautiful day. TYLER'S CLIENT (OS) Same to you, Tyler. Same to you. Tyler hangs up and then gets to reading a book. INT. TYLER'S OFFICE - DAY Tyler is sitting down at his desk, reading a book, when Allen walks into his office. ALLEN (to Tyler) So, I meet a killer, Tyler. Tyler looks up and puts his book down. TYLER (to Allen) Allen, I see you have come in search of a killer. A non-union killer. ALLEN That I have. Allen sits down. TYLER Isn't Allen going to ask whether he can sit? ALLEN But Allen knows Tyler is going to say yes. Tyler smiles. They both start laughing and kiss passionately on the lips. TYLER How you doing, Allen? ALLEN I'm doing fine. How are you doing as of today? TYLER I am doing as well as I can as of today. ALLEN I see that perfectly. TYLER So, Allen, you never write, you never call, you never email, you never instant message, you never telegram, you never blow fifteen dollars on a bicycle messenger, you never yell out your window, "Hey Tyler!". There is a pause where the two just looks at each other. TYLER What's up? ALLEN Well, the thing is though, I'm in need of your skills. TYLER People are always in need of my skills in this profession. That's the beauty and ugliness of it. ALLEN Yeah, well, I see your point. TYLER Good, so how exactly are you in need of my skills? ALLEN I have someone I want you to kill. TYLER Oh? Now what makes you think my skills include the skill of killing? ALLEN I know your career path. TYLER I know you do. I do that to all my customers. It shakes them up. ALLEN I see. TYLER Good, I'm glad you see. No one likes to be blind. ALLEN That they don't. TYLER Okay, so who do you want dead? ALLEN A man by the name of Nicholas. TYLER Any reason why you'd want him dead? ALLEN Yes. TYLER Could you possibly reveal that reason to me? ALLEN Of course Tyler. Nicholas is a monster and he needs to be stopped. TYLER That's pretty vague. ALLEN I know. TYLER Care to elaborate? ALLEN He kidnaps people and does terrible things to them. TYLER That's still pretty vague, my lovely. ALLEN He kidnaps both men and woman and then he rapes and tortures them and then he eats them alive. TYLER That's just about the right level of vagueness. You didn't go into the gory extremes, but you still told me the basic information. So, this sounds like a pretty terrible guy, eh? Certainly not one deserving of life. Anything special I'd need to know about him? ALLEN Why yes there is. TYLER Would you once again care to elaborate? ALLEN Sure. First things first. Do you know of vampires? TYLER Of course I once knew one, rather nice gal. See her a lot. Aren't they like the supposed victims of some sort of blood virus or STD? ALLEN Yes they are. All a vampiric virus does is cause an individual to require the need of flesh or blood of any mammal on a regular basis. It is also known for giving increased lifespan and bodily endurance, especially the bodily endurance of the immune system. When it comes to physical endurance, it's sort of hairy. TYLER Yup, that sounds like vampirism. ALLEN And going against a once popular belief, there is no change in a persons morality, psyche, or "soul". Basically all it means is in exchange for an increased constitution, you are no longer able to be a vegetarian. Also there is no change to a person's reaction to sun light. That's also a myth. TYLER Exactly. ALLEN Of course the process of becoming a vampire is extremely dangerous. That's why you don't see everyone jumping on the vampire bandwagon. TYLER Exactly. ALLEN Nicholas is a vampire. TYLER I thought vampirism didn't make people "evil". ALLEN It doesn't, and what the hell have I just been saying, and I thought you already knew? It's just the fucking way he is. TYLER Sorry. So, is that it for information about him? ALLEN No, of course not. TYLER I'm glad to hear that. ALLEN He runs a criminal organization/gang. I don't know the names of any of them. He has a last name of Terrimo, and is a frequenter of night clubs, brothels, and sex clubs, but those aren't the only places he frequents. He also makes his income through criminal enterprises courtesy of his organization/gang. TYLER He here in this city? ALLEN Regrettably yes. TYLER Police know anything about him or his crimes? ALLEN Do the police know anything? TYLER Actually they do know a lot of things. ALLEN Well, not in this case. TYLER You sure? ALLEN I check with them. They had absolutely nothing on this guy. Nothing at all. TYLER Well, that just goes to show you. Know anything else? ALLEN That's it. TYLER You know, you don't leave me with that much to go on. ALLEN I leave you with enough. TYLER Well, it's enough to get the job done, but not enough to avoid that annoying detective phase. ALLEN Looks like you're going to hafta play detective. TYLER Looks like I'll hafta. ALLEN Yeah, so anyway, how much do I owe you for the hit? TYLER You're a dear friend. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. ALLEN That sounds good. TYLER It should. I'm giving you a normally multi-thousand dollar service for free. ALLEN Well, thank you. TYLER Your quite welcome, Allen. I'll get to work on it immediately tomorrow. Allen continues sitting there while Tyler gets back to reading his book. ALLEN So, is that it? TYLER (with his head in his book) Yup. ALLEN Okay, when will I know the hit is done? TYLER (with his head in his book) I'll call you. ALLEN Okay, see yah. TYLER (with his head in his book) See yah. Allen leaves the office, while Tyler continues with his book. FADE TO: INT. TYLER'S OFFICE - NIGHT Tyler is sitting at his desk reading. He looks at his watch and realizes the time. He goes to a coat hanger and puts on a causal jacket. He then goes to his desk and takes out a small revolver, which he puts in his coat pocket. He shuts off the lights in his office and exits it. Checking Sources INT. SKYLINE BROTHEL - WAITING ROOM - NIGHT Tyler walks into the brothel. There are nude individuals inside the waiting room. Tyler goes up to the brothel receptionist. SKYLINE BROTHEL RECEPTIONIST Hello and welcome to the skyline brothel. TYLER (to the brothel receptionist) Yes, hello. I would like to ask a question about your clientele here at this fine brothel? SKYLINE BROTHEL RECEPTIONIST (to Tyler) Why of course, good sir. TYLER Have you ever had a client before, by the name of Nicholas? Nicholas Terrimo. SKYLINE BROTHEL RECEPTIONIST No. Not at all. TYLER You sure? SKYLINE BROTHEL RECEPTIONIST Yup. TYLER Okay, well have a good night. Tyler walks out of the brothel. INT. FLUID PALACE - NIGHT Tyler walks into the fluid palace. It is a sex club and there is a big sign saying, "THE FLUID PALACE". Business is fantastic and nude individuals are walking around all with somewhere to go and something to do. Tyler walks up to a front desk titled information, where three other people are getting processed before him. 1ST PERSON ON LINE (to fluid palace front desk worker) Do you have women here? FLUID PALACE FRONT DESK WORKER Yes. 1ST PERSON ON LINE I'd like to join. FLUID PALACE FRONT DESK WORKER (pointing to another front desk) Go to the processing line. The 1st person on line gets off and goes to the other line. The second on line goes up. 2ND PERSON ON LINE (to the front desk worker) I have a grievance. The front desk worker takes out a pistol and shoots the 2nd person. The 3rd person steps up, ignoring the body of the second. 3RD PERSON ON LINE (to the front desk worker) Is there automatic consent with all the members when we join? FLUID PALACE FRONT DESK WORKER No, its actually an annoying computerized system. You have gain to consent partners and then check them off on little computers that cost an extra 100 dollars. You can have sex with them whenever, regardless. No one wants to do that. There's always desperates, willing to give good old fashioned on the spot consent. Don't worry about it. You wanna join? 3RD PERSON ON LINE No. The third person walks away, and Tyler steps up. TYLER I'd like to inquire about one of your possible clients? FLUID PALACE FRONT DESK WORKER Sure. We value our potential clients and are willing to tell them whatever they'd like to know. TYLER Is a vampire by the name of Nicholas Terrimo a client here? The front desk worker checks his/her computer. FLUID PALACE FRONT DESK WORKER Yes. TYLER Is he here currently? FLUID PALACE FRONT DESK WORKER No. TYLER Is he going to be hear ever in the near future. FLUID PALACE FRONT DESK WORKER No. TYLER Does he frequent any other establishments that you'd know of? FLUID PALACE FRONT DESK WORKER Try the Maritime Night Club. I have a feeling. TYLER I'll try it out. Have a fantastic life. FLUID PALACE FRONT DESK WORKER Same to you. Tyler leaves the fluid palace. INT. MARITIME NIGHT CLUB - ENTRANCE AREA - NIGHT Tyler enters the night club. The entrance area is caged off from the rest of the night club. There are people in the entrance area, sitting around using drugs or just flowing with the music. In the nightclub the people are relatively laid back. Light dance music is playing. Tyler walks over to an attentive looking entrance cashier, who is in a caged area. TYLER (to entrance cashier) Hello. How much does entrance to the club cost? ENTRANCE CASHIER (to Tyler) Well, that depends. You can spend 20 dollars to get in the normal way, access to all the normal things, bar, dance floor, drug dealers, etc. Or you can spend 40 dollars and get access to everything. TYLER What else is there besides the bar, dance floor, drug dealers, and etc.? ENTRANCE CASHIER Absolutely positively nothing. TYLER I'll take everything. ENTRANCE CASHIER That'll be forty dollars. TYLER Okay. Tyler takes two twenties out of his wallet and gives them to the the cashier. The cashier takes the two twenties and puts them in the cash register. She then buzzes open the cage separating the night club and the entrance area. ENTRANCE CASHIER Enjoy. TYLER I will. Tyler enters the night club main area. INT. MARITIME NIGHT CLUB - DANCE FLOOR/BAR AREA - NIGHT People are dancing and using, while the DJ sits around silently. Tyler walks through the commotion to the bar. Tyler sits down at one of the bar stools and then motions the bartender. MARITIME NIGHT CLUB BARTENDER (to Tyler) What can I get you? TYLER (to the bartender) I would like some lemon juice, please. MARITIME NIGHT CLUB BARTENDER Lemon juice, eh? What do you want in it? TYLER I'd like some coffee and vodka to go in that. MARITIME NIGHT CLUB BARTENDER Nothing beats that drink, eh? TYLER You're right. Nothing. Nothing at all. MARITIME NIGHT CLUB BARTENDER Okay. The bartender fixes up the drink, while Tyler waits patiently, looking at him. The bartender then gives Tyler the drink. TYLER How much will that be? MARITIME NIGHT CLUB BARTENDER Three dollars and fifty cents. TYLER Okay. Tyler takes three dollars and fifty cents out of his wallet and gives it to the bartender. MARITIME NIGHT CLUB BARTENDER Thank you. TYLER You're quite welcome. Tyler takes a few sips of his drink. TYLER (to the bartender) So, you know anyone around here by the name of Nicholas Terrimo. He's a vampire. A not very nice vampire. The bartender looks at Tyler. MARITIME NIGHT CLUB BARTENDER He sounds like the kind of trash Benton would associate himself with. TYLER Oh? And who, may I ask, is Benton? MARITIME NIGHT CLUB BARTENDER Benton is a bastard. He's a drug dealer with really weird friends. Takes away all the business from alcohol and turns it to business for heroin, cocaine, pills, and cleaning fluids. TYLER He doesn't sound like too nice a guy. MARITIME NIGHT CLUB BARTENDER Actually he's an extremely nice fellow. He give people free drugs all the time and always brightens up everyone else's day. But he has weird friends and takes away my business. TYLER Might I know where I can find him? MARITIME NIGHT CLUB BARTENDER You aren't going to abandon me alcohol and buy drugs from him, are you? TYLER No, I just have very important business to discuss and would like to talk to him. MARITIME NIGHT CLUB BARTENDER He's in the drug dealer section. TYLER Okay. Thank you. MARITIME NIGHT CLUB BARTENDER You are quite welcome. Tyler walks through the dance floor to the cocaine dealer section, which is through a door on the other side of the main area, across the dance floor. INT. MARITIME NIGHT CLUB - DRUG DEALER SECTION - NIGHT The section is one long hallway littered with dealers and junkies of all sorts. Benton is at the end of the hallway, being massaged by prostitutes and throwing cocaine packets to scavenging junkies. Tyler walks over to Benton. Benton takes notice of Tyler , calls off his prostitutes, and sends the junkies away. BENTON (to Tyler) Why, hello kind sir. TYLER (to Benton) Hello as well, sir. Are you Benton? BENTON None other. And you are? TYLER I'm Tyler. BENTON Nice name. TYLER Why thank you, and I'd like to have a word with you. BENTON I'm all ears. TYLER Do you know of a vampire by the name of Nicholas Terrimo? BENTON I've heard of him. He's the boss of one my supplier's friends' bosses. TYLER Is that so? BENTON Why it is most certainly so. TYLER I see. Would you know how I can get in touch with this individual? BENTON I'm afraid to say I wouldn't know. In an event of bad timing for you, which I am most certainly sorry for, my supplier was recently put out of business indefinitely due to unsettled legal implications. I do not know how to contact him, and I cannot contact this friend of hers without her. TYLER I see the problem there. BENTON Why yes. I told her to watch her back because those lawyers know what to do you when you are down. Might I inquire as to why you need to know the whereabouts of this Nicholas Terrimo? TYLER I was hired to kill him. BENTON Oh, and for what reason would that be. TYLER The man is a serial rapist/murderer and cannibal of a vampire. BENTON That is quite terrible. TYLER Indeed. BENTON Well, I wish you good luck in your hit. TYLER Thank you. I wish you good luck in your business as well. BENTON Also, would you like to buy any drugs, I'll give them to you discounted to near nil. Or maybe would you like to use some of my prostitutes? TYLER No thank you. BENTON Okay. Good day. TYLER Good day, and also, could you recommend a fine establishment of sexual service to me? Other than the Fluid Palace or the Skyline Brothel. BENTON Why most certainly. There are actually three major ones in this area. Thelonius's Bar, Grill, and Sex Club, the Club Mariday, and the Marla House. All are recommended highly. If not you're looking for trouble, though. Stay away from Thelonius's place. TYLER I'll keep that in mind. Thank you Benton. Once again, good day. BENTON Good day. May you live long and enjoy life. TYLER I hope to. INT. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB - NIGHT Tyler is in a jam packed bar and grill with nude prostitutes and customers walking around. Tyler is waiting by the hostess's podium to get his seat. The hostess then comes. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB HOSTESS (to Tyler) Hello and welcome to Thelonius's Bar, Grill, and Sex Club. Would you like a table? TYLER (to the hostess) I would. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB HOSTESS Okay, please come this way. The hostess brings to Tyler to a booth table and gives him a menu. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB H A waiter shall be with you shortly. TYLER Okay. The hostess goes to serve another customer, while Tyler looks at the menu. TYLER (while reading the menu) The hamburger looks nice, but that steak, oh my god, does that steak look juicy. Maybe I'll just have a salad. Tyler continues to say different foods he likes on the menu aloud, until the waiter comes, surprising him, causing Tyler to take a quick glance away from the menu. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITER (to Tyler) Hello. May I take your order. TYLER (still looking in the menu) Yes, I would a chicken sampler and a glass of orange juice. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITER (writing down choices on pad) Two excellent choices. Tyler puts the menu down and looks at the waiter. TYLER (to waiter) Could I have no pulp with that orange juice? THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITER (writing specifications on pad) Of course. TYLER Okay, that's it for me. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITER You sure that you wouldn't like any appetizers. TYLER Maybe I'll have a cheese soup. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITER (writing down the appetizer on the pad) That sounds great. Anything else? TYLER No that's it. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITER (to Tyler) Thine order shall be done soon. In the meantime, would you like a booth prostitute to pass the time? TYLER How much do they add to the bill? THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITER Not much. TYLER Can you give me a specific amount or at least a range? THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB W Fifteen dollars tops. Twelve dollars bottom. It's a randomly selected amount between those two amounts. TYLER Okay. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITER Male or female? TYLER Either gender is okay. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITER I'll tell the madam. One should be with you shortly. TYLER Okay. THELONIUS'S BAR, GRILL, AND SEX CLUB WAITER Good. The waiter leaves, and Tyler stays there staring at the table ornaments for a minute or two. A prostitute eventually comes. It's a male prostitute named Manco. MANCO (to Tyler) Hello, I'm Manco. I'll be your booth prostitute, tonight. TYLER Why hello Manco. I'm Tyler. Manco sits down next to Tyler and then pulls a knife and keeps it against Tyler's waist. MANCO Don't say a word. The waiter comes with Tyler's orange juice and cheese soup, unaware of what Manco is doing. WAITER (putting the orange juice and cheese soup on the table) Here you go. TYLER (attempting to sound calm) Thank you. WAITER Your welcome. You're meal should be done in a bit. (blinking) Enjoy the prostitute. The waiter walks away. MANCO (to Tyler) Good. TYLER (to Manco) What do you want? MANCO Ever hear of Nicholas Terrimo? TYLER (to Manco) I'm looking for the same person. MANCO I know. Why are you looking for him? TYLER I'm a hitman. I have been hired to end his life. MANCO You are? TYLER Why, yes, I am. Manco puts the knife away. MANCO Thank god. I thought you were one of his cronies. Me and my gang were at the club earlier tonight and we listened in on of your conversations, and we heard the name Nicholas Terrimo. TYLER Was that all you heard? MANCO Sadly yes, and I'm afraid that's the reason for this misunderstanding. TYLER How were you able to get to me so quickly and effectively? MANCO I'm not about to reveal the tricks of the trade. TYLER Okay, but you must know that I am also part of the trade, and may just have some tricks up my sleeve. MANCO Everyone has tricks up their sleeve. TYLER Yes, of course. MANCO Indeed, and I think I may have some business to discuss with you over this matter though, in light of this oh so recent discovery. TYLER I think that that would be an interesting proposition. MANCO Excellent, but first, I have been requested as your prostitute, and I must perform my duty. Would you like oral sex or a foot massage? TYLER Can I have both? MANCO No. TYLER I'll just take a foot massage then. MANCO Sure. Tyler rests his feet on Manco's lap. Manco takes off Tyler's shoes and socks and starts to massage his feet. Tyler starts on his cheese soup. TYLER So, Manco, how do you know Nicholas Terrimo? MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) That actually has to do with the business I'm about to discuss with you. TYLER (while eating his food) Oh? MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) Yes. TYLER (while eating his food) Then why don't we discuss this business right here, while you are oh so gracefully massaging my feet. MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) Sure. TYLER (while eating his food) Okay. So what is the business? MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) I work for an organization that specializes in the distribution of certain products. TYLER (while eating his food) Such as? MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) Heroin. TYLER (while eating his food) A respectable product. MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) Indeed. So anyway, Nicholas has also dabbed in this product. TYLER (while eating his food) Oh, he has? MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) Regrettably yes, and he is running amuck, killing and raping people, including but not limited to those in my business. TYLER (while eating his food) Yes. MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) He is fucking around with the peaceful equilibrium of drug trade we had going on, particularly with heroin. TYLER (while eating his food) Have you ever heard of Benton? MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) He's the anti-nicholas. The most respectable man I know. TYLER (while eating his food) I met him too. MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) Yeah, he's great. Why? Are you concerned Nicholas might do something to him? TYLER (while eating his food) Well, he is such a nice man. MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) Nicholas wouldn't touch Benton. TYLER (while eating his food) I hope so. MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) Anyway, my job and the job of the people working with me, is to find and shut Nicholas and his gang down for good. TYLER (while eating his food) Well, my job is to kill him, so I see we have a mutual interest. MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) That we do. TYLER (while eating his food) And I'd think we'd both benefit from working together. MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) That we would. TYLER (while eating his food) I'd be honored. MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) Then we have a deal. TYLER (while eating his food) Of course. MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) Meet me tomorrow in the South Row Club, anytime works. TYLER (while eating his food) Okay, sure. MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) That pretty much wraps up our business for now. I'll explain more tomorrow. Tyler continues eating his food and Manco stays there, massaging Tyler's feet. A small amount of time passes. Tyler finishes his food, and Manco keeps on massaging his feet. TYLER (to Manco) You know, Benton said that this place was nothing but trouble. MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) Benton likes to be careful. TYLER Oh? MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) Yup. A bit more time passes, with Manco continuing to massage Tyler's feet. TYLER So the South Row Club, tomorrow, anytime? MANCO (while massaging Tyler's feet) Exactly. A bit more time passes. with Manco continuing to massage Tyler's feet. TYLER (to Manco) You ever get tired of this? MANCO No. |