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The violent comedia finishes, with the stakes and killings increased. |
The Job INT. TYLER'S OFFICE - DAY Tyler is still reading. He checks his watch. He puts the book down and then gets his coat and his gun. He then turns off the lights and exits the office. EXT. NICHOLAS GANG DRUG WAREHOUSE - DAY Tyler is walking down the street near the drug warehouse and spots the warehouse. He then enters. INT. NICHOLAS GANG DRUG WAREHOUSE - PRIMARY DRUG PROCESSING AREA - DAY - CONTINUOUS ACTION Inside the warehouse there are a bunch of people processing drugs of all sorts and packing them into boxes. A supervisor immediately recognizes Tyler and comes over to him. NICHOLAS GANG DRUG WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR (to Tyler) You must be Tyler? TYLER (to the supervisor) Yes, I am. NICHOLAS GANG DRUG WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR You're that one with the new lab job? TYLER (to the supervisor) Yup. NICHOLAS GANG DRUG WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR Come with me. Tracking Shot-- The supervisor leads Tyler through the primary drug processing area to the door to the drug lab. They both enter the door to the drug lab. INT. NICHOLAS GANG DRUG WAREHOUSE - DRUG LAB - DAY -CONTINUOUS ACTION The drug lab is filled with people working on lab stations with all manners of chemicals, mixing them in all sorts of ways. There are also some chained naked vampire test subjects. NICHOLAS GANG DRUG WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR (to Tyler) All I can tell you is that you get out at 6:00, lunch brake is from 12:30 to 1:30, and you're free to the whatever you want as long as you get results by the end of every two weeks. For you that two weeks starts now. (pointing at the test subjects) Feel free to use those test subjects. They're vampires that we employ. Their endurance makes them perfect test subjects. It's likely they won't die. TYLER (to the supervisor) Why are they chained? NICHOLAS GANG DRUG WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR So they don't escape. TYLER Okay. NICHOLAS GANG DRUG WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR (pointing at an empty station and to Tyler) This you're station, enjoy. The supervisor leaves. Tyler goes over to the station. He looks at the station with a confused look. He randomly takes a chemical and mixes it with another chemical, ending up creating a bizarre looking mixture. He goes over to one of the vampire test subjects, opens its mouth, and makes it drink the concoction. Once it enters the vampire's mouth the vampire's eyes roll back and it drops dead. TYLER Oh. One of the other lab workers by the named of Charletto sees Tyler's plight and comes over to him. CHARLETTO (to Tyler) See you killed you first test subject. TYLER (to Charletto) Yup. CHARLETTO Don't worry there is a ton where that came from. (extending his hand out) Hello, I'm Charletto. TYLER (shaking Charletto's hand) I'm Tyler. CHARLETTO (shaking Tyler's hand) Nice name. TYLER (shaking Charletto's hand) Thank you. Same to your name. CHARLETTO (shaking Tyler's hand) Thanks. TYLER (to Charletto) So, any tips you can give me for mixing drugs? CHARLETTO (to Tyler) Either put your emmence chemical knowledge to use or guess and test until you get something that has a good feeling and isn't instantly deadly. TYLER Okay. What do I do once I find something? Don't we have two weeks? CHARLETTO Yup. Once you find something you write down the formula and give it to production, who will then give it to marketing, who will then give it to distribution who will put it on the street. Then you're off until the next two weeks start again, and you get a raise if the drug's a hit. TYLER Why didn't the supervisor fill me in on this? CHARLETTO He's an incompetent bastard. TYLER Yeah. You know where I might be able to find out about important information as to the mechanics of the whole operation? CHARLETTO Sure. I have a complete rundown of some stuff inside this pamphlet that I got after my first year of working here. Charletto takes out a pamphlet and hands it to Tyler. TYLER Thank you. CHARLETTO No problem. It has everyone about the drug distribution and production network in it. TYLER Would it talk of the location of primary organization figures? CHARLETTO Sorry, but it does talk about the drug network. Tyler smiles. TYLER It's fine. The two get back to work. INT. SOUTH ROW CLUB - EVENING Manco, Darius, and Belmor are sitting at the bar, chatting and drinking. Tyler walks in. The three turn around on their bar stools and look at Tyler. TYLER (to the three) I have some important information for you guys. MANCO (to Tyler) Oh, you do. TYLER (to Manco) Why, yes of course I do? DARIUS (to Tyler) Is it from the new job? TYLER (to Darius) Yes. BELMOR I like that. TYLER (to Belmor) Good. MANCO (to Tyler) What is it you have? TYLER (to Manco) I have a pamphlet, reveling the whole drug aspect of Nicholas's operation. MANCO (to Tyler) Wow. Like, that's our goal. We can remove his threat to our organization. TYLER (to Manco) Yup, unfortunately, Nicholas still won't be dead. BELMOR (to Tyler) Don't you understand? It'll be easier to find him when his organization is down. We've made it easier for you. TYLER (to Belmor) I'd suppose your right. DARIUS (to Tyler) He probably is. BELMOR Yup. DARIUS (to Tyler) Also, its not like we're cutting your connections to Nicholas. Meredith and Marcus aren't on our hit list. Wait around and maybe they'll call you or come to you. You can get the hit, then. MANCO (to Tyler) Anyway, thank you for your help, don't bother showing up for work tomorrow unless you wanna see blood and guts. TYLER (to Manco) Well, I don't. MANCO (to Tyler) Good, then don't go. TYLER Alright. I'll go straight to my office and not bother even going near that place. MANCO That's a good idea. TYLER Okay, see yah then. MANCO See yah. Waiting for Another Phone Call INT. TYLER'S OFFICE - NIGHT Tyler enters his office, puts his gun and coat away, and then gets to work on another book at his desk. FADE TO: INT. TYLER'S OFFICE- DAY Tyler is sitting at his desk with a book out and is reading it. There is a knock at Tyler's door. Tyler goes to get the door. It's Marcus. MARCUS (to Tyler) I'm sorry. I didn't know where else to turn. Things are really fucking bad. It seems like you, a mere pharmaceutical job applicant, and Meredith are the only ones I can trust. Most of our connections are fucked. TYLER (to Marcus) What are you talking about, and how did you get my address? MARCUS I used the yellow pages to get your address. TYLER Good. MARCUS Yes. Anyway there were a series of rather violent and deadly incidences at our drug places including the warehouse you worked at. TYLER How'd you know I wasn't there? No one would have been alive to tell the tale. I don't think they keep absentee charts of the absent employees. MARCUS Actually they do have absentee charts. And how do you know about people not being alive? You seem to be a rather optimistic man, and I doubt that would be your natural assumption. Tyler punches Marcus straight in the face and then gets behind him and starts strangling him. He then drags Marcus over to Beth's closet. Marcus bashes him against the closet door and Beth's growling can be heard. MARCUS (while being strangled) I'm a fucking vampire, Tyler. It'll take more than that to fuck me up. TYLER (to Marcus) Fuck you. Tyler kicks him away, and, before Marcus can recover, he gets a double-barreled shotgun from under his desk. He shoots Marcus twice in the face. Marcus's head is blown half off by the first blast and the other half is blown off by the second. His headless corpse falls on the floor. He then unlocks Beth's closet, takes off Beth's gag, and de-leashes her. She goes straight for Marcus's body and starts eating him. Tyler gives a sigh of relief. He then goes back to his desk, picks his book back up, and starts reading. FADE TO: INT. TYLER'S OFFICE - NIGHT Tyler is still reading and Beth is still eating. The phone rings. It's Meredith. MEREDITH (OS) (to Tyler) Is that you Tyler? Some bad stuff is going on. I actually sent Marcus for you. Is he there? TYLER (to Meredith) You're worrying me. He didn't come at all. What happened? MEREDITH (OS) First things first, did you show up at work today? TYLER No. I had a bit of syphilis. MEREDITH (OS) Ah, no one likes that. But it's either that or getting stuck with AIDS or possibly a fatal bought with sexual transmitted vampirism. TYLER Yeah. MEREDITH (OS) Anyway, some bad stuff happened. Our entire drug network was attacked. Anyone who had us as a distributor was fucked. It was like one of our special employee information pamphlets got into the wrong hands. There might even be a mole. TYLER That's tragic. Who could do such a thing? MEREDITH (OS) I know. You're the only one I trust right now. You know Nicholas? He is so fucking pissed. I mean he ate, murdered, and raped in that order, two of our upper-level gangman already. Can you meet me someplace? TYLER Sure, I could. Where? MEREDITH (OS) I feel safe at Benton's place. TYLER That drug dealer, Benton, has a place? MEREDITH (OS) Yup, good thing he used other distributors. He runs a small drug and sex place. It's rather private. In fact it's in his own apartment. TYLER Okay, so we can meet there? MEREDITH (OS) Yup. TYLER Okay. Where can I find this. MEREDITH (OS) It might be in the yellow pages, but the address I think is 5 Glock Avenue, apartment 55. I'm not 100% on the apartment, though. TYLER Don't worry about it. MEREDITH (OS) I'll see yah there. TYLER See yah there. Tyler hangs up. Tyler takes out the shotgun and uses it to nudge Beth back into her closet. He then leashes her up but does not gag her. He then uses the nozzle of his gun to move Marcus's corpses into Beth's closet. Beth continues her feast. Tyler closes and locks the closet door. Tyler then puts the shotgun away, gets his coat and pistol, and exits the office. Meeting at Benton's INT. BENTON'S APARTMENT BUILDING - LOBBY - NIGHT Tyler enters the lobby. Inside are some persons dilly-dallying around, while a secretary is going over some paperwork at the front desk. Tyler goes over to the front desk and gets the attention of the secretary. TYLER (to the secretary) Hello. APARTMENT BUILDING SECRETARY (to Tyler) Hello sir. TYLER Yes. I was wondering if you could confirm for me an apartment for a one Benton. APARTMENT BUILDING SECRETARY Oh, that really really really really really really really nice drug dealing fellow. TYLER None other. APARTMENT BUILDING SECRETARY I have a gut feeling its apartment 55, but lemme check. The secretary types the name Benton into her computer and the number 57 comes up. APARTMENT BUILDING SECRETARY Looks like my gut feeling was wrong. Apartment 57. That's on the fifth floor. The seventh apartment to your left. You can take the elevator. Gottit? TYLER Gottit. APARTMENT BUILDING SECRETARY Okay then. Have a beautiful day, sir. TYLER Have a beautiful day. Tyler walks over to the elevator. He presses the up button. A person comes right next to him to wait by the elevator. It's Ari. Ari notices Tyler. ARI (to Tyler) Well, hello there Tyler. Tyler notices Ari. TYLER (to Ari) Well, hello there Ari. Ari smiles. ARI I saw you at that party, right? TYLER Yup. ARI Wasn't that a nice party? TYLER Yup. The elevator doors open. TYLER You using this elevator? ARI Yup. They both enter the elevator. Tyler pushes the floor five button. TYLER What floor are you? ARI Five. TYLER Okay. The elevator doors close. INT. BENTON'S APARTMENT BUILDING - ELEVATOR - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS ACTION Tyler and Ari are standing in the moving elevator. TYLER (to Ari) You live here? ARI (to Tyler) No. TYLER Why are you here? ARI You don't seem to be a resident of this building. I could ask you that very same question. TYLER You're right. You could. The elevator stops and the doors open. ARI This is the stop. Ari and Tyler leave the elevator. INT. BENTON'S APARTMENT BUILDING - FIFTH FLOOR HALLWAY'S - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS ACTION Ari and Tyler both walk left, seven doors down. Ari and Tyler look at each other. ARI (to Tyler) Are you going to Benton's. TYLER (to Ari) Yes. I am here for business with Meredith. ARI Oh? Really? Ari takes out a knife and tries to stab Tyler. Tyler turns the knife Ari and then grabs Ari in a choke hold. TYLER Who are you working for, eh? ARI Nicholas. TYLER He want Meredith? Ari nods in the choke hold. TYLER (cont'd) He wants to kill good old Benton, too? Ari nods again in the choke hold. TYLER (cont'd) Do not lie to people at parties like you did to me, unless of course you are me and performing a hit for a friend of mine. Ari nods again in the choke hold. Tyler brakes his neck and with the body still in the choke hold knocks on the door. Someone gets the door. It's Benton. BENTON (to Tyler) Why, hello there, Tyler. Meredith is already inside. Benton looks at the corpse. BENTON (cont'd) I see you have Ari's corpse. Ari was a killer working for Nicholas. He also specialized in finding victims for him. TYLER (to Benton) How do you know that about Nicholas and his employees? BENTON (to Tyler) Meredith filled me in. TYLER Okay. Do you have any place, where I can dispose of this body? BENTON I'll put it in the next pile of things to be incinerated. You can give it to me. Tyler gives Benton the corpse. Benton, carrying the corpse, leads Tyler inside the apartment. INT. BENTON'S APARTMENT BUILDING - BENTON'S APARTMENT - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS ACTION Inside the apartment is Meredith lying on a bean bag couch, using opium, with some other addict. Benton carries the corpse to a back room, while Tyler sits over by Meredith. Meredith is lost in her opium pipe and facing to side away from Tyler. TYLER (to Meredith's) Hello. Meredith puts her opium pipe down and turns to look at Tyler. MEREDITH (to Tyler) Hello. TYLER Things seem to fucked up pretty fucking bad. MEREDITH I don't even know where to fucking begin. I know you were absent, from work today. Thank heavens, and I know I can trust you. TYLER Ari came to here. Looks like it was to kill you. I killed him. MEREDITH That's nice of you. TYLER Thank you. MEREDITH Nicholas wants me dead. TYLER It seems like it. MEREDITH Can you help me out? TYLER How? MEREDITH I don't know. Meredith goes back to her opium pipe. Benton comes back to the room. BENTON (to Tyler) Would you like anything to drink? TYLER (to Benton) Chocolate milk laced with cocaine. BENTON (to Tyler) I love that drink. Good choice. I'll prepare it with the good stuff. Benton goes into the kitchen. TYLER (to Meredith) I think if we want to save our asses. Well, if you wanna save your ass, we gotta kill Nicholas. It's too late to go against whatever sick bastard did this to your network. Meredith puts down her opium pipe. MEREDITH Yes, we would have to. TYLER How would I come into contact with this Nicholas? MEREDITH Dial this phone number. It's the phone number of a man, who I'm told can get someone in contact with Nicholas in a jam. His name is Nier. Meredith hands Tyler a phone number written on a piece of paper. TYLER Thanks, but I thought you could already get me into close contact with Nicholas. MEREDITH Not now I can't. TYLER It's fine. I'll call this number later tonight from a phone booth. MEREDITH Do that, and you know, Tyler? TYLER What? MEREDITH You're a great guy. I really can trust you. TYLER Thanks. Meredith goes back to her opium pipe and turns back to the side away from Tyler. Tyler sits there next to her. Benton comes in with the chocolate milk. Tyler drinks it and gives the glass back to Benton. He then shoots Benton and Meredith in the head. Tyler then walks out of the apartment Meeting with Nier EXT. CITY STREET - PHONE BOOTH - NIGHT Tyler is in the phone booth with the piece of paper with Nier's phone number. Tyler dials the number. The phone rings twice. Someone picks up on the other end. It's Nier. TYLER (to Nier) Hello. Is this Nier? NIER (OS) (to Tyler) I am speaking. TYLER I would like to talk you about Nicholas. NIER (OS) Ah, yes, Nicholas. (to Tyler) Unique kind of fella. TYLER That he most certainly is. NIER (OS) Oh, yes indeed. TYLER I would like to come in contact with Nicholas. NIER (OS) So you wish to come in contact with Nicholas? TYLER Yes. NIER (OS) Okay, then. Come over to my house. Right now if you can. If not, sooner better than later. It's 357 Malcolm Lane. Tyler writes on the phone number piece of paper, "357 Malcolm Lane". NIER (OS) (cont'd) We can continue our discussion there. Nier hangs up. Tyler hangs up his end of the phone and exits the booth and walks away. EXT. CITY - MALCOLM LANE - NIGHT There are suburban houses everywhere. The address numbers of them are in the 350s. Tracking Shot-- Tyler is walking toward the house addressed 357. He walks through the front yard to the door and rings the doorbell. Nier comes to the door. NIER (to Tyler) Yes. TYLER (to Nier) Are you Nier? NIER Yes. TYLER Oh, yes. Come right in. Tyler enters Nier's home. INT. NIER'S HOME - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS ACTION Nier's living room is rather bare with a couch, coffee table, and a television pretty much being it. NIER (motioning to the couch) Please sit down. Tyler sits down. NIER (to Tyler) Would you like some coffee or an alcohol beverage or soda or liquid morphine? TYLER (to Nier) I'll take an alcoholic beverage. NIER What kind of alcoholic beverage would you like? TYLER I'll take some wine. NIER In a glass or a bottle? TYLER I think I'll take it in a bottle. NIER A bottle you say? I'll go get it right now. Nier goes into the kitchen to get the wine. Tyler looks around the room. Nier eventually comes back with a bottle of wine. He puts it on the coffee table. NIER Just drink straight from it. Tyler takes a drink from the wine bottle and Nier sits down the right of him on the couch. NIER Now, why do you want to see Nicholas? TYLER I want to see Nicholas for reasons of my own. NIER Well, I'd suppose that you'd have a right to your privacy. TYLER Yes I would. Tyler takes another drink from the wine bottle. NIER I can take you to Nicholas, but I can't show you how to get there. Security reasons and such. TYLER I see. Am I going to have to be blindfolded? NIER Something like that. I am going to make you go unconscious. You will then wake up in the vicinity of Nicholas. TYLER That sounds workable. How am I going to go unconscious? NIER A drug. TYLER Okay, when do I get the drug? NIER That depends. I can give it to you at anytime. TYLER When I'm finished with this wine, would be absolutely fine. NIER Perfect. Tyler sits there, trying to finish his wine and force it down. When he's finished enough he puts the bottle on the coffee table. TYLER Give me that drug now. NIER Do you want to administer it or shall I? TYLER Why don't you do it? Nier takes a box out of his coat pocket. He opens it. Inside is a an empty syringe, a bottle of a clear liquid, sterile pads, and a tourniquet. TYLER Either one is fine. NIER Roll up you sleeves. Tyler roles up his sleeves. Nier wraps the tourniquet around Tyler's right arm. Tyler's veins start to bulge. Nier takes the syringe and slowly removes 10cc of the clear liquid from the bottle. He does a test squirt of the syringe. Tyler's POV-- Nier takes the syringe and inserts the needle into one of the bulging veins on Tyler's arm. He then proceeds to inject all the liquid in the syringe into Tyler's arm. He then takes a sterile pad, puts it over the point where the needle was inserted and removes the needle. NIER (TYLER'S POV) There you go. Tyler's POV-- Tyler gets really dizzy and things start fading. Nier is just looking at Tyler. FADE TO: Finding the Final INT. NICHOLAS'S WAREHOUSE - INDUSTRIAL AREA - NIGHT Tyler's POV-- Tyler's eyes are closed. He opens them. He is being tied by his hands with a cord to a large lead pipe. He's dangling from it. He's covered in blood and his clothes are tattered. TYLER (TYLER'S POV) (sobbing) Fuck. Tyler's POV-- Tyler tries shakes around, hoping to brake the cord, but it is no use. Tyler starts sobbing. TYLER (TYLER'S POV) (sobbing) Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Tyler's POV-- Tyler spits up some blood. TYLER (TYLER'S POV) (gaining control of himself) God fucking dammit. Tyler's POV-- Tyler tries swinging around. Nicholas enters through the warehouse door with a cane on his shoulder, a smile on his face, and a song in his heart. Nicholas slowly starts rhythmically works toward Tyler. Nicholas's POV-- Nicholas is still slowly rhythmically walking toward the dangling Tyler. TYLER (NICHOLAS'S POV) (in a semi-sob, semi trying gain control of ones' self to Nicholas) Fuck you. I can fucking assume you're fucking Nicholas. NICHOLAS (TYLER'S POV) (to Tyler, while slowly rhythmically walking toward him) You've assumed right my dear. TYLER (NICHOLAS'S POV) (in a laugh/sob to Nicholas) You bastard. NICHOLAS (TYLER'S POV) (to Tyler, while slowly rhythmically walking toward Nicholas) That's not a very nice thing to say. Nicholas's POV-- Tyler gains emotional control of himself in the situation. TYLER (NICHOLAS'S POV) (to Nicholas) Sure. Nicholas stop walking when he is right in front of Tyler and smiles. NICHOLAS (TYLER'S POV) (to Tyler) Shall I now do things to you that you wouldn't like? TYLER (NICHOLAS'S POV) Go ahead. NICHOLAS (NICHOLAS'S POV) Okay. Tyler's POV-- Nicholas comes over to Tyler and draws his cane. Tyler swings forward and knocks Nicholas on the ground. Nicholas gets up and laughs. Nicholas POV-- Nicholas draws his cane again to make an attack on Tyler. Tyler swings again knocking Nicholas over. Nicholas gets up and backs away. NICHOLAS (TYLER'S POV) (to Tyler) You're trying to be naughty, are you? TYLER (NICHOLAS'S POV) Oh, I most certainly am indeed. NICHOLAS (NICHOLAS'S POV) Then I am afraid this specific pre- eating ritual I have prepared isn't going to work. I will have to find something else. TYLER (TYLER'S POV) You do that. Tyler's POV-- Nicholas takes out a dark gun and shoots Tyler. Tyler slowly goes unconscious, while staring at Nicholas. FADE TO: INT. NICHOLAS'S WAREHOUSE - TORTURE BEDROOM - NIGHT Tyler's POV-- Tyler regains consciousness and opens his eyes. He is tied to a bed by all four of his limbs. He's naked. Nicholas is standing over him. NICHOLAS (TYLER'S POV) (to Tyler) You're awake. Now isn't this much better. You look like you'll taste delicious. Tyler's POV-- Nicholas puts on his metal teeth and smiles. TYLER (TYLER'S POV) (to Nicholas) Why do you kill people so? NICHOLAS (TYLER'S POV) I don't know. It's fun, and people taste good. I've always liked to do it. Are not you yourself a killer? TYLER (NICHOLAS POV) How would you know me to be a killer? NICHOLAS (NICHOLAS POV) It's obvious. TYLER (NICHOLAS POV) Well, I kill for profit. You kill for pleasure and for food you don't need to eat. NICHOLAS (NICHOLAS POV) Killing is in and of itself wrong, regardless. Our reasons don't justify it. TYLER (NICHOLAS POV) I know. NICHOLAS (NICHOLAS POV) Anyway. Tyler's POV-- Nicholas starts to strip in front of Tyler showing aggressive eroticism and smiles with it. When he is undressed, he plops himself over Tyler and starts scratching his skin with his metal teeth. TYLER (TYLER'S POV) (in a giddy way) Oh. Tyler's POV-- Nicholas stops his scratching. NICHOLAS (TYLER'S POV) (to Tyler) You enjoy it? TYLER (NICHOLAS'S POV) What is their not to enjoy? NICHOLAS (NICHOLAS'S POV) I supppose you're right. You're not the normal person Tyler. TYLER (NICHOLAS'S POV) Mmmm. NICHOLAS (NICHOLAS POV) I'd love to have a chat with you over a cup of tea. TYLER (TYLER'S POV) That sounds lovely. NICHOLAS (NICHOLAS POV) What kind of tea do you like? TYLER (TYLER'S POV) Any kind is fine. NICHOLAS (TYLER'S POV) How about regular tea? TYLER (TYLER'S POV) Sure. NICHOLAS (NICHOLAS POV) Okay, in the meantime I'll have you knocked out. TYLER (NICHOLAS POV) Okay. Nicholas's POV-- Nicholas takes a dart gun from a bedside table and shoots Tyler with it. Tyler's POV-- Tyler fades into unconsciousness. FADE TO: INT. NICHOLAS'S WAREHOUSE - TEA ROOM - NIGHT Tyler's POV-- Tyler wakes up in the tea room of Nicholas's house. The room consists of a nice tea table inside a fancy and bright room. Tyler is dressed in a bath robe. Nicholas, dressed, enters the room with a teapot. NICHOLAS (to Tyler) You're awake. TYLER (to Nicholas) Yes, I am. NICHOLAS Well, that sounds lovely, dear. Now let me pour you some tea, and you can tell me about yourself and how you got to be in this position. TYLER Thank you. NICHOLAS (while pouring the tea into a teacup) No problem. Nicholas sits down at the table with Tyler. During this dialogue the two occasionally drink from their tea. NICHOLAS So, tell me about yourself? TYLER Well, I am a hired killer. NICHOLAS Respectable profession. TYLER Indeed. I like my work. I also like sex and pets. NICHOLAS Three great things for a man to like. TYLER You could not be more right. NICHOLAS Yeah. You in the Professional Killers Union? TYLER They can fuck themselves. NICHOLAS Yeah. I don't like to deal with unions either. So how did you come to be in this position? I don't know who the hell Nier sends me. I usually like to go out into the clubs to get victims, like this one tasty girl by the name of Paula. TYLER You seem to be an artist in the sport of victimization. NICHOLAS Oh, that I am. So tell me. How did you come to get here? I wanna know. TYLER Well, I was hired by a friend of mine, by the name of Allen, to perform a hit. NICHOLAS On who? TYLER Well, actually on you. NICHOLAS You say this person's name was Allen? TYLER Yup. That's his name. NICHOLAS (to Tyler) I've never heard of him. Why? Did he want me dead? TYLER He says you are a murderer, rapist, and serial killer, a vampire who performs acts of cannibalism, and a crime boss. NICHOLAS Those things are true. I'm not going to lie to you. TYLER Yes. Yes indeed. Of course you wouldn't lie to me, and I mean that seriously. NICHOLAS Okay. So, continue. I like this story. TYLER Well, anyway, he told me you were a frequenter of such respectable establishments as night clubs, brothels, and sex clubs, but those aren't the only places you frequent. NICHOLAS I also like drug dens. TYLER Oh, well those places are nice. NICHOLAS If you know where to look. TYLER Of course. So, I went to a night club looking for you. NICHOLAS I'm not one to make my presence known. That wasn't a smart place to start. TYLER I realize that, but I am here in thy lair. Are not I? NICHOLAS Okay, fine, carry on. TYLER Yes. I went to the nightclub and asked the bartender about you and he told me to go see Benton. NICHOLAS You must have been at the Maritime. I tell you, Benton is the most lovable soft-hearted fool of a drug dealer I know. TYLER He's wonderful. So, Benton told me that you couldn't you, though he had heard of you. NICHOLAS That sounds about right. TYLER So, then I asked him to recommend an establishment of sexual service of which I may go to, still looking for you. NICHOLAS Right. TYLER I went there and decided to get something to eat at the grill first. NICHOLAS Then what happen? TYLER Well, after ordering I was offered a prostitute. I accepted and was met by a man with the name of Manco. NICHOLAS That bastard from that rival organization? TYLER None other. He told me he was watching me at the Maritime and was also against you and wanted me to work with him against you. NICHOLAS This story is getting fantastically interesting. TYLER I know. So then, I am sent to one to one of Meredith's parties with the hopes of me schmoozing and working my way into your fine organization, in turn getting information for Manco and his crew. NICHOLAS Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. TYLER Yup. So, at the party I met Meredith. She liked me. We went into the drug bath. We talked. I gave her my phone number. I reported back to Manco. She calls me up. I go to the job interview. I get the job. I report back to Manco. I get the phone call for the job. I go to the job. I get information about your organization. I report back to Manco. Manco and his men fuck up your drug network and tell me they won't kill my connections, so I can still get to killing you. I meet Meredith. She's afraid. She sends me to Nier, to kill you. Nier sends me to you. And here we are. NICHOLAS And I can assume this is the abridged version? TYLER Of course. NICHOLAS Okay, that's quite a fantastic story. Do you still plan on killing me? TYLER I don't know. Probably, yes. NICHOLAS Well, I have an idea. TYLER What? NICHOLAS We can fight each other to death. It's a fair and respectable method as to which our purposes may or may not become realized. You're purpose is to kill me for your hit, while my purpose is to have a meal of you. TYLER I thought you preferred eating people alive? NICHOLAS I do, but in this case I can make an acceptation. TYLER Okay. When shall we fight? NICHOLAS How about right now? TYLER Weapons or no weapons? NICHOLAS Whatever you can use. Tyler notices a gun on a table. He goes for it and unloads the clip onto Nicholas's head. Nicholas dies, and he runs out of the room. INT. TYLER'S OFFICE - NIGHT Tyler enters the office, still in the bathrobe from Nicholas's place. He sits down at his desk and dials a phone number. The phone rings twice and someone on the other end picks up. It's Allen. ALLEN (OS) Hello. TYLER (to Allen) Hi. ALLEN (OS) (to Tyler) That you Tyler? TYLER Yup. That you Allen? ALLEN (OS) Yup. You killed Nicholas? TYLER Yup. ALLEN (OS) Okay, thanks. TYLER No problem. ALLEN (OS) See yah around. TYLER See yah around. Tyler hangs up the phone and gets to his reading. FADE OUT. |