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by Dunny
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1171157
Two different lives colliding and finding they have more to give than thought possible.
“Maria, yes a funny girl she was. It makes you wonder where she got off to… her and that mysterious boy that just showed up into town on a rainy day, bout a year or so back… Pity really, she was a good girl too, promising.

“This is just my thought of course, but I’m sure many people would tell you the same thing.

“How did I know Maria? How didn’t I know Maria? As I already said, she was a promising girl. Bright, intelligent, a pretty girl, helpful, never one to talk back. There was always a smile on her face. That girl, she was going places. Anyone could tell you that. She was my Grand-daughter.

“Hah yes, she was a good girl. Now of course I miss her, but… maybe she’s in a better place now. Granted, like I said… she was always happy, ever promising… but coming from the one who knew her best, it was a façade… until that kid showed up. I don’t know if either of them realized it but, he changed her. She was truly happy after he came. And that’s a good thing too. She needs a little happiness in her life. Poor girl. She’s been through hell, and that’s no lie. I tell ya. I just wish I could have been there for her longer…”

The man in the chair, seemingly speaking to no one, rocked away… and disappeared into the evening dusk.


You know what they say. Well at least learn what they should say… or maybe it is only in rare cases… I don’t know… anyway: if you put up a front… a lie about yourself… one day there may be that person who comes along that will break down your front… see who you truly are on the inside and bring it out for the world to see. It may be frightening… but in the end, it may be the best. It could honestly, be the best thing that ever happened to you. Well I didn’t think that at first, by any means. The person who came to break me out, freaked me out… but he needed help, and eventually needed to help me.

It was a normal day, well at least as normal as could be for a cloudy day when it looks like it could be a torrential downpour at any moment. And so it did. It poured while I was walking home through the park, as I did every day. My usual routine was on schedule, beside that rain was not in the forecast. So as I walked home and it dumped, I was not happy.

Question was, could a crappy day get any worse? Need you really ask?

I walked faster, attempting to get home quick before it either got any worse… or something bad happened. I couldn’t place it but, I really had a feeling that something was going to happen and there wasn’t going to be anything I could do about it, no matter how much I wanted to. Then the thought hit me, from somewhere in the back of my mind, did I want to stop it?

The walkway before my feet had flooded at an incredible pace. It was frightening and freezing. I could feel my feet being moved by the rushing water. A crack of lightening, leaving me blinded gave me sight of a man standing a few feet in front of me. Another crack and the rush of water became so much stronger that I knew I would not be able to stand much longer.

A crack of lightning so close that there was no sound to accompany the ever-blinding light. The branch above broke from the tree plummeting down to not only the earth but into me as well. Or, so I though as I gasped in fear, as well as gasping in water. Coughing, I could hardly get out of the way, if it were not for the man I had seen moments prior.

Weight barreled into me, shoving me back into the tree from which the branch had fallen. The weight throwing me back into the tree knocked the wind out of me. Despite his well meaning, the branch managed to graze my forehead, nearly knocking me unconscious as well. Blood gushed from the wound, but I noticed the larger part of the tree hit his back, tearing through his clothing causing a mightier wound.

How did I know that he got the worst of the blow? By the way his body momentarily sagged against my own, before his strength came back and he attempted to stand. Problem was, he fell over again. His hands went to either side of my head to rest against the tree behind me. At this point, I didn’t know if this tree was a blessing or a hindrance.

As he fell again however, I found myself not thinking as my hands flew up to his chest, attempting to give him balance, steady him.

“Sorry,” I heard him mumble apologetically. Hey, I was thinking… not your fault. If I wasn’t so dumb, I wouldn’t be here.

The rain abated some, and he seemed to lose more of his senses, along with the blood. (I later figured out was the reason for his weakness.)

I took his arm over my shoulder and continued walking home. I definitely couldn’t leave him there but I needed him to help me get him there, I’m not so strong myself, even though I do sports and definitely not strong enough to support a full grown man.

Slowly but surely, I got home, Mr. Dude in tow. All along the way, he became less and less responsive.

I entered the gates after flashing my card and continued up the walkway. Kicking open the door we were finally in the entryway where I collapsed.

Barely responsive myself, I only remember bits and pieces of what happened after that. I remember Johns face and finally feeling warmth while getting a glance of paintings on the ceiling that I knew to be my room.

Apparently I had come into consciousness, along with a throbbing headache and random muscle pain. Joy. I did have things to do… how long had I been out? Stupid storm…!

As the thought hit me, I sat bold upright. Where was the guy? Was he okay? He had helped me, now… was he okay? I had done my best to assist him, hopefully I had succeeded.

After the thoughts had run through my head, other thoughts registered: the pain I felt while laying down was miniscule. This pain knocked me back and I felt nauseous. Every bone, muscle and joint hurt. Ah, wonderful… but… where was that guy?

Yet again, because I am oh so stubborn, I attempted to get up. Pain washed over me, not leaving anything out. Saying that everything hurt was no lie, my head hurt the most. Concussion I assumed easily, barely even thinking.

“Concussion would be the correct assumption,” A strong voice announced from the doorway. “And knowing that, and knowing you, you should know that you should not be getting up.”

I rolled my eyes as I knew the old boy was right, and he definitely knew me after all these years. James was a brilliant fellow; he basically raised me after all that happened in my childhood. At the current age of 18, it would seem that very little could happen in that amount of time, but oh so much had happened…

In any case, James certainly knew how to take care of me. “The boy you brought with you is fine as well, he was in need of stitches on his back, but he has healed already.” Before I could interrupt him, James continued. “You’ve been out for three days. A good task. Always a fighter. I could almost say that I am amazed you are conscious now, with the swashing blow this turn-around gave ya.” Yet again he continued before I could ask questions. Apparently he was intent on keeping me quiet and resting. “And how did the boy heal so quickly? How can one need stitches and be healed in three days when he could hardly stand himself?” Yes James certainly knew me, perhaps a bit too well, those were exactly the questions I was about to ask. “Those questions you will have to ask him yourself, tomorrow. I know, I know… But, you have to admit, you’re tired. Tomorrow would be a better time; he’s got a big story to tell you.”

The brilliant old man had been walking around the room checking on miscellaneous things while he was talking, barely even looking at me. Now as he finished his part for today he fluffed my pillows, pulled the blankets up to my chin and smoothed back my hair. He made his way to the door and turned off the lights. How could he leave me with that ending? My curiosity was spiked! What story? I sighed in frustration and in doing so, seemed to let go of much of the tension and pain. My eyes slid closed and I fell asleep rather quickly. Stupid drugs. The sleeping then lead to the dreams that I had been having ever since it happened, so long ago… before my very eyes.

I sat up straight in bed, short of breath, sweating. Gosh I hated that dream, and I always remembered it so vividly as though it were still taking place before me. The dream would happen most often when I was either injured or sick. Both of those happened more times than I cared for, more than anyone cared for. The dream I cared for even less. It was as a plague… following me, searching to destroy.

Forget it. No self pity today. Not any day. I threw the covers back and pulled my legs over the side of the bed. Damn you James. How did he always know? There was zero pain and minimal dizziness. He always knew when I would be better. I got up and pulled together some clothes, making my way to the bathroom. Definitely had to get this grime off. I mean, even after all these years, he hasn’t washed me since I was little, and for that I was incredibly thankful. I ended up taking care of most of my wounds, beside the ones I couldn’t reach, like on my back.

Like I said, I had been injured and sick more times than I can count, for as long as I can remember. And James, he had always been there as he had been the family butler for a long time, long before… before… anything.

Turning on the water in the shower, I let it wash over me, no matter how hurt or sick I had been, this shower always seemed to help me… make everything better. Lavender lined the room; it was cream, gold and purple… maroon. A body wash, scented lavender, lathered and cleaned away the few days past. Complete relaxation. The tenseness in the muscles relaxed, the new beginning before the next ordeal had started.

I dressed in plaid boxers, black sweatpants, knee-high socks, a green tank top and a white zip up sweater. Needless to say this was a fashion faux pas. I didn’t really dress in matching or ‘proper’ clothing unless I had to. And basically, this proper stuff was expected 99% of the time with the family I had. The no good… STOP! We have determined no self pity. Whatever.

I left my room and was on a mission to find Mr. Mystery man. You would think that wouldn’t be too difficult in my own house, which I happened to know like the back of my hand. Apparently I was mistaken. Mr. Mystery man was nowhere to be found. Ah whatever, I don’t need this. If whatever he need to tell me was so important, he could find me later, on his own. James knew I would be better today, so… WHAT STORY!?

Unintentionally, I was more frustrated then necessary and needed to cool off as fast as possible, definitely as fast as possible… otherwise…

Eh, I headed for the outdoors, to the practice field. It was imperative that I set off this steam quickly. Sliding on my trusty sneakers, and strapping on some bracers, I was out of the blasted house. It could burn down for all I care, well, maybe not… I wouldn’t have anywhere to go. I- ah crap. Stop thinking.

I grabbed the bow and quiver from the inside of the shed and pulled back, steady, slow… My arm started shaking due to the stress of holding back for so long. But it’s what I always did before rapid fire. Generally missed the first one too. Release, aaaand… miss, yep. Okay. Now down to business. I set up the next arrow and shot just after it was nocked. Bulls-eye. Good. Another nocked and released. Right next to the first. Again, and again. Eventually my arm began to tire. It was time to quit, especially after I heard a growl of protest from my stomach, expressing its hunger. Yep, time to quit and go inside for a while. I was getting tired anyway. It was cold and damp out, cloudy. A storm was coming, again. I coughed as I removed the arrows from the target, and again as I placed the gear in the shed, then making my way toward the door.

As I turned however, I noticed a figure leaning against the trees, watching me.

“Hi,” I voiced softly as I got nearer to him. Mr. Mystery man was definitely a mystery, he looked mysterious too. Now that I saw him in the light of day, he appeared very dark. He had either dark brown or black hair. He had a chiseled face, high cheek bones and a prominent chin. He appeared to have hazel, greenish eyes, and dang those are some memorizing eyes. Likewise he wore dark clothing, of earth tones and black. Definitely mysterious.

“Hello,” he nodded toward my slightly in reply to my greeting. I could tell he was giving me the look-over as well. Somehow I got the feeling he thought my clothes were a bit funny looking, but heck, his clothes were interesting too.

He was definitely looking at me funny though, I couldn’t place it. I guess maybe we looked a tad familiar to one another… maybe? Well, in any case, I wasn’t anything to look at. I’m your average normal person, nothing to look at. Blue eyes, mid back length brown hair, a normal body I guess. I was active and everything, did what I could to stay in shape, you know how it is. I guess really, if you think about it. It’s mostly unacceptable for me to be any other way.

“I guess, I really don’t know much about you.” I basically observed walking past him, continuing on to the house. Rude, I know, but… that wasn’t about to happen to me again. Not after… never again. Well, maybe he’s different… Even though he appeared dark, he certainly had a different air about him. Quit it, keep your wall up and maintain your guard.

He followed, and upheld a stoic expression. I started removing the bracers and continued speaking. “So, what is your name?” Then thinking what is your quest, smiling a little.

“My name?” He asked following me into the house and closing the door behind him. I shuddered as soon as I set foot inside… Gosh, this house was a house and not a home. How I longed for that day, someday when I could have a home that was quaint, warm, full of love…

“Yea, sure,” I answered. “My name is Maria.” I turned around and smiled faintly at him, at least, that was what I intended to do. I wasn’t too good at the whole smiling thing… used to be… a while ago. I definitely didn’t smile much anymore. How little did I know that that wouldn’t last much longer.

“So I have gathered from Master James,” his voice broke through my thoughts. “I mean, James… that is what he told me to call him… I am afraid I have not quite gotten used to that yet.” He laughed a little. For a reason unbeknownst to me, at the sound of his voice, and especially at his laugh, butterflies were frantic in my stomach. What the-

“Well,” he continued. “My name is Leo. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” He held out his hand for me to shake. “Another new custom I have learned from M- from James.” He mentioned after I shook it. This made me frown. “I am odd, no?” He smiled again. “I have determined in the few days passed that I most definitely have… a strange terminology.”

“That you do.” I baffled. The mad continued smiling as I continued to frown. “Holy cats, you are odd.” He looked to the floor. “I mean…” His action made me feel terrible, I hadn’t meant to be offensive. “It’ll take some getting used to. I’m sure I differ greatly from your customs.

“That you do.” He appeared to take no offence from my comment. “Apparently we have much to learn from one another,” He continued speaking. This guy seemed like one of those blow and go guys, or got over his emotions quickly… or hid his emotions… or… something. Wow.

“I guess we do. You also have much to tell me about yourself.” I had had enough politeness. I had to find out his story.

Again, he laughed. Geez what makes this guy so happy all the time? I wonder if he even has an off day… well… I knew he had a serious side to him, because he did save me from… well I guess I don’t know what you would call that. Possible death? Nah… maybe just really getting hurt. I dunno. Maybe I did owe him my life. At the time, I didn’t know that I really… would owe him my life.

Who ever would have known that anything that happened… would happen? Certainly not the two people who it happened to. We had a long way to go. Yea… a long way to go.

“Well,” He elaborated. “To explain my odd actions, I don’t come from here. I guess meaning, I do not come from your world, however you wish to interpret it. But I am me, as you have said… we just have different customs. I am sure most cultures in your world have different customs.

“I suppose I am also what your world would consider royalty. However, I do not mean to brag. The way I was raised, under royalty, may also explain some of my actions.

“There are also other things that have happened to me that will explain other actions you have not seen…” He became incredibly serious and grave.

The change in attitude startled me, and I wasn’t surprised easily. What in the world? I could tell I was frowning, but who wouldn’t when someone made a statement like that?

“Things about me are not as they seem… What’s really going on right now is-”

All of a sudden… I just… woke up. It was like I was starting that day all over again. It was so confusing… Definitely another one of those what the heck moments. It seems like lately that’s all that I’ve been good for… and that’s all I’ve been getting.

Anyways, I was awake and had no idea what in the hell just happened. I guess if you think about it, I got up and did the whole shower thing. Without even really realizing it... I even dressed in the same clothes as that dream… or whatever it was.

Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed the yogurt, ice cream, frozen fruit, honey and other good stiff like that, along with the blender. Smoothie time and ain’t no one gonna stop me. Smoothie time is Maria time. Gotta love it.

When it finished blending, it was then poured into a glass and I drank from that glass. Hah. Yum. Gotta love the smoothies. Also gotta love the me time. Me time, is me time and that’s all there is to it. Smiling, I curled up under a blanket in a big comfy chair and flipped on the T.V. Maria time also equals favorite movie time: The Princess Bride. Yay.

Me time was short lived and the proper mask had to be put back on. Mr. Mysterious man walked into the room. It was weird… he definitely wasn’t as cheerful as the dream I had had… It was hard to explain really. He made me cold and warm at the same time… cold on the surface so that I had to curl up a bit more… but a warmth that filled me on the inside…

“Hi,” I voiced softly. Even if proper mask was on, I had to be civil. He really did save my life after all.

“Hello,” He answered plopping down on a couch. He was a mix of proper and comfortable, sitting there. And his voice… it was so deep.

“So, um,” Why was I so jittery and afraid of him or something? Heck, I didn’t even know this guy and he was making me stutter and not be able to think of a word to say. “Thanks,” I got out finally.

“Not a problem,” He answered. “Glad I was around and able to help.”

That voice! It was incredible! What was it doing to me? Who was this guy!? Goodness, I’m such a loser. Change subject. “Are you hungry?”

“I suppose I am,’ He replied with a slight thoughtful expression on his face.

“Well,” dang what is with this guy? “What do you want to eat?”

“What do you have?” He countered.

“I- I don’t know.” I hadn’t expected him to be so… indifferent for some reason, even though his emotions appeared to be indifferent. “Come on,” I said, getting up, trying to not be all oh my god what’s going on. I couldn’t let him see… No one can ever know… Into the kitchen we went.


Thanks for reading thus far... Please do tell me what you think. I have more written.. but It's maybe not up to par yet. =) Have good days.
© Copyright 2006 Dunny (dunthonwen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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