Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1171963-Trigger-Happy
Rated: GC · Short Story · Career · #1171963
An assassin gets a little too riled up... i.e. trigger happy

Trigger Happy

The night is what keeps me both sane and content. Each passing moment lasts a century within my mind. It does not matter though, for I allow no room for ill thought. No room for despair or doubt, especially in my line of work.

Some know me as the ‘smiling assassin’, luckily for me those who forever remain the enemy do not even know that I exist. There is some good and evil in this world and I don’t believe that what I do, is to be evil. In some ways it is actually a good thing for those that hire me have good reason to kill those that they desire to.

And whether you talk of morality or ethical issues here, there is no room for those either. As I have always believed we all have a certain amount of time on this earth and it just so happens that some people’s time has run out.
As I have previously said there is no room for doubt, I just do what I have to and I have to admit there is good pay involved.

This line of work can be risky, even hectic at times but again I don’t allow room for doubt or anything to go wrong. As long as one has a clear head then nothing and I repeat nothing can go wrong. There is a large amount of training and planning to go through before the kill can actually take place.

I personally prefer a sniper rifle with a 6mm silencer. It may deaden the sound but what does that matter? I prefer silence when I work anyway. There will come a time when I have had to make a hasty getaway, but it all comes with the job and it takes some getting used to.

The shrilling of the phone interrupted my thoughts. ‘It’s time!’ I thought eagerly. I reached for my cell and brought it to my ear, listened for a moment and then hung up.

He was coming and what would come next would be his own fault. Sleeping with other men’s wives was not the way to go. Gathering my things, I pushed forward to the window, awaiting the perfect moment to arise. I peered through the scope on the rifle, seeking long range.

I could see crowds drifting through the narrow streets below. I ignored this though and turned towards the convenience store on the corner. Any second now. I held my breath, then slowly let it out.

Bingo! The dark green parka came into view of the scope. I squinted, narrowing my eyes, reducing them to slits.

My hand moved over the trigger, slowly, ever so slowly. He continued to strut the pavement below, I followed him. He came to a stop at a pedestrian crossing, waiting to cross.

This was the moment; I lined up the shot. There was a slight pop as I pulled the trigger.

The bullet entered through the chest, just above the ribcage, shattering the sternum. Screams sounded, but all I could do was smile.

I watched the blood begin to pool and the body crumple and fall to the ground. Red mush had splattered on the window behind him. Smearing the glass with body tissue. People were running around in a crazed panic. Not knowing what to do.

I started to laugh maniacally; it started as a giggle then rose ever higher at the back of my throat.

Not a single thought passed through my head as I raised the small black Smith & Wesson. Bang!

My job was done, gray matter sloshed onto the wall next to me as part of my brain exited through the hole in my skull. I guess my time is up, at least I died with my beloved rifle by my side.
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