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A guy travels, and finds himself in the worst day of his life. |
Ethan rolled his eyes. His mother was a talker. She would go on, and on, and on, and on. Man could she talk. He loved her dearly, but really needed to pack if he was going to get there by nightfall. “Ma! I need to get going now, if I am going to get there before it gets dark. I love you, see you soon.” Click. He hated to hang up on her, but she really annoyed him sometimes. He got the rest of his clothes packed, and loaded it into his trunk. He left a key under the mat, for Angus to find, so he could feed the dogs. It was really nice of him to take care of his dogs for a week. Ethan checked to make sure that everything was secured in the house. Everything was set to go. “To Mama’s house we go.” He smiled as he folded his body into his two seated convertible. He rolled down the top so he could get some air. His mother lived 5 hours away. He hated driving at night, where the chicks couldn’t see him in his snazzy new car. It was his baby. He loved women almost as much. It was growing dark outside. He hadn’t left until after 4. Suddenly the car started to sputter as he was turning onto a country road. Back roads were not his favorites. He didn’t usually drive on them unless he was in a hurry, and this time, they would be his undoing. He checked the gas gage and noticed it was on empty. “Well doesn’t that just figure. I knew I forgot something.” Groaning, and mumbling the whole time, he pulled the top out, locked the doors, and headed off to the nearest gas station. After he had been walking for a half an hour, he noticed it was getting darker. He definitely did not want to be walking after dark. A little while later, he got to the gas station. He hit himself on the head. “I am SUCH a moron. I forgot the stupid gas can.” He figured that they must have one for sale, just in case a moron like him were to forget to get one. He sauntered in, just in case there was a pretty lady about. He looked around for a gas can. He couldn’t find one. He asked the cashier if she knew where he could get one. “There are some in the back, let me get you one.” She smiled at him. She was pretty enough, but was missing a tooth, not acceptable to Ethan. He was as picky about his women, as he was his car. A minute later she returned with a gas can for him. “Ring me up for a filler. I broke down about a mile or 2 up the road.” He turned on the charm. She might not have been acceptable, but hey, he wouldn’t turn down a ride to his car. “That will be $5.00, please, and I am married.” She smiled back. It was a long walk back to his car. He wished he had his cell phone, then he could at least call his mom to let her know he was ok. Besides that, she would talk his ear off until he got back to the car. It wouldn’t be so lonely that way. When he got back to his car, he put the gas in. Then with that done, he reached for his keys… “Keys? Where are my keys? Oh NO!! You Idiot!” He ran to the driver side. He smacked the car like it did something wrong when he saw his lucky rabbit’s foot key chain dangling from the ignition. “Man alive, Nothing else can go wrong. This is the worst day of my life.” He started the long walk back to the gas station. “I swear, I will never bother you again, if you just let me use your phone.” He smiled at the cashier again. “Alright, but it better be local, or collect.” she retorted, as she handed him the phone over the counter. He called his mom, giving her the address of the gas station, and the number for Triple A, and the number to the gas station to call him back. “You squared away, there buddy?” The cashier said gracefully. “Sure thing, Pal.” he retorted, sarcastically. She was off her shift, and offered him a ride, since it was on her way home. She made him sit in the back of her truck though. |