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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1179471
Meet Kennocha, guardian of the door,must travel to the elven world of Tharndor
As a young girl in foster care, I knew I was odd. I dreamed of being loved and having a family. I worked to become a nurse and have a normal life, but everything I thought I knew about myself and my world changed with a picture of a mountain in Scotland. My friend, Dottie, who is a witch, is trying to help me find my destiny, but when she takes me to see her mentor, a Priestess and Elder of the Cloister, I find I must go to the extraordinary world of the Elves to keep from forfeiting an ancient compact between the Shenn(Ancient Race of the Elves) and humanity. And that an evil sect of elves called the Du-sith are after me along with a elven warrior sent to neutralize any threat. Can I save myself and humanity from suffering untold horror from the ancient evil the Du-sith think I can call forth and finally find my place in life?
November 16, 2006 at 12:34am
November 16, 2006 at 12:34am
         It started very simply.
         One night while talking on messenger in one of the travel chat rooms, I got a message from an unknown user. The message directed me to website based in the UK. It was all about Wicca and Druid beliefs. As I began to read, something about it all seemed familiar to me. Then I clicked on a picture album, one called Alba. I looked with wonder at the mountain in the picture. It was familiar, and I had a longing to go there. Feeling stupid and a little scared, I shut off my computer and went to bed.
         The strange feelings continued the next day at work as I pounded on the medication dispenser’s keyboard, that now had me locked out for the fourth time in two hours, “You damned thing. I realize you hate me, but just once, would you let me take care of my patients.”
         Dottie, my conspirator in crimes committed against new medical technology, walked up behind me and yelled over her shoulder, “ April, she has done it again. Could you come help us?” I heard her laugh and quietly she said, “ What I wouldn’t give for the old days when all you had to worry about was losing the keys.”
         “You said it.”
         Dottie had been a nurse for almost thirty years, while I’d only worked for five. She was not what I’d call a grandmother type, unless your grandmother was a Hell’s Angel. Dottie could work on any vehicle made before they started putting computers in cars. And had even built her own house, before her husband died. But I looked up to Dottie like a mother figure.
         My own mother had been absent for most of my life. I lived with foster parents more than Summer Eve McCallum. Summer was quite the partygoer, having no time for the product of the one and only time her birth control had failed. I knew she loved me in her own way, but let’s face it; my mother was selfish with a capitol “I”.
         “Dottie, how can you always have such a happy outlook on life,” I mused.
         “It’s like that book title by Richard Carlson says, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, and It’s All Small Stuff. Sweetie, you’ve got to quit letting everything get to you. Remember you can’t fix everybody’s problems. Lord knows, we can’t fix their problems even half the time,” she replied soothingly, as she grasped my arm and pulled me out of April’s way.
         April scurried by us complaining, “Ken, just once, I wish you’d take your time and remember that your password is case sensitive…” she pause before continuing in a tone of amazement, “Okay, are you pulling my chain? Ken, how did you get that picture to come up on the computer monitor?”
         Dottie and I looked over her shoulder at the screen. There on the screen was the same picture as last night. Dottie questioned, “April, how can that happen? I thought the medication dispenser’s computer was separated from all the other computers and it’s screen unable to display pictures.”
         “I don’t know how it happened, but it’s not the screen that keeps it from displaying pictures, it the programming. I’m going to have to call the “Geeks” down in technical repair. Joy, joy!” April quipped as she left the med-room.
         I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was the same picture, but how. I must have gasped, because Dottie whorled to look at me. Grabbing my arm, she hauled me out of the med-room and down the hall to an empty exam room. She pushed me in as she slid the lock to show occupied.
         Dottie took several deep breaths before she turned to look at me. She said apprehensively, “How long have you known?” After she briefly read the look of query on my face, she continued, “You don’t know, do you? You have no idea about what you just did and it’s significance? Oh, Kennocha, sweet, you are a lost one,” I stared in bewilderment at Dottie, dozen of questions speeding through my mind. Dottie must have perceived my thoughts because she held up her hand and shook her head, “I can not explain now but you must come home with me after our shift so I can explain…No, no, I will explain later.”
         I knew I couldn’t pursue this now. Dottie had heard the pages same as I. She had to go because she was on the code team and ‘Dr. Blue’ could not wait.
         Later, April was complaining about how the Geeks had laughed at her, when they had come up to fix the medication dispenser and there was nothing wrong. Worst of all was James Garrison, one of the guys in technical repair, had hit on her. I should have felt sorry for April, but I was to wrapped up in my own concerns to give much thought to hers. Dottie was nowhere to be found for the next four hours, successfully avoiding me.
         As the on-coming nurse and I made our rounds, I did spy Dottie going into the locker room. As I finished the narcotics count and signed out, Dottie knocked on the window and pointed at the elevator. I nodded my understanding to meet her and she headed that direction. When I came out of the double doors, leading to the employee parking, I had the feeling of being watched but saw no one. Dottie sat in her vehicle. As I walked up to my car that was parked right beside hers, she said, “I will tell you what I know, but not here! It is not safe.”
         I slid into the driver’s set of my Toyota Camry and followed Dottie’s Nissan Titan out of town, down the winding road to her farm. Burning with curiosity, I wondered: what did Dottie know, why had she called me a lost one, and why was I feeling like I’d just passed a major milestone in my life and never saw it?
         Finally, we pulled up in front of Dottie’s two-story log cabin. I always carried extra clothes in my car, being a nurse you never know when your going to need a clean change, so I popped the trunk and got out my bag.
         This was not the first time I’d come to Dottie’s and stayed the night….
Several months back, I got pulled to the Pediatric floor. There was a beautiful three-year-old named Samantha, who had leukemia, which had been brought in with a temperature of 105 that her parents couldn’t get down. The child had had a bone marrow transplant and had been cleared to come home. For some reason the transplant was not taking, so, her little body was not producing the white blood cells she needed. She was neutropenic, and her body was being ravaged by the common cold. So her mother could step out for coffee, I promised to stay with Samantha. As soon as her mother was out of the room, Samantha called my over to her bed. In verily a whisper, she said, “You are an angel aren’t you? You’ve come to take away my pain and take me to heaven, right? Mommy said you’d be beautiful. She didn’t tell me you’d be surrounded by pretty light. Please hold me.” I was stunned by what the child had said. No one had ever thought I was beautiful let alone an angel. I sat on the bed and scooped up her frail little body on my lap. I stroked her hair and cooed that her mommy would be right back. She shook her head and said, “It’s alright. I’m ready to go. I’m so tired. Mommy told me I’d be an old lady when I saw the angels, but I knew I wouldn’t. Please let her know I love her. Will you watch over her?” Her eyes pleaded with me, so I agreed to watch over her mother. As soon as I said I would, she smiled at me then stopped breathing. One of the other nurses was in the hall, and heard me scream at Samantha to start breathing again. The next thing I remember was the nurse taking Samantha out of my arms and starting CPR. I stood in the corner and watched them work, knowing that it would do no good. When Dr Grayson called a stop to the code, Samantha’s mother was let back into the room. I told her that Samantha wanted her to know that she loved her and she’d gone with the angels. I never told anyone, not even Dottie that she thought I was the angel.
         That memory had come rushing back to me when I walked through the front door. Much like that night, my mind did not take in the splendor of the room. Dottie directed me to the spare bedroom and got me out some towels. She urged me to take a bath while she made us something to eat. Being the procrastinator I am, I allowed her to leave me to bathe.
         Half an hour later, I walked into the kitchen clean but scared to death of what I was fixing to find out. Dottie turned and smiled at me as I came in. Taking a deep breath, I spouted, “Why did you call me a lost one? What did you think I knew? Why are you being so secretive? What is the significance of the picture of a mountain and how did it get on the medication dispenser monitor?”
         Softly, Dottie answered my questions with, “Kennocha, I need you to tell my what your full name is and what you know about your father?”
         “What?” I stammered not believing how calmly Dottie had skirted my questions and wonder what my father and my name had to do with being a lost one.
         “Kennocha, I must know before I can tell you what you need to know,” she assured me.
         “Okay Dottie, my full name is some weird ancient sounding names my mother saddled me with. I always figured that on one of her highs, she wondered into a library and found them in some obscure book. But if you must know, it is; Kennocha Koisidura Teranika McCallum. And I know nothing of my father. Summer refused to talk about him. All I know is that she was on tour in the British Isles with a group from college. She had been studying anthropology, and went with a group to study the stone formations and other pagan sites. Come to think of it, on one of the rare occasion I was staying with her, we’d went to the store and ran into someone from that group, or I probably wouldn’t even know that much.”
         “Kenny, do you know if you were born full-term or were you premature?” Dottie inquired.
         “Actually, I was born at 20 weeks. Summer whined to me on one occasion about how I couldn’t even come when I was suppose to, but she never took me to the hospital. I always wondered if she thought that by not taking me to the hospital, I would die being so premature…. Dottie, I don’t see what any of this has to do with the picture of the mountain and how it got onto the medication dispenser monitor.”
         Dottie smoothed her hands over a leather bound book on the table that I hadn’t noticed until then. I could tell by the look on her face, she was working something out in her mind. “ Kennocha, I believe your name was given to you for a purpose, or more to the point, to tell you your purpose. If I am correct, your birth was not premature, but late by about three weeks. Who can say, since we know very little of elf births and even less about mixed blood births. When I called you a lost one, I meant just that. You have been lost from the Cloister’s knowledge. Of course, I wonder if that was on purpose. I am certain your father was an elf, and I suspect your mother was aware of that fact. Which means that Summer may have given you up to foster care for fear of the Gerousia finding out and coming to get you.” Dottie had opened the old leather-bond book while talking. As she paused in her explanation to me, she turned the book so that I could see the drawing of a being, which I surmised to be an Elf.
         “Dottie, you said my name told me of my purpose, so what is it?” I questioned as I studied the picture in the book.
         “Sweetheart, your given names together mean: lovely guardian of the door and Earth’s victory, and the McCallum clan motto is ‘He who has attempted difficult things.’ They are a mixture of the old Gaelic and Celtic,” she sighed and studied a spot on the wall as if in deep thought before adding, “I don’t think Summer was the one who chose your names, however. Did Summer ever tell you who helped her with your birth?”
         “Dottie, had she not complained to me that one time about my birth I would never have known I was born at 20 weeks. I figure she told me, so I’d know how unwanted I was,” I sighed as I continued to leaf through the book.
         “Well, I’m going to have to contact the priestess of my coven to see if the Cloister has any knowledge of Summer and your birth,” Dottie spoke as she reached for the phone.
         “Wait a minute, who is this Cloister and why would they have any reason to know about me or my mother?”
         “The Cloister is a council made up of thirteen High Priestesses or Priests from different covens, called Elders. They are the ones with the knowledge of the gates. They, also, have some contact with the Gerousia. I need their help, because I am way out of my league here. This book,” waving her hand at the book I was flipping through, “only tells the basics about the Shenn. There are many things about the Shenn that I do not know. I am bound by my faith in the Lord and Lady to cause no harm. Because we don’t know the whole story about you, I need to contact my mentor and High Priestess, Evelyn.”
         Dottie looked worried and I knew she was right, so I nodded my head yes and she went into the next room to call. I sat staring at the pictures in the book.
         I studied the book that Dottie gave me, until the early morning hours. Dottie had not been able to get in touch with Evelyn, because the Elders were in a meeting. Unbeknown to us, the Gerousia had sent a representative to the Cloister. The Gerousia had intelligence that the Du-Sith was closed to finding the key to unlock the gate to the realm of the Doidhean and that it laid in the earthly realm. Evelyn would tell Dottie later that Kaon, son of the High Lord of Rasse Foalooke to the Drow King, was sent to neutralize this threat, but that the Lady had shown her that the warrior elf would find more than the key to Doidhean.
         I woke to find Dottie had made brunch for us. As I sat sipping on hot tea at Dottie’s huge kitchen table, she told me of the spells used to secure the house. She told me that her familiar was a marten named Bradach. Bradach had warned her that the creatures that Dottie looked after in the forest had seen an intruder whose spirit was not of the earthly realm. As Dottie was explaining that the spirit is the soul and that all animals can see it manifested as light around the being, the phone rang. Dottie answered it in the den.
         Bradach came around the corner as Dottie rushed in to answer the phone and jumped into her vacated seat, and then climbed onto my shoulder. He rubbed his silky fur against my cheek several times before purring, “You were not bound for this world. The fates have deemed that you fulfill a higher purpose. Are you ready for it?” I stopped petting Bradach and looked at him in disbelief.
         Dottie came back into the room at that time, swiping a hand at Bradach. “You get off Kennocha’s shoulder, you could scratch her…. I can’t believe he did that. He doesn’t usually like strangers. Every time you were here before, he stayed out in the woods.” Dottie picked up her coffee cup and looked me in the eye, “Are you all right, he didn’t hurt you, did he?”
         “Dottie, I know you told me Bradach told you someone was in the woods, but I guess I didn’t really believe it. I would swear I could understand his purring,” I mused as I watched Bradach’s tail go around the corner.
         “He spoke to you…. Kenny what did Bradach say?”
         “He told me I was not bound for this world. He said the fates had deemed a higher purpose for me to fulfill and wanted to know if I was ready.”
         “Well, that higher purpose maybe coming your way sooner than later. Evelyn wants us to come to Scotland ASAP. She is sending us personal transport. Even though, we won’t be going through the airports, you will need your passport. Kenny, you do have a passport, don’t you?” Dottie looked at me pleadingly.
         “Dottie, you know I have always wanted to travel overseas. I got one two years ago when I was dating Jeff. I thought we’d go on a cruise together, but he went with Rachel instead.
         “Anyway, that doesn’t matter, I can’t go to Scotland. You know Jaimma won’t let any of us off without at least two weeks notice, let alone, you and I both. Plus, I have that test in Dallas to get my certification as a wound care specialist in three weeks that I’m already off for.”
         “Kennocha, sweetheart, you don’t understand this is not something that you can shrug off. Evelyn said this is a matter of great importance to the compact between the Shenn and humanity. And we must…”
         Cutting her off I interjected, “Dottie, look I’m not even sure I believe all of this. I respect your right to believe what you will, but I just can’t give up my job and go running off to Scotland. I’ve work and struggled very hard to get what I have and I can not give that up on the spur of the moment.”
         “Oh, Kenny, I realize this is overwhelming, and hard to assimilate, but the things that are happening around you and to you are not going to stop. I realize your life has been hard, but this is your destiny. Your life has made you ready for it. You are strong and smart with a compassionate soul, but most of all you, Kennocha Koisadura Teranika McCallum, are someone who does not run away from a challenge,” Dottie said with strong conviction.
         I looked at Dottie for a long moment, unable to speak, being no good at taking compliments. She must have thought I needed more reassurance, because she continued in a calmer voice, “You know I’m right. As for our jobs, you know as well as I do, we can get other jobs, probably a better ones, when we come back. After all, we nurses are in demand. Please, Kenny, come with me to Scotland and find out. If you need help getting through after this is over, you know I will be here for you. You know Neal and I were never able to have children and I think of you like my own…what do you say?”
November 22, 2006 at 3:54pm
November 22, 2006 at 3:54pm
         As I drove to my apartment to get my clothes and passport, I let everything from the last twenty-four hours sink in. My life had never been what I’d call wonderful, but I was comfortable and had dreamed of one-day finding someone I could love and have children with. Now all of that seemed to be in jeopardy with the knowledge of other beings besides human, and I was suppose to have been sired by one of them. I had argued with Dottie over how crazy this all was, but the whole time my mind kept whispering that it all made sense. As a young child, I learned to keep my hair long enough to cover my ears, although they are not as prominent as those in the drawing of the elf. Also, the few facts of my birth and about Summer made since now, but I refused to dwell on them much because that would mean giving up the anger I felt toward her and I just was not going to do that…yet.
         After gathering what I needed and cleaning out the refrigerator, I took my only pet I had ever aloud myself to the boy two doors down. Tavon’s mother, Tamika and I had walked together several nights a week for exercise and company, since we were both single. I knocked on the door and Tavon answered.
         “Tavon is your mother home?” I questioned.
         “ Hi, Miss Kenny, did that man ever find you… Mom, Miss Kenny is here… Why’ve you got Bubbles with you?” Tavon yammered ninety to nothing.
         Tamika came to the door as he finished and waved a hello, so I smiled at Tavon and said, “I haven’t seen any man, did he say who he was or why he was looking for me?”
         Tavon shook his head no and looked at his mother. Tamika smiled and gestured for me to enter the apartment. As I past her she whispered, “ He told me an outlandish story of a man who looked like Spock off of Star Trek. Tavon said he had white eyes and hair with pointed ears that he was trying to keep covered by a dark cape. He told Tavon he was a friend of yours. Do you know someone like that?”
         I shrugged my shoulders and continued into the kitchen. I could tell that Tamika thought that Tavon’s imagination was getting the best of him and she didn’t believe he had seen such a man, and I didn’t know how to explain that Tavon may very well have seen something like Spock. So,I raised the container that had Bubbles in it, and asked, “Tamika, I’m going to be going on a trip and will be gone for several weeks. Could I get you and Tavon to take care of Bubbles for me?”
         “Oh, Mom, can I? I promise that I’ll take real good care of him. I’ll fed him and change his water every day…Please, please!” Tavon said excitedly.
         Tamika gave a longsuffering smile to me, “Tavon, this is a every big responsibility, and I’m not even sure how to take care of a Betta fish.”
         “ It is real not that hard. I feed him once a week with a special food for Bettas and change the water in the bowl twice a week with bottled water. I sure would appreciate it. I know Tavon has always wanted a pet and fish are good, quite pets.”
         Tavon was pulling on Tamika’s arm and mouthing, “please” repeatedly. She looked from me to Tavon several times before saying to Tavon, “I want you to your best and make sure that when Miss Kenny comes back to pick-up Bubbles, we won’t have to give a copy of his obituary, okay?”
         Tavon did a little dance around the room before taking the container with Bubbles from me. He spoke to the fish as he left the room, “I’m going to show you our room….”
         Tamika and I talked a little longer and she said she wouldn’t mind looking in on the apartment while I was gone, so I left her a spare key. As I walked out to my car, I again had the feeling of someone watching me, but could see no one.
         Dottie met me in the driveway as I pulled up. She calmly opened the door and I handed her my travel bag, but her eyes told me that something was wrong. I started to ask her what when she closed her eyes and gave the slightest shake of her head to the negative. I tried not to look about me, but noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. Dottie looped her arm through mine and started rambling on about how glad she was that I had come back to stay the weekend and how we were going to make cookies as she maneuvered me to the front door. When she closed the door, she made me remove my shoes then chanted in a language I didn’t understand. I looked down and noted we were know standing in a circle of colored stones.
         I stared at Dottie until she had finished then she gave me a white feather, saying, “Kennocha, I realize you said you weren’t sure you believed all of this, but please take this feather for protection when we travel. As you could tell, there are beings in the woods watching us. I have tried to feel for their intent, but they are stronger than I. I think my shields for the house can hold them off, but we will have to wait for Evelyn’s escort to come for us.”
         “Dottie, thank you for the feather, I know I said I wasn’t sure if I believed, but you know that what has happen and what you have told me makes sense to me. I just didn’t want to believe. How long will we have to wait for this escort?”
         “I’m not sure, but it probably won’t be much longer. Kenny, while we wait would you let me teach you some spells that might help you. Where we are going is sacred ground for the Lord and Lady, so if we encounter beings with evil intent, you can call on them for help,” Dottie looked at me with hope that I would be willing to learn.
         As I looked around the room, calmness came over me.I looked at Dottie and noticed for the first time, she was surrounded by a brilliant indigo color with a red corona. I asked her what it was. She explained that this is what she had been trying to explain about Bardach and the other animals seeing. She expressed little surprise that I could see hers, but told me she could not see auras. She also explained that since we were standing inside the circle, the blessed area, the Lady of the earth must have been letting me see it to help me understand and believe. Dottie taught me several useful spells and told me of how to call upon the Lord and Lady for help. She stressed that I should only call upon them for good and never to cause harm.
         As we continued our lessons, I became aware of another presents almost like another voice in my head. I was feeling weird, like I needed to find the voice. I stood up and walked to the window. Dottie had gone into the kitchen to refill our tea glasses and was asking me if I wanted a snack. I started to turn and answer her, but the voice stopped me saying, “Kennocha, guardian of the door, you must make ready. My master has bid me let you know he will take you back to the Gerousia. Therefore, you should call the Du-sith warriors off, before we kill them.”
         I responded to the voice out loud, “Who are you and why am I hearing you?” This drew Dottie from the kitchen. Dottie started to question me, but I held up my hand to stay her.
         “I am Itrenor and since you are part elf I can telepathically communicate with you. I would not if my master had not asked this of me. Now call off your guard,” the voice of Itrenor seemed to hold some disgust at having to converse with me.
         “Itrenor, I don’t have any guard of Du-sith. Dottie, her marten, and I are the only ones in the house,” not knowing if thinking my response would work; I continued to speak out loud.
         I heard no more from Itrenor. Dottie was now at my side and looking at me questioningly. I shrugged my shoulders, as I spotted movement in the woods. What I saw reminded me of a movie scene. There was an explosion and what appeared to be human men came flying out of the woods into the driveway. The three men were dressed in black robes. Two of which got up to meet a fourth, dressed in dark blue robe, which was walking out of the woods. The man in dark blue pulled what appeared to be a multi-end whip from around his waist and started to fight the other two who had swords. I was dumb struck watching it all, but Dottie ran out onto the porch. As the third man in black started to rise, she cast a spell that caused a vine to snake out and around him covering his hands and mouth. At this point, my eyes returned to the man in blue. I noted how fluid his movements were. He held the two at bay, but I had the since he was playing with them.
         My senses came back to me and I ran out on to the porch beside Dottie. I started to ask Dottie who they were when the sound of metal on metal caught my attention. Once again I could not keep from watching the man in dark blue. He was conversing with the other two as they spared. It took me a minute to register that they spoke a language I didn’t know. I felt someone push me. Dottie’s spell had been broken by the third man, which caused her to fall into me. She yelled, “Run Kennocha! They must not catch you. Keep your feather close to your heart and My Lady will protect you.”
         I stumbled to my feet and ran toward the barn. I knew Dottie kept the four-wheelers there. Having no chance to get to my car because of the melee happening in the drive, I felt this was the fastest course to get away. As I glanced back to see if Dottie was following, I saw the man in blue, pull out another weapon. With the whip like weapon in one had and a broadsword in the other, he cut down both his assailants in one smooth action. I screamed as ones body split into three sections and the other was beheaded. The third man in black at this point chanted something I feared was a spell and everything began to dim. I could hear Dottie screaming for me to call upon the Lady for protection. I let myself feel the ground beneath my feet. There was energy, I felt traveling form the bottoms of my feet up. I concentrated as Dottie taught me, asking her Ladyship to repel this evil. My body felt a fire and alive. Then, it happened, the energy converged in my abdomen and projected out at the man in black. He screamed and flew back into the bushes. The man in blue grabbed him and slit his throat without any sign of emotion.
         Dottie ran up to me and kept me from collapsing to the ground. I met the man in blue's eyes, but he wasn’t a man at all. He had pushed the hood of his outer robe off his head as he stalked toward us. His eyes were sapphire blue ringed by black, his shoulder length obsidian black hair had been pulled back at the temples over his sharply pointed ears, and his skin was tan from exposure to the sun but not leathery like most sun worshipers. He had broad shoulders that tapered down over what I imaged to be a tight abdomen to powerful legs that were incased black pants. No doubt this elven hunk was a lady-killer or whatever they called their women, and he did look as through he was ready to kill this lady. I started to try to pull Dottie toward the barn, but she wouldn’t budge. Thinking only to protect her I once again tried to feel the energy from My Lady’s earth. Dottie and the elf must have both since my gathering of energy at the same time. He yelled something in the language he had spoken to the men in black, as Dottie shook me saying, “Kennocha McCallum stop it! He is not our enemy, and you can do no damage to him but will cause yourself harm.”
         I heard what she said as all the energy I had left me. Dottie could no longer hold me up and I felt myself falling. I felt strong arms scooped me up before everything went black.

December 11, 2006 at 10:22pm
December 11, 2006 at 10:22pm
         I feel light as a bird, like I’m soaring, but I’m bound. The wind on my face is cold, but I’m warm. My senses are alive. I feel a soft tickling of warm breath on my ear, and I nuzzle into it. My nostrils are assaulted by a masculine musk. My body is like a violin that he strokes, causing it to vibrate to my woman’s core. He whispers to me, in a language I don’t understand, as he pressed my head to his shoulder. “Cormamin niuve tenna’ manka lle tula tyara harwar ie’ i’irma haeannon. Sii’kaima.” My heart knows the words are important, so it remembers them.
         When I came to, I assumed I must have been dreaming, because I found myself in a small room on a cot. I felt dizzy as I sat up, but that soon cleared as I noticed my wrists were bruised. I flinched when the door squeaked open. Dottie stuck her head in and gasped, “Oh, Kennocha, you’re awake” as she rushed to me. She was followed in by several people carrying trays, except the last one, who wore a flowing white robe and gestured to the others to place the food one the table and leave.
         “I am sorry he shackled you, but you were trying to call upon the Lord and Lady to do him harm,” the lady in the white robe spoke softly but condemningly. I just stared at her, unable to put two words together coherently.
         Dottie jumped in to say, “Kenny, I told you, you must never call upon the Lord and Lady to do harm. Kaon killed the Du’Sith that were after you. It took awhile for Evelyn and I to convince him that you are not in league with them, but that they wish to use you as their pawn.” She poured something into a cup and gestured for me to drink it. It tasted somewhat like coffee, except wasn’t as bitter, and it did help me to focus.
         “Dottie, please introduce me to your friend?” I commanded.
         Dottie looked abashed and glanced at the other woman, before introducing her. “Kennocha, may I introduce you to my friend and mentor, Evelyn Ashton. She is high priestess to my coven and a member of the Cloister. She is trying to convince Kaon to take you to the Gerousia. His orders were to remove any treat to Tharndor that might involve the release of the Doidhean.”
         “Dottie, we must let Kennocha recover before we inundate her with all that,” Evelyn spoke with a calming voice, but I was still wary. Evelyn turned to Dottie, gesturing to the door, she advised, “Why don’t you go let the council know that Kennocha has awakened and we will be down in an hour. Kennocha and I will just get acquainted.”
         Dottie opened her mouth as to say something, then closed it and shook her head as she opened the door and left. I watched as the door clicked shut and stared at it. Once again, I was having trouble coming to terms with what all had happened.
         “I know you have been through a lot and will go through much more. Kennocha, your life has made you ready for this… Now, we have to get you ready for your travels. Hmm, let me see. First, you need to be able to understand elvish and obviously you don’t have time to learn it the normal way, so we will just have to work an enhanced learning spell. And you’ll need different clothes. I really am surprised that you did not suffer from exposure when Kaon flew you here. I have had my seamstress make you a coat of Karakadon leather lined with Humbata fur for your flight to Tharndor. You will meet with Shemaca to pick out the rest of your clothes. I will also teach you the proper etiquette for your meeting with the Gerousia and other elves. Now, eat and I will prepare the learning spell,” she pointed to the table and whorled around to the door. She opened the door and started out when she suddenly stop and looked at me over her shoulder, shaking her head I thought I heard her say to herself, “So young and unguarded, my Lady, you will have to watch over her closely or he will crush her spirit” then she was gone and I left to stare in her wake.
         I had eaten a scone and drank some more of the drink that Dottie had fixed for me, when Evelyn returned twenty minutes later. Evelyn fixed a circle on the floor, then placed various stones and crystals around and had me stand in it. After calling upon the Lord and Lady, she had me pick up the crystals in a clockwise fashion from inside the circle. She handed me a leather pouch and had me place them in it. “Kennocha, when you need to learn something fast, take this pouch and hold it in your dominate hand and say ‘May you open my mind to all that needs to been learned, my Lady of the earth.’ You will be able to remember and learn faster through that day. But once you have slept, you will have to renew the spell.”
         “Evelyn, now that you have done the spell and I am ready to learn, tell me why the elves are after me. I now know I am half elf, but that alone can not be the cause of all this bloodshed, can it?”
         “ You are half elf but you are also half witch. Your mother, Summer, was one of my students who was entrusted by the Elders to watch over the gateways. She was to relay to the elders any sightings of ones coming or going through the gate of Alba or Scotland, as you know it. She disappeared for a while, which now I know was when you were born. When she came back to us, she was changed. She was stronger than when she left and unreadable to any of the Elders. We tried to get her to tell us what had occurred, but she said she was sworn to secrecy. However, she did let me know that there were ones in Tharndor who were trying to open the gate to Doidhean. Doidhean holds the evil creatures that tried to take over Tharndor. That time was called the Avulsion, because it torn apart the Elven society. Kaon has told us that the Du’sith are indeed trying to find the key to open the gate of Doidhean, and they seem to think it lays here in the human realm. The only problem is, it is not an inanimate object. Here in lies the problem, none of us knows for sure what the key is,” she finished with a shrug of her shoulders. Evelyn had been moving about the room the whole time she talked, but when she said no one knew for sure what the key was, she looked directly at me. This unnerved me, and I dreaded the answer, but I could not leave well enough alone. As they say ‘curiosity kills the cat’ and this kitten had the feeling death was waiting around the corner.
         “Evelyn, if no one knows what the key is, then why do these Du’sith think they can find it on Earth?” I queried with great trepidation.
         “The Yaara who placed the barriers between your world and mine, also, imprisoned those who wished to lorded over you humans. They placed them in Doidhean. However, one of the Yaara was not opposed to what the evil ones had tried to do, but new the futility of continuing at the time. So, he wrote of how the gate was sealed and let his followers know that in 150 years, they were to look for the key. And that brings me here,” the elf from Dottie’s was leaning against the doorjamb, he sapphire eyes boring into me.
         Feeling like a bug under a microscope, I broke his gaze and glanced at Evelyn who was studying the elf. When she looked at me, I thought I saw amusement in her eyes that she quickly masked. “May I present Ruat Te’Himear Kaon Koehoth Baelyn of the house Cyreddare, he is the Gerousia’s representative that Dottie spoke of earlier,” at this Evelyn turned to Kaon and said in all formality, “Te’Himear, may I present Kennocha Koisidura Teranika McCallum, an earth healer and daughter of my fellow sister, Summer Eve McCallum.”
         I noted he seem to be working over in his mind Evelyn’s presentation of me before he responded to her as if I were not in the room, “So, she is a witch, also. Well, you must commend her teacher; she repelled the black magic of a highly trained Du’sith.” Then he glanced at me, “ I have come to take you the meeting that your fellow witches demand. I have agreed to listen to their arguments on your behalf. Shall we go,” he gestured for me and then Evelyn to precede him into the corridor.

December 25, 2006 at 8:10pm
December 25, 2006 at 8:10pm
         The meeting room was filled with twelve new faces around a large boardroom type table. Dottie sat against the wall with an empty chair next to her. I started to angle toward the chair when Evelyn leaned over to me and said, “You must stand at the head of the table while the introductions are being made,” then she addressed the elf warrior, “Te’Himear, please take the chair next to mine at the end of the table.” With that, he moved to the other end of the table to where the last free chairs were.
         “My fellow Priests and Priestesses, I would like to present to you Summer McCallum’s daughter, Kennocha Koisidura Teranika McCallum. Our sister, Dorothy cul Bun, called me two days ago with wondrous news of a lost one. As you, I had no inkling that Summer had mated and had a child, but I believe that this is why we did not sense her present,” with that she swept my hair from my ears and turned me. I felt like an animal on display at the zoo. I reddened at the gasps from Evelyn’s comrades. I slowly swept the room with my eyes to see a mixture of surprise and awe. Dottie gave me a reassuring smile. As my gaze continued its perusal of those present, it slammed into angry sapphire eyes. I had little time to consider why he seemed so angered by the knowledge, because the whole room broke into an uproar of voices.
         As fast as the pandemonium came, it subsided when Evelyn raised her hand and snapped her fingers. She again addressed the group, “I realize you all have questions, as do I, but we must have patients. Kennocha has just come to understand some of why she is different, but does not fully grasp the enormity of her situation and its far-reaching effects.” She then addressed the elf warrior directly, “Now, you see why I have been pushing for you to take her to the Gerousia. Her status as an elf gives her the right to have her case be heard by your governing body, before any action is taken.”
         During Evelyn’s discourse, my eyes stayed riveted to the elf’s sapphire ones. I watched as he hide the anger I had first saw there, changing his expression to cold indifference. He seemed to consider her demand that I was an elf and deserved full consideration as one. At last, he acquiesced, “ I do see why you have countered my instructions from the Gerousia. Although, I don’t know how they will view this halfing, who has not been brought up in our ways. She does merit the right to be heard. That said, I will have it known, you will not delay me much longer, so make ready to turn her over to my custody.” He finished with a steely tone to his voice.
         Evelyn nodded slightly, acknowledging his command, but asserted, “Te’Himear, I believe my Brothers and Sisters would concur that you have been above reproach for complying with our ways and wishes. However, I’m sure they would agree that we shall turn her over to your guardianship as soon as she completes her rite of evocation, so she may know and embrace her Wicca aspect.”
         “And how soon can this take place?”
         “Why, as luck would have it, tonight is the full moon,” Evelyn simpered. I noticed there seem to be a war of wills flash between theirs eyes.
         The elf warrior stood and walked back around the table to where I stood by Evelyn. In a quite yet dangerous whisper to me, he said, “Let them do their witch’s magick and make you one of them, halfing. But know this, it will be much harder to be embraced by your elven side.” With that, he marched out of the meeting room.
         I looked at Evelyn; she shrugged and then spoke to Dottie, “ My sister, would you do the honor of making Kennocha ready for the ceremony?”
         I observed a tear in Dottie’s eyes as she shook her head in the affirmative. She hurried to me, taking me by the elbow and shepherded me out of the room. As the door closed, I once again heard the room break into chaos.
         Back in my room, Dottie fix me a bath and ushered me in.
         “Hmm, what is that smell? It makes me feel so relaxed,” I purred as sank into the deep tub.
         “It’s lavender and will purify you for the ceremony. Her let me help you wash your hair,” Dottie worker wonders with her ministrations to me. I was boneless when I finally got out of the tub. She held up big fluffy towel and helped my dry off. “Kenny, I need to prepare you for the ceremony.”
         “I thought that’s what we are doing?”
         “Yes, my child, but there is more. Kenny, you must be open and free of all doubt to give yourself over to the Lord and Lady. Is this what you want?” Dottie seemed to be on pins and needles waiting for my answer.
         After I fully considered what I had learned and felt even in this short time, I was sure this was the right course. I nodded my head and said quietly, “Dottie, I have come to the understand within myself that things are not always what they seem and I must accepted that my life is changing drastically. I have always felt forces trying to guide me to something. That something, I now believe, is to open myself up to what the Lord and Lady wills for me.”
         Dottie took my hands in hers and pulled me into her embrace and whispered, “Oh, my heart, I know I’m not your mother, but I so proud of you. You are truly a woman of deep perceptiveness. I know the Lord and Lady will guide your progress through out your life.” There was a companionable silence, before she drew away from our embrace and blushed, “Now, as for the ceremony, I must tell you that you will be skyclad for most of it.”
         “What do you mean by skyclad?” I questioned as Dottie turned an even deeper shade of red.
         “Skyclad means you wear no adornment or clothing”
         “You mean I’ll have to be naked?” I practically shouted my question at her.
         “Yes, Kennocha, you will wear an old gown or robe out to the meeting area. Disrobe for the Rite of Evocation and be anointed, then you will be give the robe of a new witch. Now let’s go over what will be done and said…”
         Dottie had given me a plain gray robe that looked as through it had seen better days. I now wore it, as I followed two witches that did not introduce themselves. The wind blew softly through my shoulder length hair, tickling my neck with what felt like light kisses. Then as it had happen before my mind felt like someone else was there with me.
         Itrenor is that you?
         Yes, little witch. I wish you peace in your efforts to know your mother’s people. I would also like to encourage you to make a substantial effort to know your father’s people. I would have you know that you may ask my assistance of this at anytime during our travels.
         Thank you, Itrenor. It is comforting to know that there will be someone who will be there to help me understand. I got the feeling from the elf warrior that my father’s people many not wish to accept me.
         Little one, your father’s people are prideful. As with any group, there are those who do not like change. You will find your way, for your heart is filled with courage and love. I knew that when I first saw you fighting the Du-sith.
         So you were at Dottie’s. I didn’t see you there, will you be at the ceremony t…
“Uh!” I ran into the back of the witch I was following. She said nothing but gave me a dirty look.
         No, little witch, I refused to ease-drop on your ceremony. You and I will meet soon. May peace be upon you and no harm done.
         This time I felt Itrenor break the link he had made to me. I became aware of my surroundings once again. We were in the middle of the forest, in a large clearing. I saw an altar at what I was sure was the West side of the circle on the ground. There were two burning white candles at each end of the altar. Immediately in from the candles was what appeared to be a metal chalice and three-legged cast-iron cauldron. Between the cauldron and chalice lay a shimmering length of red fabric. My eyes roamed from the altar in a clockwise manner, at each of the other compass directions lay small blankets with several things on each.
         Evelyn, in a flowing white robe, and Dottie, in blue robe, walked into the clearing. Dottie stopped at the edge of the clearing and quickly smiled, while Evelyn continued to the altar and motioned for me to come to her. When I got to her, she took my hand and squeezed it lightly then whispered, “Are you ready to accept the Lord and Lady’s direction?” I nodded my head yes, and she pulled me with her to the edge of the circle and dropped my hand.
         Everyone became quiet and I could here the sounds of the animals of the woods. After a time, Evelyn said in a loud voice, “Let there be none who suffer loneliness; none who are friendless and without brother or sister. For all may find love and peace within the Circle…” she raised her arms to the sky and continued, “The Lord and Lady well all.”*
         Evelyn then disrobed handing her gown to the woman next to her and sauntered into the center circle. She turned and beckoned me to do the same. I hesitantly undid the robe, letting it slide off my shoulders to puddle on the ground. As I stepped into the circle, I became aware of someone’s gaze burning upon my skin. I looked at those around the circle but all had their gazes on Evelyn, not me.
         As I made it to her side, Evelyn began by stepping to the East and called out, “Guardians of the East, oh honored, Ancient ones of Air! May your gentle breeze blow your daughter, our sister, to always be beneficent.” As she finished, she strode over to the blanket she faced and brought me a wand and a censer or incense burner which she place on the ground facing east.
         She walked a few steps away from me to the South and called, “ Guardians of the South, oh honored, Ancient ones of Fire! May your flames warm and cleanse your daughter’s spirit to hold true her courage and strength.” Again she went to the blanket place there. This time, she brought back what I knew to be an sgian dubh type knife and lightweight sword in sheathes and again placed the on the ground at my feet, these facing south.
         She again moved away, this time toward the altar and called out, “Guardians of the West, oh honored, Ancient ones of Water! May your deluge purify her heart and mind to let flow love and peace.” I only then became aware that someone had moved the chalice and cauldron while disposing of the old robe. Evelyn repeated once again the practice of placing the items on the ground in that direction.
         Yet again she moved away completing the circle and called out, “Guardians of the North, oh honored Ancient ones of Earth! May your forces cultivate in her body to stabilize and nurture all.” Evelyn placed an old-fashion broom and piece of chalk on the ground before me.
         Dottie was now at the edge of the circle with the small bowl of grape seed oil with essential oils frankincense, myrrh and sandalwood dissolved in it. Evelyn took it from Dottie and came to stand next to me. Dottie and I had gone over what I was to say and do earlier, but I was still nervous. With shaking hands, I dipped two fingers into the oil mixture and touched myself between the eyes, saying, “Let my mind be free.” I again dipped my fingers, and then touched my breast above my heart, saying, “Let my heart be free.” Lastly, I dipped my fingers and touch my mons, saying, “Let my body be free.”
         Evelyn walked back to Dottie, who now held the red fabric. She and Evelyn exchanged items and Evelyn came back to me. I saw that the fabric was indeed a shear red robe, which she helped me into and nodded for me to finish my speech. I took a deep, calming breath and raised my hands, “Oh honored Lord and Lady, Gods and Goddesses of Witches, give me protection on my new path.” All those present responded to my supplication with, “So mote it be!”
         Evelyn then gestured to all the utensils on the ground around me, “My these sacred items help you on your path. An it harm none, do what thou will.” Then to the crowd of witches she regale, “Now, let us show our new sister how we toast the Gods and Goddesses.”

January 4, 2008 at 9:21pm
January 4, 2008 at 9:21pm
         I watched the other witches talking and laughing. I felt out of place even though all had welcomed me, many gifting me with hand-written journals of spells and potions they had used and liked. A few had regaled me with tells of my mother, which I was surprised at how well she was liked.
         “You don’t look as though you are enjoying your party, Kennocha,” Evelyn stood at my side, but did not look at me. I felt that she wanted to say more but was not willing to ruin the festive mood that surrounded us.
         “The party is wonderful and the others have been so nice…”
         “But…” Evelyn turned to look me in the eye.
         “Evelyn, many of them knew her, my mother. To them she was a good witch and friend, but I never knew that woman. It’s hard for me to correlate the person they knew with the one I know. Can someone change so much?” I asked the question more of myself than of Evelyn.
         Evelyn considered me for several minutes, appearing to war with herself as to what she would say before observing, “ Kennocha, often things are not as they seem. Our lives are ever changing, we grow from our triumphs and mistakes. As chapters in a book are meant to bring us to the culmination of the story, the story can be misconstrued if a chapter is missing or we read them out of order. Remember that Summer’s story has several missing chapters for us all, and so we can not truly make since of it until we know more,” she looped her arm with mine and started walking. She steered us out of the meeting area and into a small garden. As we walked along the path, I noted that Evelyn’s gaze was not on the ground but the sky. She stopped us at a small fountain that bubbled quietly, drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Wistfully she sighed, “I have always loved the outdoors, especially on the full moon. I feel closer to my Lord and Lady at this time. I remember your mother and I use to camp out under the stars every chance we got. Both of us grew up Wiccan. Your mother was raised by her grandmother, since Summer’s mother died soon after her birth. Alistriona was, as her name implies, a defender of man kind. She was one of the witches that helped to protect earth from the Diodhean during the Avulsion. She was captured. Although the Yaara eventually freed her, she told of having to make a blood sacrifice with one of them in order to seal the Diodhean away. Your mother was proud of her lineage, and often talked of wanting to be as brave as Alistriona. I believe that is why she jumped at the chance to be a gatekeeper. So you see, Kennocha, you come from a brave and honorable line of witches. As I mentioned before, our lives have many chapters, maybe some of this information will help fill in the gaps of yours and your mothers. Always remember to keep an open mind, Kennocha. If we look at the world through a narrow view, we not only miss the wonders of life but are often blind-sided by it.” Evelyn had turned to face me again as she told me of my family. She smiled at me, and nodded before saying, “You, Kennocha, are so young and caring. My Lady will need to watch you closely, so that you remain so,” with that she left me alone with my thoughts.
         I stood there contemplating what she had told me. I never knew about my great- grandmother. I was awed to know she was so brave. I was also afraid that I would not live up to her, since I feared what lay ahead of me. As I considered my awaited journey to Tharndor, my thoughts turned to a pair of sapphire eyes and the elf they belonged to. He had warned me that I would not be accepted by the elven society. Were they prejudice against humans or just half breeds? Even in today’s human societies, the mixing of races is frowned upon, so could I expect anything different from them.
         I started to walk along the outside of the building to my room, mulling over how Evelyn had told me that I needed to learn how to interact in the elven society. The way she had said it, gave me the impression that they were ridged in there ways. The Te’Himear seemed that way, but then the little I knew of military people, that seemed to be a common trait. As I rounded the corner of the building, I walked straight into the being who occupied my mind. So caught off guard by this, I started to fall backwards only to have huge muscular arms rap around me. My nostrils flooded with his smell, a familiar combination of pine and cinnamon. I gasp as I noted how hard his body is against mine. He set me away from himself, saying, “Kuruneese, you need to watch where you are going. There are many dangers about.”
         It took me a minute to register what he said and before I could stop myself, I snapped back, “And are you one of those dangers?”
         He considered what I said before replying, “Not in the way you perceive. I meant only to remind you that the Du’sith are after you and would jump at any chance to get you. Do you know why they want you?”
         “Both you and Evelyn seem to think they are after a way to open the door of the prison to the Doidhean. They may think I have this key. The last time I saw my mother, she talked about watching out for elves. I have to admit, I didn’t give it much credence since I thought she was stoned. She was talking franticly about if these evil beings got free, it would mean the end of the world as we know it,” I was agitated with myself for feeling ashamed that he knew some of how I felt about my mother.
         “Did she give you anything at that time or times previous?” His question again raised my hackles, for I hated letting him know she was never there for me. But I knew nothing of elven society so maybe he would not expect a mother and her child to be close. I turned so he could not see my face since many times I’d been told people could tell what I was feeling by looking at me. “She never gave me anything of importance. In case you didn’t understand some of what Evelyn said in the counsel chambers earlier, my mother hid me from your people and the Elders. She was not around me much. The few times I saw her, she would come and pick me up. We’d go to the store or mall and she might buy me a toy or two. The last time I saw her I was seventeen and in college. I met her a the local mall. Like I said, she talked a lot of what I thought was nonsense…,” I let my words drift off as I recalled in my minds eye that day.
         “Sweetheart, did you hear me. These elves are very dangerous and powerful. I think they are aware of you.” She stopped talking and stared blankly. I touched her arm and she never moved, then as if to someone, she said, “Okay, I’ll be right there.” Then turning to me she said, “I realize this is overwhelming, but you must remember what I’ve told you…” We were walking past gumball machines and toy rides, she stopped. Pulling out some coins from her pants pocket, she fed them into one of the machines. She retrieved the plastic ball and opened it. A cheap metal necklace shimmered out onto her hand, she raised it to her mouth and chanted something I didn’t understand, kissed it and then turned to me. “Kennocha Koisidura Teranika McCallum, keep this safe on you at all times. And when the knowledge is needed, you must find the illusionist at the beginning of the hooked river. Trust her, although she is an elf, she knows our ways and will help you unlock the knowledge,” I felt a tingling sensation when she placed the necklace on me, and then she kiss me on the cheek and was gone. I ran after her, feeling I had missed something. She turned the corner and by the time I made it there, she’d disappeared as if into thin air. Once again, I was left alone…
         I came back to the present. The Te’Himear had me by the shoulders, turning me to face him. I noticed that I fingered the necklace that Summer had given me all those years ago. He looked at me, as if trying to read my mind. “Did you remember something?”
         I looked at his hands on me, before saying, “Nothing of importance.”
         He dropped his hands from me as if I had burned him and he moved away. “If you do remember something of importance, I want to be notified at once. Anything that will help us figure out what the Du’sith are after, so we can thwart there plans of releasing the Diodhean, must be explored. Now, Kuruneese, you must get some sleep. Evelyn said she will need the morning to make you ready to travel. I told her I would not be delayed much longer, so be ready to travel by midday or go without.” With that said he turned and left.
         I stood staring at his retreating back, not sure of what to do. I only knew that he disliked that I was half elf and the cause of him having to change his plans. He definitely viewed me as a burden. Confusion filled my every pore, other than Dottie, I wasn’t sure who I could trust.

Lora Nutt

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