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by Vegas
Rated: · Short Story · Women's · #1180331
Kate begins to wonder how fulfilling her marriage really is. My first submission.
"Easy, Remus," Kate said, giving the leash a quick tug. The huge dog slowed down slightly, glanced back at her briefly, and continued pulling ahead of her. He was an iron-coloured wolfhound who had been a gift from Kate's husband shortly after their marriage. Remus hadn't been a puppy when Kate recieved him, indeed, he was full-grown at four years, the unwanted, rough, canine hulk of one of Derek's co-workers. Not to say he was getting old or losing energy. The grey beast didn't like his mistress's slow pace, and didn't understand why she kept to a walk instead of the usual jog (or rather, slow trot for him) that they were used to.
The excercse was nearly forced. At two-and-a-half months pregnant, Kate didn't want to do anything but sleep, honestly. She didn't want to return home only to get ready for work.
Thirty minutes later, she turned the corner of her street. Remus had since slowed down to walk calmly by her side, but as the house came into view, he perked up again and went back to eagerly pulling. There wasn't much particularly special about the house. It was a two-story brick, with burgundy trim and a small flowerbed. Overall it looked more or less like every other house in the quiet suburban neighbourhood.
Kate opened the door and unclipped the leash from Remus's collar. Immediately he trotted to happily into the kitchen and began to slosh water out of his bowl as he drank. "You hate to make it easy on me, don't you?" the woman muttered to the dog, who seemed to smile up at her with his tongue lolling out of his mouth and no remorse as he watched her wipe the water off the floor with a towel. She felt a hand on her shoulder as she stood up.
"Hey, baby. Hve a good time while you were out?" Derek kissed her neck lightly.
"Sure," she replied, turning to face him. Like the house, her husband was nothing spectacular, either. He wore a stained white T-shirt, baggy pajama pants, and over them an old, untied bathrobe. He towered over Kate by a foot, easily. The man was broad-shouldered, brown-eyed, with a lighter shade of shaggy, uncombed hair. He was large, strong, slightly overweight, and incredibly ordinary.
Sometimes Derek didn't realise his strength, either. The couple's sizes contrasted greatly, and although Kate was stronger than she looked, she plainly wasn't a match for him. She was small altogether. Short, petite, and slim, although she felt she had been gaining weight quickly in the past two weeks. All in all, Derek could have crushed her if he didn't stay aware. In the beginning of the mariage,a year-and-a-half before, it hadn't been uncommon for Kate to suddenly cry out in pain, especially during love-making. It was a sharp reminder.She didn't hold it against him, she knew he adored her. She could, without arrogance, say that she was the best thing he had ever gotten and the best by far he would ever get. Quite frankly, he had tried for a long time, and she was the only one who would take him.
Most percieved Derek as clumsy and dim-witted. Indeed, he was. None of it was intentional, of course, but nevertheless, it happened. He could be desperate and narrow-minded, once losing his job because of his feelings for a girl years before. Kate had reined him in and tamed him much. She had improved him. After their engagement was announced, most people thought it was crazy. They wished Kate luck and stepped away quickly. They doubted how long the union would last. So far they were still together, and the doubters had seen a pleasant change. They were amused, Derek was happy, and Kate was content.
Content? Yes, content. Their relationship functioned without too many real problems. He was making her a mother, and and she was pleased with that. He was no girl's dream of a knight in shining armour, Kate had never been madly in love with him as he had been with her. She tolerated him when no one else would. She even liked him. He was sweet, and he plainly adrored her, which she graciously accepted. But they had never had any Romeo-and-Juliet-type romance. Not that she was passionless.Passion was a primal emotion, easliy found. But Kate had never found the deep, moving love for him she supposed she should have. She was very loyal to him, of course, she supposed she would be willing to give her life for him should the need arise. She was immensely patient and cynical an logical. Was that it? Did she look at everything so scientifically and objectively that she couldn't recognise, or even denied love?
Kate had grown up with him. Early in his life, his parents divorced and his father moved far away. Thus Kate's own father had taken him under his wing and had become somewhat of a mentor. She and Derek had become friends gradually. They had some of the same interests, and had always been able to carry on a pleasant conversation. Then one evening he had asked her father if he could marry her. Her father was a bit weary, but didn't object. Neither did Kate. She didn't rush in with enthusiasm and glee, she just didn't object. She had completed school, had a good job, and supposed she should move out of her parents' house. Not finding a reason to say no and accepting that companionship might not be bad, she went along with it, despite the fact they had never actually dated, and the age difference. Derek was six years older than her,
So they had had a modest wedding and gotten a house, living quietly together and finding out Kate was pregnant two weeks before. She was serenely happy and curious. Derek was ecstatic, utterly dazzled. The event had increased his adulation for her tenfold.
Of course Kate had heard of the normal things hat happened during pregnancy. Sudden moodswings from hormones playing havoc. Fortunately she hadn't experienced them yet. As far as she could tell, her personality was the same as always. It was true she had been much more tired usually, she had suffered from morning sickness (although it was thankfully decreasing as of late), but her emotions were untouched. In a way, she was sorry for it. Maybe at least then she might have a greater feeling for her husband, even if it was only temporary. Perhaps the birth of their child would evoke a sensation in her.
Something inside her stirred when she thought about that. She looked forward to the day with optimism. but she had to wonder, what about after that? Kate feared sometimes if Derek was actually cut out to be a father. Would the child be affected by his or her parents' one-sided affection?
It was easy for Derek to tell Kate he loved her. It was harder for his wife, though. It was simpler to give him a hug or a kiss than to reply. When she did, she said it quick and quiet, never looking him in the eye. Thankfully he had never noticed.
© Copyright 2006 Vegas (joyofbassline at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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