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Rated: 13+ · Non-fiction · Mystery · #1183759
exert from the autobiography of a girl in search of answers to her parents untimely murder
The story I’m about to relay may seem vague in certain areas. It’s lacking elaboration and thorough description. An explanation for this will come later.

Carey had a good heart, but it was misplaced somewhere along the way. Her boyfriend at the time was a man named Cody Songer. He was by no means a respectable man. He was a rebel, a bad influence, a criminal to say the least. She recreationally used drugs before she met him, but he took this to a whole new level. After they got together, he introduced her to a few of his drug dealing friends. The first one was D-- R--------. He was the justice of the peace in the small town of Quinlan, TX, where I grew up. The second was D---- D-----. All I can tell you about him is he was a pusher, and the third was a police officer by the name of R----- F-----.
These three men sold cocaine for a notorious cartel out of Mexico. Cody and Carey decided to supplement their non existent income by having these men front them cocaine while they took it to Dallas to sell. The problem with this was, the couple were users themselves. In late February of 1991, they were fronted about 7 eight balls of pure, uncut coke. I’m not sure what the street value of that would be, but in the end they paid a much higher price. Instead of selling their poison, they used most of it, and garnered a hefty debt to the three.
The dealers were persistent in trying to recollect their debt. They harassed and threatened the lives of this couple for several weeks until she became defiant. This was Carey’s biggest mistake. She said she would turn them all in to the D.E.A. if they didn’t stop. Fearing that she wasn’t bluffing, the dealers gave Cody an ultimatum, since he was a friend, and seemed more than willing to be compliant. He would have to kill Carey, and dispose of her body, to keep her mouth shut and save his own life.
She was living with her parents on Lake Tawakoni at the time. Two days before her disappearance she confessed everything to her father.

“You should turn them in to the D.E.A..” he said “They can place you in a witness protection program, and you’ll be safe there.”
The thought of forsaking everything about her life frightened her far more than her fate left in these criminal’s hands.

“I can’t do that.” is all she said. She knew of the impending danger, but she flat out refused to run away.

The next day, her father received a disturbing phone call from Carey.

“Dad I’m in trouble.” he could sense the urgency in her voice right away. “Cody’s digging a hole. A big hole.” Cody’s dad owned a backhoe service.

“Maybe they’re putting in a septic system.” he suggested.

“No, it’s way too big for that, and there’s no need for a septic system there.”

“Carey, you need to come home. This sounds like a mess you’re in, and we’ve got to figure out how to get you out of it. Come home.” He pleaded, but she didn’t listen.

Instead she went to her friends,----------- house to shower and change for work. She worked the graveyard shift at Precisionair, in Terrell. She clocked in and worked her full shift. Her whereabouts between the morning she got off work and later that night are still unknown, but the end of her shift is her last official whereabouts. She showed up to a party in Quinlan that night on March 18th with Cody by her side. The company at this party consisted mostly of other dealers and users. They stayed at the party for awhile. There was an altercation between Carey and Cody, about what, nobody knows. She made a big scene and threw her drink in his face. After this she left the party.
Her destination hereafter is also unknown. It doesn’t matter anyway because she never made it there. She was intercepted by another dope dealer from Alabama. D--, D----, and R----- didn’t want to stain their hands with the murder of this young girl which is why they tried to force Cody to put her away, but for some reason Cody couldn’t go through with it. Cody was a despicable man, a coward at best, but I don’t think he was a killer. He provided a secure location and a hole large enough to bury their monstrous crime. This must have been sufficient enough to save his life. They hired a contact of theirs with no connection to this crime, or this town, or this state, for that matter, to do their dirty work. He road into Texas on the day of Carey’s disappearance on a motorcycle. Immediately after she left the party Carey was kidnapped by her hit man. They drove to the hole Cody dug, in her car. It was miles down a long country road with the thick cover of trees. There was not a house or soul in sight. Cody did well to find a location so secluded.
Once they arrived at her final destination, Carey was shot in the head with a .38 special, and buried in her car, at the pit of a massive hole, where she still lies fifteen years later. Her death left an abundance of unanswered questions, injustice, and heavy burdens for loved ones to carry. Three of them went by the names of Brian, Brandy and Mandee. I would be the middle of the three.

For most of my life I was misled to believe my father had committed suicide, and my mother just disappeared without a trace…

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