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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Emotional · #1186483
Had to write a short story for my Creative writing class. Haven't really shared before
A love So Rudely Interrupted
Jason Campfield

Why I am writing this down on paper, a pare that I am going to turn in, I can’t even begin to tell you. I just felt that I needed to tell somebody, because this is s a story that I have never shared with anybody since “it” occurred. I call it “it” because it is such an emotional subject. Where to begin? Let me see.
Well, lets start with me, Jason, in 6th grade. I was a new student, in a new school district. (N.I.C.E) I was probably the biggest dork you could have EVER met. I was really quiet and shy, I hardly talked to anybody. (That’s definitely not the case now.) To show this, I above described what exactly I was like back then. Now is where the twist of the story comes in.
I met a girl. The one I called a girl had a name (as most of us humans do), and her name was Alisha Thompson. At that time in 6th grade, she and I were only friends. We were very close though. Okay, we were pretty much attached at the hip.
As you could probably tell this “friendship,” wasn’t a permanent thing, because in the 7th grade I finally gathered the courage to ask her out. She said yes. I was worried she would say no because of how close of friends we were, But to my surprise she accepted my offer.
So, after we started officially “dating,” we did everything together. I mean everything. I would take her to dinner, and then usually to a movie. Sometimes we didn’t have to go anywhere, we just would hang out at her house with her parents and watch, “chick flix,” as Alisha called them. Her family immediately accepted me into their lives and home. It felt amazing to automatically be accepted without having to prove myself to them. Everything was fine up until the beginning of my sophomore year
Here is where the story gets tough for you to read, and me to type. I am probably going to have to remind myself to breath while I am writing this.
This particular day that “it’ occurred, Alisha and I were arguing about what movie we were going to see that night. Looking back now, I see what a stupid argument that it really was. After I signed off line from talking to her, I went and completed a whole day of school, and by the end of 7th hour I was a kind of on the edge because of the fight we had on the computer that morning. ( Now I hate computers.) I decided for myself that I needed to make it right between the two of us, so I headed to Negaunee to watch her swim meet and to tell her that I was sorry.
After her events, (the 200 free and the 500) I walked up to her, took her hand, and asked for her forgiveness. I was so scared that she was going to break up with me because of our argument.
I wrapped her towel around her shoulders, feeling her cold, wet body shiver. She said that it was no big deal, and that it was only an argument. She kissed me and all was good. The End…. (Yeah right.)
She went home to change her clothes before we went to dinner. We had finally decided to go see King Kong. We met up around 6 pm, and went to Mc Donald’s for dinner. (Ironic that I now work there) She looked absolutely gorgeous. Her beautiful brown and curly hair seemed to float on her angelic shoulders. Her lips were traced with deep red lipstick. Anyways, we finished dinner and began to walk over to the movie theatre. We were walking, so I held her hand on the way over, bought her ticket and food, and went into the movie. (Normal boyfriend stuff.) Some parts of the movie caused Alisha some discomfort, so I would squeeze her hand to remind her that I was there for her. It was my number one priority to make sure she was okay.
When the movie finished, she told me that she needed to go because her mom was going to pick her up, and then they were going home. You know how it goes, we hugged, I gave her a goodnight kiss, and off she went.
Not soon after she left, my Dad pulled up to the movie theatre. I jumped in and he said that he was going to drop me off on his way to work. When we arrived at my house, I immediately went into the house and went up to bed. I was in bed by 11:15 pm. I know this because that is the exact time when my cell phone rang. I fumbled around in the dark to find it. When I did find it, I answered it. At first, all I heard was static and what sounded like Alisha’s mom crying in the background telling me what had happened, through her tears.
The suburban that Alisha’s mom had been driving Alisha home with had been struck by a drunk driver. When it was struck, it was struck in the passenger’s side and Alisha was killed by the seatbelt snapping her neck.
Instantly I began to cry and scream. I ran to wake my mom and tell her what had happened. She, also being very close to Alisha, sat up with me and cried. We cried so hard together.
The next day I got a call from the Ishpeming Police Department saying that they had recovered an item from the crash that had belonged to me. When I got down to the station, they handed me a small, folded piece of paper. It was a note from Alisha that she had planned to give me the next day. She had written it sometime after our argument the previous morning. This is what it said:
How’s it going? Pretty good here, I guess. Sorry about the argument we had. It was such a stupid argument to have. So, we’ll just go see King Kong, I guess. I hope everything stays cool between us…Lol. I know it will. So guess what? Happy 4 year!!! OMG, I think that is amazing, 4 years, wow! Remember when we started dating how you were so shy, well look at you now! It seems like forever since we went to that dance that you asked me out at. So anyways, how’s that English class coming? You said you really enjoyed the teacher. What was his name again? I forgot. Mind blank, oh well. But hey listen, I g2g so I’ll ttyl.

Forever and ever, “us”
P.S: I remember his name is Mr.
Bradley. (Mr. Bradely???)
P.S 2: Have fun with hamlet. Ha Ha Ha! I love you!

So, there it is. After this happened I crawled into a hole. A hole so deep that I didn’t come out until I really got involved (more like dragged into) school activities. One thing that changed my life was when Mr. Bradley said, “You need to hold what’s close as close as you can, and just let go of the things that are not as important.” Since then I have really never shut up. I’m just kidding, but I am still really insecure about dating. I have dated twice since “it” happened, and am proud to say that I am still currently dating one of them.

Alisha C. Thompson

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