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Have you ever just written.. and been suprised by the outcome...welp here ya go |
The Nil Divine- Salander Loves Himself to Death… Finally The Nil Divine; clamber through blood split time from tungsten core of planetary mothers. Bathe me now in the cup of creation’s absinthyne libation. Of course we sort it out like any other being would, but never confuse the two. The nil divine travel through time and set right nothing that is wrong. Be my anti-god be my lover; please shadow your elephantized minds and eyes. Retreat me back from any void full of hope. For the feeling of hope ever so legendary in its disappointment. SoFour encapsulate me in doubt and fear; leave me to wish away my hopes, ever joyous as they could be. “The death of the young be hopeful to suffer through your living to an early death be praised ands blessed as the Nil Divine will always strike in the illist of hopers hearts.” My thoughts; as I journey for the answer... the answer of the SoFour. The only way to truly annihilate hope from my… my ..myySoFour in my ill Nil.. Ill Nil be thee divine in your garb of hate and love. Be your skin sensitive to the sounds of love as to cut deeper than any intentioned blade. Are you so scarred of love as you drape the hate from head to toe only to still feel passion linger in your fingers and bleed in your lungs. Happily suffocating you closer and closer to an elatious demise . Divinity of nothingness is still divinity huddled in the crack of nothing’s forlorn ocular cavity. Switch wright and rong to avail mercurial lips for convenience of hopelessness and regret. Elemental pessimism; so natural in its origin as to force away Synthetic Elation upon the dreariest of hopers. Fall back to your niche and cry home, hateful ducts revolt without hope of ever drying up. Could the Nil divine be so off time as to fortify the most poisonous thoughts in your heart’s mind and calculate the percentage of hate to engulf the ever pressing antidote for love. “SoFour; oil the gears of demise, I can feel the hope pour from my breath and the love from my lungs. Praise the SoFour, nil be they as to appulate such pain as a device of thine created in my mind away from the prying gaze of the planetary mother’s tungsten bloodless corpse; unrelenting be the Nil, among the ears of the hopeless. as to assimilate themselves with death and hopelessness praised and hold on high the Nil Divine.” The Nil Divine- Salander, Beckon the Reaper and Sew Their Souls The Nil Divine appropriately timed to encourage demise among the maggotine hierarchy of Kjer. Glorious in all aspects; be the wealth and heart of such a great society as to deserve the ill-fate the Nil Divine will deliver in all amounts of severity. Who to be the hero of this shadowing hour. Kjer will fall if they find no Atlas, a world so new so fresh; waiting for the eggs of the SoFour to spill forth, tidal in its battery of Kjer. Champion arise to hold the flood gates and cocoon a people of heart, away from the onslaught of hate. Breathe in the acid air, erode and stand fossilized in their minds; Protector, mother, father; embodiment of the soul only to fortify your stance in a Verse so calm; Chaos looms patiently; for the visage of progress to wink a wicked eye of purity mirrored by bloodless faces, be the SoFour upon the back, as a jackal in your nest. Slowly; with precaution only the first sinews of Kjer will be severed as to darken thoughts of hopers far and wide. Crumble the balusters of society with arid waters as to misguide the eyes of seekers low and high. A trapstick in time bleeds the gate’s fury from the Reservoir of Abhorrence. Never have Gahenna’s snarls reverberated so cosmically as to linger in the minds of the Shal-Yee. Never, Never have they dusted so much bone off the clouds of the Nirvanic Plains as to falsify the reality of death to such an extent. The living of Kjer now feel the ripples of pain course diligently and progressively stronger as The Nil Divine quicken their pace. Hero please stand, step forth to redeem this prosperous world, undeserving we are of destruction. Should the Shal-Yee intervene; the Nil Divine will blaze upon this world in a scourge comparable to the wrath of a portalized Gahenna. Swift be the mace of dissonance to a world so peaceful. Blackened words spill forth from the Shal-Yee’s dearest minds. The Euphorian Plains of Kjer drastically altered; in all aspects of reality. Now; beauty is a reeled disfigurement of the SoFour, deemed Necrum Corpsirium. Home to the dead of Kjer; pain be like a blow from the Staff of Fyrisyll, chronic is the spiritual deprivation of Necrum Corpsirium. This is the fate of a world without a defender of substantial substance, as to bear the brunt; delivered through the eye of the Nil Divine with aim as to decimate every and all. Valorous one; rise as we plea for this world, be worthy of an honorable union with the after. “Decimitus Sacrafiscium Valourum de Soulistos.” – The Prayer of the Shal- Yee. The Nil Divine- Salander-Aberrant Realization of Excellence Via Consequential Truths Coarse are the thoughts of the dead. Ponder, ponder the nature of death, be it ill or blessed. Treacherous ambitions test the bloods of the SoFour, beyond secure limits, as a plot for life Alphatizes among the victims of the Nil Divine. Numerous as they are, hopeless they be. All optimism and Hope has been drained; even from their bodiless souls, to be consumed by the SoFour at their convenience. Nagging; is the feeling when you can sense a part of your soul, somewhere in the Verse; being consumed in disgust of the Shal-Yee; all this death, just to spite them. Elementally unwilling to participate with the only thing you ever valued, now gone forever into the Abyss of the SoFour. Buried deep with in the Celestemporal Paradoxes; only to be retrieved by an Auraphin. Only do they venture to such a place upon command from the Shal-Yee, and only for truly Vyristic hopes. Even with all the power an Auraphin possesses; negation sets in upon arrival into the Celestemporal Paradoxes, as to pain them beyond repair. For an Auraphin to be hailed into the Sanctorum Divinus before the Shal-Yee, to receive this honor, is a near death sentence. Undetectable to the SoFour, the Auraphin; purist of kinetic beings lack the emotional capacity to hope or dream, therefore untraceable to the Nil Divine alike. Travesty rarely averted, for the journey is so perilous that even an Elder Auraphin rarely escapes from the grip of the Abyss of the SoFour. Be a hope so strong though that it’s afforded consideration of the Shal-Yee, all measures will be taken for retrieval. Recitation of The Prayer of the Shal-Yee, “Decimitus Sacrafiscium Valorum de Soulistos;” will be the only advantage afforded outside the Auraphin’s natural being. Alphatizers; bury your hopes for I keep a vigilant eye upon my realm and I alone am the gatekeeper to the realization of your Dreams. The Nil Divine- Salander- Dissertates Tran Universalism in D Major SoFour Appropriated Discern yourself with the fates the Nil Divine razes. Concern yourself now only with the dealers of death and devourers of hope. For the gaze of the SoFour will reach you in time and when the decision of death is dealt; it will be yours that is to come. Prosperity; be your last wish, for it only entails your demise and a kingdom crushed into the eternal forgotten, this will be your fate. Shrill the commands of the SoFour, swift the action of the Nil Divine, but the experience of death… for you’ be everlasting. So delectable; your hope is to the palette of the powers; so savory, as forever could not be long enough for the pleasantries of a soul. Dimensional pathways crisscross a Universal facade weary of its, constant demisers; only under the Verse’s skin can you truly experience the fury and rage that courses with oun. (Out and in) Later is our dealing with the Verse and its dissatisfactory temperament. “Make that a note.” Heed these words; never think for a single moment that you aren’t being inspected about your hope. Never believe that your life will ever amount to anything, except what the SoFour will allow. Opulence, be a curse upon you; if you so decide that fate. Always beware success; for the pain of failure is less than that of the Nil Divine’s. Embrace these word of hopelessness, sojourn be thoughts of hope. If ever your dreams realize themselves, settled in your mind; know temporally your being is on countdown. So will wait the Celestemporal Paradoxes for your soul to arrive stripped from the void of the Abyss of the SoFour, there lies your fate. And in it my pleasure. The Nil Divine- Salander~ Hark the Harbinger, Hopers Harbinger, be the vessel of ill intention; scathe the flesh of the innocent to bear witness to the Nil Divine. The cloakless jargon of hopers; naively submits to the SoFour, harsh as the Limbosian Massacre of Souls will be the reckoning. Caress death with a finger bare of skin; blooded prints of the Nil Divine, bare the mark of the merciless SoFour. Quilled darkness embark upon intentioned lands full of hope. Harbinger, Harbinger usher in the end of Dreams. Annihilation, the seal of the Nil. Reluctantly hope for sanctuary; hidden in the light, only the hearts of the wicked will remain. |